Architectural strategies for promoting well-being in energy renovation of postwar social housing – progress report


  • Stina Rask Jensen Institut for Ingeniørvidenskab, Aarhus Universitet


Energy renovation, Well-being, Social housing, Renovation, Transformation, Tectonics, Architectural transformation, Social sustainability


This report contains an account of the status of the PhD project and plans for the remaining study period. It was handed in prior to the author’s qualifying exam om the 17th of December 2018. The PhD project forms part of the national research project  ReVALUE which focuses on promoting a more holistic approach to assessment of value in energy renovation. 

The PhD project is based on the hypothesis that energy renovation can be seen as a lever for promoting well-being for the residents in social housing areas. There is, however, an identified barrier when it comes to addressing traditionally more qualitative values as part of interdisciplinary renovation projects.  

Consequently, the PhD project focuses on identifying, articulating and assessing potentials for added value for the residents when performing energy renovation. The project applies a combined re-search design including a hermeneutic, an empirical and an action research approach.  

The report presents and discusses a tentative draft for a framework for articulating potential synergies between well-being and energy concerns. Lastly, it brings up for discussion how to assess the iden-tified themes as part of a holistic approach to assessment of value in building renovation.





Jensen, S. R. (2019). Architectural strategies for promoting well-being in energy renovation of postwar social housing – progress report. Technical Report Civil and Architectural Engineering, 6(5), 30. Hentet fra