Aspectos da música na liturgia católica na América Latina do Vaticano II aos dias atuais
Do “canto do povo de Deus” ao “som da massa”
Theology of Liberation, Ethnomusicology, Neopentecostalism, Modernism in Music, Pop CultureAbstract
This paper provides a brief overview of the origins of ethnoliturgical
compositions and the scope of this aesthetic of music
in the church, especially stressing their link to the concept of
acculturation of the Theology of Liberation. The paper then
extends the discussion, pointing out what the musical-aesthetic
ideas of this movement are, and why it is linked to the Theology
of Liberation. The main point noted in this paper is concerned
with the possible theological, pastoral and aesthetics reasons for
its development and subsequent decline. Finally, the paper
reflects on the Pop phenomenon and its influence on
ecclesiology and liturgical music, leading to some conclusive
points on the character of an acculturated liturgical music in a
church increasingly marked by a Pop culture. The question
posed by the paper is: What are the pastoral and musical
consequences of this influence?
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