

  • Niels Kingo Jacobsen
  • Ruth Helkiær Jensen



Pekeris: Geophysical Theory and Computers (K. H.) ................... 281
Landsberg & Van Mieghem: Advances in Geophysics (S. R.) .............. 284
Geophysik und Geologie, Folge 9 (K. H.) ................................ 281
Krinov: Giant Meteorites (K. H.) ....................................... 282
Paulmann: Zur Festigkeits-Anisotropie von Gesteinen (K. H.) .......... 281
Metz: Lehrbuch der Tektonischen Geologie (K. H.) ....................... 282
Brinkmann: Abriss der Geologie, I: Allgemeine Geologie (K. H.) ........ 282
Gunzert: Salzfolge u. Bau der Kalisalz-Lagerstätte von Stebnik (K. H.) . . . . 281
Wilcoxson: Volcanoes (N. N.) ............................................ 294
Yatsu: Rock Control in Geomorphology (N. N.) .......................... 294
Weber: Die Oberflächenformen des festen Landes (N. N.) .............. 294
Marsal: Statistische Methoden f. Erdwissenschaftler (R. H. J.) .......... 325
Simakova: Soil Mapping By Color Aerial Photography (N. K. J.) ........ 283
Held & Glawson: Soil Conservation in Perspective (N. K. J.) ............ 283
Morgan: Governing Soil Conservation (N. K. J.) .......................... 283
Bunce: The Economics of Soil Conservation (N. K. J.) ................... 283
de Bakker & Schelling: Bodemclassificatie voor Nederland (N. K. J.) ..... 292
Shul’gin: The Temperature Regime of Soils (N. K. J.) ................... 294
Felitsiant: Capillary Movement of Water and Salt Solutions (N. K. J.) . . . . 294
Davis & DeWiest: Hydrogeology (S. R.) ................................. 285
Bruce & Clark: Introduction to Hydrometeorology (S. R.) .............. 284
Apollov, Kalinin & Komarov: Hydrological Forecasting (S. R.) .......... 285
Knopf & Cook: Marine Sciences Instrumentation (N. N.) .............. 297
Miller: The Sea (N. N.) .................................................. 298
McCormac: Aurora and Airglow (B. F.) ................................... 298
Proceedings, International Conference on Permafrost (B. F.) ............ 299
Day: The Science of Weather (Kr. M. J.) ................................. 311
Hendl: Klimakunde der deutschen Landschaften (Kr. M. J.) .............. 311
Rudloff: Die Schwankungen des Klimas in Europa (Kr. M. J.) ........ 311
Pogosyan: The Air Envelope of the Earth (Kr. M. J.) ................... 312
Steinhäuser: Probleme der Wettervorhersage (Kr. M. J.) ................. 312
Middleton: A History of the Thermometer (Kr. M. J.) ................... 312
Problémes Météorol. de la Stratosphere et de la Mesosphere (Kr. M. J.) ... . 313

Albrecht: Formeln u. Hilfstafeln f. Geogr. Ortsbestimmungen (B. F.) . ... 328
Hammond: Air Survey in Economic Development (R. H. J.) .............. 290
Witt: Thematische Kartographie (R. H. J.) .............................. 290
Imhof: International Yearbook of Cartography, VI (N. N.) ............ 296
Stamp: A Glossary of Geographical Terms (N. N.) ..................... 296
Lana, lasbez & Meak: Glossary of Geographical Names (N. N.) .......... 297

Galtung: Theory and Methods of Social Research (R ,H. J.) .............. 292
de Hcusch: A la découverte des Tsiganes (N. N.) ....................... 301
Doerr/Uehlinger: Spezielle patologische Anatomie (C. G. F.) .......... 317
Meyer, Kain & Wohl: The Urban Transportation Problem (P. K.) ........ 317
Tinbergen: Grundlagen der Entwicklungsplanung (P. K.) ................. 318
Chapin: Urban Land Use Planning (P. K.) .............................. 318
Alonso: Location and Land Use (P. K.) .................................. 319
Lösch: The Economics of Location (P. K.) .............................. 319
Chardonnet: Géographie industrielle, II (V. H.) ......................... 303
Opencast Mining, Quarrying and Alluvial Mining (K. H.) ................. 283
Wilsie: Crop Adaption and Distribution (N. K. J.) ..................... 284
Symons: Agricultural Geography (V. H.) ................................ 286
Herre: Das Ren als Haustier (N. K. J.) .................................. 301
Roepke: Readings in Economic Geography (V. H.) ....................... 303
Obst: Allgemeine Wirtschafts- und Verkehrsgeographie (R. H. J.) ........ 304
Ritter: Planning for Man and Motor (P. K.) ............................ 313
Otremba & Kessler: Viehwirtschaft im Agrarraum der Erde (R. H. J.) . . . . 315
Andreae: Weidewirtschaft im südlichen Afrika (R. H. J.) .............. 316
George, Guglielmo, Kayser & Lacoste: La Géographie Active (R. H. J.) . .. . 316
Research on Road Traffic (P. K.) ......................................... 317

Kvalheim: Geochemical Prospecting in Fennoscandia (K. H.) ............ 292
Sömme: Die Nordischen Länder (N. N.) ................................ 312
Proctor: Ancient Scandinavia (E. S.) ..................................... 323
Oslo Byplankontor: Transportanalysen for Oslo-området (P. K.) ........ 324
Dovring: Land and Labor in Europe in the 20th Century (V. H.) ..... 302
Freeman, Rodgers & Kinvig: Lancashire, Cheshire and the Isle of Man
(V. H.) .................................................................. 286
Gutersohn: Jura (V. H.) .................................................. 287
Gutersohn: Alpen, 1. Teil (V. H.) ......................................... 287
Liepolt: Limnologie der Donau (K. H.) ................................ 322
Walker: A Geography of Italy (Aa. Aa.) ................................ 287

Ali: The Emergence of Pakistan (S. F.) ................................ 306
Dempster: Japan Advances (S. Chr.) ....................................... 306
Dichter: The North-West Frontier of West Pakistan (S. F.) .............. 306
Liu & Yeh: The Economy of the Chinese Mainland (S. Chr.) ............ 307
Kirby: Contemporary China (S. Chr.) ..................................... 307
Koentjaraningrat: Villages in Indonesia (S. F.) .......................... 307
Geertz: The Social History of an Indonesian Town (S. Chr.) ............ 308
Önnerfors: Hystoria Tartarorum C. de Bridia Monachi (I. R. K.) ........ 322
Cahen & Snelling: The Geochronology of Equatorial Africa (K. H.) ...... 282
Buser: Paleostructures of Nigeria and Adjacent Countries (K. H.) ........ 282
Kanter: Libyen (Aa. Aa.) ................................................ 288
Schiffers: Heinrich Barth. Ein Forscher in Afrika (N. N.) .............. 304
Brander: The River Nile (V. H.) ....................................... 305
The Middle East and North Africa 1965-66 (Aa. Aa.) ................... 305
Seek & Mondjannagni: L’Afrique occidentale (H. J.) ................... 305
Davies: West Africa before the Europeans (N. Noe-N.) ................. 310
Widstrand: Afrikaresenärer. En Antologi (C. G. F.) ....................... 314
Mary: Afrika-Schrifttum, Vol. I (C. G. F.) ................................ 320
Gusinde: Von gelben und schwarzen Buschmännern (M. R.) .............. 321
Kilby: African Enterprise: The Nigerian Bread Industry (H. J.) .......... 325
Carlson: Africa’s Ilands and Nations (H. J.) .............................. 326
Nørregård: Danish Settlements in West Africa 1658-1850 (H. J.) .......... 327
Lloyd, Mabogunje & Awe: The City of Ibadan (H. J.) ................... 328
Thompson: Geography of New York State (V. H.) ..................... 288
Schwerin: Oil and Steel (Aa. Aa.) ....................................... 289
Maybury-Lewis: Akwe-Shavante Society (H. J.) .......................... 326
Beals: Community in Transition: Nayön - Ecuador (Aa. Aa.) ............ 290
Vest & Augelli: Middle America: Its Lands and Peoples (V. H.) ........ 309
Lyle & Caiman: Statistical Abstract of Latin America 1965 (Aa. Aa.) . ... 309
Hopkins: The Bering Land Bridge (B. F.) ................................ 299
Boe: The Journal and Letters of Capt. Ch. Bishop (C. G. F.) .............. 315

Hoel: Svalbard III (B. F.) ................................................ 300
Wilson: Diary of the DISCOVERY Expedition (B. F.) ................... 299
Ray: Eskimo Masks: Art and Ceremony (B. F.) .......................... 300
Gad: Grønlands Historie, I (B. F.) ....................................... 320
Rubin: Studies in Antarctic Meteorology (B. F.) .......................... 321
Amer. Geogr. Soc.: Terrestrial Life of Antarctica (B. F.) .............. 321
Kosack: Die Polarforschung (B. F.) ..................................... 329

Bodemkaart van Nederland, Blad 43 West, Willemstad (N. K. J.) ........ 293
Bodemkaart van Nederland (N. K. J.) ..................................... 293
Neuer Atlas der Welt (N. N.) ........................................... 295
Oxford Regional Economic Atlas: United States & Canada (V. H.) . ... 308
Oxford Regional Economic Atlas: Africa (P. K.) .......................... 316
The Shorter Oxford Economic Atlas of the World, 3. udg. (P. K.) ........ 316
Herrmann: An historical atlas of China (C. G. F.) ..................... 313
Atlas der Schweiz, 1., 2. & 3. Lieferung (N. N.) ............................ 323

Trewartha, Robinson & Hammond, Elements of Geogr., 5. udg. (R. H. J.) 291
Long & Roberson: Teaching Geography (R. H. J.) ....................... 291
Lambert: The Teaching of Ecology (S. Chr.) ............................ 315

BØGER INDGÅET TIL REDAKTIONEN .......................... 330
Geografforeningen..................................... 331

Author Biographies

Niels Kingo Jacobsen


Ruth Helkiær Jensen





How to Cite

Jacobsen, N. K., & Jensen, R. H. (1967). Anmeldelser. Geografisk Tidsskrift - Danish Journal of Geography, 66(2), 281–331. Retrieved from