El referéndum contra el status quo Análisis de Ecuador, Venezuela, Perú y Bolivia
Democracy, citizen participation, recall, popular initiative, referendum, political conflictAbstract
In Latin America, the referendum has become a subject of
controversy from experiences such as those promoted by Alberto
Fujimori in Peru, Hugo Chávez in Venezuela, Evo Morales in
Bolivia and Rafael Correa in Ecuador. The discussion of its
results has polarized a debate between those who argue that
direct consultation to citizenry promotes a deepening of
democracy and those who warn against populism and / or the
accumulation of power. Seeking to contribute to this debate, the
article explores the conditions under which a referendum has
been called in those cases and their consequences. The findings
of the study emphasizes that the referendum has served to
channel an existing conflict, which manifests itself as soon as a
leader outside the hegemonic groups gets the power. However,
direct democracy is not in itself but the tension between
ideological polarization and the willingness of actors to accept
the 'rules of the game' which determines the outcome of these
practices in the long term.
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