The failure of indigenous settlements in the Captaincy of Goiás


  • Patrícia UFG
  • Elias UFG
  • Stephen UNB



Interethnic relations, Indigenous peoples, protagonism, Indigenous settlements. Goiás.


In this article, we address an unprecedented discussion about the indigenous settlements in the Captaincy of Goiás, a Midwestern state of Brazil. It is an analysis of the failure of these colonial spaces, analyzed from a decolonial perspective which draws attention to indigenous strategies and actions as a relevant factor for such an unfolding. As the many years of coloniality have promoted a silencing of indigenous decolonial actions, there is a need to rewrite the history of contact relations in order to repair invisibilities and highlight the various forms of indigenous actions taken. The methodological-theoretical framework used here is based on the Latin American school of thought Modernity/Coloniality.

Author Biographies

Patrícia, UFG

PhD in History from the Federal University of Goiás. Graduated and Master in History from the same University. The Line of Research in which she developed her thesis: Frontiers, Interculturalities and History Teaching. Currently, she integrates activities as a participant in the research project: Indigenous History and Environmental History: critical interculturality and decoloniality of the UFG.

Elias, UFG

Member of the research network Community of Researchers in Excellence for All - CREA, at the University of Barcelona, Spain. Member of GT Índios na História John Monteiro from ANPUH. Post-Doctorate in Sociology with a CNPq Scholarship from the University of Barcelona - UB (2009), Post-Doctorate at PPGAS/UnB (2018) and Post-Doctorate at the Center for Social Studies - CES of the University of Coimbra, Portugal (2020)l . Graduated in History from the Pontifical Catholic University of Goiás - PUC-Goiás (1989), Master in History from the University of Brasília - UnB (1995) and Ph.D. in Sociology - University of Barcelona - UB (2003). He is currently Associate Professor II at the Federal University of Goiás

Stephen, UNB

Stephen Grant Baines completed his doctorate in Anthropology at the University of Brasília (UnB) in 1988. Since 1989 he has been a Professor at UnB, currently Full Professor and Researcher PQ - 1A at CNPq, coordinator of the Research Project at CNPq, The Indigenous Ethnology in Diverse Countries : Brazil, Canada, Australia (with ethnographic research). He has publications in national and international specialized periodicals, book chapters and works in event proceedings, 1 published book and 7 co-organized books. He works in the field of Anthropology, with an emphasis on Indigenous Ethnology.


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How to Cite

Nascimento, P., Nazareno, E. ., & Baines, S. G. (2023). The failure of indigenous settlements in the Captaincy of Goiás. Diálogos Latinoamericanos, 32, 83–93.