INTERNATIONAL GEOLOGICAL CONGRESS, 26, 1980: General geology of the Federal Republic of Germany with two excursions to industrial mineral rocks and environmental research. Ed. by Gerd W. Lüttig. Stuttgart 1980, 95 s., ill., 27 cm, DM 46,-. E. Schweizerbart,sehe Verlagsbuchhandlung.


  • Kaj Hansen

Author Biography

Kaj Hansen




How to Cite

Hansen, K. (1981). INTERNATIONAL GEOLOGICAL CONGRESS, 26, 1980: General geology of the Federal Republic of Germany with two excursions to industrial mineral rocks and environmental research. Ed. by Gerd W. Lüttig. Stuttgart 1980, 95 s., ill., 27 cm, DM 46,-. E. Schweizerbart,sehe Verlagsbuchhandlung. Geografisk Tidsskrift - Danish Journal of Geography, 81. Retrieved from