Use of soil for treatment and final disposal of effluents and sludge: Proceedings of an lAWPRC International Seminar held in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil, 13-15 August 1986. Paulo R.C. Oliveira, Sergio A.S. Almeida (eds.). (Water Science and Technology, vol. 19 (1987) no. 8.)


  • Bent Hasholt

Author Biography

Bent Hasholt




How to Cite

Hasholt, B. (1989). Use of soil for treatment and final disposal of effluents and sludge: Proceedings of an lAWPRC International Seminar held in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil, 13-15 August 1986. Paulo R.C. Oliveira, Sergio A.S. Almeida (eds.). (Water Science and Technology, vol. 19 (1987) no. 8.). Geografisk Tidsskrift - Danish Journal of Geography, 89. Retrieved from