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‘Vivimos rodeados de ruinas que no entendemos’

la estética analógica, memoria y experimentación en entrevista con el escritor Matías Celedón


  • Linnea Kjellsson Department of Romance Studies and Classics, Stockholm University



Matías Celedón, Analogue aesthetics, memory, narrative, experimentation, independent publishers


In 2012, the Chilean writer Matías Celedón publishes the work La filial, a book-object conditioned by the precariousness and economic circumstances of his time, but also the analogue materiality of the stamp he uses to write it. At a time when the paper book seemed doomed to obsolescence, Celedón responds with anguish at the possible disappearance of archived memory and with reflective nostalgia (Boym 2001) towards obsolete technologies and found objects. This interview with the writer explores his narrative, the analogue aesthetic, the importance of memory and the role of independent publishers in the commitment to experimentation.


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How to Cite

Kjellsson, L. (2022). ‘Vivimos rodeados de ruinas que no entendemos’: la estética analógica, memoria y experimentación en entrevista con el escritor Matías Celedón . Diálogos Latinoamericanos, 31, 126–136.