“Regeringens henstillinger har ikke lydt forgæves” Erik Scavenius’ møde med pressen 14. september 1942


  • John T. Lauridsen




John T. Lauridsen: The government’s recommendations were not voiced in vain. Erik Scavenius’ meeting with the press on 14 September 1942

Erik Scavenius did not hold many major press conferences in his time as Foreign Minister, nor as Prime Minister and Foreign Minister in the period 1940–43. An exception occurred on 14 September 1942, when a great number of issues coincided and led him to hold a large scale meeting in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to explain simultaneously to prominent members of Danish press, politicians and civil servants what the government’s policy was, how the government and its policy was handled in the press and in particular, how the government’s policy should be presented. Both the government’s partners and the press were severely criticized and it was implied there was a government mole so that confidential information was being leaked. The press needed to understand its responsibility at this difficult time in Denmark. The people from the press were allowed to respond and on the whole were seemingly receptive to the instructions. What took place at the meeting was not reported in the newspapers the following day. Instead, background material was provided with the intent of counteracting tendencies in the press running counter to government policy.




How to Cite

Lauridsen, J. T. (2015). “Regeringens henstillinger har ikke lydt forgæves” Erik Scavenius’ møde med pressen 14. september 1942. Fund Og Forskning, 54, 463. https://doi.org/10.7146/fof.v54i0.118899


