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Geografisk Tidsskrift - Danish Journal of Geography
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Geografisk Tidsskrift, Bind 99 (1999)
Geografisk Tidsskrift, Bind 99 (1999)
Meteorological observations 1998 at the arctic station, Qeqertarsuaq (69 l5'N), Central West Greenland
Ole Humlum, Birger Ulf Hansen, Niels Nielsen
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Gadbjerg and Givskud revisited - changes in agricultural structure in two parishes in central Jutland between 1973 and 1997
Søren Pilgaard Kristensen
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Grain-size distributions of sandy sediments - sieving versus settling
Ping Yin, Søren Vinsløv, Jesper Bartholdy
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Agricultural systems and transnational water management in the Senegal River basin
Kjeld Rasmussen, Nina Larsen, Fatou Planchen, Jens Andersen, Inge Sandholt, Sofus Christiansen
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Determinants of home-ownership in Kumasi, Ghana
Alex B. Asiedu
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The household as a unit of analysis: reflections from migration research in Nepal
Jytte Agergaard
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Generation of a digital elevation model of Mols Bjerge, Denmark, and georeferencing of airborne scanner data
Anne Jacobsen, Niels Drewes, Michael Stjernholm, Thomas Balstrøm
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The LABEREX chamber for studying the critical shear stress for fine-grained sediment
Lars Chresten Lund-Hansen, Christian Christiansen, Ole Jensen, Mario Laima
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Active layer monitoring in two Greenlandic permafrost areas: Zackenberg and Disko Island
Hanne H. Christiansen
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Controls on the greenhouse gas exchange of a high-arctic ecosystem
Thomas Friborg, Birger Ulf Hansen, Claus Nordstroem, Henrik Soegaard.
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Towards a second generation digital elevation model for Denmark
Jacob Norby Larsen, Thomas Balstrøm, Ole Jacobi
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Use of remote sensing data in distributed hydrological models: applications in the Senegal River basin
Inge Sandholt, Jens Andersen, Gorm Dybkjær, Medou Lo, Kjeld Rasmussen, Jens Chr. Refsgaard, Karsten Høgh-Jensen
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The environmental impact of rapid urbanization in the peri-urban area of Accra, Ghana
Paul William Kojo Yankson, Katherine Venton Gough
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Bibliographia Cartographica; vol. 24. Red. L. Zogner. Miinchen, Saur, 1997. xvni, 372 s., 21 cm., DEM 168,-.
Henning Mørch
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Crop Yield: physiology and processes. Eds. D. L. Smith & C. Hamel. Berlin: Springer, 1999. XVI, 504 s.: ill. 25 cm. GBP 153,
Ole Mertz
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Europa zwischen Integration un Regionalismus - 51. Deutscher Geographentag Bonn, 1997. Boesler, K.-A. Hersg. Europa in einer Welt im Wandel; 8d.4. Stuttgart, Steiner, 239 s., ill., 24 cm. DEM 60,-.
Birgit Stober
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GPS for geodesy. P. J. G. Teunissen & A. Kleusberg, eds. - 2. ed. Berlin, Springer, 1998. xiv, 650 s., ill, 24 cm. DM 149,-.
Bjarne Fog
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Utviklingsgeografi. J. Hesselberg, red. Oslo, Tano Aschehoug, 1998. 305 s., ill., 25 cm. Pris ej oplyst.
Sofus Christiansen
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S. Musterd, W. Ostendorf & M. Breebaart: Multi-ethnic metropolis - patterns and policies. The GeoJournal library, 43. Dordrecht, Kluwer, 1998. vii, 208 s., ill., 25 cm. GBP 67,-.
Hans Thor Andersen
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Rehabilitation of rivers -principles and implementation. L. C. de Waal, A. R. G. Large &P. M. Wade, eds. Chichester, Wiley, 1998. XH, 331 s., ill., 25 cm. G8P75,-.
Bent Hasholt
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E. A. Sharkov: Remote sensing of tropical regions. Chichester, Wiley, 1998. xvii,3105.,i11.,25cm. GBP6S,
Michael Schultz Rasmussen
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Distributed hydrological modelling - applications of the topmodel concept. K. J. Beven, ed. Chichester, Wiley, 1997. vi, 348 s., ill., 26 cm. GBP 40.
Bent Hasholt
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The sustainable management oftropical catchments. D. Harper & T. Brown. Chichester, Wiley, 1999. XIV, 381 s., ill., 25 cm. G8P75,-.
Bent Hasholt
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Citiesfor citizens - planning and the rise of civil society in a global age. M. Douglass &J. Friedmann. Chichester, Wiley, 1998. vi, 302 s., ill., 25 cm. GBP 18,-.
Hans Thor Andersen.
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Anthony Young: Land resources: now and for the future. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1998. XII, 319 s.: ill. 26 cm. GBP4S,
Ole Mertz
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Geography and transition in the post-Soviet Republics. M. J. Bradshaw, ed. Chichester, Wiley, 1997. X, 233 s., ill., 25 cm. G8P25,-.
Rolf Guttesen
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Companion encyclopedia ofgeography - the environment and human kind. I. Douglas, R. Huggett & M. Robinson. London, Routledge, 1996. xxviii, 1021 s., ill., 24 cm. G8P95,-.
Rolf Guttesen
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Rediscovering geography - new relevancefor science and society. Rediscovering geography commettee, Board on earth sciences and ressources, Commision on geosciences, environment, and resources, National research council. Washington, National research council, 1997. xiv, 234 s., ill., 24 cm. G8P29,-.
Rolf Guttesen
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Cityports, coastal zones and regional change - international perspectives on planning and management. B. Hoyle, ed. Chichester, Wiley, 1996. XVI, 316 s., ill., 24 cm. GBP 45,-.
Christian Wichmann Matthiessen
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P. O. Pedersen: Small African towns, between rural networks and urban hierachies. Aldershot, Avebury, 1997. XIII, 220 s., 23 cm.
Katherine V. Gough
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Hydrometry - principles and practices. R. W. Herschy, ed. 2.ed. Chichester, Wiley, 1999. VI, 376 s., ill., 25 cm. G8P75,-.
Bent Hasholt
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R. G. Baily: Ecosystem Geography. Berlin, Springer, 1996. xii, 204 s. ill., l kort i lomme. 24 cm. DEM 59,-. R. G. Baily: Ecoregions - the ecosystem geography of the oceans and continents. New York, Springer, 1998. ix, 176 s., ill., 2 kort i lomme. 24 cm. GBP 26,-.
Sofus Christiansen
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Migration into rural areas: theories and issues. P. Boyle &K. Halfacree, eds. Chichester, Wiley, 1998. VII, 330 5.,i11.,24cm, G8P50,-.
Henning Mørch
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Nachhaltigkeit al Leitbild der Umwelt- und Raumentwicklung in Europa. - 51. Deutscher Geographentag Bonn, 1997. Heinritz, G., Hrsg. - Europa in einer Welt im Wandel; Bd. 2. Stuttgart, Steiner, 239 s., ill., 24 cm. DEM 60,-.
Birgit Stober
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J. R. Barton: A political geography of Latin America. London, Routledge, 1997. xvi, 243 s., ill. GBP 15,-.
Katherine V. Gough
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D. M. Hanink: Principles and applications of economic geography - economics, policy, environment. New York, Wiley, 1997. xiii, 495 s., ill., 24 cm. GBP 21,50.
Lars Winther
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H. Frater: Landforms of the Earth - cause, course, effect, animation. (Phenomena of the Earth). Berlin, Springer, 1998.
Morten Rasch
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Land degradation in Mediterranean environments of the World: nature and extent, causes and solutions. A. J. Conacher & M. Sala, eds. Chichester, Wiley, 1998. xxviii, 491 s., ill., 25 cm. GBP. 85,- indb.
Henning Mørch
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I. W. Heathcote: Integrated Watershed Management - principles and practice. New York, Wiley, 1998. x, 414 s., ill., 24 cm. G8P60,-.
Bent Hasholt
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