Scandinavian Political Studies, Bind 1 (New Series) (1978) 2-3


- founded 1975 -

NPSA is a federation of the national political science associations
in the Nordic countries:

Dansk Selskab for Statskundskab
Felagsvisindafelag Islands

Norsk Statsvitenskapelig Forening
Statsvetenskapliga Förbundet

Valtiotieteellinen Yhdistys ry - Statsvetenskapliga Föreningen

The Association is responsible for

- publication of Scandinavian Political Studies and other
joint publications

- organization of Nordic conferences, workshops, and
research courses

- establishing of joint research groups

- coordination of Nordic cooperation within ECPR and

Chairman: Henry Valen, Norway

Board: Mogens Pedersen, Denmark

Gunnar Sjöblom, Denmark

Dag Anckar, Finland

Pertti Pesonen, Finland

Ölafur Grimsson, Iceland

Stein Kuhnle, Norway
Nils Elvander, Sweden

Olof Ruin, Sweden

Secretary: Lars Svåsand, Norway

Requests for further information should be addressed to:
NPSA, Institute for Sociology and Political Studies,
University of Bergen,
Christiesgate 15-19
N 5014 Bergen, Norway