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Geografisk Tidsskrift - Danish Journal of Geography
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Geografisk Tidsskrift, Bind 89 (1989)
Geografisk Tidsskrift, Bind 89 (1989)
Et spændende og markant 100 års minde - om et helt fantastisk menneske!
Henrik S. Jensen
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Almendannende geografiundervisning: Nogle tendenser og spørgsmål
Ove Biilmann
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Telecommunications and the location of Portugal in global information space 1950-85
Jorge Gaspar, Chris Jensen-Butler
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Towards Sustainable Development: An African Perspective
George Benneh
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Kommentar til "Har inkaerne i Peru haft et skriftsprog?"
Inge Schjellerup
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Har inkaerne i Peru haft et skriftsprog?
D. Müller
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Oral Traditions and the Physical Environment
Kwesi Yankah
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Soil formation as an indication of relative age of glacial deposits in Eastern Greenland
Bjarne Holm Jakobsen
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Geografisk Informationssystem (GIS) - anvendt som geologisk værktøj Et metodestudie, eksemplificeret ved et udvalgt område i Vendsyssel
Michael E. Danielsen, Torben S. Nielsen
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Vesteuropa 1990
Christian Wichmann Matthiessen
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G.I. Marchuk, A.S. Sarkisyan: Mathematical modelling of ocean circulation.
Troels Aagaard
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Træplantning ( Føroyum i'eina old = a century of tree- planting in the Faroe Islands. Eds. Andrias Højgaard, Johannes Johansen & F øren Ødum. (Annales Societatis Scientiarum Fceroensis. Supplementum, 14).
Rolf Guttesen
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Gordon Logic: Eisevier's dictionary of physical planning: in six languages: English, French, Italian, Dutch, German, and Swedish.
Hans Thor Andersen
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Egon Jensen, Margit Nielsen: Ungarn: et reformland.
Rolf Guttesen
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Countryside planning in practice: the Scottish experience. Ed. by Paul H. Selman.
Rolf Guttesen
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Jens Möller: Godsen och den agrara revolutionen: arbetsorganisation, dománstruktur och kulturlandskap på skdnska gods under 1800-tallet. (Meddelandenfrån Lunds Universitets geografiska institutioner. Avhandlingar,
Anette Reenberg
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Paleogeography and loess: pleistocene climate and environmental reconstructions: contribution of the INQUA Hungarian National Committee to the 12th INQUA Congress, Ottawa, Canada 1987. Ed. by Mär ton Pécsi, Andrey Velichko. (Studies in geography in Hungary, 21).
Henrik Breuning-Madsen
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Timothy Barnekov, Robin Boy le & Daniel Rich: Privatism and urban policy in Britain and the United States.
Hans Thor Andersen
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John Small & Michael Witherick: A modem dictionary of geography. 2. ed. Arnold, London 1989. 247 s., ill. 24 cm
Henning Mørch
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Counterurbanization: the changing pace and nature of population deconcentration. Ed. by A. G. Champion.
Hans Thor Andersen
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Nakskov: Bevaringsværdier i byer og bygninger
Hans Thor Andersen
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Geographie Deutschlands: Bundesrepublik Deutschland: Staat, Natur, Wirtschaft. Hrsg. von W. Tietze et al.
Christian Wichmann Matthiessen
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Landslides = Glissements de terrain: proceedings of the 5. International Symposium on Landslides: 10-15 July 1988, Lausanne. Ed.: Christophe Bonnard. Vol. 1-3.
Bjarne Holm Jakobsen
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Sven Illeris: Services and regions in Europe. Gower Publishing Company, Aldershot, Avebury 1989. XIV, 222 s., 23 cm. GBP 25.-.
Hans Thor Andersen
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Agroecology: researching the ecological basisfor sustainable agriculture. Ed.: Stephen R. Gliessman.
Anette Reenberg
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Delvin Seymour Fanning, Mary Christine Balluff Fanning: Soil: morphology, genesis and classification.
Bjarne Holm Jakobsen
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Sheila Ross: Soil processes: a systematic approach.
Henrik Breuning-Madsen
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Acidic precipitation: proceedings of the International Symposium on Acidic Precipitation, Muskoka, Ontario, September 15-20, Ed. by Hans C. Martin. (Water, air, and soil vol. 30-31
Lars Krogh
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Henry Nol Le Houérou: The grazing land ecosystems of the African Sahel. (Ecological studies, 75).
Anette Reenberg
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Kenneth J. Hsu: Physical principles ofsedimentology: a readable textbook for beginners and experts.
Jesper Bartholdy
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Water and arid lands of the western United States. Ed. by Mohamed T. El-Ashry and Diana C. Gibbons.
Lars Krogh
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Stanley P. Johnson & Guy Corcelle: The environmental policy of the European Communities. Repr.
Sofus Christiansen
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Andrew Goudie: The human impact on the natural environment. 3. ed.
Henning Mørch
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The World Bank Atlas 1989.
Henning Mørch
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Amazonien im Umbruch = Amazonas em transformacao: Symposium über aktuelle Probleme und deutsche Forschungen im gross ten Regenwaldgebiet der Erde. Hg.: Günther Hartmann.
Peter Strømgaard
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Arno Peters: Politikens store verdensatlas: Peters' atlas.
Sofus Christiansen
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Max Nicolson: The new environmental age.
Sofus Christiansen
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Alfred Schinz: Cities in China. (Urbanization of the earth, 7).
Hans Thor Andersen
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Fra geografiens verden. Red.: Bodil Engell et al.
Rolf Guttesen
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Labour migration: the internal geographical mobility of labour in the developed world. Ed. by James H. Johnson and John Salt.
Hans Thor Andersen
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James Bird: The changing worlds of geography: a critical guide to concepts and methods.
Sofus Christiansen
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Yorgos Y. Papageorgiou: the isolated city state: an economic geography of urban spatial
Hans Thor Andersen
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Dietmar Henze: Enzyklopädie der Entdecker und Erforscher der Erde.
Henning Mørch
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Satellite remote sensing for resources development. Ed. by Karl-Heinz Szekielda.
Kjeld Rasmussen
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Three-dimensional coastal ocean models. Ed.: Norman S. Heaps. (Coastal and Estuarine Sciences, 4).
Troels Aagaard
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Peter Hall: Cities of tomorrow: an intellectual history of urban planning and design in the twentieth century.
Hans Thor Andersen
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Agricultural compendium: for rural development in the tropics andsubtropics. Ed. by Euroconsult. 3. rev. ed.
Peter Strømgaard
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Landslides: Extent and economic significance: proceedings of the 28. International Geological Congress: Symposium on Landslides, Washington, D.C., 17July 1989. Ed. by Earl E. Brabb & Betty L. Harrod.
Thomas Balstrøm
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Salvör Jónsdóttir: Iceland: Reykjavik. (Scandinavian atlas of historic towns, 6).
Rolf Guttesen
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Bibliographia Cartographica, vol. 15 (1988). Red. Lothar Zögner.
Henning Mørch
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P. Hakkila: Utilization of residual forest biomass.
Peter Strømgaard
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The Atlas system of Morocco: studies of its geodynamic evolution. Ed. Volker H. Jacobshagen. (Lecture Notes in Earth Sciences,
B. Hasholt
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Johannes Humlum 14.7 1911-13.6 1990
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Karl Erik Bergsten 27.7 1909-17.5 1990
N. Kingo Jacobsen
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Aage H. Kampp 27.9 1906-29.3 1990
N. Kingo Jacobsen
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Nye kandidater udgået fra Københavns Universitets Geografiske Institut
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