La reemergencia del discurso nacional-popular en la nueva izquierda latinoamericana
Para una discusión de los movimientos nacional-populares
Discourse, national-popular, LeftAbstract
In this article we analyse the reemergence of the national
discourse and popular. The national-popular movements that are a
recurrent phenomenon in the history of Latin America.
Revolutions and the most significant social movements of the
twentieth century were popular and national movements. In our
view the national and popular movements that lead Hugo Chaves
and Evo Morales represent a new left compared to of the
traditional left and the renewed call left. These movements, the
people built as historical subject and fight for the construction of
new State, by a radical democracy, which replaced the State and
National Creole oligarchy that excluded indigenous and mestizo
of power and wealth.
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