Scandinavian Political Studies, Bind 4 (New Series) (1981) 1


- founded 1975 -

NPS A is a federation of the national political science associations
in the Nordic countries:

Dansk Selskab for Statskundskab
Felagsvisindafelag Islands

Norsk Statsvitenskapelig Forening
Statsvetenskapliga Förbundet

Valtiotieteellinen Yhdistys ry - Statsvetenskapliga Föreningen

The Association is responsible for

- publication of Scandinavian Political Studies and other
joint publications

- organization of Nordic conferences, workshops, and
research courses

- establishing of joint research groups

- coordination of Nordic cooperation within ECPR and

Chairman: Nils Elvander, Sweden

Board: Mogens Pedersen, Denmark

Gunnar Sjöblom, Denmark

Dag Anckar, Finland

Pertti Pesonen, Finland
Ölafur Grimsson, Iceland

Finn Helmer Hoven, Norway

Henry Valen, Norway
Olof Ruin, Sweden

Secretary. Roger Henning, Sweden

Requests for further information should be addressed to:
NPS A, Institute for Political Science,
University of Uppsala,
Box 514,
S-75120 Uppsala, Sweden