Scandinavian Political Studies, Bind 22 (New Series) (1999) 4

Scandinavian Political Studies

A journal published for the Nordic Political Science Association:
Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden

EDITORS Erik Albæk and Lise Togeby, Department of Political Science, University of Aarhus, Universitetsparken,
Aarhus C, Denmark (tel: +45 8942 1133; fax: +45 8613 9839; email: or

COPY EDITOR AND SECRETARY Annette B. Andersen, University of Aarhus

EDITORIAL BOARD Jan Sundberg (Chairman), University of Helsinki; Stefan Sjöblom (Secretary), Swedish School of Social Sciences, University of Helsinki; Dag Anckar, Abo Academy; Finn Bruun, University of Aarhus; Tore Hansen, University of Oslo; Christer Jönsson, University of Lund; Gunnar H. Kristinsson, University of Iceland; Maria Oskarson, University of Gothenburg; Steen Sauerberg, University of Copenhagen; Inger Stigen, Norwegian Institute for Urban and Regional Research

ADVISORY COMMITTEE Denmark - Peter Bogason, Roskilde University Center; Henning Jørgensen, Aalborg University; Poul Erik Mouritzen, University of Odense. Finland - Ilkka Heiskanen, University of Helsinki; Voitto Helander, University of Turku; Lauri Karvonen, Abo Academy; Kyösti Pekonen, University ofJvväskyla; Jukka Paastela, University of Tampere. Norway - Nils Aarsæther, University ofTromso; Kjell Eliassen, Norwegian School of Management; Knut Heidar, University of Oslo; Stein Kuhnle, University of Bergen; Ola Listhaug, The Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim; Harald Sætren, University of Bergen. Sweden - Erik Amnå, University ofÖrebro; Sten Berglund, University ofÖrebro; Ole Elgström, University of Lund; Leif Lewin, University of Uppsala; Rutger Lindahl, University of Gothenburg; Rune Premfors, University of Stockholm; Lars Göran Stenelo, University of Lund

Scandinavian Political Studies is published four times a year in March, June, September and December by
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( Nordic Political Science Association.

ISSN 0080-6757

Scandinavian Political Studies, Vol. 22 - No. 4, 1999

ISSN 0080-6757

© Nordic Political Science Association