i Nordisk2023-02-17T13:50:28+01:00Seán Vrielandsean.vrieland@hum.ku.dkOpen Journal Systems<p><em>Studier i Nordisk</em> er Selskab for Nordisk Filologis årsberetning. Her udgives artikler skrevet på baggrund af foredrag holdt ved møderne. <em>Studier i Nordisk</em> udkommer ca. hvert andet år. Fra og med 2008 underkastes artiklerne ekstern anonym fagfællebedømmelse. <em>Studier i Nordisk 2006-2007</em> er dermed den første fagfællebedømte årsberetning. </p>Årsberetning 2016-20182023-02-17T13:50:28+01:00Seán Vrielandsnf@hum.ku.dkAnne Mette Hansensnf@hum.ku.dkFinn Gredal Jensensnf@hum.ku.dkKatarzyna Anna Sandstsnf@hum.ku.dkRikke Steenholt Olesensnf@hum.ku.dkTorben<p>Møder, Love, Medlemmer og Bestyrelse, Publikationer</p>2022-12-01T00:00:00+01:00Copyright (c) 2022 copyright Selskab for Nordisk Filologi og forfatterne på Syddansk Universitetsbibliotek og forskningspotentialet – om forskellige fund af fragmenter2023-02-17T12:36:32+01:00Jakob Povl<p>The Herlufsholm Special Collection at the University Library of Southern Denmark in Odense contains many hitherto unknown medieval manuscript fragments and other spectacular library materials. These items constitute a relatively uncatalogued collection, and efforts are now being made to find, identify, register, and digitize them for online availability. This article emphasizes the great scholarly potential of the Herlufsholm Special Collection in various fields of research and gives examples of some of the newly found treasures. It lists the interdisciplinary scientific opportunities and describes modern technological methods for the speedy recovery of ancient texts/works and their contexts.</p>2022-12-01T00:00:00+01:00Copyright (c) 2022øren Kierkegaards Skrifter – hvad editionshistorien kan lære os om forskellen på bøger og bytes2023-02-17T12:52:34+01:00Krista Stinne Greve<p>Dansk Editionshistorie er en research projekt, der undersøger videnskabelig redigering som en særskilt videnskabelig disciplin med egne mål, motivationer, metoder, teorier, resultater og institutioner. Forfatteren har udført sin ph.d. undersøgelser som en del af projekt og denne artikel præsenterer og uddyber aspekter af hendes afhandling Bytes, bøger og læsere: En historisk analyse af overgangen fra trykt til digitale videnskabelige udgaver med fokus på Søren Kierkegaards skrifter (2015). Artiklen diskuterer, hvordan bøger og bytes repræsenterer en forskel mellem digitale og trykte udgaver, der har betydning for, blandt andet den kulturelle hovedstad i en videnskabelig udgave. Fokus er ved færdiggørelsen af Søren Kierkegaards Skrifter. [Oversat fra engelsk med Google Translate]</p>2022-12-01T00:00:00+01:00Copyright (c) 2022 copyright Selskab for Nordisk Filologi og forfatterne metriske tilpasning2023-02-17T13:01:38+01:00Lars<p>Poetic meter is the set of prerequisites for how stressed and unstressed syllables should be arranged as a rule. The poet’s metrical adaptation aims to make the shades of stress in the language fit. This appears to be simple, since in all European traditions every traditionally defined heavy stress can be placed in unstressed position, while every secondary or light stress can be placed in accentuated positions (not to mention unaccentuated; thus “anything goes”). Nevertheless, we all know it is possible to commit metrical errors in poetic composition. There must then be an adaptation rule that cannot be broken. This rule is: Inversion is not allowed. A common phrase in daily speech with a well-defined stress pattern cannot have the opposite pattern in poetic meter. In Cole Porter’s famous lines I love Paris in the Springtime (the meter begins with two trochees) I love Paris in the fall ‘Paris’ could not be ‘Madrid’, since Madrid would require the opposite accentuation pattern than what occurs in daily speech.</p>2022-12-01T00:00:00+01:00Copyright (c) 2022 copyright Selskab for Nordisk Filologi og forfatterne i centrum2023-02-17T13:37:12+01:00Line<p>In this article, I discuss how linguistic ambiguity arises and differs in spoken and written language situations in linguistic landscapes (LL). I investigate overall language comprehension, word formation and homonymy in order to understand why uncertainties occur and how language users can determine what is meant in a given context. In doing so, I suggest the necessity to distinguish between the spoken and written contexts of proper names in order to interpret a given name. I investigate the different modalities available and used in spoken and written name forms, respectively, and I clarify the importance of the discourse for placement of proper names as an important factor for distinguishing between proper names and other grammatical categories in LL.</p>2022-12-01T00:00:00+01:00Copyright (c) 2022 copyright Selskab for Nordisk Filologi og forfatterneåvirkningen af dansk skriftsprog2023-02-17T13:45:14+01:00Margrethe Heidemann<p>In this article I describe some of the results of the project ”Yes, det er coolt. Om påvirkning af dansk fra andre sprog” (“Yes, it’s coolt. On foreign influence on the Danish language”). The project is a continuation of a Nordic research project in which the use of words from foreign languages (mainly English) in Nordic newspapers from 1975 and 2000 was described. One of the most important results from the new research project was that even though we still mainly borrow words from the English language, the amount of English words in Danish has not increased in the period from 2000 till 2016. Another important result is that we borrow more verbs from English than before, e.g. verbs as facebooke, hacke and maile (with a Danish inflectional e) which are associated with the internet and to the social media.</p>2022-12-01T00:00:00+01:00Copyright (c) 2022 copyright Selskab for Nordisk Filologi og forfatterne