
The Pink Ribbon of Anti-Ageism?


  • Sally Chivers Trent University




Author Biography

Sally Chivers, Trent University

Full Professor of Gender & Social Justice and English and Past Director of the Centre for Aging & Society at Trent University, received the 2021 Distinguished Research Award to honor her scholarship on the social and cultural politics of health, disability, and aging. She has published From Old Woman to Older Women: Contemporary Culture and Women’s Narratives (2003), The Problem Body: Projecting Disability on Film (co-edited, 2010), The Silvering Screen: Old Age and Disability in Cinema (2011), and Care Home Stories: Aging, Disability, and Long-Term Residential Care (co-edited, 2017), along with dozens of related articles and book chapters. She can be reached at


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How to Cite

Chivers, S. “Age-Friendly: The Pink Ribbon of Anti-Ageism?”. Age, Culture, Humanities: An Interdisciplinary Journal, vol. 6, Sept. 2022, doi:10.7146/ageculturehumanities.v6i.133323.