Scandinavian Political Studies, Bind 16 (New Series) (1993) 1Instructions to authorsWhen preparing
manuscripts for submission to the Scandinavian Political
Studies, authors should Manuscripts The original,
together with two additional complete copies of the
manuscript, including Figures and The manuscript
should be clearly typewritten on one side only of
standard-sized paper, doublespaced Abstract. - An abstract not exceeding 250
words, indicating the aim, scope, and main conclusions
of Main text. - Use three or fewer grades of heading. All headings should start at the left margin and be typewritten with capital initials; they are not to be underlined (except those to be italicized). Indicate in the margin where Figures and Tables should tie placed. The words 'Fig! ('Figs!) and 'Table' (unabbreviated) to be written with capital initials. Figures. - Originals should be submitted
camera-ready, identified on the back, and numbered
consecutively Tables. - Each table should be typed,
double-spaced, on a separate sheet(s) and should have a
short Notes. - Notes should be typed on separate
sheets and numbered consecutively. They will appear at
References. - The list of references,
typed on a separate sheet(s), should be unnumbered and
in alphabetical Example of
reference list: Pesonen, P. 1968.
An Election in Finland. New Haven: Yale University
Press. Valen, H. &
Rokkan, S. 1974. 'Norway: Conflict Structure and Mass
Politics in a European Periphery', in Rose, R., ed.,
Electoral Behavior: A Comparative Handbook. New
York:.Free Press. dinavian
Political Studies 9, 103-125. Rokkan, S. 1975.
'Towards a Generalized Concept of Verzuiling', Paper,
ECPR Workshop on Religion and Language in
Politics, London. References in the
text appear as follows: Rokkan (1974) or (Benedictow
1977; Valen & Rokkan Proofs Proofs will be
sent to the author once. They should be returned duly
corrected with the least possible Offprints Fifty offprints
of articles will be supplied free of charge. Additional
offprints may be ordered on a Printed in
England by Page Bros (Norwich) Ltd.