Call for a Communication Manager


We are looking for an additional colleague to help us increase the visibility of Age, Culture, Humanities within the field of age studies and beyond. For this purpose, we created a new position – communication manager –, which offers an early to mid-career researcher the opportunity to monitor the newest trends in age studies and network with colleagues in the field while creating more awareness for the journal.

The tasks will be the following:

  • Communicate journal updates via social media
  • Develop effective and innovative communication strategies in collaboration with the
  • journal editors, editorial assistant, and review editor
  • Implement and execute these strategies

We expect the workload to be ca. 1 hour per week, possibly less. We are looking for an enthusiastic and committed person with some insight into and experience with social media. We expect an advanced level of English. If you have familiarity with the cultural study of age, aging, and later life and have an interest in this position, please send your CV (1-2 pages) and a letter of motivation (0.5-1 page) to Anita Wohlmann ( and Aagje Swinnen ( before November 15, 2023.