Pedogenesis and soil taxonomy. 1: Concepts and interactions/ ed. by L. P. Wilding, N. E. Smeck and G. F. Hall. - (Developments in soil science; 11 A). Pedogenesis and soil taxonomy. 2: The soil orders/ ed. by L. P. Wilding, N. E. Smeck and G. F. Hall. - (Developments in soil science; 11B).


  • Peter Frederiksen

Author Biography

Peter Frederiksen




How to Cite

Frederiksen, P. (1985). Pedogenesis and soil taxonomy. 1: Concepts and interactions/ ed. by L. P. Wilding, N. E. Smeck and G. F. Hall. - (Developments in soil science; 11 A). Pedogenesis and soil taxonomy. 2: The soil orders/ ed. by L. P. Wilding, N. E. Smeck and G. F. Hall. - (Developments in soil science; 11B). Geografisk Tidsskrift - Danish Journal of Geography, 85. Retrieved from