Scandinavian Political Studies, Bind 7 (1972)

Bibliography of Scandinavian Political Science: 1971

Helen V. Aareskjold

This bibliography is a review of Scandinavian political science for 1971. It is a continuation of earlier bibliographies in Scandinavian Political Studies, and therefore, an attempt has been made to include earlier publications omitted in previous volumes. We have included:

1) publications of native and foreign authors printed in Denmark, Finland,
Norway, and Sweden,

2) publications by Scandinavian authors printed in other countries, and
3) other publications which deal with different aspects of Scandinavian polit

ical life.

The bibliography includes references to books, contributions to joint works, and periodicals, as well as committee reports and other official government documents which make a contribution to less explored areas of political science in Scandinavia. Reviews appearing in periodicals are listed under the appropriate book, article, etc.

The entries in this bibliography have been compiled and classified in their respective countries: in Denmark by Lone MORUP and Ib FAURBY, in Finland by Erkki HUSU, and in Sweden by Svante HANSSON. The undersigned is responsible for the collection and classification of the Norwegian entries, as well as the final editing of the bibliography. The national editors have sought to attain a high degree of uniformity in the classification of entries by following as closely as possible the classification scheme in the International Bibliography of Political Science published by UNESCO.

We would like to thank our national editors in Denmark, Finland, and Sweden
for their cooperation and express our thanks to Jan Petter MYKLEBUST for
much needed technical assistance, and to Jørgen ELKLIT for his support.

University of Bergen

Side 288

Classification Scheme

A Political Science

A.O General Studies 1-13

A.I Study, Teaching and Current Trends 14-33

A.2 Methods and Research Techniques 34-55

A.3 Congresses, Symposia, Associations 56

A.4 Works of Reference, Bibliographies 57-63

B Political Thought

8.1 History of Political Ideas 64-68

8.2 Ideological Foundations of Political Systems

8.20 General Studies 69-79

8.21 Democracy 80

8.22 Socialism 81-84

8.23 Marxism, Bolshevism, Communism 85-101

8.24 Nationalism 102-105

8.25 Totalitarianism 106

8.26 Liberalism 107

8.27 Conservatism 108-110

C Government and Public Administration

C.I The State

C.ll State Structure: Federalism 111-114

C.2 Political Systems

C.20 General Studies 115-117

C.21 National Studies 118-125

C.3 Political Systems: The Powers

C.31 Executive

C.311 National Studies 126-133

C.32 Legislative

C.321 National Studies 134-141

C.3 3 Judiciary

C.330 General and Comparative Studies 142-145

C.331 National Studies 146-147

C.34 Relations between the Powers

C.341 National Studies 148

C.4 Political Systems: Freedom and Civil Rights

C.41 National Studies 149-152

C.5 Economic and Social Functions of Government

C.51 National Studies 153-157

C.52 Public Enterprise

Side 289

C.521 National Studies

C.6 Instruments of Government 158

C.61 Public Managament

C.610 General and Comparative Studies 159-166

C.611 National Studies 167-176

C.62 Civil Service

C.620 General and Comparative Studies 177

C.621 National Studies 178-182

C.7 Local Government

C.71 National Studies 183-195

D Governmental Process

D. l Political Influences and Trends

D.lO General Studies 196-203

D.I 1 Pressure Groups 204-205

D.12 Labour Influences 206-212

D.13 Rural Influences 213

D.16 Ideological Influences 214-218

D.17 Military Influences 219

D.19 National Minorities and Racial Factors

D.190 General and Comparative Studies 220-223

D.191 Studies by Areas 224-231

D.2 Political Parties

D.21 National and Regional Studies 232-245

D.3 Political Behaviour

D.30 General Studies 246-250

D.31 Political Attitudes: Formation and Characteristics 251-269

D.32 Political Leadership, Elites 270-273

D.33 Channels of Political Communication

D.331 Propaganda 274-278

D.332 Mass Communication Media 279-299

D.34 Voting Behaviour and Elections

D.341 Voting Behaviour 300

D.342 Elections: Studies by Countries 301-306

E International Relations

E.O General Studies 307-321

E. l International Organization and Administration

E. 11 Legal Framework 322

E.13 The United Nations 323-324

E.14 The United Nations Specialized Agencies 325

E. 15 The Tasks of the International Organizations

E.151 Maintenance of Peace and Collective Security 327-331

E.152 Disarmament 332-334

E.153 Development of International Law 335-336

E.155 Technical Assistance and Economic Development 337-344

E.I 56 Non-Self-Governing Territories and Administration of Trust Territories 345-346

19 Scandinavian Political Studies

Side 290

E. 16 Other Intergovernmental Organizations 347-364

E.2 International Politics

E.21 General Aspects of International Life 365-378

E.22 History of International Relations 379-392

E.23 States in International Affairs: Their Foreign Relations 393-423

E.24 Problems of International Relations 424-440

F Area Studies

F.I Africa 441-452

F.2 America 453-455

F.3 Asia 456-462

F.4 Europe 463-474

F.5 Middle East 475

F.7 Union of Soviet Socialist Republics 476-477

Side 291



1 ALLARDT, Erik, "Rakenteellisista, institutionaalisista ja kulttuurisista selityksista" (On Structural, Institutional and Cultural Interpretations). Sosiologia 8 (3), 1971: 111-124.

2 BERNDTSON, Erkki. "Emansipatorisesta tiedonintressistå ja sen suhteesta politiikan utkimukseen (On the Emancipatory Interest of Knowledge and its Relevance for Political Science), Politiikka 13 (1), 1971: 10-26.

3 BORJESSON, Bengt (ed.). Samhallsmyter. 7 kritiska perspektiv (Social Myths. 7 Critical Perspectives) Stockholm, Almqvist & Wiksell, 1971.

4 DAHLSTROM, Edmund. Klasser och samhdllen. Teorier om social skiktning och social integration (Classes and Social Stratification and Social Integration). Stockholm, Prisma, 1971.

5 HELENIUS, Ralf. "Valtioo-pista politiikkatieteeksi" (From Constitutional History and Constitutional Law to Political Science). Liiketaloudellinen aikakauskirja 20 (1), 1971: 32-45.

6 JOHANSSON, Tage. "Om våld - ett porost begrepp" (On Violence - a Nebulous Concept). Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift 74(4), 1971: 345-370.

7 JUNTUNEN, Matti. "Tieteen ateoreettisesta sitoutumisesta" (on the Atheoretical Commitment of Science). Sosiologia 8 (1), 1971: 11-17.

8 LUND, Reinhard (ed.): Beslutningsprocesser
(Decision-Making Processes).
København, Fremad, 1971, 182 pp.

9 NURMI, Hannu. "Selittåmisesta, ymmartåmisestå ja politiikan tutkimuksen tavoitteista" (On Explanation, Understanding and the Goals of Political Science), Politiikka 13 (1), 1971: 1-9.

10 RASMUSSEN, Erik: Komparativ politik
/. 2. ed. (Comparative Politics).
København, Gyldendal, 1971.

11 RASMUSSEN, Erik, ed. Scandinavian
Political Studies Vol. VI. Oslo, Universitetsforlaget,
1971, 260 pp.

12 SJOBERG, Lennart. "Samhållsforskning och beslutsfattande" (Social Research and Decision-Making). Svensk Tidskrift 58 (9), 1971:432-435.

13 VAYRYNEN, Raimo. "Aspects of Theory and Strategy of Kidnapping." Instant Research on Peace and Violence (1), 1971:3-21.


14 BIRGERSSON, Bengt-Owe. "Statsvetenskapliga
institutionen" (Department
of Political Science), in Sam

hdllsforskning vid Stockholms Universitet (Social Research at the University of Stockholm). Stockholm 1970, pp. 125-132.

15 CLAUSEN, H. P.: "Nogle synspunkter på historien" (Some Views on History) Politico, Tidsskrift for Politisk Videnskab. Vol. 4. Nr. 4., 1971: 11-32.

16 EIDE, Asbjørn. "International Peace Academy and the Helsinki Project: the Idea and its Execution." Instant Research on Peace and Violence (3), 1971:79-82.

17 EIDE, Asbjørn. ''Peace Research as Research on Peace and Violence (3), Communication: How, with Whom, for what Purpose?" Instant Research on Peace and Violence (3), 1971: 35 -39.

18 FINK, Jørgen: "Historiens plads i samfundsforskningen" (The Situation of History in Social Research), Politica Tidsskrift for Politisk Videnskab 4(4) 1971: 1-10.

19 GERDNER, Kristian. "Historia - samhallsvetenskapens laboratoium" (History — Laboratory of the Social Sciences?). Historisk Tidsskrift 34 (1) 1971: 62-91.

20 GRANBERG, Anders. "Tvarvetenskapliga relationer: sociologi och historia" (Cross-Scientific Relations: Sociology and History). Sociologisk forskning 8 (1) 1971: 1-18.

21 HEISKANEN, Ilkka. "Sosiaalitieteitten "uudesta" metodologisesta keskustelusta ja sen merkityksesta politiikan tutkimukselle" (On the "New" Methodological Discussion in the Social Science). Politiikka 13 (1), 1971: 27-53.

22 HEISKANEN, Ilkka. "Yhteiskuntatieteellisen tutkimuksen runko-ohjelma: mitå se ei ole ja mita se on. Valtion yhteiskuntatieteellisen toimikunnan laatiman runko-ohjelmaluonnoksen tarkastelua." (The Frame Programme of the Social Scientific Study: What It Is and It Isn't. Observations on the Outline of the Frame Programme made by the Social Scientific Committee of the State). Folitiikka 13 (2), 1971: 149-159.

23 HJERN, Benny & MAGNUSSON, Åke. "Internationella relationer och revirtånkande" (International Relations and Departmental Exclusiveness). Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift 74 (2), 1971: 137-142.

24 ISRAEL, Joachim. "Onko ei normatiivinen yhteiskuntatiede mahdollista?" (Is Non-Normative Social Science Possible?). Sosiologia 8 (3), 1971: 150 -161.

Side 292

25 LINDMAN, Sven. "Några påpekander i diskussionen kring "grundprogrammet"" (Some Observations in the Discussion about the Frame Programme) Politiikka 13 (3), 1971: 239-241.

26 MELOE, Jacob. "Notat om videnskapsteori i basisutdannelsen" (Paper on Epistemology in Basic University Education), Politico, Tidsskrift for Politisk Videnskab, 4 (5), 1971: 53-63,

27 PETERSEN, K. Helveg: "Kortlægning af konflikter" (The study oi conflicts). Fremtiden. International orientering 26. (2), 1971: 30-34.

28 SUSILUOTO, Ilmari. "Systeemiteoria politiikan tutkimuksessa: huomioita kotimaisesta keskustelusta (Systems Theory in the Political Study: Observations on the Finnish E>iscussion). Politiikka 13 (4), 1971: 330-343.

29 TORNUDD, Klaus. "Internationell politik och statskunskap" (International Politics and Political Science). Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift 74 (1), 1971: 19-21.

30 VESA, Unto, ed. Rauhantutkimus tdndan. Sodat, kriisit jo rauhantutkimus (The Research of Peace Today: Wars, Crisis and the Research of Peace). Tampere, Rauhan- ja konfliktintutkimuslaitos. 1971, 179 pp. (Rauhan- ja konfliktintutkimuslaitoksen tutkimusselosteita, 3.)

31 VAYRYNEN, Raimo. "Nykypolitologian kritiikkia ja vaihtoehtoja" (Criticism and Alternatives in Modern Politology). Politiikka 13 (2), 1971: 160 -166.

32 VAYRYNEN, Yrjo-Paavo, JYRKINEN, Jussi & KOSONEN, Paavo, eds. Tutkinnon uudistus. Filosofisten ja yhteiskuntatieeteellisten korkeakoulututkintojen uudistamisestu (The Reform of the Examination. On the Reform of the Philosophical and Social Scientific University Examinations). Helsinki, 1971, 159 pp.

33 WESTERSTÅHL, Jorgen. Alt studer a politik. En introduktion (The Study of Politics: An Introduction) Stockholm, Tiden, 1970. 115 pp.


34 ALBERTSEN, Niels: ''Marxisme og historie" (Marxism and History), Politica, Tidsskrift for Politisk Videnskab 4(4), 1971: 33-42. 35 BISLEV, Sven: "Politologi 01; imperialisme". (Political Science and Imperialism), Politica, Tidsskrift for Politisk Videnskab. 4, (1-2), 1971: 108-133. 36 CARLBOM, Terry. "Intervjumetoden — kommentarer till ett praktikfall" (The Interview Method - Comments on a Case Study). Historisk Tidsskrift 34(2), 1971: 183-196. 37 FOVERSKOV, Peter: "Nogle betragt. ninger over simulationsteknikkens anon a Case Study). Historisk Tidsskrift (Reflections on the Use of the Technique of Simulation in Internationa] Politics) Politico. 4 (3), 1971: 16-34, 37a GUSTAVSSON, Sverker. Debatten on, forskningen och samhdllet. En studit i några teoretiska inldgg (The Debate on Science and Society. A Study of Some Theoretical Contributions). Stockholm, Almqvist & Wiksell, 1971 359 pp. (With an English Summary) Review by Berg, Elias, with rejoinder by Sverker Gustavsson. Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift 74 (3), 1971: 326-339. Review by Rudebeck, Lars. Tiden 63 (9), 1971: 554-565. 38 HERZBERG, Lars. "Ymmartåva metodi" (The Understanding "Method") Sosiologia 8 (3), 1971: 162-169. 39 HOIVIK, Tord. "On the Methodology of Peace Research", Journal of Peace Research 8 (3-4), 1971: 299-303. 40 ISRAEL, Joachim: "The Principle of Methodological Individualism and Marxian Epistemology" Acta Sociologica 14 (3), 1971: 145-150. 41 JENSEN, Hans Støttrup: "Værdirelativismen". (Value-Relativism), Politico, Tidsskrift for Politisk Videnskab 4 (5), 1971: 29-38. 42 LANGHOLM, Sivert "On the Concepts of Center and Periphery", Journal of Peace Research 8 (3-4), 1971: 273-278. 43 MUNK, Knud Jørgen: "Indlæg i debatten om samfundsvidenskabernes metodiske, begrebsmæssige og politiske basis". (A Contribution to the Debate on the Methodological, Conceptual and Political Basis of the Social Sciences). Politico. Tidsskrift for Politisk Videnskab 4 (3), 1971: 35-53. 44 NEDERGAARD, Viggo: "Teoribegrebet og den politiske videnskab" (The Concept of Theory in Political Science). Politico. Tidsskrift for Politisk Videnskab 4 (5), 1971: 15-28. 45 NEDERGAARD, Viggo: "Videnskabsteori — et forsøg på en introduktion". (Epistemology - an Attempt at an Introduction), Politica, Tidsskrift for Politisk Videnskab 4 (5), 1971: 2-4. 46 PALMBERG, Maj. "Den funktionalistiska utvecklingsteorin" (The Functional Theory of Development). Hajten for kritiska studier 4 (1/2), 1971: 31-66.

47 PORSHOLT, Lars "A Quantitative
Conflict Model", Journal of Peace
Research 8 (2), 1971: 143-162.

48 PRINDS, Erik: "Om Mannheimsvidens

Side 293

sociologi" (On Mannheim's sociology of knowledge), Politico, Tidsskrift for Politisk Videnskab 4 (5), 1971: 39-52.

49 RASMUSSEN, P. Nørregaard & ISRAEL, Joachim. "Vurderingsfri teori?" (Theory without Values?). Nationaløkonomisk Tidsskrift 109 (3-4), 1971: 129-153.

50 ROKKAN, Stein "Models and Methods in the Comparative Study of Nation pp. 225-255 in A. R. DESAI ed. Essays on Modernization of Underdeveloped Countries. Vol. 1. Bombay, Teacher & Co. Ltd., 1971.

51 ROSENGREN, Karl Erik. "Debatt och referat. En metodstudie" (Debate and News Report. A Methodological Study). Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift 74 (3), 1971: 262-279.

52 RUDEBECK, Lars. "Statsvetenskaplig utvecklingsanalys" (Development Analysis in Political Science). Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift 74(2), 1971: 114-132. Rejoinder by HYDÉN, Goran. "Svagheterna består — Kontrareplik till Rudebeck" (The Weaknesses Remain - Rejoinder to Rudebeck). Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift 74 (2), 1971: 132-136.

53 SVALASTOGA, Kaare (ed.) Sociologisk metodik. Vol. 2. Specielle dataindsamlingsmetoder. (Sociological methodology. Special methods for the collection of data). København 1971. Universitetets Fond til Tilvejebringelse af Læremidler.

54 SVENSSON, Palle: "Om David Eastons 'generelle teori'" (On David Easton's General Theory), Politica, Tidsskrift for Politisk Videnskab 4 (5), 1971: 5-14.

55 WRIGHT, Georg Henrik von. "Niin kutsutusta praktisesta paattelystå" (On the So-Called Practice of Drawing Conclusions). Sosiologia 8 (3) 1971: 99-111.


56 VAUSA, Ilkka. "Valtio-opin kolmannet neuvottelupåivat Turussa 11.—12. 12. 1970" (Third Symposium of Political Science in Turku 11.-12. 12. 1970). Politiikka 13 (1) 1971: 57-60.


57 AARESKJOLD, Helen ed. "Bibliography of Scandinavian Political Science for 1970", Scandinavian Political Studies 1971:6, 228-260.

58 Africana Scandinavica 1960-1968.
Books on Africa Published in Denmark,
Finland, Norway and Sweden.

A selected bibliography compiled by Anna-Britta Wallenius. Uppsala, Nordiska Afrikainstitutet, 1971, viii+lo4 pp.

59 ANDERSEN, Ole (ed.). Kommunens styre og forvaltning. En litteraturfortegnelse. (Municipal government and administration. A collection of literature). Gentofte Kommunebibliotek, 1970, 32 s.

60 JULKUNEN, Martti and LEHIKOINEN, Anja (eds.). Finland 1970. Books and Publications in Politics, Political History and International Relations. Turku, Institute of Political History 1971, 32 pp. (Institute of Political History, University of Turku, A:6.)

61 KA ABER, Anna-Lise: Danmark og Fællesmarkedet.
Et udvalg af litteratur i
perioden august 1965—november
1970. EFT A. Et udvalg af litteratur
fra januar 1967 — november 1970.
Nordisk økonomisk samarbejde (NORDEK).OR-
Et udvalg af litteratur fra januar
1968-november 1970.
(Denmark and the Common Market.
A Selection of literature from the period
August 1965-November 1970.
EFTA. A selection of literature from
January 1967 - November 1970.
Nordic Economic Cooperation (NORDEK).
A selection of literature from
January 1968 - November 1970.)
København. Det Udenrigspolitiske
Selskab. 1971. 31 pp.

62 TORGERSEN, Ulf, "Stein Rokkan 50 år" (Stein Rokkan 50 Years), Tss. for Samfunnsforskning 12 (2), 1971: 93-98.

63 TRAAVIK, Kim "Ti årganger av "Tidsskrift for Samfunnsforskning"" (Ten Volumes of "Tidsskrift for Samfunnsforskning"), Tss. for Samfunnsforskning 12 (1), 1971; 71-82.



64 LIEDMAN, Sven-Eric. Framstegstanken (The Notion of Progress). Stockholm, Låromedelsforlagen, 1971. 89 pp.

65 LIEDMAN, Sven-Eric. "Marxism och idéhistoria" (Marxism and the History of Ideas). Hdften for kritiska studier 4 (3), 1971:4-13, (4): 6-15.

66 LINDHARDT, Jan: Det politiske menneske. En udviklingslinie i middelalderens og renæssancens frihedsbegreb. (Political Man. Trends in the concept of freedom of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance). København (Gad) 1970, 109 pp. (Kosmos-Serien).

67 RENMARK, Ulf. "Dominerande vardesystem
eller dominerande produktions

Side 294

satt. Om orsaksforklaringar i politisk teori" (Dominant Value System or Dominant Mode of Production. On Causal Explanations in Political Theory). Ha f ten for kritiska studier 4 (1/2), 1971: 5-30.

68 SJOSTRAND, Wilhelm. "Kring den amerikanska oavhångighetsforklaringen 1776 som ett dokument om frihet och jamlikhet" (On the American Declaration of Independence, 1776, as a Document of Freedom and Equality). Pedagogisk tidskrift 107 (1), 1971: 16-26.



69 BERG, Ole. "Politikk og livsvilkår" (Politics and Conditions of Life). Statsvetenskaplig tidsskrift 74 (3), 1971: 219-246.

70 ECKHOFF, Torstein. Rettferdighet ved utveksling og fordeling av ver dier (Justice in the Exchange and Distribution of Values). Oslo, Universitetsforlaget, 1971.

71 HANSEN, Bente: Kapitalisme, socialisme, kommunisme En boj; for børn og voksne. (Capitalism, Socialism, Communism). København. Hans Reitzel, 1971. 92 pp.

72 HØIVIK, Tord. "Social Inequality",
Journal of Peace Research 3(2), 1971:

73 IVERSEN, Claus: "Freedom and Civilization, a Western Perspective", Journal of Peace Research 1971: 1, 37-54.

74 LEHLAND, Ketil. "Noen tanker om verdifrihetsproblematikken" (Some Thoughts on the Problems of Value Research), Tss. for Samfunnsforskning 12(3), 1971: 256-63.

75 MATHIESEN, Thomas Det uferdige. Bidrag til politisk aksjonsteori (The Incomplete. Contributions to Political Action Theory). Oslo, Pax, 1971.

lt PONTARA, Giuliano (ed.). Etik, politik, revolution. En antologi (Ethics, Politics, Revolution. A Reader). Staffanstorp, Cavefors, 1971. Vol. 1, 174 pp., Vol. 2, 224 pp.

77 SCHMID, Herman. "Den grdna "Socialismen": Populismen" (The Green Socialism": Populism). Ord och Bild 80 (4), 1971.

78 VEDUNG, Evert. Unionsdebatten 1905. En jamfdrelse mellan argumentationen i Sverige och Norge. (The Dissolution of the Union in 1905: A Comparison between the Swedish and Norwegian Arguments). Stockholm, Almqvist och Wiksell, 1971. 475 pp.

79 ØSTERBERG, Dag Makt og materielt. Politiske innlegg (Power and Material Structure. Political Essays). Oslo, Pax, 1971.


80 BLOMSTEDT, Yrjo. "Lahidemokratia ja epademokratia (Near Democracy and Undemocracy). Aika 65 (5), 1971: 267-273.

81 WESTERSTÅHL, Jorgen. "Demokratidebatt" (The Concept of Democracy under Debate). Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift 74(4), 1971: 371-376.


82 GUNNARSON, Gunnar. Socialdemokratisk idéarv: Utopism, marxism, socialism (Ideological Heritage of the Social Democracy: Utopianism, Marxism, Socialism). Stockholm, Tiden, 1971. 240 pp.

83 LINDHAGEN, Jan. "Arthur Engberg och socialismens mening" (Arthur Engberg and the Meaning of Socialism). Tiden 63 (u), Sept. 1971: 390-395.

84 LUND, Gelius: Socialismens status i dag. (The Status of Socialism Today). København, (Clarté) 1971, 24 pp. (Marxistiske Hæfter 6).

85 PALMGREN, Yngve. Fødd till agitator. En studie i August Palms politiska utveckling och verksamhet (Born Agitator. A Study of August Palm's Political Development and Work). Stockholm, Raben & Sjogren, 1971. 454 pp., 6 pi.


86 APPEL, Gotfred: Der kommer en dag... Imperialisme og arbejderklasse. København, Futura, 1971, 31 pp. English ed. There will come a day.. . Imperialism and the Working Class. København, Futura, 1971, 31 pp. 87 APPEL, Gotfred: Klassekamp og revolutionær situation. København, Futura, 1971. 36 pp. English ed.: Class Struggle and Revolutionary Situation. København, Futura, 1971, 36 pp.

88 BLOMGREN, Lars-Erik & KORBERG, Ingvar. Lenin och kommunismen (Lenin and Communism). Stockholm, Utbildningsforlaget, 1971. 139 pp.

89 EDHOLM, Erik af. "Begreppet samhallsformation" (The Concept of Social Formation). Hasten for kritiska studier 4 (3), 1971: 14-18.

90 HENRIKSON, Thomas. Romantik och marxism. Estetik och politik hos Otto Ville Kuusinen och Diktonius till och med 1921 (Romanticism and Marxism.

Side 295

Esthetics and Politics of Otto Ville Kuusinen and Diktonius since 1921. Helsingfors, Werner Soderstrom Osakeyhti, 1971, 418 pp.

91 LAPPALAINEN, Armas. "Klassteorins tillampning i kapitalistiska och feodala samhallen" (The Application of Class Theory to Capitalist and Feudal Societies). Haften for kritiska studier 4 (3), 1971: 19-4. Rejoinder by Feiwel Kupferberg, Haften for kritiska studier 4(5), 1971: 34-38.

92 LARSSON, Reidar. Theories of Revolution. From Marx to the First Russian Revolution. Stockholm, Almqvist & Wiksell 1970. 381 pp. Review by Christophersen, Jens A. Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift 74 (1), 1971: 62-80. Review by Runeby, Nils. "Om praktiken" (On Practice). Tiden 63 (1), 1971: 48-54.

93 LEHÉN, Tuure. Marxilaisuuden alkukylvoa Suomessa (The Beginning of Marxism in Finland). Pori, Kansankulttuuri Oy, 1971, 64 pp.

94 LEHÉN, Tuure. Tyovaenluokan maailmankatsomus. Luentoja dialektisesta materialismista (The View of the World of the Labour Class: Lectures on the Dialectical Materialism). Pori, Kansankulttuuri Oy, 1971, 198 pp.

95 LINSIO, Liisa. "O. W. Kuusinen Kominternni tyossa" (O. W. Kuusinen at at Work in Comintern). Kommunisti 27 (9), 1971: 433-438.

96 MANNNIEN, Juha. "Fr. Engels - kaytånnon dialektiikkaa vai luonnonfilosofiaa?" (Fr. Engels - Practical Dialectics or Natural Philosophy?). Sosiologia 8 (6), 1971- 308-320.

97 MIKKOLA, Marja-Leena, ed. Otto Wille Kuusinen, suomalainen internationationalisti (Otto Wille Kuusinen, a Finnish Internationalist). Tampere, Kansankultuuri Oy, 1971, 139 pp.

98 NØRLUND, Ib: Stat og revolution (State and Revolution). København, (Clarté).l97l, 16 p. (Marxistiske Hæfter, 9).

99 RASMUSSEN, Harald: Klasser og klassekamp (Classes and Class Struggle). København, Clarté, Marxistiske studenter, 1970, 27 pp. (Marxistiske Hæfter, 3).

100 SÅFVE, Torbjorn. Rebellerna i Sverige. Dokumentation, kritik, vision (The Rebels in Sweden. Documentation, Critique, Vision). Goteborg, Forfattar forlaget, 1971. 134 pp.

100 SVENDSEN, Erik Nordal: "Marxistisk erkendelsesteori" (Marxist epistemolo-. gy), Politico Tidsskrift for Politisk Videnskab. 4 (3), 1971. 1-15.

102 ÅDAHL, Andreas. Marxismen-leninismen
enligt sovjetisk nutidsuppfatt

ning (Marxism-Leninism According
to the Contemporary Soviet View).
Lund, Gleerups, 1971 64 pp.


103 HANSSON, Svante. ''Sionism och Socialism: Bernard Lazare — frihetlig nationalism" (Zionism and Socialism: Bernard Lazare — Anarchical Nationalism). Mellanosteindebatt 3 (7) 1971.

104 HARDY, Peter. Partners in Freedom and True Muslims. The Political Thought of Some Muslim Scholars 1912-1947. Lund, Studentlitteratur, 1971. 63 pp.

105 PALMBERG, Maj. "Patrice Lumumba — en "utvecklad" (Patrice Lumumba - A "Developed"). Ord och Bild 80 (2) 1971: 93-99.

106 6STLING, Sven E. En ny nationalism i Latinamerika (A New Nationalism in Latin America). Stockholm, Raben & Sjogren 1971. 31 pp.


107 WARENSTAM, Eric. Fascismen och nazismen i Sverige 1920-1940 (Fascism and Nazism in Sweden, 1920— 1940). Stockholm, Almqvist & Wiksell, 1970. 227 pp. Review by Thulstrup, Åke. Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift 74(2), 1971:215-217.


108 OPSTAD, Harald. "Svag och stark - igår och idag. Socialdarwinismens samhållssyn" (Weak and Strong - Yesterday and Today. Social Theories of Social Darwinism), in Borjeson, Bengt. Samhallsmyter, pp. 19-35.


109 HAGÅRD, Birger. "Amerikansk konservatism" (American Conservatism). Svensk Tidskrift 58 (9), 1971:436-441.

110 HAGÅRD, Birger. "Arvet f ran Rudolf Kjellén" (The Legacy of Rudolf Kjellén). Svensk Tidskrift 58 (7) 1971: 321-327.

111 KJELLÉN-BJORKQUIST, Ruth. Rudolf Kjellén. En mdnniska i tiden kring sekelskiftet (Rudolf Kjellén. A Man in the Period around the Turn of the Century). Stockholm, Verbum, 1970. Vol l, 304 pp., 5 pi. Vol. 2, 384 pp., 4 pi.

Side 296




112 EKHOLM, Sverker & RUNSTROM, Lena. Statsskicket i Sverige (The Constitution of Sweden). Lund, Studentlitteratur, 1971. 279pp.

113 LAGERROTH, Fredrik. "Om mojligheten att i Sverige infora republik i grundlagsenlig ordning" (On the Possiblity of Constitutional Introduction of Republic in Sweden). Statsvetenskaplig Tidsskrift 74 (3), 1971: 247-261.

114 SIMONSSON, Ragnar. Frankrikes forfattningar (The Constitutions of France). Stockholm, Almqvist & Wiksell, 1971. 617 pp. (With a French Summary).

115 STJERNQUIST, Nils. "Grur dlagberedningskompromiss i statschefsfrågan" (Compromise in the Constitutional Commission on the Chief of State Issue). Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift 74 (4), 1971: 377-379.



116 MAKELA, Klaus. "Gallup-demokratia ja suora demokratia" (Gallup-Democracy and Direct Democracy). Contra 3 (1), 1971:12- Ydin 5 (2), 1971: 25-26.

117 ROKKAN, Stein "A Conceptual Map of Europe: Some Suggestions and Reflexions", pp. 49-71 in J. Burckhard ed. Thoughts from the Craters of Time. New York, Macy J:'. Foundation, 1971.

118 SUOMINEN, Elina, ed. Vdkivalta (Violence).
Helsinki, Kustannusosakeyhtio
Tammi, 1971, 202 pp.



119 ASKGAARD, Preben V., BARFOD,
Jørgen H. & KAUFFELDT, Carl:
Danmark i 70'erne i tekster og tal
Samfundslære for gymnasiet og HF
(Denmark in the 70s in texts and figures).
3. udg. Gyldendal, 1971.
Bind 1. Borgeren. 56 s. (The citizen)
Bind 2. Samfundet 68 s. (The society)
Bind 3. Omverdenen 64 s. (The outside
Bind 4. Planlægning og erhverv 60 s.
(Planning and industry).


120 BACKMAN, Eero. "Vuoden 1919 hallitusmuoto ja erilaiset kåsitykset demokratiasta" (The Constitution of 1919 and Various Conceptions of Democracy). Kommunisti 27 (12), 1971: 614-620.

121 JYRANKI, Antero. Yalta ja vallan siirto
(Power and the Transfer of Power).
Tampere, Kirjayhtyma, 1971, 126 pp.

122 NOUSIAINEN, Jaakko. The Finnish Political System, Cambridge Mass., Harvard University Press, 1971, 454 pp. Transl. from Nousiainen, Jaakko. Suomen Poliittinen jdrjestelmd. Porvoo, Werner Soderstrom Osakeyhtio, 1970, 501 pp., 4th edition. Translator John H. Hodgson.

123 WAHLBACK, Krister. "Paasikivi - den svenska synen" (Paasikivi — The Swedish View). Nordisk tidskrift 47 (1) 1971: 1-12.


124 BERGQUIST, Mats. "Femte republiken efter de Gaulle" (The Fifth Republic after de Gaulle). Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift 74 (2), 1971: 165-177.

125 TINGSTEN, Herbert. Såliskap for mina
tankar (Company for My Thoughts).
Stockholm, Norstedts, 245 pp.


126 BERGENGREN, Johan, MIDDELTHON, Carsten, ROOS, K.G., DISSING MELAGA, Karen & SJOBERG, Goran. Oppningen at vdnster. Politik och partier i Italien (The Opening to the Left. Politics and Parties in Italy), Stockholm, Gebers, 1971.





127 KAARSTED, Tage: 'Fra statsminister M. P. Friis' eksil 1923-26" (From the Exile of Prime Minister M. P. Friis 1923-26), Historie. Jyske Samlinger. Ny Række IX, 3, 1971. pp. 440-462.


128 KAARSTED, Tage Kilder til valget og regjeringsdannelsen i 1968 (Reference Material on the Election and the Formation of Government in 1968), Oslo 1971, 94 pp. Gyldendal København Forlag.

129 LINDMAN, Sven. Presidential Power in Focus. The Case of the Finnish President. Abo, 1971, 16 pp. (Meddelanden från institutet fcir samhallsforskning uppråtthållet av statsveten

Side 297

skapliga fakulteten vid Åbo Akademi,

130 PERTTUNEN, Juhani. "Hallituksen laillisuus tunnustamisen ehtona. (Regerings laglighet som erkannande)" (The Legality of Government a Condition for Acknowledgement). Tidskrift, utg. av Juridiska Foreningen i Finland 107 (1-2), 1971: 110-124.

131 SUOMI, Juhani. "A. K. Cajanderin "punamultahallituksen" syntyvaiheet" (The Growth of A. K. Cajander's "red earth" Government). Historiallinen aikakauskirja 68 (2), 1971: 111-127.


132 SØREBØ, Herbjørn Slik sprakk koalisjonen
(How the Coalition Broke Up).
Oslo, Det Norske Samlaget, 1971.

133 VASSBOTN, Per Lekkasje og forlis (The Leakage and the Wreckage). Oslo, J. W. Cappelen's forlag, 1971, 146 pp. Concerns the breakup of the nonsocialist coalition government.

134 VASSBOTN, Per. "Regjeringskrise i Norge - bare etter politiske skandaler?" (Government Crisis in Norway - Only After Political Scandals?). Statsvetenskaplig Udskrift 74 (3), 1971: 291-295.




135 PEDERSEN, Mogens N., Erik DAMGAARD & P. NANNESTAD OLSEN. "Party Distances in the Danish Folketing 1945-1968". Scandinavian Political Studies. 1971:6, 87-106.


136 LAAKSO, Markku. "Rikerin voittavan koalition suuruuden periaate ja sen soveltaminen Suomen eduskunnan aanestyskataytumiseen (Riker's 'Size Principle' and its Application to Finnish Roll-Call Data). Politiikka 13 (4), 1971: 283-306.

137 SALERVO, Olavi. Eduskunnan jarjestys - ja Tydmuodot 1907-1963 (The Forms of Organization and Work of Finnish Parliament 1907-1963). Helsinki, Valtion painatuskeskus, 1971, 214 pp. (Suomen kansanedustuslaitoksen historia, 10.1)

138 SARAVIITA, Ilkka. Lakiehaotuksen Itpaamaan jattminen (Leaving a Bill to Rest). Diss. Helsinki. Vammala, Suomalainen lakimiesyhdistys, 1971, 393 pp. (Suomalaisen lakimiesyhdistyksen julkaisuja, A:95.)

139 TARKIAINEN, Tuttu. Eduskunnan valitseminen 1907-1963 The Election of Parliament 1907-1963). Helsinki, Valtion painatuskeskus, 1971, 532 pp.

(Suomen kansanedustuslaitoksen historia,

140 TIMONEN, Perti. Suomen eduskunnan kokoonpanon stabiliteetti 2. maailmansodan jalkeen (The Stability of Composition of the Finnish Parliament after the Second World War). Tampere 1971, 23 pp., mimeo. (Tampereen yliopisto, Politiikan tutkimuksen laitos, Tukimuksia, 18.)


141 DAHL, Ottar "Grupperinger i Stortinget 1892-1897, belyst ved voteringsdata" (Groups in the Norwegian Parliament 1892-1897. An Analysis of Voting Data), Historisk Tidsskrift 50 (3), 1971: 215-284.


142 ANDERSSON, Hans G. Riksdagens funktioner och arbetssatt (Functions and Procedures of the Riksdag). Lund, Studentlitteratur 1971, 90 pp.



143 H ARTMAN, Tor. "Råttvisa och orattvisa: Om domstolars opartiskhet i brottmål" (Justice and Injustice: On the Objectivity of the Court of Justice in Cases of Crime). Politiikka 13 (3), 1971: 256-267.

144 KASTARI, Paavo. "Tuomioistuinten riippumatomuus ja demokraatisuus" (The Independence and Democracy of the Courts). Lakimies 69 (6), 1971: 419-437.

145 LAHTI, Raimo. "Yhleiskuntatieteellinen tutkimus ja tuomarin toiminta" (Social Research and Action of the Judge). Lakimies 69 (5), 1971: 326-347.

146 LEPPANEN, Leo and OJA-KURIKKA, Johanna and RONKAINEN, Tuula. Tuomioistuinten ja tuomitsemistoiminnan riippumattomuus (The Independence of the Courts and the Action of Judging). Tampere 1971, 109 pp., mimeo. (Tampereenyliopisto, Oikeustieteen laitoksen seminaariraportteja, 1.)



147 HEINONEN, Olavi. "Tuomioistuinlaitos ja yhteiskunta" (The Institution of the Court of Justice and the Community). Lakimiesuutiset (4), 1971;33-37.

148 LINDHOLM, Per & SEPPANEN, Heikki, eds. Oieus ja politiikka. Suomen lakimiesliiton Jyvaskylån kultuuripaivillå 1971 jarjestaman oikeus

Side 298

politiikan kongressin ainei:;toa. (Judiciary and Politics. Material of the Judiciary Political Congress arranged by the Finnish Jurist Association on Culture Days in Jyvaskyla). Jyvaskylå, Kustannusosakeyhtio Gummerus, 1971, 248 pp.




149 NERBOVIK, Jostein "Litt oni bakgrunnen for 9. juni-vedtaket: 1880" (The Background for the June 9, Resolution in the Norwegian Parliament: 1880), Historisk Tidsskriff 50 (2), 1971: 167-176.




151 HEMMER HANSEN, Eva, Blåstrømper, rødstrømper, uldstrømper. Dansk Kvindesamfunds historie i 100 år. (With a summary in English) (Blue Stockings, Red Stockings, an d Woollen Stockings. The History of Women's Liberation Movement in Denmark during 100 Years). København (Grevas) 1970, 247 pp.

152 JØRGENSEN, Harald: Da censuren blev opgivet. Udgivet i anledning af tohundredeåret for Trykkefrihedsreskriptet af 14. september 1770. (When censorship was abolished). København. (Den Berlingske Bogtrykkeri) 1970. 120 pp.

153 Krogh, Torben: Anslag mod statens sikker hed. Efterretningssagerne. 1969—71. (Attacks on the Security of the State. The Intelligence Cases 1969-71). København (Rhodes) 1971, 218 pp.



154 MANNIHE, Erik, ed. Sociale problemer
(Social Problems). København,
Fremad, 1971, 156 pp.


155 ANDERSON, Stig & ALTERN, Håvard Eksemplet H ammer fest (Hammerfest: A Case Study). Oslo, Gyldendal Norsk Forlag, 1971.

156 HERBST, Philip ed. Demokratiseringsprosessen i arbeidslivet. (Democratization in Industry). Oslo, Universitetsforlaget, 1971.

157 HODNE, Fritz "Staten og utbyggingen av kommunikasjonene i Norge: 1810-1870" (The State and the Development of Communications inNor

way: 1810-1870). Historisk Tidsskrift
50 (3), 1971: 285-316.

158 Menneske og miljø i Nord-Norge. Sosiale aspekter ved folkcflytting (People and Milieu in Northern Norway. Social Aspects of Migration). Oslo, Universitetsforlaget, 1971.




159 JONSSON, 80. Staten och malm fallen (The State and The Ore-Fields).Stockholm,Stock- Almqvist & Wiksell, 1969, 388 pp. Review by Lindeberg, Sven-Ola. Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift 74(2), 1971: 181-193.




160 GJEDE, Torben: "Langtidsprognoser og perspektivplanlægning i Sverige og Norge" (Long-range forecasts and perspective planning in Sweden and Norway), Økonomi og Politik. 45 (1) 1971: 63-77.

161 H JERN, Benny. "Forvaltningens stållning i liberal f6restallning"( The Position of the Administration in Liberal Theory). Hdften for kritiska studier 4 (1/2), 1971: 67-74.

162 LUNDQUIST, Lennart. Forvaltningen i det politiska systemet (Public Administration in the Political System). Lund, Studentlitteratur, 1971. 146 pp. Review by Hydén, Goran. Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift 74 (3), 1971: 339 -334.

163 MATHIESEN,Thomas/4crow the Boundaries
of Organizations. Berkeley, The
Glendenary Press, 1971.

164 OLSEN, Johan P. On the Theory of
Organizational Choice. Doctoral dissertation.
University of Bergen, 1971.

165 OLSEN, Johan P. "'Organization', Government' and the Study of Universities", Administrative Science Quarterly 16(1), 1971:

166 PIILONEN, Juhani. "Venalaiset esikuvat punaisen Suomen hallinnossa 1918" (Russian Patterns in the Management of the Red Finland in 1918). Historiallinen arkisto 65, 1971: 206-291.

167 TERSMAN, Rune. "Effektivitetsbegreppet i den offentliga forvaltningen" (The Concept of Efficiency in Public Administration). Intermediary (7), 1971:3-5.



Side 299

168 JENSEN, M. Brabrand "Data, databehov og databehandling i den offentlige forvaltning" (Data, the need for data and data processing in public administration), Nordisk Administrativt Tidsskrift 52 (2), 1971: pp. 113 -136.

169 JOHANSEN, Olaf Rationalisering af statsadministrationen (Rationalization of the Central Administration). København (Fremad) 1971, 144 pp.


170 ALESTALO, Matti. "Professoreiden nimittåmisestå" (On Appointment of Professors). Sosiologia 8 (4), 1971: 195-202.

171 LEHTONEN, Heikki. Hallinnonuudistus: suhtautuminen, vaikutusmahdollisuudet ja vaikuttimet (The Reform of the Administration: Attitudes, Possibilities to Effect and Impulses). Tampere 1971, 38 pp. appendix, mimeo. (Tampereen yliopiston opintotoimisto, 10).

172 MODEEN, Tore. La participation des usagers ou des personnes directement interessées å l'administration publique de la Finlande. Abo, 1971, 23 pp. (Meddelanden från institute! for samhållsforskning uppratthållet av statsvetenskapliga fakulteten vid Åbo Akademi, A: 58.)


173 JANSEN, Alf-Inge "Administrasjonsordning og organisasjonsteori (Administrative Forms and Organization Theory), Tss. for Samfunnsforskning 12 (3), 1971: 231-255.


174 BECKMAN, Bjorn. "OmoFganisation av den regionala statliga forvaltningen" (Reorganization of Regional Government Administration). Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift 74(4), 1971: 379-383.

175 LUNDQVIST, Lennart. Miljovardsfdrvaltning och politisk struktur (Admintion and Political Structure). Uppsala, Verdandi & Stockholm, Prisma, 1971. 273 pp. (With an English Summary). Review by Mellbourn, Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift 74 (4), 1971: 393-399.

176 LUNDQUIST, Lennart & PETERSSON, Harry veds.). Byråkrati och demokrati. Problem kring den offentliga forvaltningen (Bureaucracy and Democracy. Problems of Public Administration). Lund, Studentlitteratur, 1971, 129 pp.

177 VINDE, Pierre. Swedish Government Administration. An Introduction. Stockholm: Prisma and Svenska Institutet, 1971, 92 pp.



178 KNUDSEN, Helge "Udenrigstjenester i ny skikkelse" (New look for diplomatic services), Fremtiden. International Orientering. 26 (7), 1971: 16-24.



179 KRARUP, Ole "Tjenestemænds ytringsfrihed" (Freedom of Speech for Civil Servants), Juristen, 53 (27), 1971: pp. 481-490 - and an answer by Lind, Mathalie, pp. 491-494.


181 JYRANKI, Antero and LITTUNEN, Yrjo and REPO, Eino S. Miten professoria tehdaån (How to Make a Professor.) Helsinki, Kustannusosakeyhtio Otava, 1971, 151 pp.

182 SARAVIITA, Ilkka. "Saivatko virkamiehet perustuslaissa turvatun tyotaisteluoikeuden" (Did the Officials in Civil-Service get a Secured Right to Labour Struggle in the Constitution) Lakimies 69 (7), 1971: 619-630.


183 HECKSCHER, Gunnar. "The Indian Civil Servant and Modern Politics". Scandinavian Political Studies 6,1971: 48-53.




184 ESPERSEN, Preben Kommunestyre og kommunedemokrati (Municipal Government and Municipal Democracy). København, (Arbejdernes plysningsforbund og Fremad) 1971, 210 pp.

185 HANSEN, Finn "Opgavefordelingen mellem staten og kommunerne" (The division of tasks between the State and the Municipal Authorities), Nordisk Administrativt Tidsskrift, 52 (1), 1971: pp. 38-59.

186 HARDER, Erik Dansk kommunalforvaltning. Kommunalbestyrelsen og dens udvalg. (Danish Municipal Administration. The Local Council and its Committees). København, Juristforbundet, 1970, 213 pp.


187 MODEEN, Tore. L'administration communale de la Finlande (Finland's Local Administration). Åbo, 1971, 10 pp. (Meddelanden från institutet for s samhållsforskning uppratthållet av statsvetenskapliga fakulteten vid Åbo Akademi, A: 60.)

Side 300

188 PYSTYNEN, Erkki. Padtoksenteko kunnallispolitiikassa (Making a Decision in Muncipal Politics). Tampere, 1971, 129 pp., mimeo. (Tampereen yliopisto. Kunnallistieteen laitoksen julkaisuja, 1971: 1).


189 KJELLBERG, Francesco ed. Kommunalpolitikk
(Local Politics). Oslo, Universitetsforlaget,


190 BARKFELDT, Bengt; BRANDSTROM, Dan; SIMM, Uno & ZANDERIN, Lars. Den kommunale s}dlvstyrelsen 3: Partierna nominerar (Municipal Self-Government 3: The Parties Nominate Candidates). Stockholm. Almqvist & Wiksell, 1971, 237 pp.

191 BIRGERSSON, Bengt-Owe; FORSELL, Harry; ODMARK, Torsten & STROMBERG, Lais. Dtn kommitnala sjalvstyrelsen 2: Medborgarna informeras (Municipal Self Government 2: The Citizens Are Informed). Stockholm, Almqvist & Wiksell, 1971. 252 pp.

192 GUNNARSON, Jan. "Kommunalforskningsgruppen undersoket Svenska Kommunforbundet" (The Municipal Research Group Investigales Svenska Kommunforbundet). Kommunal tidskrift 4 (11), 1971: 642-646.

193 GUNNMO, Alf. "Kommunal sjalvstyrelse - kommunal indelning" (Municipal Self-Government - Municipal Division). Stadsbyggnad 37 (3), 1971: 48-52.

194 GUSTAFSSON, Gunnel. "Tid och politik" (Time and Politics). Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift 74 (4), 1971: 384-392.

195 HAGGROTH, Soren. "Byalagsrorelsen i Stockholm 1968-1970" (The Neighborhood Community Movement in Stockholm, 1968-1970). Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift 74 (2), 1971: 93-113.

196 WESTERSTÅHL, Jorgen. Den kommunala sjdlvsty reisen l. Ett forskningsprogram (Municipal Self-Government: A Research Program). With contributions by Tore Dalenius and Olle Sjostrom. Stockholm, Almqvist & Wiksell, 1970. 99 pp. Review by Meyer, Poul. Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift 74 (2), 1971: 213-215.




197 EKLIN, Mikko. Oikeusnormin asetta-

minen yhteiskunnassa. Taloudelliseen toimintaan vaikuttavan oikeusnormin saatciminen funktionaalisesti tarkasteltuna (The Setting up of the Norm of Justice in the Community. The Passing of the Norm of Justice Affecting the Economical Action Functionally Studied). Diss., Helsinki. Porvoo-Helsinki, Werner Soderstrom Osakeyhtio, 1971, 152 pp. (Politiikan tutkimuksia, 11.)

198 ESKELINEN, Heikki and HUOVINEN, Pentti, eds. Tammivaalit (Background to the Parliamentary Elections in January 1972). Keuruu, Kustannusosakeyhtio Otava, 1971, 197 pp.

199 GLEDITSCH, Nils Petter, Åke HARTMANN & Jon NAUSTDALSLID "Mardølaaksjonen" (The Mardøla Case), Tss. for Samfunnsforskning 12(3), 1971: 177-210.

200 KORITZINSKY, Theo ed. Samfunnsfag og påvirkning (The Social Sciences and Influence). Oslo, Universitetsforlaget, 1971.

201 LAFFERTY, William Economic Development and the Response of Labor in Scandinavia. Oslo, Universitetsforlaget, 1971.

202 RUOTSALAINEN, Seppo. Sisiaaliturvapolitiikan vaikuttimet, perustelut ja kehityssuunnat marxilaisen yhteiskuntateorian valossa (The Impulses of the Social Security Politics, Grounds and Development Trends in the Light of Marxian Community Theory). Helsinki, 1971, 230 pp., mimeo. (Helsingin yliopisto, Sosiaalipolitiikan laitos, Tutkimuksia, 1971:7.)

203 SKOVMAND, Svend Fremtidens samfund (The Society of Tomorrow). København, (Gjellerup) 1971, 74 pp. (Horisont. Gjellerups orienteringshaefter, 24).

204 VAANANEN, Pekka. Poliittinen uudenaikaistuminen. Kåsiteanalyysi ja esimerkki kunnallispoliittisesta muutoksesta (Political Modernizing: A Conceptual Analysis and an Example of the Change in Local Politics). Diss., Turun yliopisto. Håmeenlinna, Arvi A. Karisto, 1971, 229 pp.


205 FOGELSTROM, Per Anders. Kampen for fred. Berdttelsen om en okdnd folkrorelse (The Struggle for Peace. The Story of an Unknown Popular Movement). Stockholm, Bonniers, 1971. 303 pp., 12 pi.

206 HELANDER, Voitto. Julkisyhteisdt vaikuttajina. Kuntien keskusjdrjestojeen valtion viranomaisiin kohdistama painostustoiminta Suomessa (Public Communities as Influential Fac

Side 301

tors. The Pressure Directed by the Central Organizations of the Local Districts to the State Officials in Finland). Diss., Turku. Hameenlinna, Arvi. A. Karisto, 1971, 167 pp.


207 Aftale om samarbejde og samarbejdsudvalg i virksomhederne. Indgået mellem Dansk Arbejdsgiverforening og Landsorganisationen i Danmark 2. oktober 1970. Vejledning og kommentarer (Agreement on cooperation and cooperation committees in industry). København 1971, 78 pp.

208 ELLEGÅRD, Knud Retfærdighed. D ASF lægger op til debat om det arbejdsretslige system. (Justice. DASF sets the stage for a debate on the system of Labour legislation). København (Dansk Arbejdsmands og Specialarbejder Forbund) 1971, 28 pp.

209 HYNYNEN, Pertti, ed. Lakko (Strike).
Helsinki, Kustannusosakeyhtio Tammi,
1971, 96 pp.

210 HAMALAINEN, Nilo. "Våhimmaispalkat ja ammattiyhdistysliike (Minimum Wages and Trade Union Movement). Aika 65 (1), 1971: 9-14.

211 LAUSTI, Tapani and BARLUND, Kaj. Palkat paketissa. Tyovdenliike tulopolitiikan kourissa. (Wages Packaged: Labour Movement Fallen into the Hands of Income Politics). Tapiola, Oy Weilin & Goos AB, 1971, 164 pp.

212 REINTOFT, Hanne Kapitalisme og reformismen i arbejderbevægelsen (Capitalism and the Reformism within the working class movement). København (Clarté, Marxistiske Studenter). 1970, 16 pp. (Marxistiske Hæfter).

213 SALOMAA, Erkki. Ammattiyhdistysliike tanddn (The Trade Union Movement Today). Oulu, Kansankulttuuri Oy, 1971, 192 pp.


214 LARSSON, Uno. Lantbrukarnas fo'reningsrorelse
(The Farmers' Movement).
Stockholm, LT, 1970, 159 pp.


215 HARMO, Maunu. Kielitaistelusta korkeakoulupolitiikkaan. Suomen Ylioppilaskuntine Liitto 1921—1971. From Language Struggle to the University Politics: The National Union of Finnish Students 1921-1971). Helsinki, Suomen Ylioppilaskuntien Liitto, 1971, 243 pp.

216 HART, Thomas G. The Dynamics oj
Revolution. A Cybernetic Theory of
the Dynamics of Modern Social Rev

olution with a Study of Ideological Change and Organizational Dynamics in the Chinese Revolution. Stockholm, 1971, xiii + 203 pp.

217 HYDÉN, Goran. Socialismens problem i Vastafrika (Problems of Socialism in West Africa). Stockholm, Raben & Sjogren 1970. 31 pp.

218 PLUM, Niels Munk Ekstraparlamentarisme? Hvorfor? Hvorhen? (Extraparliamentarism? Why? Where to?). København (Ejlers) 1971, 279 pp.

219 STRAUSS, Harlan J. "Student Activism & Radicalism: A Bibliographic Essay". Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift 74 (1), 1971: 34-49.


220 ABRAHAMSSON, Bengt. Military Professionalization
and Politics. Stockholm,
1971, 184 pp.



221 EIDHEIM, Harald Aspects of the Lap-

pish Minorities Situation. Oslo, Universitetsforlaget,

222 KV AM, Reidar. Den billige arbeidskraften. Fremmedarbeidere i Norge og EEC (Cheap Labour. Foreign Labour in Norway and the EEC). Oslo, Pax, 1971.

223 NORD, Lars. (Review of) "Tore Modeen, The International Protection of National Minorities in Europe". Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift 74 (4), 1971: 400-402.

224 WENZEL, Jørgen ed. The negro revolt.
København (Munksgaard) 1971, 56
pp. (Topics of Our lime, 1)



225 ANDERSEN, Carl Damsted, John MOLGAARD & Kaj BUCK (eds.) Samme vilkår. DASF udvalgsrapport om: Fremmedarbejderproblemet (Equal conditions. A DASF committee report on the problem of foreign workers). Dansk Arbejdsmands og Specialarbejder Førbund (1970). 20 pp.

226 KAUFMANN, Hanne Alle disse skæbner (Polsk-jødiske flygtninge i Danmark vinteren 1969-70) (All these Fates. Polish-Jewish Refugees in Denmark during the Winter of 1969-70). København Branner og Korch, 1970, 195 pp.

227 NIELSEN, Ove H. Fremmed i Danmark. (Foreigner in Denmark). (Udg. af) Lolland-Falsters Stiftsmuseum. 1970. 18 pp.

Side 302


228 HOÉM, Anton "Nasjonale skoler og etniske minoriteter. En sammenligning" (National Schools and Ethnic Minorities. A Comparative Study), Tss. for Samfunnsforskning 12 (3), 1971: 211-230.

229 MENDELSSOHN, Oskar jfjdenes historie i Norge gjennom 300 år. Bd. I (The History of the Jewish People in Norway through 300 Years. Vol. I). Oslo, Universitetsforlaget 1969, 690 pp.


300 ROKKAN, Stein "Immigranterna och det etablerade partisystem" (The Immigrants and the Established Party System), pp. 209-222 in D. Schwarz ed. Identitet och minoritet (Identity and Minority). Stockholm, Almqvist & Wiksell, 1971.

231 SCHWARZ, David. Svensk invandraroch minoritetspolitik 1945-1968 (Swedish Immigration and National Minorities Policies, 1945-1968) Stockholm, Prisma, 1971, 123 pp.


232 NORD, Lars. Jugoslaviens nationaliteter (The Nationalities of Yugoslavia). Stockholm, Raben & Sjcgren 1971. 31pp.




233 HANSEN, Vilfred Friborg "Mellempartiet. Et studium i partihistorie og partiorganisation" (The Middle Party. A study of the history and organization of a Party), Historie. Jyske Samlinger. Ny Række IX (3), 1971: 365— 385.

234 KAARSTED, Tage: Ove Rode som partipolitiker (Ove Rode as a. Party Politician). Institut for Presseforskning og Samtidshistorie, 1971, 2:63 pp.


235 ANCKAR, Dag. Partiopinioner och utrikespolitik. En studie av partipolitiska pressopinioner krinp ett antal handelser i Finlands utrikespolitik 1955-1963 (Party Opinions and Foreign Policy. A Study in Party Political Press Opinions in Some Questions in Finnish Foreign Policy). Diss., Åbo akademi. Abo, AB. Sydyestkusten, 1971, 357 pp. (Acta academiae aboensis, ser. A. Humaniora, vol. 41).

236 HELANDER, Voitto, ed. Vennamolaisuus
populistisena joukkoliikkeena (The
Finnish Rural Party's "Vennamoism'

as a Popular Mass Movement). Hameenlinna,
Arvi A. Karisto, 1971,
167 pp.

237 HYVONEN, Antti. SKPm maanalaiset vuodet (The Underground Years of Finnish Communist Party). Kuopio, Kansankulttuuri Oy, 1971, 330 pp.

238 JUSTANDER, Kalle, ed. Puolueet ja politiikka Ita-Suomessa (Parties and politics in Eastern Finland). Mikkeli, 1971, 114 pp., mimeo. (Ita-Suomen instituutin julkaisusarja, B:4).

239 ROMMI, Pirkko. "Presidentin vaali v. 1925 ja kokoomuspuolue" (The Presidential Election in 1925 and the Coalition Party). Historiallinen aikakauskirja 68 (1), 1971: 21-31.

240 SANKIAHO, Risto. "'Taistolaisuudesta' omaksi puolueeksi?" (From Hard Line Communism, "Taistoism", to the Own Party?). Politiikka 13 (3), 1971: 246-250.


241 LIPPONEN, Osmo. Ranskan puolueet 4. ja 5. tasavallassa (Parties in France in the 4th and sth Republics). Jyvaskylåå 1971, 158 pp., mimeo. (Jyvåskylan yliopisto, Yhteiskuntatieteen laitos, Julkaisuja, 10)


242 DAHL, Svein "Høyre og julikrisen i 1892" (The Conservatives and the July Crisis of 1892), Historisk Tidsskrift 50 (4), 1971: 355-404.

243 GABRIELSEN, Bjørn Vidar Menn og politikk. Senterpartiet 1920-1970 (Men and Politics. A History of the Agrarian Party 1920-1970). Oslo, Aschehoug, 1970, 222 pp.

244 LONELAND, Arne Kristelig Folkeparti blir til (The Formation of the Christian People's party), Oslo, Universitetsforlaget, 1971, 180 pp.

245 ØIDNE, Gabriel Sosialistisk Folkepartis valgnederlag" (The Socialist People's Party's Electoral Defeat), J«. for Samfunnsforskning 12 (4), 1971: 324-337.


246 KENNERSTROM, Bernt. "Språngningen av Sveriges Kommunistiska Parti" (The Disruption of the Communist Party of Sweden). Zenit 15 (23), 1971: 54-68.



247 HIMMELSTRAND, Ulf & LINDHAGEN, Jan. "The Rejected Status Seeker in Mass Politics: Fact and Fiction". Acta Sociologica 13 (4), 1971: 213-236.

Side 303

248 JOHANSSON, Sten. Politiska resurser. Om den vuxna befolkningens deltagande i de politiske beslutsprocesserna (Political Resources. On the Participation of the Adult Population in Political Decision-Making). Stockholm Allmånna forlaget, 1971, 148 pp.

249 MARTINUSSEN, Willy "Sosial lagdeling og politiske ressurser. Del 1: Politisk lagdeling" (Social Stratification and Political Resources. Part 1: Political Stratification), Tss. for Samfunnsforskning forskning 12 (4), 1971: 271-87.

250 SUHONEN, Pertti. Secondary Political Choice. Some empirical examples. Tampere, 1971, 10 pp., mimeo. (Tampereen yliopiston tutkimuslaitos, Tutkimuksia, B:15.)


251 ALLARDT, Erik. "Culture, Structure and Revolutionary Ideologies". International Journal of Comparative Sociology 12 (1), 1971: 24-40.

252 ALLARDT, Erik. Work and Political Behavior. Helsinki, 1971, 30 pp., mimeo. (Helsingin yliopiston sosiologian laitoksen tutkimuksia, 159).

253 BLOM, Raimo. "Suomalaisten yhteiskuntakasitykset" (The Finnish Conceptions of Society). Politiikka 13 (3), 1971: 207-235.

254 ESKOLA, Antti. Party Preference and Anti-Democratic Attitudes. Tampere, 1971, 9 pp., mimeo. (University of Tampere, Institute of Social Psycholo" gy, Research report, 1.)

255 ESKOLA, Antti. The Economic Background of Political Radicalism. Tampere, 1971, 11 pp., mimeo. (University of Tampere, Institute of Social Psychology, Research report, 2.)

256 HAATANEN, Pekka and VAHATALO, Kari. N aisten ja miesten yritysdemokratia-asenteet (The Attitudes of Women and Men toward Enterprise Democracy). Helsinki, 1971, 40 pp., mimeo. (Helsingin yliopisto, Sosiaalipolitiikan laitos, Tutkimuksia 1971:8.)

257 HAATANEN, Pekka and VAHATALO, Kari. Yritysdemokratia-asenteet ja poliittinen kanta (Enterprise Democracy Attitudes and the Political Viewpoint). Helsinki, 1971, 51 pp., mimeo. (Helsingin yliopisto, Sosiaalipolitiikan laitos, Tutkimuksia 1971:6.)

258 HYVAMAKI, Lauri. Sinista ja mustaa. Tutkielmia Suomen oikeistoradikalismista (Blue and Black: A study of Finland's Rightwing Radicalism). Hel

sinki, Kustannusosakeyhtio Otava,
1971, 282 pp.

259 KANSI, Pekka and KARKAINEN, Kari. Turvallisuuspoliittisia mielipiteitd 1971 (Security Political Opinions in 1971). Helsinki 1971, 40 pp., mimeo. (Henkinen maanpuolustus. Tutkimussarja, 8).

260 LEIMU, Heikki and KARKKAINEN, Kan. Nakokohtia tiedon tasjon vaikutuksesta turvallisuuspoliittisiin asenteisiin (Points of View of the Influence of the Level of Knowledge on Security Political Attitudes). Helsinki, 1971, 43 pp., mimeo. (Henkinen maanpuolustus, Tutkimussarja, 7.)

261 LINDHOLM, Stig. The Image of the Developing Countries. An Inquiry into Swedish Public Opinion. Stockholm, Almqvist & Wiksell, 1971. 100 pp.

262 MARTINUSSEN, Willy "Political Awareness and the Distribution of Other Social Resources", Scandinavian Political Studies 1971:6, 153-70.

263 MATHESON, David K. "Aarioikeistoliikkeiden kannatuksen sosiaalista taustaa koskevat tutkimukset - kriittinen tarkastelu" (Studies of the Social Basis of Support for the Radical Right: A Critique). Politiikka 13 (3), 1971: 195-206.

264 NIRHAMO, Jorma. "Luokkatietoisuus kapitalistisessa yhteiskunnassa" (Class Awareness in Capitalist Society). Kommunisti 27 (8), 1971: 389-393.

265 PELTONEN, Veikko. Turvallisuuspoliittisten mielipiteiden alueelliset erot Suomessa (The Local Differences of Opinion in Security Politics). Helsinki, 1971, 30 pp., mimeo. (Henkinen maanpuolustus Tutkimussarja, 6.)v

266 PERKO, Touko. Aseveljen kuva. Suhtautuminen Saksaan jatkosodan Suomessa 1941-1944 (The Portrait of the Military Brother: Attitude to Germany in Finland during the War 1941-1944). Diss. Helsinki. Porvoo, Werner Soderstrom Osakeyhtio, 1971, 257 pp.

267 REDDER, K. W. & TONSGAARD, Ole: "Saliency and Political Attitudes", Scandinavian Political Studies, 1971:6, pp. 183-191.

268 TEGLERS, Hans Edvard Det anonyme Danmark. Rapport om det tavse flertal (Anonymous Denmark. A Report on the Silent Majority). København, (Forum) 1971, 144 pp.

269 TOIVONEN, Timo. Yhteiskunnallisen aseman kiteytyneisyyden vaikutus puoluekantaan Suomessa (The Influence of Crystallization of Social Position on the Party Standpoint in Finland). Turku 1971, 13 pp., mimeo.

Side 304

(Turun yliopiston sosiologian laitos,
Julkaisuja, 39.)


270 FIELD, G. Lowell & HIG LEY, John "Elite-konsensus i et utviklet politisk samfunn" (Elite Consensus in a Developed Political Society), Tus. for Samjunnsjorskning 12(1), 1971: 1-28.

271 KALELA, Aira. "Aatteellisten kansalaisjajestojen ulkopoliittisut funktiot: Jarjestojen funktionaalisen jaon vaikutusista johtajiston rekrytointiin" (The Foreign Policy Functions of Ideological Voluntary Organizations. A Study of Organizations and Recruitment of Their Leaders in Finland). Politiikka 13 (4), 1971: 307-327.

272 KJELLBERG, Francesco & Audun OFFERDAL "Politisk rekruttering. Nominasjoner ved kommunevalg" (Political Recruitment. Nominations for Local Elections), Tss. for Samfunnsforskning 12 (4), 1971: 299-323.

273 LEWIN, Leif. Folket och eliterna (The People and the Elites). Stockholm, Almqvist & Wiksell, 1970. 252 pp. Review by Hågård, Birger. "Elit och massa" (Elite and Mass). Svensk tidskrift 58 (4), 1971: 206-213. Review by Torgersen, Ulf. Statsvetenskaplig Tidskrift 74 (1), 1971: 80-84.



274 ANCKAR, Dag. Valkampat.j och personpropaganda kring de personliga valannonserna i Hufvudstadsbladet fore 1970 års riksdagsva! (Election Campaign and Propaganda of Persons in Personal Election Advertisements in Hufvudstadsbladet before Parliamentary Elections). Åbo, 1971, 40pp., mimeo. (Meddelanden från institutet for samhallsforskning uppriitthållet av statsvetenskapliga fakulteten vid Åbo Akademi, B:3.)

275 BORG, Olavi, HALME, Outi and RUOKONEN, Mirja. Helmikuun vaalirallit Hdmeen pohjoisessa vaalipiirissa 1970. Observointitutkimus yhteisostd, puolue-edustajista, puheenjohtajista ja kdydysta keskustelusta (February's Election Campaign Rallies in Hame's northern Electoral District in 1970: An Observation Research on the Community, Party Representatives, Chairmen and the Discussion). Tampere 1971, 40 pp., mimeo. (Tampereen yliopiston tutkimuslaitos, D.43.)

276 NOUSIAINEN, Jaakko. Poliittlsen propagandan tutkimuksen ongelmia (Problems of Study in Political Propaganda). Turku, 1971, 30 pp., mimeo. (Turun yliopiston valtio-opin laitos, Tutkimuksia, C:14.)

277 RAINIO, Kullervo. Informaatiosota ja vapaa ihminen (Information War and Free Man). Porvoo, Werner Soderstrom Osakeyhtio, 1971, 75 pp.

278 SVENSSON, Christina. "Partipolitisk annonsering infor 1970 års val" (Party Advertising in the 1970 Elections). Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift 74 (3), 1971: 295-298.


279 AHMAVAARA, Yrjo and MINKKINEN, Sirkka and NORDENSTRENG, Kaarle and ... Joukkotiedotus yhteiskunnassa. Johdatusjoukkotiedotuskasvatukseen (Mass communication in Society: Introduction to Mass communication Education). Helsinki, Kustannusosakeyhtio Tammi, 1971, 247 pp.

280 ANCKAR, Dag. Landsortspress och lokalt ledarmaterial. Några empiriska ron (Country, Press and Local Leader Material: Some Empirical Observations). Åbo, 1971, 14 pp. (Meddelanden från institutet for samhallsforskning uppråtthållet av statsvetenskapliga fakulteten vid Åbo akademi, A: 62.)

281 BJORKMAN, Susanne & BOTHORP, Helena. "Utrikesinformation i TVnytt" (Information on Foreign Affairs in the Television News). Sociologisk Forskning 8 (1) 1971: 41-54.

282 BOUGHT, Birgitta and RAND, Max. Tyotaistelujen kdsittelystd yleisradiossa (On Dealing with Labour Struggles on the Finnish Broadcasting Corporation). Helsinki, 1971, 21 pp., mimeo. (Yleisradio, PTS-elin, C:l.)

283 BRUUN, Kettil and KNEKT, Ove and ROTKIRCH, Kristina, eds. Hufvudstadsbladet. Partilds partitidning (Hufvudstadsbladet. Impartial Party Paper). Helsingfors, Kustannusosakheytio Tammi, 1971, 172 pp.

284 HADENIUS, Stig. Nyheter från TT. Studier i 50 års nyhetsformedling (News from TT. Studies in 50 Years of News Distribution). Stockholm, Bonniers, 1971. 239 pp., 4 pi.

285 HADENIUS, Stig & WEIBULL, Lennart: Press, radio, TV. En bok om massmedia i dagens samhdlle (Press, Radio, Television: A Book about Mass Media in Contemporary Society). Stockholm, Aldus/Bonnier, 1970, 329pp.

Side 305

286 HEMANUS, Pertti. "Development
Trends in the Scandinavian Press".
Gazette 17 (1-2), 1971: 1-5.

287 HEMANUS, Pertti. "Massmediaforskningen i Finland" (Mass Media Research in Finland). Statsvetenskaplig Udskrift 74 (3), 1971: 280-290.

288 HAIKIO, Martti and TORMA, Leena. Puoluelehdet ja EEC (Political Newspapers and EEC). Helsinki, 1971, 10 pp., mimeo. (INFO. Ulkopoliittisen instituutin monistesarja, 22.)

289 KRONVALL, Kai et al. Partipressen
idag (Party Press Today). Lund, Studentlitteratur,
1971, 184 pp.

290 LINDBLAD, Ingemar. "Något om styrning av programverksamheten" (On Steering of Program-Setting in Radio and Television). Sveriges Radios Arbok 1971, pp. 17-28.

291 RIEPULA, Esko. "Lehdiston suhtautuminen 50-vuotiaaseen hallitusmuotoomme" (The Attitude of the Press to our 50-year old Constitution). Politiikka 13 (3), 1971: 251-256.

292 RØMER, Harald "Valgkampen 1971 - et eksempel på TV-påvirkning" (The Election Campaign 1971 — an example of the influence of television). Økonomi og Politik. 45 (3), 1971: 269-279.

293 SANDE, Øystein "The Perception of
Foreign News", Journal of Peace Research
8 (3-4), 1971: 221-238.

294 JSTROMBERG, Lars. "Kommunala frågor i dagspressen infor 1970 års val" (Municipal Issues in the 1970 Pre Campaign). Kommunal Tidskrift 4 (5) 1971: 288-393.

295 SUHONEN, Pertti. Yleisradion ohjelmat ja yleison muuttuneet mielipiteet (The Programs of the Finnish Broadcasting Corporation and the Changed Opinions of the Public). Tampere, 1971, 24 pp., mimeo. (Tampereen yliopiston tutkimuslaitos, D:44.)

296 SVENNING, 80. "Den kommunala sjålvstyrelsen som forskningsobjekt" (Municipal Self-Government as Field of Research). Landstingens tidskrift, 58 (6), 1971: 20-21.

297 WERNER, Anita "Flytteønsker blant barn i Finnmark før og etter innføringen av fjernsyn" (Finnmark Children's Desires to Move Before and After the Introduction of Television), Tss. for Samfunnsforskning 12 (2), 1971: 123-148.

298 WESTERSTÅHL, Jorgen. LKAB-konflikten i Radio/TVoch dagspress (The LKAB-Conflict in Radio/Television and Daily Press). Goteborg, Statsvetenskapliga institutionen, 1971. l-i-37 -18 pp.

299 WHO, Osmo A. Yleiso ja yleisradio (The Public and the Finnish Broadcasting Corporation). Helsinki, Weilin&G66s, 1971, 160pp.



300 BENTZON, Karl Henrik "En kildekritisk analyse af den danske valgstatistik" (A critical evaluation of Danish election statistics as historical evidence). Politica, Tidsskrift for Politisk Videnskab. 4 (4), 1971: 43-54.



301 BORRE, Ole T. STEHOUWER, Jan: Fire folketingsvalg 1960-68. (Four Parliamentary Elections 1960-68). Akademisk Boghandel, Århus, 1970, 256 pp. (Økologiske Undersøgelser af Dansk Vælgeradfærd, 2).

302 KAARSTED, Tage ed. Kilder til valget og regeringsdannelsen 1968 (Sources to the Election and the Formation of the Government 1968). København (Gyldendal) 1971, 94 pp. (Historie og Samfund/Kilder og Tal)


303 GRIMSSON, Olaf ur "Iceland: Recent
Althingi Elections", Scandinavian Political
Studies 1971:6, 195-200.


304 CONVERSE, Philip & VALEN, Henry "Dimensions of Cleavage and Perceived Party Distances in Norwegian Voting", Scandinavian Political Studies 1971:6, 107-152.


305 FORSELL, Harry. "The Elections in Sweden in September 1970. Politics in a Multi-Level Election". Scandinavian Political Studies 6, 1971: 201-211.

United States of America

306 BERGQUIST, Mats. "Amerikanska mellanval: Moralisk seger for demokraterna" (American Mid-Term Elections: Moral Victory for the Democrats). Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift 74 (1), 1971: 21-34.



307 AROSALO, Uolevi. "East-West Trade as a Potential Indicator of International Tension". Instant Research on Peace and Violence (3), 1971: 120-125.

Side 306

308 AROSALO, Uolevi. "Peliteoria ja kansainvåliset liittoutumat: må Hin ja empirian vertailua" (Game Theory and International Alliances: A Model and its Empirical Validity). Pclitiikka 13 (2), 1971: 115-128.

309 BJØL, Erling "Imperialismen i Århus" (Imperialism in Århus) Politico, Tidsskrift for Politisk Videnskab 4 (3), 1971: 54-62.

310 CHRISTENSEN, Erik "Erling Bjøls opgør med Lenins imperialismeteori — en kamp med vejrmøller" (Erling Bjøl's critique of Lenin's Theory om Imperialism - a battle with Windmills), Politico Tidsskrift for Politisk Videnskab, 4 (1-2), 1971: 84-107.

311 DAMGAARD PETERSEN, Ib Handlingsparametre i udenrigspolitiske beslutningsprocesser (Parameters of action in foreign policy decision-making processes). København (Københavns Universitets Fond til Tilvejebringelse af Læremidler, Gad) 1971, 48 pp. (Københavns Universitets Institut for Samtidshistorie og Statskundskab. Lærebøger og Kompendier. 10).

312 EIDE, Kjell "Note on Galtung's Concept
of Violence", Journal oj Peace
Research 1971:1, p. 71.

313 GALTUNG, Johan "A Structural Theory
of Imperialism", Journal of Peace
Research 8 (2), 1971: 81-118.

314 GALTUNG, Johan & HOIVIK, Tord "Structural and Direct Violence", Journal of Peace Research 1971:1, 73-76.

315 GOLDMANN, Kjell. Bipolarisation och spanning i internationella system (Bipolarization and Tension m International Systems). Stockholm, Raben & Sjogren, 1971, 44 pp.

316 GOLDMANN, Kjell. International Norms and War between States. Three Studies in International Relations. Stockholm, Laromedelsforlagen, 1971. viii + 368 pp.

317 HARLE, Vilho. "International Data Sources: are they Reliable?" Instant Research on Peace and Violence (2), 1971: 64-76.

318 H ÅRLE, Vilho. "Konflikt itilanteiden symmetrisyys — Asummetrisyys ja konfliktispiraalit (The Symmetry of Conflict Situations - Asymmetry and the Conflict Spirals). Politiikka 13 (4), 1971: 366-388.

319 KALELA, Jaakko. "Detente ;ind Peace".
Instant Research on Peace and Violence
(3), 1971: 110-119.

320 VAYRYNEN, Raimo. "Kansainvalisen
politiikan rakenteellisen teorian peruskasitteita"
(Fundamental Concepts

of the Structural Theory in International
Politics). Politiikka 13 (1),1971:

321 WALLENSTEEN, Peter. Ekonomiskn sanktioner (Economic Sanctions). Stockholm. Prisma, 1971. 202 pp. Review by Wiberg, Håkan. Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift 74 (4), 1971: 404-406.



322 MODEEN, Tore. The Deposit and Registration of Treaties of International Organizations. Possible application of the Rules of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties. Åbo, 1971, 19 pp. (Acta academiae Aboensis, A: 39:3)


323 ILVESSALO, Jaakko. Poliittinen YK. Kaksi ja puoli muuttumisen jamukautumisen vuosikymmentd (The Political UN. Two and a Half Decades of Change and Readjustment). Helsinki, Kustannusosakeyhtio Tammi, 1971, 186 pp.

324 SØILEN, Oddmund. "FN och imperialismen"
(The U.N. and Imperialism).
Ord och Bild 80 (2), 1971: 77-85.


325 KELLGREN, Nils. ILO och sysselsattningen i u-landerna (ILO and Employment in Developing Countries) Stockholm, Raben & Sjogren, 1971, 32pp.

326 RASMUSSEN, Steen B. "Strukturfunktionalismens anvendelse i international politik belyst ved et studie af Verdensbanken" (The use of Structural-Functional Analysis in International Politics Illustrated by a Study of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development), konomi og Politik. 45 (3), 1971: 280-288.



327 BERG, Ole "Security Policy Considerations",
Co-operation & Conflict 6
(1), 1971: 31-37.

328 HOLM, Berit ed. Ikke-vold & revolusjon
(Non-Violence & Revolution).
Oslo, Pax, 1971.

Side 307

329 "Europeiske sikkerhetsproblemer" (European Security Problems), International Politikk 1971: 2-3, 145-304. Includes such articles as: Johan J. HOLST "Europeisk sikkerhet og rustningskontroll: Den politiske kontekst" (European Security and Arms Control: The Political Context), pp. 147 -63. John Kristen SKOGAN "Sikkerhetssituasjonen i Nord-Europa" (The Security Situation in Northern Europe), pp. 238-64. among others plus 40 pages of military communiques from NATO and Warsaw Pact meetings concerning European security problems, the German-Soviet and German-Polish treaties, and some excerpts from recent speeches by Soviet leaders.

330 HOLST, Johan Jørgen "The Soviet Union and Nordic Security", Co-operation & Conflict 6 (3-4), 1971: 137-45.

331 ORVIK, Nils Alternativer for sikkerhet
(Security Alternatives). Oslo, E. Mortensens
forlag, 1971, 268 pp.


332 Beretning til Nedrustningsministeren om Nedrustningsudvalgets virksomhed og den internationale udvikling med hensyn til nedrustning Arg. 1970. (Report to the Minister of Disarmament on the Activities of the Committee on Disarmament and the International Development concerning Disarmament). København, (Udenrigsministeriet) 1971, 191 pp.

333 HEURLIN, Bertel ed. Nedrustning (Disarmament). København (Gyldendal) 1970. 183 pp. (UNESCO Orienteringsserie) (Kildesamling).

334 LARSEN, Knud, BERG, Jacques & HEURLIN, Bertel Internationale N'edrustnings'ed- forhandlinger I—11. (International Disarmament Negotiations.) København, Institut for Samtidshistorie og Statskundskab, 1971, 166 + 207 pp.


335 CASTREN, Erik. "Kansainvålinen oikeus"
(International Law). Aika 65
(7), 1971: 400-409.

336 SØRENSEN, Max Folkeret. Nogle hovedproblemer i det internationale retssystem (International Law. Some major problems in the international legal system). København (Berlingske) 1971, 167 pp. (Berlingske Leksikonbibliotek 55).


337 ALBERTSEN, Niels "Det ulige bytte" (The Unequal Exchange), Politico, Tidsskrift for Politisk Videnskab, 4 (1-2) 1971: 1-30.

338 ARNFRED, Niels "Pearson-rapporten - de rige landes udviklingsmanifest" (The Pearson Report — the Development Manifests of the Rich Countries). Politico, Tidsskrift for Politisk Videnskab, 4 (1-2), 1971: 60-83.

339 BOSERUP, Ester Woman's role in economic
development. London (Allen
and Unwin) 1970, 283 pp.

340 FISKVIK, Kjell "Nordic Aid and the Politics of Inequality. Some Comments to Per Olav Reinton", Co-operation & Conflict 6 (1), 1971: 59-61.

341 GOLDSCHMIDT, Verner et. al. Dansk frivilligbistand. En analyse af målsætninger og praksis. Vol. 1. (Danish voluntary aid. An analysis of goals and practice). Nyt fra Samfundsvidenskaberne 1971, 237 pp.

342 MYRDAL, Gunnar. The Challenge of World Poverty. New York, Pantheon Books, 1970. 518 pp. Review by Kihlberg, Mats. Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift 74 (4), 1971: 402-404.

343 RASMUSSEN, Jørgen "Kort litteraturoversigt over marxistisk teori om udviklingspolitik" (A short review of the literature on Marxist theory on the Politics of Development), Politico, Tidsskrift for Politisk Videnskab, 4 (1-2) 1971: 31-59.

344 TOUSTRUP, Guri ed. Bliver udviklingsbistanden bedre? Uddrag af debatten om Betænkning nr. 565: Danmarks samarbejde med udviklingslandene (Is development aid improving?). Mellemfolkeligt Samarbejde, 1971, 42 s.


345 HANEVOLD, Truls. "Inspection in
Antarctica", Co-operation & Conflict
6 (2), 1971: 105-113.

346 HANEVOLD, Truls "The Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meetings — Form and Procedure", C o-operation & Conflict 6 (3-4), 1971: 183-199.


347 ANGELL, Valter "Det økonomiske fellesskap og Rest-EFTA" (The Commin Market and "Rest-EFTA"), International Politikk 1971:4, 309-329.

Side 308

348 ANGELL, Valter "Mot en jkonomisk og monetær union" (Towar s an Economic and Monetary Unii'n), Internasjonal Politikk 1971:1, 2(..-39.

349 BARFOD, Gustav "Europa bliver større" (Europe grows bigger), Fremtiden. International Orientering. 26(5), 1971: pp. 16-25.

350 BARFOD, Gustav Status i Fællesmarkedet (Status in the Commo:i Market). Det Danske Forlag, 1971, 325. (Udenrigspolitiske Skrifter 9:3).

351 BELLING, Arne "Domstolskontrol med medlemsstaters opfyldelse z.f forpligtelser i medfør af Traktaten om oprettelse af Det europæiske økonomiske Fællesskab" (Judicial Control of Memberstate Compliance with the Treaty Establishing the European Economic Community), Juristen, 53 (25), 1971: pp. 427-434.

352 BRUNDTLAND, Arne Olav "Sikkerhetspolitiske aspekter ved do nordiske lands EEC-politikk" (Security Policy Aspects of the Nordic Countries' EEC Policy), Internasjonal Politikk 1971:1, 92-109.

353 BARLUND,Kaj,eJ. Miksi ei EEC:hen? (Why not to join EEC?). Helsinki, Kustannusosakeyhtio Otava, 1971, 107 pp.

354 CHRISTENSEN, Jørgen Grønnegård "Integrationens indflydelse på de nationale administrative struklurer i De europæiske Fællesskaber" (The Organizational Impact of Euro pean Integration upon National Administrative Structures), with a summary in English. Nordisk Administrativt Tidsskrift 1971:3, 17-38.

355 "EEC og Middelhavsregionun" (The EEC and the Mediterranean Area), Internasjonal Politikk 1971:5-6, 391 -535. Includes such articles as: Daniel HERADSTVEIT "EEC: og Middelhavsregionen" (The EEC and the Mediterranean Area), pp. 398—417. Gunnar STAVE "Utviklingsnivået i Middelhavslanda" (Levels of Development in the Mediterranean Countries), pp. 448-68. Anders KJOLBERG "EEC og oljen i Middelhavsregionen" (The EEC and the Oil in the Mediterranean Area), 469-89 among others.

356 LØVÅS, Svein "EEC's økonomiske konsekvenser — virkninger på handelsmønsteret i Vest-Europa" (The Economic Consequences of the EEC — Effects on Trading Patterns in Western Europe), Internasjonal Politikk 1971:4, 350-365.

357 NEVAKIVI, Jukka. "Suomen kysymus
Kansainliitossa joulukuussa 1939"
(The Question of Finland in the Lea

gue of Nations in December 1939).
Historiallinen aikakauskirja 68 (4),
1971: 323-338.

358 NIELSON, Gunnar P. "The Nordic and the Communist European Dimensions in Scandinavian Integration: NORDEK as a Case Study", Cooperation & Conflict 6 (3-4), 1971: 173-181.

359 NIELSEN, Terkel T. "Aspects of the EEC Influence of European Groups in the Decision-Making Processes: The Common Agricultural Policy". Government and Opposition. 6 (4), Autumn 1970: 539-558.

360 SCHERBAKOFF, Antti. SEV-maiden tarkeimmat taloudelliset ja tieteellistekniset yhteistoimintajdrjestot. Katsaus rakenteeseen ja toimintamuotoihin (The Most Important Economical and Scientific-Technical Co-operative Organizations of the SEV-Countries. A Survey of the Structure and of the Forms of Action). Helsinki, 1971, 45 pp., mimeo. (Neuvostliittoinstituutin julkaisusarja, B:10.)

361 SOMMERFELT, Søren Chr. "Den nordiske delegasjon i Kennedy-runden" (The Nordic Delegation to the Kennedy-Round Talks), Internasjonal Politikk 1971:1, 110-122.

362 STØRE, Thor "Industripolitikken i EEC" (The Industrial Policy of the EEC), Internasjonal Politikk 1971:1, 40-59.

363 Ti innlegg om EEC (Ten Contributions to the Common Market Debate), Oslo, Universitetsforlaget, 1971, 168 s. Includes articles by: Helge HVEEM, Fritz HOLTE, T. HØIVIK, Nils P. GLEDITSCH, Arne NÆSS and Knut FRYDENLUND.

364 TUOMIOJA, Arkki. Suomi ja EEC
(Finland and EEC). Jyvaskyla, Gummerus,
1971, 165 pp.



365 BJØL, Erling "The Small in International Politics", in A. Schou and A. O. Brundtland: Small States in International Relations. Nobel Symposium 17, Stockholm 1971.

366 CHRISTMAS-MØLLER, Wilhelm "De små stater: Sokraterne i international politik?" (The small states: The Socratics of International Politics?), Økonomi og Politik. 44 (4), 1970: 380-393.

367 HOLBRAAD, Carsten "The Role of
Middle Powers", Co-operation &
Conflict 6 (2), 1971,77-90.

368 HUOPANIEMI, Jukka. The Roles on
Non-Alliance. Helsinki, 1971, 85 pp.,

Side 309

mimeo. (Helsingin yliopiston valtioopin
laitoksen tutkimuksia, 23.)

369 JERVAS, Gunnar. "Supermaktpolitikens drivkrafter — imperialism eller såkerhet" (Motive Power of Super Power Politics - Imperialism or Security). Liberal debatt 23 (4-5), 1971: 5-12.

370 LINKALA, Pekka. Asiantuntija-arvion soveltaminen kansainvdlisen politiikan ennustamiseen. Suppea empiiren tutkimus (The Application of Expert Estimate in Predicting International Politics: A Concise Empirical Research). Tampere, 1971, 69 pp., mimeo. (Tampere Yliopisto Politiikan tutkimuksen laitos, Tutkimuksia, 19).

371 PETERSSON, Hans F. "Varldsproblem '70. Inledning" (World Problems '70: Introduction), in Haellquist, Karl R. et al. Vdrldsproblem '70, pp. 7-11.

372 NIITEMAA, Vilho, ed. Suursodat ja niiden seurausilmiot (Big Wars and their Consequences). Porvoo, Werner Soderstrom Osakeyhtio, 1971, 195 pp.

373 SCHOU, A. & Arne O. BRUNDTLAND eds. Small States in International Relations. Stockholm, Almquist AWiksell, 1971,250pp.

374 SIRKKA, Satu. "Foreign Aid, Investments and Economic Growth: Doctrines and Practice". Instant Research on Peace and Violence (1), 1971: 22-29.

375 SULEVO, Kari. "Aseeton vastarinta ja maanpuolustus" (Unarmed Resistance and the Defense of the Country). Politiikka 13 (4), 1971: 355-366.

376 WALLENSTEEN, Peter. "Imperialism och interaktion: två sått att studera handel i internationella relationer" (Imperialism and Interaction: Two Approaches to the Study of International Trade). Politiikka 13 (2), 1971:

377 VANHANEN, Tatu. Dependence of Power on Resources. A Comparative Study of 114 States in the 1960'5. Vol. 1-2. Jyvåskylå 1971, 371 pp., mimeo. (Jyvåskylan yliopisto, Yhteiskuntatieteen laitos, Julkaisuja, 11.)

378 VAYRYNEN, Raimo and AROSALO, Uolevi. "Some Social Correlates of the Production of Strategic Metals." Instant Research on Peace and Violence (2), 1971: 39-63.


379 DAHL, Hans Fredrik Norge mellom krigene. Det norske samfunnet i krise og konflikt 1918-1940 (Norway in the Inter-War Period. Norwegian Society in Crisis and Conflict 1918-1940). Oslo, Pax, 1971.

380 ESKOLA, Seikko. Kreikka, Englanti ja Yhdysvallat 1944-1953 (Greece, England and the USA between 1944 and 1953). Tampere 1971, 290 pp., mimeo. (Tampereen yliopisto, Historian laitos, Monistesarja A:3).

381 GRIMNES, Ole Kristian Et flyktningesamfunn vokser frem. Nordmenn i Sverige 1940-1945 (The Formation of a Refugee Society. Norwegians in Sweden 1940-1945). Oslo, Aschehoug, 1969.

382 KALELA, Jorma. Grannar på skiida vdgar. Det finldndsk-svenska samarbetet i den finldndska och svenska utrikespolitiken 1921-1923 (Neighbours on Separate Roads. The Finnish Co-operation in the Foreign Politics during the Years 1921-1923). Diss., Helsingfors universitet. Borgå, Suomen Historiallinen Seura 1971, 313 pp. (Historiallisia tutkimuksia, 84).

383 KALELA, Jorma. "Nåkokohtia pohjoismaisesta yhteistyostå Suomen ulkipolitiikassa maailmansotien vålisena aikana (Points of View about the Northern Co-operation in Finland's Foreign Politics between the World Wars). Historiallinen aikakauskirja 68 (3), 1971:231-244.

384 KORHONEN, Keijo. Suomi neuvostodiplomatiassa Tartosta talvisotaan, vol. 2: 1933-1939. Turvallisuuden pettdessd (Finland in the Soviet Diplomacy from Tarto to Winter War, Vol. 2: 1933-1939. When the Security betrays). Helsinki, Kustannusosakeyhtio Tammi, 1971, 224 pp.

385 POULSEN, Henning Besættelsesmagten og de danske nazister. Det politiske forhold mellem tyske myndigheder og nazistiske kredse i Danmark 1940-43 (The Occupational Power and the Danish Nazis). København (Gyldendal) 1970, 499 pp. (DNH's Studier i Besættelsestiden).

386 POLVINEN, Tuomo. Venåjdn vallankumous ja Suomi 1917-1920 osa 2. Toukokuu 1918 - Joulukuu 1920 (The Russian Revolution and Finland 1917-1920 Vol. 2. May 1918 - December 1920). Porvoo, Werner Soderstrom Osakeyhitio, 1971, 320 pp.

387 SKOD VIN, Magne Norden eller NATO? (Nordic Co-operation or NATO?). Oslo, Universitetsforlaget, 1971, 355 pp.

388 THURÉN, Torsten. Kallt krig och fredlig samexistens. Stormaktspolitiken 1945-1970). (Cold War and Peaceful Coexistence. Big Power Politics, 1945-1970). Stockholm, Laromedelsforlagen, 1971. viii + 260 pp.

Side 310

389 TROMMER, Aage Jernbanesabotagen i Danmark under den anden verdenskrig. En krigshistorisk undersøgelse (Railway sabotage in Denmark during the Second World War). With Jin English summary. Odense (Universitetsforlaget) 1971, 323 pp. (Odense University Studies in History and Social Sciences, 3).

390 VEDUNG, Evert Unionsdebatten 1905 (The Debate on the Dissolution of the Union in 1905). Stockholm. Almquist &Wiksell, 1971.

391 VEHVILAINEN, Olli. Eine Front wider Hitler? Das Dritte Reich und die Entstehung des franzosisch — sowjetischen Beistandsabkommens 1934— 1935. Tampere, 1971, 186 pp., mimeo. (Tampereen yliopisti, Historian laitos, Monistesarja, A:2.)

392 WESTERGÅRD ANDERSEN, Harald ed. Politik trods håndjern Kilder til belysning af truslerne mod folkestyret i Danmark sommeren 1940. (Politics in spite of handcuffs. Sources to illustrate the threats against democracy in Denmark during the summer of 1940) Gyldendal, 1971 -- 133 s. ill. (Linielæsning/Historie).



393 ADSTOFTE, Flemming "Hvis dansk forsvar skal have mening -" (If Danish defence shall make sense), Fremtiden. International Orientering. 26 (4) 1971: 30-34.

394 Consular meeting in Denmark June 1970. Published by the Press- and Information Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. København 1970, 62 pp.

395 FEDERSPIEL, Per "Danmark må ikke blive indadvendt" (Denmark must not become inward looking), Fremtiden. International Orientering. 26 (5), 1971: 12-15.

396 FEDERSPIEL, Per: "Udenrigsnævnets rolle i dansk udenrigspolitik" (The role of the Danish parliamentary committee on foreign policy), Fremtiden. International Orientering. 26 (7), 1971: 8-11.

397 HÆKKERUP, Per "Følgerne for Danmark af medlemskab af EF" (Consequences for Denmark of membership of EEC), Fremtiden. International Orientering, 26 (5), 1971: 8-11.

398 KJOLSEN, Klaus The Foreign Service
of Denmark* 1770-1970 (Also published
as: Danemarks Auswdrtig

Dienst 1770-1970 and Le service des Affaires ét rangeres danois 1770— 1970. København (Udenrigsministeriets Presse- og Informationsafdeling). 1971. 42 pp.

399 RØNNE, Torben "Udenrigstjenesten og den udenrigspolitiske beslutningsproces" (The Diplomatic Service and the foreign policy decision-making process), Fremtiden. International Orientering. 26 (7) 1971: 12-15.

400 SIESBY, Erik "EF og Danmarks grundlov" (EEC and the Danish Constitution), Juristen, 53 (25), 1971: 414-427.

401 SVENNINGSEN, Niels "Danmarks status efter 9. april 1940 og dr. P. Munchs politik". (The Status of Denmark after the 9th of April 1940 and the politics of Dr. P. Munch), Historisk Tidsskrift. V. (2), 1971: 343-370 (With an English Summary).

402 SØRENSEN, Max "Forfatningsretlige
problemer i forbindelse med Danmarks
indtræden i De europæiske Fællesskaber"
(Problems of constitutional
law in the event of Danish membership
of the European Communities),
Juristen, 53 (25) 1971: 434-440
— also published in Fremtiden. International
Orientering. 26 (5), 1971:
pp. 27-33.


403 BLOMBERG, Jaakko and JOENNIEMI, Pertti. Puolueettomuuden miekka (The Sword of Unpartiality). Helsinki, Kustannusosakeyhtio Tammi, 1971, 139 pp. CR:K. Suomela, Y din 5 (6), 1971: 8-9.

404 BONSDORFF, Goran von. "Finnlands Neutralitat zu Beginn der siebziger Jahre". Osterreichische Zeitschrift fur Aussenpolitik 11 (2), 1971: 113-120.

405 BONSDORFF, Goran von. Suomen ja Neuvostoliiton ystdvyyssopimus (Frendship Treaty between Finland and the Soviet Union). Kuopio, Suomi Neuvostoliitto-seura ry., 1971, 14 pp.

406 HAKOVIRTA, Harto. Suomen turvallissuspolitiikka (The Security Politics of Finland). Helsinki, Kustannusosakeyhtio Tammi, 1971, 164 pp. CR. Pauli Toikka. Politiikka 13 (2), 1971: 167-171.

407 KALELA, Jaakko. "Suomi YK:n turvallisuusneuvostossa 1969-70" (Finland in the Security Council of the United Nations in 1969-70). Y din 5 (1), 1971: 20-23.

408 KAHKOLA, Paavo and RIPATTI, Aku
Suomen idankauppa

Side 311

(East Trade of Finland). Helsinki,
Kustannusosakeyhtio Otava, 1971,
189 pp.

409 KALELA, Jaakko and Aira. Suomalaisten nuorisojårjestojen kansainvdlinen toiminta 1970 (The International Action of the Finnish Youth Organizations in 1970). Helsinki, 1971, 44 pp., appendix, mimeo. (Helsingin yleisen valtio-opin laitoksen tutkimuksia, 22.)

410 VAYRYNEN, Raimo. "Suomi kansainvålisisså jarjestoissa (The Role of Finland in the System of International Organizations). Politiikka 13 (2), 1971:129-145.

Great Britain

411 FAURBY, Ib "Harold Wilsons taktiske spil" (Harold Wilson's tactical game). Fremtiden. International Orientering. 26 (5), 1971: 35-42.


412 GRØNDAL, Benedikt Iceland from
Neutrality to NATO Membership.
(Oslo, Universitetsforlaget, 1971).


413 KIELLAND, A. Norsk gerilja og sivilmotstand (Norwegian Guerilla and Civil Disobedience). Oslo, Det Norske Samlaget, 1971, 83 pp.

414 "Norsk olje" (Norwegian Oil), Internasjonal Politikk 1971:1, 60-91. Includes such articles as: Johan J. Hoist "Norsk olje og sikkerhetspolitikk: En Problemskisse" (Norwegian Oil and Security Policy: A Preliminary Survey), PP- 80—91. Among others.

415 UDGAARD, Nils M. Norwegian Foreign
Policy 1940-1948. Oslo, Universitetsforlaget,


416 WALLENSTEEN, Peter. Rhodesia ja kansainvåliset taloudelliset sanktiot (Rhodesia and International Economical Sanctions). Helsinki, 1971, 28 pp., mimeo. (Info. Ulkopoliittisen instituutin monistesarja, 24.)


417 BERGQUIST, Mats. Sverige och EEC (Sweden and the EEC). Stockholm, Norstedts, 1970. 238 pp. Exchange of Rejoinders in Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift 74 (1&2), 1971: 89-92, 217-218.

418 BERGQUIST, Mats. "Sweden and the EEC: A Study of Four Schools of Thought and their Views on Swedish Common Market Policy in 1961— 1962". Co-operation and Conflict VI (1), 1971: 39-56.

419 WACHTMEISTER, Anna. Svensk och finldndsk neutralitet (Swedish and Finnish Neutrality). Stockholm, Utrikespolitiska institute!, 1970. 36 pp.

Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

420 EDEEN, Alf. Sovjetunionens aktuella och framtida sdkerhetsproblem (Current and Future Security Problems of the Sovjet Union). Stockholm, Råben &Sjogren, 1971. 22 pp.

421 MOSSBERG, Mathias. "Sovjetunionens installing till EEC" (The Attitude of the Soviet Union to the E.E.C.). Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift 74 (2), 1971: 142-165.

422 TARCHYS, Daniel. "Neutrality and the Common Market: The Soviet View". Co-operation and Conflict VI (2), 1971: 65-75.

United Arab Republic

423 MARTINUSSEN, John E. "Neutralismen i Ægyptens og Den forenede arabiske republiks udenrigspolitik under Nasser (1952-70)" (Neutralism in the Foreign Policy of Egypt and the United Arab Republic under Nasser (1952-70)), Økonomi og Politik, 44 (4), 1970: 394-416.


424 ANDRÉN, Nils & WICKBOM, Jan. Nordiska alternativ i sdkerhetspolitiken (Nordic Alternatives in the Security Policy). Stockholm, Raben & Sjogren, 1971. 29 pp.

425 BERGO, Jarle "De multinasjonale selskaper og den økonomiske integrasjonsprosessen i Vest Europa" (Multi Corporations and the Economic Integration Process in Western Europa), Internasjonal Politikk 1971: 4, 330-349.

426 CHRISTENSSON, Henry. Konflikten i Mellersta Ostern efter 1967. Fortsdttningskrig och vapenvila (The Conflict in the Middle East after 1967: Continued War and Cease-Fire). Stockholm, Utrikespolitiska institutet 1970. 27pp.

427 GALTUNG, Johan "The Middle East and the Theory of Conflict", Journal of Peace Research 8 (3-4), 1971: 173-206.

428 GRØNNEVET, Leiv "Fiskeresursene i faresonen. En vurdering av felles europeiske reguleringstiltak" (Fishing resources in Danger. An evaluation of Joint European Regulation Efforts), Internasjonal Politikk 1971:4, 366-384.

Side 312

429 HAELLQUIST, Karl R. et al. (Varldsproblem '70. Forutsattningar for 1970talets vdrldspolitik World Problems '70. Conditions for World Politics in the 1970'5). Lund, Studentlitteratur, 1971. 288 pp.

430 HERADSTVEIT, Daniel "Arab Demands and Desires in the Conflict with the State of Israel", Co-operation & Conflict 6 (2), 1971: 115-135.

431 HERADSTVEIT, Daniel Brennpunkt Midt-Austen. Ein analyse av situasjonen etter junikrigen 1967 i Focus on the Middle East. An Analysis of the Situation after the War in June, 1967). Oslo, Universitetsforlaget, 1971 s.

432 HERADSTVEIT, Daniel "Norwegian Policy in the Middle East Crisis of 1967", Co-operation & Conflict 6 (1), 1971: 1:12.

433 JONSSON, Christer. "Strate^iska problem: Pax atomica eller Harmagedon (Strategic Problems: Pax Atomica or Harmagedon), in Haellquisl, Karl R. et al. Vdrldsproblem '70, pp. 249-288.

434 KtJNG, Andres. Kampen for Bangla Desh (The Struggle for Ban.'la Desh). Stockholm, Raben & Sjogien, 1971. 32pp.

435 LINDSTRØM, Anders Ture "Norden og Sovjets flåde-ekspansion" (The Nordic Countries and the Soviet naval expansion), Fremtiden. International Orientering, 26 (2), 1971: 26-29.

436 LUNDIN, Lars-Eric. Brdnnpimkt Vietnam. Revolution och utveckling i sydostasiatiska bondesamhallen (Focus Vietnam. Revolution and Development in South East Asian Peasant Societies). Lund, Studentlitteratur, 1971 86 pp.

437 PERSSON, Sune. Palestinakonflikten (The Palestine Conflict). With an Economic Analysis by Martin Peterson. Lund, Studentlitteratur, 1971. 274 pp.

438 Stockholm International Peace Research Institute. The Arms Trade with the Third World. Stockholm, Almqvist & Wiksell, 1971, xxi — 910 pp.

439 SÆTER, Martin "Organiseringen av det politiske samarbeidet i Ves:-Europa" (Political Organization in Western Europe — Approaches and Perspectives), Internasjonal Politikk 1971:1, 5-25.

440 SÆTER, Martin Det politiske Europa: Europeisk integrasjon: Teori — Idé — Praksis (The Political Europe: European Integration: Theory — Idea and Practice). Oslo, Universitetsforlaget, 1971.



Rolf. Utveckling och underutveckling
i Etiopien (Development and Underdevelopment
in Ethiopia). Staffanstorp,
Cavefors, 1971, 279 pp.

442 CHRISTENSEN, Steen Befrielsesbevcegelserne i det sydlige Afrika. (The liberation movements in Southern Africa) København (SOC) 1971, 78 pp.

443 HOLMBERG, Åke. "Humanitarianism and Colonialism in Africa". Historie forenings årsskrift, 1971: 42 -55.

444 HYDÉN, Goran. "Afrika: Socialismens dilemma" (Africa: The Dilemma of Socialism), in Haellquist, Karl R. et al. Varldsproblem '70. pp. 12-53.

445 HYDÉN, Goran. Tanzania infor framtiden (Tanzania Faces the Future). Stockholm, Utrikespolitiska Institutet, 1971. 27 pp.

446 REINTON, Per Olav "Imperialism and the Southern Sudan", Journal of Peace Research 9 (3-4), 1971: 239 -247.

447 RUDEBECK, Lars. "Mobilisering for Utveckling i Guinea-Bissau" (Mobilization for Development in Guinea Tiden 63 (4) 1971: 214-225.

448 RUDEBECK, Lars et al. "Modell for en befrielserorelse: PAIGC" (Model for a Liberation Movement: P.A.I. Ord och Bild 80 (3) 1971: 214 -225.

449 SIGURDSSON, Halldor Den hvide akse. Raceopgjøret i det sydlige Afrika (The white axis. The racial struggle in Southern Africa). København, Spektrum, 1970, 200 pp.

450 SKOVMAND, Svend Sorte og Hvide. Om det sydlige Afrika. (Blacks and Whites. On Southern Africa). København, Munksgaard, 1970, 88. pp. (Africa 4).

451 STOKKE, Olav "System Transformation
in Nigeria", Co-operation &
Conflict 6 (3-4), 1971: 147-171.

452 WALLENSTEEN, Peter. "Dealing with the Devil: Five African States and South Africa". Instant Research on Peace and Violence (3), 1971: 85-99.


453 AAGE, Hans "Utopiske samfund i USA i årene 1750-1900" (Utopian Communities in the United States between 1750 and 1900), Økonomi og Politik. 45 (1) 1971: 3-36.

Side 313

454 APUNEN, Osmo. Vaihtoehtona vallankiimous. Latinalaisen Amerikan kehitysongelmien historiaa (Revolution as an Alternative. History of Development Problems in Latin America). Helsinki, Kustannusosakeyhtio Otava, 1971, 171 pp.

455 KtJNG, Andres. "Latinamerika: Problem infor 1970-talet" (Latin America: Problems on the Threshold of the 1970'5), in Haellquist, Karl R. et al. Varldsproblem 70 pp. 124-182.


456 HAELLQUIST, Karl R. "Asien: Traditioner och realiteter" (Asia: Traditions and Realities), in Haellquist, Karl R. et al. Varldsproblem 70, pp. 54-123.

457 KULERICH, Ole Kina drejer skæbnens hjul. (China turns the Wheel of Fate). København, (Børge Binderup) 1971, 206 pp.

458 LISSNER, Jørgen et al. Det ny Kina
(The new China). København (DMS
1971, 68 pp. (Synspunkt, 11).

459 MOGENSEN, Karen & John E. MARTINUSSEN "Splittelse af det pakistanske fællesskab" (Division of the Pakistani Community), Økonomi og Politik, 45 (1), 1971: 78-93.

460 SWEDBERG, Hans. Japanska framtidsv/5/oner(Japanese Visions of the Future). Stockholm, Utrikespolitiska institutet, 1971. 38 pp.

461 SVEJSTRUP, Poul En fyrstes fald. Cambodia og Nixon-doktrinen. (The Fall of a Prince. Cambodia and the Nixon København (Rhodes) 1971, 134 pp. (Politisk Analyse).

462 VAYRYNEN, Raimo. "Bangla-Desh - an outcome of Inequality and Imperialism". Instant Research on Peace and Violence (3), 1971: 100-109.


463 ANDRÉN, Nils. Britiska framtidsperspektiv (British Perspectives of the Future). Stockholm, Raben & Sjogren, 1971, 31 pp. 464 ANDRÉN, Nils. "Sverige 1970. Den politiska utvecklingen" (Sweden 1970. Political Development). Nordisk tidskrift 47 (5), 1971: 256-271. 465 APUNEN, Osmo. Neutral European Countries and European Security. Helsinki 1971, 4 pp., mimeo. (Info. Ulkopoliittisen instituutin monistesarja, 27.) 466 BIRNBAUM, Karl E. Centraleuropa vid en våndpunkt (Central Europe at a Turning Point). Stockholm, Utrikespolitiska institute!, 1970. 35 pp. 467 BIRNBAUM, Karl E. Våsttyska tramtidsperspektiv (West German Perspectives of the Future). Stockholm, Raben & Sjogren, 1971, 26 pp. 468 BONSDORFF, Goran von. Euroopan tulevaisuus (The Future of Europe). Helsinki, Kustannusosakeyhtio Otava, 1971, 171 pp. 469 BOSERUP, Anders. Revolution och motrevolution i Nordirland (Revolution and Counter-Revolution in Northern Ireland). Stockholm, Raben & Sjogren, 1971. 38 pp. 470 DANSTRUP, John De to Tysklande og Europa (The two Germanics and Europe). København (Det Danske Forlag) 1971, 32 pp. (Udenrigspolitiske Skrifter, 9:4). 471 GALTUNG, Johan Members of Two Worlds. Oslo, Universitetsforlaget, 1971, 294 pp.

472 HAFSTROM, Erik & KARLANDER, Olof. "Våsteuropa: Integrationsstråvanden" (Western Europe: The Struggle for Integration), in Haellquist, Karl R. et al. Varldsproblem 70, pp. 209-248.

473 HAMMAR, Tomas. Leva i Sverige.

Samhållsorientering for invandrare och svenskar (To Live in Sweden. Civic Guide for Immigrants and Swedes). Stockholm, Sveriges Radio, 1971. 196 pp.

474 RUSTOW, Dankwart A. "Sweden's Transition to Democracy: Some Notes toward a Genetic Theory". Scandinavian Political Studies 6, 1971: 9-26.


475 GLEDITSCH, Nils Petter "Integration Patterns in the Middle East", Cooperation & Conflict 6 (1), 1971: 15 -29.


476 SANNES, John. "Østeuropa: st og Sovjetsamveldet" (Eastern Europe and the Soviet Commonwealth), in Haellquist, Karl R. et al. Vdrldsproblem '70, pp. 183-208.