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Geografisk Tidsskrift - Danish Journal of Geography
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Geografisk Tidsskrift, Bind 94 (1994)
Geografisk Tidsskrift, Bind 94 (1994)
Industrial Organization and Sectoral Linkages: A Study of the Malaysian Palm Oil Industry
Niels Fold
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Den Danske Nationalkommité for Geografi
Christian Wichmann Matthiessen
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Environmental Monitoring by Remote Sensing in Denmark
Kjeld Rasmussen, Henning Skriver, John Tychsen, Preben Gudmandsen, Morten Olsen
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High Deglaciation Rates in Denmark During the Late Weichselian - Implications for the Palaeoenvironment
Ole Humlum, Michael Houmark-Nielsen
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Geomorphology of a Degrading Arctic Delta, Sermilik, South-East Greenland
Niels Nielsen
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Holocene Relative Sea-Level Changes Indicated by Morphostratigraphic Sequences; Sinigfik, Disko Island, West Greenland.
Morten Rasch, Niels Nielsen
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Assessing the Land Cover Change of Accra Using Landsat-TM Data
Lasse Møller-Jensen, Poul Yankson
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Agricultural Land Use Dynamics in a Sahelian Environment - Does Reality Match Hypothesized Trends?
Anette Reenberg
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The CHIPS System for Satellite Image Processing
Kjeld Rasmussen, Henrik Steen Andersen, Jens Grundtmann, Bjarne Fog and Lasse Møller-Jensen
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Migration and f ate of pollutants in soil and subsoils. D. Petruzzelli &F. G. Helfferich (eds.). (NATO ASI series G, Ecological Sciences vol. 32).
Bjarne Holm Jakobsen
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Channel network K. Beven & M. J.
Bent Hasholt
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S. E. Jørgensen: Integration of ecosystem theories: a pattern. (Ecology and environment, vol. 1).
Kjeld Rasmussen
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Kenya from space: an aerial atlas. Department of Resource Sur veys and Remote Sensing, Kenya & Centre de Recherche d'E changes et Documentation Universitaire, France (eds.).
Kjeld Rasmussen
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U. Palludan: Øresundsbroens muligheder - Øresundsbroen, andre broer, trafik og fremtid.
Christian Wichmann Matthiessen
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Contaminated soil '93. 4th International KfK/TNO Conference on Contaminated Soil, May 1993, Berlin, Germany. F. Arendt et al. (eds.). (Soil and environment, vol. 2).
Bjarne Holm Jakobsen
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North Sea-estuaries interactions: Proceedings of the 18th EBSA Symposium, Newcastle upon Tyne, Aug.-Sept 1988. D. S. McLusky, V. N. de Jonge & J. Pomfret (eds.). (Developments in hydrobiology, 55).
Morten Pejrup
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Landscape boundaries: consequences for biotic diversity and ecological flows. A J. Hansen & F. di Castri (eds.). (Ecological Studies, Vol. 92).
Anette Reenberg
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E. Glässer: Norwegen. 2. völlig überbearb. Aufl. (Wissenschaftlichen Länderkunden, Bd. 14).
Rolf Guttesen
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G. Matthess: Die Beschaffenheit des Grundwassers. - 2. überarb. erw. Aufl. (Lehrbuh der Hydrogeologie, Bd. 2).
Bent Hasholt
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World soil erosion and conservation. D. Pimentel (ed.).
Bjarne Holm Jakobsen
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Expected effects of climatic change on marine coastal ecosystems. J. J. Beukema, W. J. Wolff and J. J. W. M. Brouns (eds.). (Developments in hydrobiology, 57).
Morten Pejrup
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Geografi: natur, kultur, mennesker. T. P. Jensen et al. (red.).
Rolf Guttesen
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M. Meurer: Geo- und weideökologische Untersuchungen im Mogod-Bergland Nordwest-Tunesiens: unter besonderer Berücksichhtigung der kleinbäuerlihen Ziegenhaltung.
Henning Mørch
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Energy and water cycles in the climate system. E. Raschke & D. Jacob (eds.). (NATO ASI series I Global environmental change, vol. 5).
Henrik Søgaard
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Expert systems in environmental planning. J. R. Wright et al. (eds).
Lasse Møller Jensen
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Handbook of comparative and development administration. A. Farazmand (ed.). (Public administration and public policy, 41).
Hans Thor Andersen
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Statistics in the environmental & earth sciences. A. T. Waiden &P. Guttorp (eds.).
Inger Sandholt
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Geomordphology and sedimentology of lakes and reservoirs. J McManus & R. W. Duck (eds.).
Bjarne Holm Jakobsen
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D.Chester: Volcanoes and society.
Morten Rasch
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S. L. Cutter: Living with risk, the geography of technological hazards.
Sofus Christiansen
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Pollution of the North Sea: An assessment. W. Salomons, B.L. Bayene, E. K. Duursma & U.Förstner (eds).
Morten Pejrup
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The European challenge, geography and development in the European Community. M. Blacksell & A. M. Williams (eds.). Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1994. XIV, 429 s., ill., 24 cm.
Christian Wichmann Matthiessen
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Reintegrating fragmented landscapes: towards sustainable production and nature conservation. R. J. Hobbs & D. A. Saunaers (eds.).
Anette Reenberg
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The rivers handbook: hydrological and ecological principles in two volumes, Vol. 1. P. Calow & G. E. Petts (eds.).
Jesper Bartholdy
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N. K. Fageria: Maximizing crop yields.
Sofus Christiansen
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D. R. Helsel & R. M. Hirsch: Statistical methods in water resources. (Studies in environmental science 49).
Bent Hasholt
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Regionalisierung in der Hydrologie: Ergebnisse von Rundgesprächen der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft. H.-B. Kleeberg (Hrsg.). (Mitteilung der Senatskommission für Wasserforschung, Deutsche Forshcungsgemeinschaft, 11).
Bent Hasholt
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Waste location: spatial aspects of waste management, hazards
Hans Thor Andersen
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indhold - Contents GEOGRAFISK TIDSSKRIFT banish Journal of Geography Volume 94-1994
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