A. E. Smailes: North England. (Regions of the British Isles, edited by W. G. East, M. A.). Thomas Nelson and Sons Ltd. London and Edinburgh 1960. 17 x 25 cm. 324 s. 50 sh.


  • Viggo Hansen.

Author Biography

Viggo Hansen.




How to Cite

Hansen., V. (1960). A. E. Smailes: North England. (Regions of the British Isles, edited by W. G. East, M. A.). Thomas Nelson and Sons Ltd. London and Edinburgh 1960. 17 x 25 cm. 324 s. 50 sh. Geografisk Tidsskrift - Danish Journal of Geography, 59. Retrieved from https://tidsskrift.dk/geografisktidsskrift/article/view/46599