Scandinavian Political Studies, Bind 1 (New Series) (1978) 4


a quarterly solution-oriented reader in peace-thinking

Edited at the International Peace Research Institute, Oslo

Topics in the 1978 volume:

No. 1: Military Research and Development
Human and Material Resources — The Nature of Military R&D —
Postwar Evolution in US Military R&D — Military R&D in the Soviet
Union — The Nuclear Weapon Labs — Domestic Arms Race — Transition
to a New Technological Era — Scientists and Weapon Development —
Problems of Control
Disarmament and Development
Arms Control Through Resource Control
Reduction of Military Expenditures

No. 2: Armaments — Militarism — Disarmament
The Arms Race, Armaments Dynamics, Military R&D, and Disarmament
Militarism: The Issues Today
People in the Future Global Order
International Cooperation in Conventional Weapon Acquisition
Statement on Disarmament by the International Peace Research Association
IPRA Study Group: The Impact of Militarization on Development and
Human Rights
Disarmament for a Just World: A Call for Action

No. 3: United Nations and Disarmament
Taking Stock of the UN Special Session on Disarmament
The General Debate at the Special Session — Statements by Representatives
of Research Institutes and Non-Governmental Organizations — Declaration
on Disarmament
Structural Negotiations Blockages to Disarmament
Reversing the Arms Race Through Unilateral Initiatives
The Quest for a Comprehensive Other Space Treaty
Neutron Weapons: Potential Arms Control Linkages

No. 4: Alternative Defence and Security
Civilian Defence Twenty Years On
The Dutch Research Project on Civilian Defence
Swedish National Security Policy: A Review and Critique
Nonviolent Action as a Substitute for International War
Feasibility of Inoffensive Deterrence
New Concepts of Conversion Strategies in Western Europe
Inflation and Unemployment as Products of War Economy
Tactical Nuclear Weapons — The European Predicament

Published by UNIVERSITETSFORLAGET, Publishers to the Norwegian Universities,
P.O. Box 7508, Skillebekk, Oslo 2, Norway — Box 142, Boston,
Mass. 02113, USA

Annual subscription, including postage: 75.00 — US $ 15.00