Scandinavian Political Studies, Bind 15 (New Series) (1992) 2

Scandinavian Political Studies

A journal published by the Nordic Political Science Association:
Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden

EDITORS Knut Hcidar, University of Oslo; Lawrence Rose. University of Oslo

BOOK REVIEW EDITOR Kåre Hagen. University of Oslo

EDITORIAL BOARD Bo Särlvik. University of Gothenburg; Dag Anckar. Åbo Academy; Erkki Berndtson, University of Helsinki; Lars Bille. University of Copenhagen; Jan Erik Grindheim. University of Bergen; Kurt Klaudi Klausen. University of Odense; Gunnar H. Kristinsson, University of Reykjavik; Jon Pierre. University of Gothenburg; Arild Underdal, University of Oslo

ADVISORY COMMITTEE Denmark - Peter Bogason, Roskilde University Center; Erik Damgaard, University Aarhus; Hennig Jørgensen, Aalborg University Center; Poul Erik Mouritzen. University of Odense; Ove K. Pedersen, Roskilde University Center. Finland-Sten Berglund, University of Helsinki; Ilkka Heiskanen, University of Helsinki; Voitto Helander, University of Turku; Lauri Karvonen, Abo A cademy; Kyösti Pekonen, University of Jy väskyla; Tatu Vanhanen, University of Tampere. Norway - Nils Aarsæther. University of Tromsø; Kjell Eliassen, Norwegian School of Management; Ola Listhaug, University of Trondheim; Lars Svåsand, University of Bergen; Harald Sætren, University of Bergen; Arild Underdal, University of Oslo. Sweden- Erik Amnå, University of Örebro; Maud Edwards, University of Stockholm; Ole Elgström, University of Linköping; Gunnel Gustafsson, University of Umeå; Leif Lewin, University of Uppsala; Rutger Lindahl. University of Gothenburg; Lars Göran Stenelo. University of Lund

MANUSCRIPT ADDRESS Manuscripts should be addressed to The Editors. Scandinavian Political Studies.
Department of Political Science, University of Oslo, P.O. Box 1097 Blindern. N-0317 Oslo. Norway

BUSINESS ADDRESS Communications regarding accepted manuscripts, proofs, subscriptions, etc.. should
be sent to the publisher's office in Oslo (see below)

PUBLISHER Scandinavian University Press, P.O. Box 2959, Tøyen, N-0608 Oslo. Norway. American office:
Scandinavian University Press, Publications Expediting, Inc., 200 Meacham Ave. Elmont N.Y. 11033

SUBSCRIPTION PRICE per volume (four issues including postage) USD 86.00. Nordic countries only:
NOK 470.-. Members of the Nordic Political Science Association receive a 25% discount (individuals only)

Published with support from the Nordic Publishing Board in Social Sciences

Articles appearing in this journal are abstracted and indexed in ABC POL SCI. HISTORICAL ABSTRACTS,

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Scandinavian Political Studies is published quarterly by Scandinavian University Press, Oslo. Norway. Annual subscription price USD 86.00. Nordic countries only: NOK 470,-. Second Class postage rate paid at Jamaica. N.Y. 11431. Printed in England. Postmasters: Send address changes to Scandinavian Political Studies. Publications Inc., 200 Meacham Avenue. Elmont, N.Y. 11003. Air freight and mailing in the U.S. by Publications Expediting, Inc. 200 Meacham Ave. Elmont, N.Y. 11003