Scandinavian Political Studies, Bind 9 (1974)

Bibliography of Scandinavian Political Science: 1973

This bibliography is a review of political science literature in Scandinavia for 1973. It is a continuation of earlier bibliographies printed in Scandinavian Political Studies, and therefore an attempt has been made to include publications omitted in earlier volumes. We have included:

(1) publications by native and foreign authors printed in Denmark, Finland,
Norway, and Sweden,

(2) publications by Scandinavian authors printed in other countries, and

(3) foreign publications dealing with different aspects of Scandinavian political

The bibliography includes references to books, contributions to joint works and periodicals, as well as official reports and government documents containing information, not otherwise available, on major areas of Scandinavian political life. Reviews printed in periodicals are included in connection with their appropriate book, article, etc.

The entries in this bibliography have been collected and classified in their respective countries: in Denmark by Ole Hafstrøm, in Finland by Liisa Pirkkola, in Norway by Kirsti Sælen and in Sweden by Svante Hansson and Anders Mellbourn. The undersigned is responsible for the final classification and editing of the bibliography. We have sought to attain a high degree of unanimity between the national contributions by following as closely as possible the classification scheme of the International Bibliography of Political Science published by UNESCO.

We would like to express our thanks to our national editors in Denmark, Finland,
Norway, and Sweden and also to Jan Petter Myklebust and Esther Nilsen for

Helen V. Aareskjold

University of Bergen

Side 230

Classification Scheme

A Political Science

A.O General Studies 1-13

A.I Study, Teaching, and Current Trends 14-36

A.2 Methods and Research Techniques 37-61

A.4 Works of Reference, Bibliographies 69-89

B Political Thought

8.1 History of Political Ideas 90-94

8.2 Ideological Foundations of Political Systems

8.20 General Studies 95-106

C Government and Public Administration

C.I The State

CIO General Studies 142

C.2 Political Systems

C.20 General Studies 143

C.3 Political Systems: The Powers

C.311 National Studies 150-155

C.320 General and Comparative Studies 156

C.331 National Studies 165-166

C.340 General and Comparative Studies 167-168

C.4 Political Systems: Freedom and Civil Rights

C.40 General and Comparative Studies 170-172

C.5 Economic and Social Functions of Government

C.50 General and Comparative Studies 182-187

Side 231

C.521 National Studies 210-212

C.6 Instruments of Government

C.61 Public Management: Organization and Methods

C.610 General and Comparative Studies 213-231

C.620 General and Comparative Studies 239-241

C.7 Local Government

C.70 General and Comparative Studies 252-253

D Governmental Processes

D.I Political Influences and Trends

D.lO General Studies 283-291

D.191 National and Regional Studies 344-348

D.20 General and Comparative Studies 349-350

D.30 General Studies 378-381

D.331 Propaganda 406-407

D.341 Voting Behavior 448-449

E International Relations

E.O General Studies 471-485

E.I International Organization and Administration 486-491

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E.151 Maintenance of Peace and Collective Security 498-509

E.20 General and Theoretical Studies 549

F Area Studies

F.I Africa 679-690

F.2 America 691-700

F.3 Asia 701-711

F.4 Europe 712-729

F.7 Union of Soviet Socialist Republics 730-734

Side 233


1 ALAPURO, Risto. Konkreettineti sosiallitutkimus Suomessa maailmansotien vålisenå aikana (The Concrete Social Research in Finland Between the World Wars). Helsinki, 1973, 63 pp., mimeo. (Helsingin yliopiston sosiologian lait oksen tutkimuksia 1973, No. 199.)

2 ALAPURO, Risto, ALESTALO, Matti, and HAAVIO-MANNILA, Elina (eds.) Suomalaisen sosiologian juuret (The Origins of the Finnish Sociology). Porvoo-Helsinki, Werner Soderstrom Osakeyhtio, 1973, 324 pp.

3 ALESTALO, Matti. Konkreettisen sosiaalitutkimuksen tulo Suomeen (The Appearance of Concrete Social Research in Finland). Helsinki, 1973, 82 pp., mimeo. (Helsingin yliopiston sosiologian laitoksen tutkimuksia 1973, No. 198.)

4 ALLARDT, Erik. CA welfare model for selecting indicators of national development', Policy Sciences 4(1), 1973: 63-74.

5 ANDERSSON, Gunnar. 'Vetenskap och
samhalle' (Science and society). Nordisk
Forum 8(1), 1973: 13-41.

6 ENERSTVEDT, Regi Th. Dialektikk og samfunnsvitenskap (Dialectics and social science). Oslo, Ny Dag, 1973. (Elan-bøkene, 17).

7 HONGISTO, Kari. 'Aryostukset ja normatiivisuus politologiassa' (Values and normativism in politology), Politiikka 15(1), 1973: 42-51.

8 KJELLBERG, Francesco. En innføring i politisk sosiologi (An introduction to political sociology). Oslo, Universitetsforlaget, 1973.

9 MANNINEN, Juha. 'Erilaiset "valtion" kasitteet Hegelillå' (The various Hegelian conceptions of the state), Sosiologia 10(4), 1973: 183-190.

10 MYRDAL, Gunnar. 'The place of values
in social policy', Journal of Social
Policy 1(1), 1972: 1-14.

11 VON OTTER, Casten, 'Sociology in the service of politics — comments on the Swedish level of living survey', Acta Sociologica 16(3), 1973: 229-238.

12 ROKKAN, Stein (ed.) Scandinavian
Political Studies, Volume 8173. Oslo,
Universitetsforlaget, 1973, 284 pp.

13 THERBORN, Goran. Vad år bra vdrderingar vdrda? och andra essayer om vetenskap, vårderingar och samhalle (What Is the Value of Good Values? And Other Essays on Science, Values and Society). Staffanstorp, Cavefors, 1973, 107 pp.


14 BOASSON, Charles. 'Galtung's version of "the Middle East and the theory of conflict": can peace research transcend prejudice and dogma', Journal of Peace Research 1973: 1-2, 133— 144. Rejoinder by Galtung, Johan, 'Boasson's version of conflict theory and the Middle East: apologia sua or peace research?', Journal of Peace Research 1973: 1-2, 145-147. Commentary by Amad, Adnan, 'History and fiction in Boasson's comments on Galtung', Journal of Peace Research 1973: 1-2, 149-154.

15 BERNDTSON, Erkki. 'Arvot, tarpeet ja yhteiskuntatieteiden metodologia' (Values, needs and the methodology of the social sciences), Politiikka 15(3), 1973: 230-249.

16 DIDERICHSEN, S. M. et al. Samfundsforskning. Forskning for Samfundet? (Research of Society. Research for Society?) Copenhagen, Reitzel, 1973, 112 pp.

17 DIDERICHSEN, Marianne and OTTESEN, Tine. Et debatoplæg vedrørende integration af samfundsvidenskaberne. (An introduction to a debate on the integration of the social sciences.) Politika 1, 1973: 58-72.

18 FISCHER, Per. Civilisation ved korsvejen. Fremtidsforskningen i Czekoslovakiet. (Civilization at the crossroad: the future research in CSSR.) Politika 3, 1973: 7-27.

19 GALTUNG, Johan. '"The Limits to Growth'' and Class Polities', Journal of Peace Research 1973: 1-2, 101-114. Review article.

20 GRAN, Thorvald. 'Elements from the Debate on Science in Society. A Study of Joseph Ben David's Theory', pp. 195-210 in Whitley, R. (ed.) Social Processes of Scientific Development. London, Routledge, Kegan Paul, 1973.

21 HADENIUS, Axel. 'Positivism och marxism' (Positivism and marxism), Frihetlig socialistisk tidskrift 25(1), 1973: 33-40.

22 HELANDER, Voitto and STÅHLBERG, Krister. 'Några kritiska synpunkter på den svenska kommunalforskningsgruppens demokratimodelF (Some critical remarks on the democracy model in the Swedish local government research group), Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift 76(1), 1973: 66-69. Rejoinder by Westerståhl, Jorgen. Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift 76(2), 1973: 127-128.

23 HETTNE, Bjorn. 'Forskning om underutveckling.
En utvecklingsteoretisk
oversikt' (Research on underdevelop

Side 234

ment. A survey of development theory), pp. 158—193 in Forskning for utveckling (Research for Development), SOU 1973: 41.

24 HØIVIK, Tord. 'Peace research - the
rational and the real', Bulletin of
Peace Proposals 4(2), 1973: 99-102.

25 HVEEM, Helge. 'Peace research — historical development and future perspective', Proceedings of the International Peace Research Association, Conference. 4. Bled, Yugoslavia, 1972. Oslo, IPRA Secretariat, 1973. (IPRA Studies in Peace Research, 5.)

26 LANE, Jan-Erik. 'Två slag av målmedel-kontexter: om medel-mål-terminologins anvandning hos Weber, Parsons och Simon' (Two kinds of endsmeans contexts: on the means-ends terminology as applied by Weber, Parsons and Simon), Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift 76(2), 1973: 97-112.

27 LEWIN, Leif. Statskunskapen, ideologierna och den politiska verkligheten (Political Science, Ideologies, and Political Reality). Stockholm, Rabén & Sjogren, 1973, 31 pp.

28 LUND, Niels. Humanisme, ideologikritik og marxisme i skandinavisk samfundsvidenskab. (Humanism, Ideologic-critique and Marxism in Scandinavian Social Sciences). Copenhagen. Studenterrådet ved Københavns Universitet, 1973, 92 pp.

29 PALMBERG, Maj. 'Icke-kapitalistisk utveckling?' (Non-capitalistic development?), Hdften for kritiska studier 6(1), 1973: 3-28(47).

30 PATOLUOTO, Ilkka. 'Vanhan positivismin yhteiskuntateoria ja filosofia' (The social theory and philosophy of the old positivism), Sosiologia 10(2), 1973:64-74.

31 ROOS, J. P. Welfare Theory and Social Policy. A Study in Policy Science. Helsinki, Commentationes Scientiarum Socialium 4, 1973, 251 pp.

32 Samfund og fremtid. Betænkning fra et udvalg under Statens Samfundsvidenskabelige Forskningsråd. (Society and Future. Report from a Subcommittee of the Social Science Research Council of Denmark.) Copenhagen, D.8.K., 1973, 112 pp.

33 SKJELSBÆK, Kjell. 'Guidelines from theory for priorities in international data banks', in Cutler, Neal E. (ed.) Emerging Data Sources in Comparative and International Studies. Beverly Hills, Sage Publications Inc., 1973.

34 Social Science Research in Sweden.
Stockholm. Statens råd for samhallsforskning
& Esselte Studium, 1973.

35 TAMBS-LYCHE, Harald. 'India i sosiologien
— Louis Dumonts bidrag.
Kommentar' (India in sociology —

the contribution of Louis Dumont.
Commentary), Tidsskrift for samiunnsiorsknitiß
U(\\ 1973: 64-73.

36 UUSITALO, Hannu. 'Klass, status, makt och levnadsnivåundersokningar' (Class, status, power and level of living surveys), Sociologisk forskning 10(3), 1973: 42-54.


37 AM ARK, Klas. 'Den franska revolutionens forbannelse. En undersokning av modellers och metoders effekter på forskningsresultaten i aktuell svensk pressforskning' (The plague of the French revolution. An investigation into the effects of models and methods on the results in contemporary Swedish press research), Historisk tidskrift 36(3), 1973: 325-366.

38 ALLARDT, Erik. Difficulties and Dangers in Comparative Research on Social Goals. Helsinki, 1973, 24 pp., mimeo. (Helsingin yliopiston sosiologian laitoksen tutkimuksia (No. 189).

39 ANCKAR, Dag. 'Persistens och nonpersistens som systematiska nyckelbegrepp: kritik av en central forestallning hos David Easton' (Persistence and nonpersistence as key concepts in system analysis: a critique of a central conception of David Easton. English summary, p. 321), Politiikka 15(4), 1973: 284-301.

40 BENTZON, Karl Henrik, BORRE, Ole, and ELKLIT, Jørgen. Kommunedataarkivet, 1906—68. En foreløbig oversigt over det politisk-oekologiske dataarkiv ved Institut for Statskundskab. (Municipal-Data Archive. A Temporary Survey of The Political Ecological Data Archives at The Institute of Political Science, Århus.) Aarhus, Aarhus Universitet, Institut for Statskundskab, 1972, 69 pp.

41 BORRE, Ole. Empirisk og kritisk samfundsforskning
(Empirical and critical
social sciences), Politiko 1, 1973: 3-8.

42 BRODIN, Katarina. Analys av utrikespolitiska doktriner. Vtvårdering av ett forskningsprojekt (Analysis of Foreign-Policy Doctrines: Evaluation of a Research Project). Stockholm. Utrikespolitiska institutet, 1973, iv + 105 pp.

43 DØØR, Jørgen. Historie Filosofi. (History Philosophy.) Copenhagen Berlingske Leksikon Bibliotek, 1973, 320 PP.

44 HARSAAE, Erik. Økonomi og politik.
(Economy and politics), Politiko 1,
1973: 27-44.

45 HERMERÉN, Goran. 'Kvantitativ objektivitetsmåtning'
(Quantitative mea

Side 235

surement of objectivity), Statsveten-
skaplig tidskrift 76(3), 1973: 151-

46 KYNTAJA, Timo. Valtiomonopolistisen kapitalismin teoriasta ja tutkimusmetodista — esittelyja ja erittelyjå' (On the theory and research method of the state monopoly Capitalism — introductions and analysis), Sosiologia 10(2), 1973: 52-63.

47 LEWIN, Leif. 'Politisk aggregatanalys' (Aggregate analysis of politics), Statsvet enskaplig tidskrift 76(3), 1973: 172 -179.

48 LINDE, Birger. Hegels aktualitet. Otn forholdet mellem Hegels filosofi og Marx's samfundsteori. (Hegel's Current Interest. On the Relations Between Hegel's Philosophy and Marx's Theory on Society.) Roskilde, Roskilde Universitetscenter, 1973, 179 pp.

49 MIDGAARD, Knut, STENSITADVOLD, Halvor, and UNDERDAL, Arild. 'An approach to political interlocutions', pp. 9—36 in Scandinavian Political Studies, Volume 8/73. Oslo, Universitetsforlaget, 1973.

50 MILLER, William. 'New methods for ecological analyses', European Journal of Political Research 1(3), 1973: 293 -298, Review of Lewin, Jansson & Sorbom. 'The Swedish Electorate 1887 -1968' (see Entry 52).

51 PAUSEWANG, Sigfried. Methods and Concepts of Social Research in a Rural Developing Society. Munich, Weltforum Verlag, 1973.

52 QUENSEL, Carl-Erik. 'Review of Lewin, Jansson & Sorbom, "The Swedish Electorate 1887-1968'", Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift 76(1), 1973: 73-83.

53 PETERSEN, Ib Damgaard. Kybernetikken i Samfundsvidenskaberne ll' (The cybernetics in the social sciences II). Økonomi og Politik 47(2), 1973: 134-152.

54«- ROKKAN, Stein. 'Cities, states and nations: a dimensional model for the study of contrasts in development', pp. 73-98 in Eisenstadt, S. and Rokkan, S. (eds.) Building States and Nations, Vol. I. Models and Data Resources. Beverly Hills, Sage Publications Inc., 1973.

55 ROKKAN, Stein. 'Data resources for comparative research in development: a review of recent efforts', pp. 143— 160 in Eisenstadt, S. and Rokkan, S. (eds.) Building States and Nations, Vol. I. Models and Data Resources. Beverly Hills, Sage Publications Inc., 1973.

56 SANKIAHO, Risto. 'Poliittisen ekologian teorianmuodostuksen mahdollisuukisista' (Possibilities for theoiy building in political ecology. English

summary, p. 322), Politiikka 15(4),
1973: 302-320.

57 SAVIRANTA, Jaakko. 'Alueyksikkojen valinnan vaikutuksesta tutkimustuloksiin' (The influence of the choice of area units on research results), Terra 85(1), 1973: 44-49.

58 SULEVO, Kari. 'Hirstoriallinen lahestymistapa valtio-opin tutkimuksessa' (Historical approach to the political science research), Politiikka 15(2), 1973: 137-142.

59 SULEVO, Kari. Sisdllonanalyysi ja historiantutkimus (Content Analysis and the Research of History). Helsinki, 1973, 49 pp., mimeo. (Helsingin yliopiston yleisen valtioopin laitoksen tutkimuksia, Sarja B: 1973: 2.)

60 URWIN, Derek. 'Time-series data for agrarian society and politics: a proposal for future action', European Political Data Newsletter 1973: 7, 1-7.

61 WITT-HANSEN, Johs. Historisk Materialisme (Historic Materialism). Copenhagen, Berlingske Leksikon Bibliotek, 1973, 205 pp.


62 Aseiden riisunta. Kansainvdlisen oikeuden seminaari (Disarmament. International Law Symposium, University of Helsinki). Helsinki, 1973, 277 pp., mimeo. (Helsingin yliopiston jukisoikeuden laitoksen julkaisusarja C:5.)

63 Konferenz ueber Sicherheit und Zusammenarbeit in Europa (Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe). Phase 1, Helsinki, 3-7 July 1973. Offene Sitzungen — Public Sessions. Helsinki, 1973, 505 pp., mimeo. (Ulkoasiainministerio).

64 Konferenz ueber Sicherheit und Zusammenarbeit in Europa (Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe). Phase 1, Helsinki, 3-7 July 1973. Geschlossene Sitzungen — Closed Sessions. Helsinki, 1973, 114 pp., mimeo. (Ulkoasiainministerio.)

65 Proceedings of the Symposium on the International Flow of Television Programmes. Tampere, 1973, 106 pp., mimeo. (Tampereen yliopiston tiedotustutkimuksen laitos. Monistesaria 1973: 14.)

66 ROKKAN, Stein. 'Center formation, nation-building and cultural diversity: report on a UNESCO programme', pp. 13-40 in Eisenstadt, S. and Rokkan, S. (eds.) Building States and Nations, Vol. I. Models and Data Resources. Beverly Hills, Sage Publications Inc., 1973.

67 ROKKAN, Stein. 'Data exchanges in

Side 236

Europe: the role of the European consortium'. European Journal of Political Research 1(1), 1973: 95-101.

68 Statens samfundsvidenskabelige Forskningsråds symposium 7. og 8. november 1969 i 'Bakkerne' Holte om forskningsbehov og forskningsmuligheder i Grønland. (The National Council of Research in the Social Sciences Symposium 7th and Bth November 1969 in 'Bakkerne' Holte in Needs and Possibilities of Research in Greenland). Copenhagen, 1970, 76 pp.


69 AARESKJOLD, Helen V. (ed.) Bibliography of Scandinavian Political Science: 1972', pp. 247-286 in Scandinavian Political Studies Volume 81 73. Oslo, Universitetsforlaget, 1973.

70 Arbejderbevægelsen i Danmark — historisk og aktuel. Litteraturliste. (Workers' Movement in Denmark — Historie and Present. A list of Literature.) Copenhagen, ABA, 1973, 35 pp.

71 BROMS, Henri. Kehitysmaat. Uudempaa kotimaista ja ulkomaista kirjallisuutta. (Developing Countries. A Selection of Recent Literature. Helsinki, 1973, 78 pp., mimeo. (Helsingin kauppakorkeakoulun kirjaston julkaisuja 9).

72 EGEBERG, Erik. Norsk litteratur om de slaviske og baltiske folks kultur (Norwegian Literature on the Culture of the Slavs and the Baltic Peoples). Oslo, 1973. (Universitetet i Oslo, Slavisk-baltisk institutt, Meddelelser, 3).

73 ELOVAINIO, M. K. and LEHTINEN, R. A Bibliography on International Relations. Literature Published in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden 1945-1960. Stockholm, Utrikespolitiska Institut, 1973, 200 pp.

74 ELVINS, Bodil and FALD, Kai. Litteratur om dansk presse (Literature on Danish Newspapers). Århus. Institut for Presseforskning, 1973, 425 pp.

75 HØEG, Tom Arbo (ed.) Norske aviser. 1763-1969 (Norwegian Newspapers 1763-1969). Oslo, 1973. Alfabetisk fortegnelse, 1973.

76 IVERSEN, Bjørn. En oversigt over den nyere litteratur om politisk Socialisering i USA (A Survey of the Newer Literature on Political Socialization in the USA). Copenhagen, Institut for Samfundsfag, Copenhagen University, 1972, 148 pp.

77 KÅRDAL, Kirsten. Distriktsutbygging
— en liste over offentlige publikasjoner
(Regional Development — A List

of Official Publications). Bergen,
Norges Handelshøyskole, Biblioteket,

78 KOLARI, Veli, and SUONSYRJA, Jarmo (eds.) Political History of the Scandinavian Countries and Finland in the 19th and 20th Centuries. A Bibliography of Literature in Russian Language. (Politiceskaja istorija Skandinavskih stran i Finljandii v XIX i XX vekah, Ukazatel' literatury na russkom jazyke.) Turku, Institute of Political History, University of Turku, 1973, 238 pp.

79 LEHIKOINEN, Anja. (ed.) Finland 1972. Books and Publications in Politics, Political History and International Relations. Turku, Institute of Political History, University of Turku, 1973, 35 pp., mimeo.

80 LOHMAN, Jens. Litteratur om Latinamerika. Annoter et bibliografi. (Literature on Latin America. An Annotated Bibliography). Copenhagen Mellemfolkeligt samvirke, 1973, 155 pp.

81 LUND-RASMUSSEN, Jette, and KONGSTED, Per. Litteratur om Mellemøsten. Annoter et bibliografi. (Literature on The Middle East. An annotated Bibliography). Copenhagen, Mellemfolkeligt samvirke, 1973, 146 pp.

82 Multinasjonale foretak. En litteraturliste.
Bergen, Odd Rogne, 1973.

83 ØRVIK, Nils. Norwegian Foreign Policy. A Bibliography. 1965-1970. Oslo, Universitetsforlaget, 1973. (Norsk bibliografisk bibliotek, 49).

84 PLENGE, Vagn and WALLENIUS, Anna-Britta. Litteratur om Afrika. Annoter et Bibliografi. (Literature About Africa. An Annotated Bibliography). Copenhagen, Mellemfolkeligt samvirke, 1973, 168 pp.

85 ROKKAN, Stein, SÆLEN, Kirsti, and WARMBRUNN, J. 'Building states and nations: the research literature', pp. 277-397 in EISENSTADT, S., and ROKKAN, S. (eds.) Building States and Nations, Vol. I. Models and Data Resources. Beverly Hills, Sage Publications Inc., 1973.

86 ROKKAN, Stein, SÆLEN, Kirsti, and WARMBRUNN, J. 'Nation-building: a review of recent research and a bibliography of the analytical literature', Current Sociology 17(3), 1971: 1-80.

87 SØRENSEN, Charlotte Rask, TOBIASEN, Kathrina, and SCHJØDT WORM, Karin (eds.) Th. Stauning 1873-1942. En bibliografi (Th. Stauning 1873-1942. A Bibliography). Copenhagen, ABA, 1973, 150 pp.

88 Suomalaisen tiedotustutkimuksen bibliografia
I (Bibliography of the Fin

Side 237

nish Information Research I). Tampere, 1973. (Tampereen yliopiston tiedotustutkimuksen laitos. Monistesarja 1973: 18).

89 VESALA, Heimo. Luettelo Neuvostoliittoa ja ltd-Euroopan maita kåsittelevistd hakuteoksista sekd valittuja kirjallisuuslistoja. (A List of Reference Books About the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe Including Selected Reading Lists. Helsinki, 1973, 48 pp., mimeo. (Helsingin yliopiston yleisen valtio-opin laitoksen tutkimuksia. Sarjaß: 1973: 3).



90 DALSETH, Eyvind. Samfunnstenkningens historie fra Hellas til Rousseau (The philosophy of society from Greece to Rousseau). Trondheim, Universitetet i Trondheim, Filosofisk institutt, 1973.

91 LARSSON, Reidar (ed.) Om politik. Allehanda urkunder (On Politics: Miscellaneous Documents). Stockholm, Gebers, 1973, 285 pp.

92 LASSEN, Hans Jørgen. De tre klassiske ideologier. Grundtræk af konservatisme, liberalisme og socialisme. (The Three Classic Ideologies. Foundation of Conservatism, Liberalism and Socialism). Odense, Odense University, 1973, 35 pp.

93 LINDSTROM, Helmer. Religion och politik. Studier i finlandsk politisk idévdrld och politisk mil jo vid 1900talets borjan (Religion and Politics. Studies on Finnish Political World of Ideas and Political Environment at the Beginning of the 19th Century). Turku, 1973, 224 pp. (Acta academiae Aboensis A 45: 2).

94 WIIK, Halfdan. 'Anarkismen før og
nå' (Anarchism - past and present),
Samtiden 1973: 9, 567-576.



95 ALLARDT, Erik. About Dimensions of Welfare. An Exploratory Analysis of a Comparative Scandinavian Survey. Helsinki, Research group for comparative sociology, University of Helsinki, Research reports 1, 1973, 128 pp., mimeo.

96 ALLARDT, Erik. The Relation of Welfare Values to Culture and Economy. Helsinki, 1973, 24 pp., mimeo. (Helsingin yliopiston sosiologian laitoksen tutkimuksia N:o 188).

97 BJORSNE, Roland. 'Centerrorelsen och
populismen' (The center movement

and populism), Liberal debatt 25(3—
4), 1973: 37-40.

98 FRYKLUND, Bjorn and PETERSON, Tomas. 'Populism eller leninism?' (Populism or leninism?), Zenit 1973: 2, 29-47.

99 ISRAEL, Joachim. 'Varfor uppstår populism?' (What is the origin of populism?), Liberal debatt 25(3-4), 1973: 19-22.

100 LAAKSO, Markku and MARTIKAINEN, Tuomo. Kansainvdliset tulonjakovertailut: metodisia ja tulkinnallisia ndkokohtia (International Income Distribution Comparisons: Methodological and Explanatory Views). Helsinki, 1973, 36 pp., mimeo. (Helsingin yliopiston yleisen valtioopin laitoksen tutkimuksia. Sana C: 1973:4. DET A).

101 LANGKJÆR, Asger. Nemesis. Marxisme er opium for folket eller — Mens græsset gror, dør horsemos. Et alternativ: Behovsanalyse som grundlag for samfundsplanlægningen. (Nemesis — Marxism is Opium for the People, Or When the Grass Grows the Old Horse Dies. An Alternative: Analysis of Need as Basis for Planning of Society). Copenhagen, 1972, 110 pp.

102 LAURIKAINEN, K. V. Atomistiikan aatemaailma ja sen heijastumia aikamme ideologioissa (Atomistical World of Ideas and its Reflections on the Ideologies of our Time). Porvoo Werner Soderstrom Osakeyhti, 1937, 226 pp.

103 NIEMINEN, Kari. Ndkokohtia populismikdsitteen luonteesta (Viewpoints of the Character of the Conception of Populism), Turku, 1973, 17 pp., mimeo. (Turns yliopiston valtioopin laitos. Tutkimuksia C: 22).

104 OLDENBURG, Bengt. 'Peronismen och den europeiska opinionen' (Peronism and European opinion), Tiden 65(6), 1973: 361-365.

105 SALLNAS, Goran and PALO, Elisabet. Teronismen och fackforeningarna' (Peronism and the trade unions), Kommentar 6(8), 1973: 14-27.

106 UUSITALO, Hannu. On the Distribution of Income in Scandinavia. Helsinki, Research Group for Comparative Sociology, University of Helsinki, Research reports 2, 1973, 72 pp., mimeo.


107 CARLBOM, Terry. 'Byalag i demokratisk teori' (Community politics in democratic theory), Liberal debatt 25(3-4), 1973: 74-76.

108 Demokratia, pååtoksenteko ja informaation
kulku suomalaisessa yhteiskunnassa
(projektisuunnitelma) (Democ

Side 238



racy, Decision-Making and the Information Flow in the Finnish Society, a Project Plan). Helsinki, 1973, mimeo. (Helsingin yliopiston yleisen valtio-opin laitoksen tutkimuksia. SarjaC: 1973: 1. DETA).

109 HELANDER, Voitto and STÅHLBERG, Krister. Kunnallinen demokratia. Tutkimusprojektin teoreettiset ja metodiset låhtokohdat (The Communal Democracy. The Theoretical and Methodical Basis for the Research Project). Turku, 1973, 110 pp., mimeo. (Turun yliopiston valtio-opien laitos. Tutkimuksia C: 23).

110 WIK, Ingvar. 'Hotet mot demokratin'
(The threat towards democracy), Liberal
debatt 25(5), 1973: 14-18.

111 BAY, Carl Erik. Socialdemokratiets stilling i den ideologiske debat i mellemkrigstiden (The Position of the Social Democratic Party in the Ideologic Debate Between the World Wars). Grenaa, GMT, 1973, 287 pp.

112 DREIER, Frederik. Folkenes fremtid. Tekster om ideologikritik og arbejderorganisation (The Future of the Peoples. Texts on Ideology Critique and Labour Organization), ed. by Mogensen, Finn Hanberg and Nymark, Johs. Copenhagen, Gyldendal, 1973, 254 pp.

113 FURE, Odd-Bjørn. 'Parlamentarisk eller revolusjonær strategi? De Ideologiske brytninger innen norsk arbeiderbevegelse 1911-1918' (Ideological conflict in the Norwegian Labour movement 1911-1918), Kontrast 1973: 3, 67-79.

114 LEVY, Jette Lundbo and THING, Morten (eds.) Dansk socialistisk teori 1850 —1900. En antologi (Danish Socialistic Theory 1850-1900. An Anthology). Copenhagen, Politisk Revy, 1973, 256

115 SÆTRA, Hartvig. Den økopolitiske sosialismen (The Eco-Political Socialism), 3rd rev. ed. Oslo, Pax forlag, 1973. (The first edition was entitled Populismen i norsk sosialisme.)

116 Sosialismen og Europa i 70-åra (Socialism
and Europe in the seventies). Oslo,
Tiden, 1973.

117 TERKELSEN. Socialisme på polsk (The
Polish Way of Socialism). Copenhagen,
Schønberg, 1973, 158 pp.

118 TINGSTEN, Herbert. The Swedish Social Democrats. Their Ideological Development. Introduction by Richard Tomasson. Tortowa, N.J., Bedminster Press, 1973, xxxii + 719 pp.


119 BONNEVIE, Lars. Nationalisme og Klassekamp (Nationalism and Class struggle). Copenhagen, Clarté, 1973, 28 pp.

120 DIDERICHSEN, Marianne and OTTESEN, Tine. Videnskab og Imperialisme. En udledning af det marxistiske imperialismebegreb og en analyse af nogle marxistiske imperialismeteorier (Science and Imperialism. A Concluding from the Marxistic Idea of Imperialism and an Analysis of some Theories on Imperialism). Copenhagen, Studenterrådet ved Københavns Universitet, 1973, 50 pp.

121 CHRISTOPHERSEN, Jens A. Review of Tarschy's 'Beyond the State', Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift 76(3), 1973: 206-221.

122 ELSTER, Jon (ed.) Marx i dag (Marx Today). Oslo, Gyldendal, 1973. (Fakkel-bok 250) (Innlegg av Berntsen, Harald, Elster, Jon, Sandemose, Jørgen, Seip, Didrik, Krogh, Thomas, Dahl, Hans Fredrik.

123 FEIRING, Robert. 'Kommunismen i dag. En kritisk sammenligning av AKP(M-l) og NKP's program' (Communism in Norway today), Kontrast 1973: 8, 59-68.

124 GILBERG, Trond. The Soviet Com.munist Party and Scandinavian Communism: The Norwegian Case. Oslo, Universitetsforlaget, 1973.

125 GLEZERMAN, G. E. Lenin og den videnskabelige forudsigelsesproblem (Lenin and the Problem of Scientific Forecasting). Politica 3, 1973: 28-46.

126 Grundstudier i marxismen — leninismen — Mao Tse Tung tænkninger (Fundamental Studies in Marxism — Leninism - Mao-Tse-Tung Thinking). Edited by a Working Group Appointed by The KEML Union-Leadership. Copenhagen, Marxistisk-Leninistisk forlag, 1973, 84 pp.

127 JENSEN, Jens-Jørgen. 'Den kommunistiske opfattelse af den tekniskvidenskabelige revolution' (The Communist understanding of the technicalscientific revolution), Politica 6(3), 1973: 47-69.

128 JØRGENSEN, Torben Beck. En introduktion til Habermas: Borgerlig Offentlighed (An Introduction to Habermas: Biirgerlich Offentlichkeit). Grenaa, GMT, 1973.

129 LUNDKVIST, Anders. Introduktion til metoden i Kapitalen (Introduction to the Method in Karl Marx's Das Kapital). Århus, Modtryk, 1973, 77 pp.

130 LUNDKVIST, Anders. Kapitalens Bevidsthedsformer.
Grundtræk af Be

Side 239

vidsthedsteorien i Marx's kritiske fremstilling af den politiske økonomi. (Fundamental Features of the Theory of Consciousness in Marx's Critical Explanation of the Political Economy). Grenaa, GMT, 1972, 199 pp.

131 NIELSEN, Martin. Kommunisternes Kapital. Artikler og taler (The Capital of the Communists. Articles and Addresses), selected and ed. by Thomsen, Poul. Melbyhus, 1973, 192 pp.

132 ØGRIM, Tron. Proletariatets demokratiske diktatur (The democratic Dictatorship of the Proletariat). Oslo, October, 1973. (Les og lær, 1.)

133 OLSEN, Per Lyngsaa. Det anarkistiske islæt i de rusiske revolutioner og dets brydninger med den bolschevikiske ideologi (The Anarchic Content in the Russian Revolutions and Its Conflicts with the Bolshevist Ideology). Århus, 1973, 72 pp.

134 SCHANZ, Hans Jørgen, Plan til læsning af Das Kapital (Plan for Readin Das Kapital). Århus, Modtryk, 1973, 52 pp.

135 SCHANZ, Hans Jørgen. Til rekonstruktion af kritikken af den politiske økonomis omfangslogiske status (To Reconstruction of the Critique of the Extent-Logical Status of the Political Economy). Århus, Modtryk, 1973,243 pp.

136 SKARD, Jon and SLETTEBØ, Arne. Slik arbeider marxist-leninistene. Venstreekstremistenes strategi for infiltrasjon og revolusjon (This Is the Way the Marxist-Leninists Work. The Strategy of the Left-Extremists for Infiltration and Revolution). Oslo, Elingaard, 1973. (Nå-debatt, 1973.2)

137 THERBORN, Goran. 'The working
class and the birth of marxism', New
Left Review 1973: 79, 3-15.


138 KARLSSON, Villy. Inspirationen i den irske revolution - James Connolly (The Inspiration of the Irish Revolution - James Connolly). Copenhagen, Rhodos, 1973, 215 pp.


139 BERQUIST, Mats. 'Vad var (ar) fascismen?'
(What was (is) fascism?), Tiden
65(1), 1973: 39-57.


140 GUNDERSEN, Fridtjof Frank. Grunnskisse til en ny Høyre-politikk' (Outline for a new Conservative policy), Samtiden 1973: 9, 513-526.

141 LINDEBRÆKKE, Sjur. Veien videre. Et konservativt utsyn (The road Ahead. A Conservative Perspective). Oslo, Aschehoug, 1973.




142 JAGERSKIOLD, Stig. Offentlig rdtt
(Public Law). Stockholm, Almqvist &
Wiksell, 1973, 269 pp.



143 PESONEN, Pertti. 'Dimensions of political cleavage in multi-party systems', European Journal of Political Research 1973: 2, 109-132.



144 KARAPUU, Heikki. 'Perustuslait yhteiskunnallisen uudistustyon esteina' (Constitutions as obstacles in the social reforming), Ydin 8(1), 1973: 4-6.

145 UOTILA, Jaakko. Valtiosddntduudistuksen ndkoaloja (Some Views on the Constitution Reform). Tampere, 1973, 141 pp., mimeo. (Tampereen yliopisto. Oikeustieteen laitos. A. Tutkimuksia 1973: 3).


146 VANHANEN, Tatu. Intian monipuolue demokratia IV (The Multiparty Democracy of India). Tampere, 1973, 184 pp., mimeo. (Tampereen yliopisto. Politiikan tutkimuksen laitos. Tutkimuksia 29).


147 ABDEL Ghaffar Muhammed Ahmad. Shaykhs and Followers: Political Struggle in the Rufa'a al-Hoi Nazirate in the Sudan. Bergen, 1973.(Ph.D. thesis.)


148 ERIKSSON, Lars D. 'Jugoslaviens socialistiska demokrati' (The socialist democracy of Yugoslavia), Oikeus 1973: 3, 20-28.


(eds.) Building States and Nations,
Vol. I. Models and Data Resources.

Side 240

Beverly Hills, Sage Publications Inc.,
1973, 397 pp.





150 HAKOVIRTA, Harto and KOSKIAHO, Tapio (ed.) Suomen hallitukset ja hallitusohjelmat 1945-1973 (The Finnish Cabinets and their Programs 1945-1973). Helsinki, Oy Gaudeamus Ab, 1973, 341 pp.

151 LAAKSO, Markku. 'Hallituksen muodostaminen kombinatorisena ja koalitioteoreettisena ongelmana' (Cabinet formation as a combinatorial and coalition-theoretical problem. English summary, pp. 217-218), Politiikka 15(3), 1973: 199-218.

152 LOIKKANEN, Jouko. Hallitse ja hajoa. Karjalaisen 1. hallituksen muodostaminen, toiminta ja hajoaminen. Pddministerin sihteerin pdivdkirja (Rule and Dissolve. Formation, Action and Dissolution of the Karjalainen First Cabinet. A Diary of the Secretary of the Prime Minister). Helsinki, Kirjayhtyma Oy, 1973, 178 pp.

153 NYHOLM, Pekka. 'Suomen hallituskoalitiot ja koalitioteoria' (The Finnish governmental coalitions and the coalition theory), Politiikka 15(1), 1973: 51-55.

154 RISTE, Olav. 'London-regjeringa'. Norge i krigsalliansen 1940-1945 (The London Government. Norway in Alliance of War 1940-1945). Published by Forsvarets krigshistoriske avdeling. Oslo, Samlaget, 1973.

United States of America

155 AHLANDER, Bjorn. Tresidenten och kongressen' (The President and Congress), Internationella studier 1(2), 1973: 49-52.



156 DESFEUILLES, Henri. Le pouvoir de controle des parlements nordiques (The Control Powers of Nordic Parliaments). Paris, Libraire générale de droit et de jurisprudence, 1973.



157 JAASKELAINEN, Mauno. Itsendisyyden
ajan eduskunta 1919-1938. Suomen
kansanedustuslaitoksen historia 7

(The Finnish Parliament after the Proclamation of Independence, Years 1919-1938. The History of the Finnish Parliament 7). Helsinki, Eduskunnan historiakomitea, 1973, 464 pp.

158 LAAKSO, Markku. Mååraenemmistosåånnokset ja eduskuntapuolueiden voimasuhteet' (The majority rules and the power relations of the parties in the Parliament), Politiikka 15(1), 1973: 3-14.

159 LAAKSO, Seppo. Perustuslain sddddntojdrjestys ja sen kdyttdminen vuosina 1919-1970 (The Constitutional Legislative Procedure and Its Use in the Years 1919-1970). Tampere, 1973, 114 pp., mimeo. (Tampereen yliopisto. Oikeustieteen laitos. Tutkimuksia A. 1973: 1).

160 RIEPULA, Esko. Asiantuntijamenettelyn vaikutuksista perustuslakivaliokunnan paatoksentekoon' (On the impact of using experts in the decision making of the constitution committee. English summary, pp. 127—128), Politiikka 15(2), 1973: 93-105.

161 RIEPULA, Esko. Eduskunnan perustuslakivaliokunta perustuslakien tulkitsijana. Valtiosddntotutkimus eduskunnan perustuslakivaliokunnasta perustuslakikontrollia ja perustuslakitulkintaa harjoittavana toimielimend vv. 1907-1972 valtiopdiviltd (The Constitution Committee of the Finnish Parliament as Interpreter of the Constitution in the Diet 1907-1972, mit deutscher Zusammenfassung). Helsinki, 1973, 386 pp. (Suomalaisen lakimiesyhdistyksen julkaisuja 101).

162 HERNES, Gudmund. 'Stortingets komitésystem og maktfordelingen i partigruppene' (The committee system in the Norwegian Parliament and the distribution of power within the party groups), Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskningforsk- 14(1), 1973: 1-29.


163 BJURULF, 80. 'A simulation analysis of selected voting procedures', pp. 37 —68 in Scandinavian Political Studies Volume 8/73. Oslo, Universitetsforlaget, 1973.

164 BJURULF, 80. 'A simulation analysis of selected voting procedures', Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift 76(1), 1973: 1-61.



Federal Republic of Germany

165 VOGEL, Hans-Heinrich. 'Om råttsskydd
och lagprovningsratt i Våsttyskland'
(On legal protection and

Side 241

judicial review in Western Germany),
Forvaltningsråttslig tidskrift 36(1—2),
1973: 27-38.


166 LA VIN, Rune. 'Lagprovningsråtten ien ny regeringsform' (Judicial review in a new constitution), Forvaltningsråttslig tidskrift 36(1-2), 1973: 11-26.



167 HASLEBO, Gitte et al. Magt og Påvirkning i systemer. Nogle socialpsykologers overvejelser omkring ndringer i sociale systemer (Power and Influence Inside Systems. Some Social Considerations on Changings of Social Systems). Copenhagen, Reitzel, 1973, 292 pp.

168 NIELSEN, Jørn Strand, MUNCK, Helge, and JØRGENSEN, Henning. Strukturelle aspekter af magtproblematikken (Structural Aspects of the Power-Problematic). Odense, Odense University, 1973, 111 pp.



169 RUIN, Olof. 'Regeringsfrågan ocfa forfattningsreformen' (The cabinet question and the constitutional reform), Tiden 65(10), 1973: 622-629.



170 BAHR, Hans-Eckehard. The politicising of everyday life: social conditions of peace', Journal of Peace Research 1973, 1-2, 37-49. The article is an abstract from H.-E. Bahr (eds.) Politisier ung des Alltags. Gesellschaftliche Bedingungen des Friedens. Darmstadt, Luchterhand-Verlag, 1972.

171 BANG, Aase (ed.) Hva bråker de for? En bok av og om kvinner (Why Do They Fuss? A Book by and about Women). Oslo, Pax forlag, 1973.

172 SYBORG, Karen and ARNFRED, Signe (eds.) Kvindeundertrykkelsens Specifikke karakter under kapitalismen (The Specific Character of Suppression of Women in the Capitalistic Society). Copenhagen, Nordisk Sommeruniversitet, 1973, 95 pp.



173 Betænkning vedrørende ligestilling. Afgivet af et udvalg under kommissionen vedrørende kvindernes stilling i samfundet (Report on Equality of Status. Given by a Subcommittee of the Commission in Women's Status in the Society). Copenhagen, Statens Trykningskontor, 1973, 123 pp.

174 LYKKETOFT, Mogens (ed.) Kravet om lighed. En redegørelse fra den socialdemokratiske folketingsgruppes lighedskommission (The Demand for Equality. A Report from the Equality Commission of the Socialdemocratic Parliament Group). Copenhagen, Fremad, 1973, 196 pp.


175 BLOM, Raimo. 'Yhteiskuntaresurssit ja luokkajako' (Social resources and class division. English summary, pp. 33— 34), Politiikka 15(1), 1973: 14-31.


176 AGERHOLT, Anna Caspari. Den norske kvinnebevegelses historie (The History of the Feminist Movement in Norway). New ed. with a foreword by Kari Skjønsberg. Oslo, Gyldendal, 1973. (Kjempefakkel, 71).

177 BORGEN, Erling and ANDERSSON, John E. Storebror ser deg (Big Brother Is Watching You). Oslo, Pax Forlag, 1973.

178 HERADSTVEIT, Per Øivind. Hemmelige tjenester. Etterretning, spionasje og overvåking (Secret service. Information, espionage and surveillance). Oslo, Aschehoug, 1973.

179 KENNAN, George F. 'Soviet dissidents', Internasjonal politikk, 1973: 4, 839—845. (Notes to a lecture given in Norwegian P.E.N. Club, Oslo, 5 September 1973.)


180 ANDERSON, Stanley V. 'Public access to government files in Sweden', The American Journal of Comparative Law 21(3), 1973: 419-473.

181 VALLINDER, Torbjorn. Den svenska tryckfrihetsjuryn. Funktion och debat t 1815-1975 (The jury System in Cases on the Freedom of the Press in Sweden. Function and Debate 1815— 1975). Lund, Statsvetenskapliga institutionen, 1973, 15 pp., mimeo.



Side 242

182 ANNERSTEDT, Jan. 'Finns en europeisk forskningspolitik?' (Is There a European Science Policy?), Nordisk Forum 8(1), 1973: 83-90.

183 CLEMMENSEN, Ann-Lis et al. Socialpolitikkens funktion i det kapitalistiske samfund (The Functions of Social Politics in the Capitalistic Society). Århus, Den sociale Højskole, 1972.

184 HEIDENHEIMER, Arnold J. 'The politics of public education, health and welfare in the USA and Western Europe: how growth and reform potentials have differed', British Journal of Political Science 3(3), 1973: 315-340.

185 NEAVE, Guy. 'Research and development for education in Britain and Sweden', The Political Quarterly 44(3), 1973: 304-315.

186 PETERS, Guy B. 'Income inequality in Sweden and the United Kingdom: a longitudinal analysis', Acta Sociologica 16(2), 1973: 108-120.

187 REIN, Martin and HECLO, Hugo. 'What welfare crisis? — a comparison among the United States, Britain and Sweden', The Public Interest 33, 1973: 61-83.



188 TSCHUDI, Aadel Brun. Folkerepublikken Kinas miljøvern og ressurspolitikk' (Environmental protection and resource policies in the People's Republic of China), Internasjonal politikk 1973: 1, 75-88.


189 HAYRYNEN, Yrjo-Paavo. Sosiaalipolitiikka ja tasa-arvo (Social Policy and Equality). Helsinki, 1973, 19 pp., mimeo. (Helsingin yliopisto. Sosiaalipolitiikan laitos, Koulutuksen laadullisten muutostekijåin ja muutostavoitteiden tutkimusprojekti. Julkaisuja 1973: 4).

190 KASVIO, Antti. 'Den statsmonopolistiska kapitalismen i Finland' (State monopoly capitalism in Finland), H aft en for kritiska studier 6(2-3), 1973: 6-43.

191 RIIHINEN, Olavi. Sosiaalinen aluepolitiikka (The Social Local Policy). Helsinki, 1973, 8 pp., mimeo. (Helsingin yliopisto. Sosiaalipolitiikan laitos. Tutkielmia 41).


192 MARTTNUSSEN, John. 'Indien: Sociale
Klasser og statens funktioner'
(India: social classes and the func

tions of the state) Politico 5(3-4)
1972: 28-64.


193 EVENSEN, Jens. 'Nordsjøoljen - folkerettslige og utenrikspolitiske problemer' (The North Sea oil - problems of international law and international politics), Internasjonal politikk 1973: 3, 501-514.

194 EVENSEN, Jens. 'Nordsjøoljen. Oljepolitikk: Nyere utviklingstendenser. Visse økonomiske, juridiske og politiske implikasjoner' (The North Sea oil), Internasjonal politikk 1973: 2, 359-373.

195 KJØLBERG, Anders. 'Politiske skranker for forsyningen av gass og olje' (Political barriers to supplying gas and oil), Internasjonal politikk 1973: 3, 515-532.

196 LINGÅS, Lars Gunnar (ed.) Myten om velferdsstaten. Søkelys på norsk sosialpolitikk. En antologi (The Myth of the Welfare State. Searchlight on Social Politics in Norway. An Anthology), 2nd rev. and enl. ed. Oslo, Pax forlag, 1973. (Pax-bøkene, 348).

197 MAALAND, Olav. Oljetid og jobbetid (An era of oil and economic boom). Oslo, Aschehoug, 1973. (Aschehougs aktuelle, 35).

198 MIDRÉ, Georges (ed.) Samfunnsendring og sosialpolitikk. Rapport fra Nord (Social Change and Social Policy. Report from the Nord Project). Oslo, Gyldendal, 1973. (Studiefakkel, 50).

199 ØYEN, Else. Sosialomsorgen og dens forvaltere. En sosialpolitisk undersøkelse (Social Welfare and its administrators. A study of social policy). Doctoral dissertation, Bergen, Sosiologisk institutt, Universitetet i Bergen, 1973.

200 SALOMON, Robert, DRAGESET, Per, and ØYEN, Kristen. Distriktsutbygging. Eksempler på bruk av noen distriktspolitiske virkemidler i Sel og Surnadal (Regional development. Means of regional politics. Examples from Sel and Surnadal). Oslo, 1973. (By- og regionforskningen, Rapport, 30). With English summary.

201 SEIERSTAD, Atle. Norge og oljen (Norway and the Oil), new, rev. ed. Oslo, Pax forlag, 1973. (Pax-bøkene, 356).

202 SEJERSTED, Francis. Ideal, teori og virkelighet. Nicolai Rygg og pengepolitikken i 1920-årene (Ideals, Theory and Reality. Nicolai Rygg and Financial Politics During the 19205). Oslo, Cappelen, 1973.

203 SELAND, Johan. 'Norge som oljeland
— fra drøm til mareritt?' (Norway

Side 243

as an oil country — from dream to
nightmare?), Samtiden 1973: 7, 385-402.

204 Den sosiale utvikling i Norge 1971— 1973 (Social Development in Norway 1971-1973). Report to the Nordic Sociopolitical Meeting of Ministers in Iceland, July 1973. Ed. by Opplys-ningssekretariatet and 5. sosialkontor, Oslo, 1973.

205 STAVA, Per. Theories of Public Policy Making and the Location of Norwegian District Colleges and Universities', European Journal of Political Research 1(3), 1973: 249-264.

206 TVEIT, Odd Karsten. Nordsjøoljen
(The North Sea Oil). Oslo, Grøndahl,

207 TVEIT, Odd Karsten. Vår olje og vår kraft (Our Oil and Our Electrical Power Resources). Oslo, Grøndahl, 1973.

208 WYLLER, Thomas Chr. (ed.) Norge som ol)estat (Norway as an Oil State). Oslo, Gyldendal, 1973. (Fakkelbok 264) Articles by Thomas Chr. Wyller, Hans Hammond Rossbach, Steinar Strøm, Svein Andreassen, Atle Seierstad, Johan Galtung.


209 ANNERSTEDT, Jan. Makten over
forskningen (The power over research).
Lund, Cavefors, 1972, 221 pp.




210 PUUMALAINEN, Asko. Valtion osakeyhtiomuotoinen liiketoiminta Suomessa: Ideologinen perusta, poliittishallinnollinen kehitys ja yhteiskunnal tuotokset (The System of State Intercorporated Enterprises in Finland: Ideological Basis, Politico Development and the Societal Outputs). Helsinki, 1973, 118 pp., mimeo. (Helsingin yliopiston yleisen valtio-opin laitoksen tutkimuksia. SarjaC:I973:S.DETA).

211 TAINIO, Esko. 'Tilintarkastajien tehtåvat valtioenemmistoisissa osakeyhtioissa' (Tasks of auditors in a company where the state is the majority share holder. English summary), Liiketaloudellinen aikakausikirja 22(1), 1973: 29-42.

Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

212 DELLENBRANT, Jan-Åke. Reformists and Traditionalists. A Study of Soviet Discussions about Economic Reform 1960-1965. Uppsala, Statsvetenskapliga foreningen, 1972, 166 pp.




213 BENNO, Carl. Forvaltningsordboken (A Dictionary of Administration). Stockholm, Wahlstrom & Widstrand, 1972, 127 pp.

214 BERGGREN, Erik. 'Decentralisering från statsdepartementen — principer och resultat' (Decentralization from the government office — principles and results), Forvaltningsrdttslig tidskrift 36(4), 1973: 123-133.

215 Demokraattinen suunnittelu (Democratic Planning). Helsinki, Suomen demokraattiset lakimiehet & Yhteiskuntasuunnittelun Seurary, 1973, 364 pp.

216 EIDE, Kjell. Planlegging og organisasjon
(Planning and Organization).
Oslo, Universitetsforlaget, 1973.

217 HYDÉN, Goran. Stat och forvaltning i Afrika (State and Administration in Africa). Stockholm, Almqvist & Wiksell, 1973, 118 pp.

218 JARVELA, Marja. Sosiaali-indikaattorit ja valtiomonopolistinen suunnittelu' (The social indicators and the state monopolistic planning), Sosiologia 10(5), 1973: 225-235.

219 JUNGE, Finn and RY NIELSEN, E. J. (eds.) Klassisk organisationsteori: scientific management, den administrative skole, bureaukratiet (Classic Organization Theory: Scientific Management, the Administrative School. Bureaucracy). Copenhagen. Nyt fra Samfundsvidenskaberne, 1973, 77 pp.

220 KIERKEGAARD, Henning. Modeller i den Økonomiske styring (Models for Economic Guidance). Copenhagen, Samfundslitteratur, 1973, 64 pp.

221 LINDFORS, Hans. 'Några tankar kring regional samhallsplanering' (Some thoughts on regional social planning), Sociologisk forskning 9(4), 1972: 222-236.

222 LUNDQVIST, Lennart J. 'Crisis, change and public policy — considerations for a comparative analysis of environmental policies', European Journal of Political Research 1(2), 1973.

223 LUNDQVIST, Lennart J. Environmental quality and politics: some notes on political development in "developed" countries', Social Science Information 12(2), 1973: 43-65.

224 LUNDQVIST, Lennart J. 'The comparative study of environmental policy', Policy Studies Journal 1(3), 1973: 138-143.

Side 244

225 MADSEN, Erik Nøergard. Forvaltningslærens placering — teoretisk og praktisk' (The placing of public administration - theoretical and practical), Politico 6(1) 1973: 45-57.

226 MERIKOSKI, Veli. The politicization of public administration', International Review of Administrative Sciences 39(3), 1973: 211-224.

227 MEYER, Poul. Systematic Aspects of
Public Administration. Copenhagen,
Gad, 1973, 183 pp.

228 NIITTYLA, Antti. 'Palvelujen hankinta hallinto-organisatorisena ongelmana' (The public service purchase as an administrative problem), R-muistio 1973: 2, 4-10.

229 PEKONEN, Kyosti. Reifikaatio byrokratiassa julkisen hallinnon ongelmana (Reification in Bureaucracy as a Problem of the Public Administration). Jyvaskyla, 1973, 55 pp., mimeo. (Jyvaskylan yliopisto. Yhteiskuntatieteen laitos. Julkaisusarja 16).

230 ROSLIN, Bertil. Kostnadsokning och forvaltningsexpansion. En studie i kostnadsutvecklingens inverkan på den offentliga sektor ns planering och tillvåxt (The Growth of Expenditures and the Expansion of the Administration. A Study on the Effects of the Growing Expenditures upon the Public Planning and the Expansion of the Public Sector). Turku, 1973, 181 pp., mimeo. (Acta academiae Aboensis A.42:3).

231 VARTOLA, Juha. Johdatusta hallinnon tutkimukseen (An Introduction to the Study of Administration). Tampere, 1973, 113 pp., mimeo. (Tampereen yliopisto. Julkishallinnon laitoksen julkaisusarja 1973:4 B).



232 HOLOPAINEN, Irma. Valtion keskushallinnon tiedotustoiminnan resurssit ja kdytontd (The Resources and the Practice of the Information in the Governmental Central Administration). Tampere, 1973, 38 pp., mimeo. (Tampereen yliopiston tiedotustutkimuksen laitos. Monistesarja 17).

233 PENNANEN, Esko. 'Komiteoiden kaytto valtionhallinnossa' (The use of the committees in the state administration), R-muistio 1973: 4, 55-64.


234 HERNES, Gudmund. 'Utredning av
maktforhold i Norge' (Power in Norway),
Samtiden 1973: 6, 331-341.


235 DORFER, Ingemar. System 37 Viggen.

Arms, Technology and the Domestication
of Glory. Oslo, Universitetsforlaget,
1973, 257 pp.

236 LUNDQVIST, Lennart J. 'Sweden's environmental
policy', Ambio 1(3),
1972: 90-101.

237 LUNDQVIST, Lennart J. 'Sweden's national physical planning for natural resources management', Environmental Affairs 2(3), 1972: 487-504.

United States of America

238 LUNDQVIST, Lennart J. Environmental impact statements: their legislative and administrative background', Ambio 2(5), 1973: 136.



239 HJERN, Benny. 'Vad optimerar byråchefen?' (What does the bureau head optimize?), Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift 76(3), 1973: 180-185.

240 SUNESSON, Sune. 'Om begreppet byråkrati' (On the concept of bureaucracy), Hdften for kritiska studier 6(4), 1973: 4-20. Reply from Abrahamsson, Bengt and a rejoinder from Sunesson, Ibid. 6(7), 1973: 50-57.

241 WILD, Eberhard. 'Der Ombudsman in Skandinavien' (The ombudsman in Scandinavia), pp. 12—73 in his Der Ombudsman in Deutschland. Wurtzburg, 1970.



242 LINDHARD, Mogens (ed.) The Danish Ombudsmand 1955-1969. Seventyfive Cases — from the Ombudsman's Reports. Copenhagen, Schultz, 1972. 116 pp.

243 MØLLER, Jørgen Nue (ed.). Den offentlige forvaltning i Danmark (The Public Administration in Denmark). Copenhagen, D B K, 1973, 345 pp.


244 MODEEN, Tore. Tjanstemånnen och
politiken' (Civil servants and politics),
Finsk Tidskrift 1973: H 9, 373-381.

245 REKOLA, Esko. 'Virkomiesten ja politiikkojen suhteista' (On the relations of civil servants and politicians), R-muistio 1973: 6, 57-59.


246 DONJEM, Hans-Fredrik. Rekrutteringen av tjenestemenn til de norske departementer i perioden 1945-1965' (The recruitment of Norwegian civil servants in the period 1945-1965),

Side 245

Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning
14(3), 1973: 194-206.

247 MYKLAND, Knut. Skiftet i forvaltningsordningen i Danmark og Norge i tiden fra omkring 1630 og inntil Fredrik den tredjes død (The Change in Public Administration in Denmark and Norway from about 1630 to the Death of Frederic III), 2. ed. Oslo, Universitetsforlaget, 1973.


248 CLAESSON, Goran C.-O. Statens ostyriga utredande. Betdnkande om kommittévdsendet (The Unruly Royal Commissions. A Report on Committees). Stockholm, Studieforbundet naringsliv och samhalle, 1972, 211 pp.

249 FRIBERG, Lennart. Styre i kristid. Studier i kris forvaltningens organisation och struktur 1939—1945 (Administration in a Time of Crisis. Studies on the Organization and Structure of Emergency Administration in Sweden 1939-1945). With an English summary. Stockholm, Allmånna forlaget, 1973, 444 pp.

250 LUNDQVIST, Lennart and PETERSSON, Harry (eds.) Byråkrati och demokrati. Problem kring den offentliga forvaltningen (Bureaucracy and Democracy. Problems of Public Administration), 2nd rev. ed. Lund, Studentlitteratur, 1973.

251 MOLIN, Bjorn. 'Byråkratin i framtiden'
(Bureaucracy in the future), Liberal
debatt 25(5), 1973: 19-22.



252 HANSEN, Holger. Nyt ord i dansk politik: Lokalisering. En bog om bedre samfundsplanlægning (New Word in Danish Politics: Localization. A Book about Better Planning of the Society). Copenhagen, Liberal, 1973, 128 pp.

253 HOVMAND, Svend E. (ed.) Det nære samfund. Én debatbog om Kommunalpolitik (The Close Community. A Book Debating Municipal Politics). Copenhagen, Liberal, 1973, 101 pp.



254 Betænkning vedrørende personaleforbruget i kommuner og amtskommuner (An Opinion Given by the Commission Appointed by the Secretary on Domestic Affairs on September Ist 1972.) Copenhagen, Statens trykningskontor, 1973, 58 pp.

255 OLSEN, Helge P. Slaget om Stærekas-

sen. Et moderne drama om planlægning og sanering i Koebenhavn — om svælget mellem de herskende på Rådhuset og de beherskede i byen (The Battle of the Nest-Box. A Modern Drama on Planning and Slum Clearance in Copenhagen — on the Gap between the Ruling in the Guildhall and the Ruled in the Town). Copenhagen, Erichsen, 1973, 62 pp.

256 HANSEN, Ove. Sådan er fællesskabet. Et indblik i den Kommunale forvaltning på baggrund af Kommunalreformen (How the Community Is. A glimpse into the Municipal Administration after the Municipal Reform). Copenhagen, Fremad, 1972, 435 pp.

257 HARDER, Erik. Ddnische Kommunalverwaltung (Local Government in Denmark). Copenhagen, Det danske Selskab, 1973, 183 pp.

258 HARDER, Erik. Local Government in
Denmark. Copenhagen, Det danske
Selskab, 1973, 191 pp.

259 BRESSON, Kurt. Den enkelte borger og den politiske beslutning. Analyse af sagen om vejen i Vaserne (The Common Citizen and the Political Decision. Analysis of the Case of the Road in Vaserne). Copenhagen, Birkeroed, 1973, 60 pp.

260 Amtskommunernes organisatoriske forhold. Foredrag ved konferencen på Den kommunale Højskole den 10.— 12. december 1972. (The Organizational Conditions of the Counties. Lectures from the Conference on the Municipal School 10th-12th December 1972). Copenhagen, 1973, 116 pp.

261 SEIERSEN, Flemming and LINDHARDT, Karsten. Magtspillet i provinsbyen (The Power-Game in the Provincial Town). Copenhagen, Lindhardt og Ringhof, 1973, 112 pp.

262 NELLEMANN, G. and SUNDBO, Jon (eds.) Kommune Sammenlægning. En undersøgelse af sammenlægningen omkring Skælskør 1.4.1966, dens forudsætninger og dens konsekvenser (Municipal Merging. A Research on the Merging around Skælskør 1.4. 1966, Its Conditions and Its Consequences). Copenhagen, Dansk Historisk Fællesforening, 1973, 375 pp.

263 Notat vedrørende Egnsplanrådets forslag til regionsplan for hovedstadsområdet 1970-1985 (Notes on the Regional Council's Proposal as a Regional Plan for the Metropolitan Area). Copenhagen, Boligministeriet, 1973, 92 pp.

264 Amtskommunernes organisation og funktion. Betænkning afgivet af et af Amtsrådsforeningen i Danmark nedsat udvalg (County-Municipal's Organization and Function. Report from

Side 246

a Commission under the County Council Union in Denmark). Copenhagen, Amtsrådsforeningen, 1972, 36 PP.


265 KAKONEN, Jyrki. 'Suomalaisen kunnallispolitiikan tutkimuksen tila' (The state of the research on the Finnish municipal policy), Politiikka 15(3), 1973: 250-259.

266 MODEEN, Tore. De folksrdttsliga garantierna for bevarandet av landsb'arnas nationella karaktår (Protection of the National Character of the Åland Islands in International Law. Resume in French). Maarianhamina, 1973, 235 pp. (Skrifter utgivna av Ålands Kulturstiftelse 7).


267 HANSEN, Tore. 'Planleggere, myndigheter og lokalbefolkning' (Planners, public authorities and local population), Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning 14(3), 1973: 207-230.

268 Hovedkomitéen for reformer i lokalforvaltningen, 1971. Opprettelse av rådmannskontorer i fylkeskommunene. Delutredning av 21. mars 1973 (Establishment of councillor's offices in the county municipalities. Partial report of 21 March 1973). Published by Kommunal- og arbeidsdepartementet. Formann: Dagfin Juel. Oslo, Universitetsforlaget, 1973. (Norges offentlige utredninger, 1973: 34).

269 Hovedkomitéen for reformer i lokalforvaltningen, 1971. Overføring av arbeidsoppgaver til fylkene. Delegering av myndighet. Delutredning av 25. jan. 1973 (Transferring authority to the counties. Report of Jan. 25, 1973). Published by Kommunal- og arbeidsdepartementet. Formann: Dagfin Juel. Oslo, Universitetsforlaget, 1973. (Norges offentlige utredninger, 1973: 29).

270 Hovedkomitéen for reformer i lokalforvaltningen, 1971. Åpne eller lukkede møter i formannskap, fylkesutvalg m. v. Delutredning av 9. nov. 1972 (Open or Closed Meetings in Agencies of Local Government. Report of Nov. 9, 1972). Published by Kommunal- og arbeidsdepartementet. Formann: Dagfin Juel. Oslo, Universitetsforlaget, 1972. (Norges offentlige utredninger, 1973:1).

271 Hovedkomitéen for reformer i lokalforvaltningen, 1971. Støtte til politiske organisasjoner eller formål. Delutredning av 15. nov. 1973 (Economic Aid to Political Organizations or Aims. Report of 15 Nov. 1973). Published by Kommunal- og arbeidsdeparte

mentet. Formann: Dagfin Juel. Oslo,
Universitetsforlaget, 1973. (Norges
offentlige utredninger, 1973:57).

272 RØNNING, Rolf. Organisasjonsaktivitet i lokalsamfunnet (Organizational Activity in Local Society). Kristiansand, 1973. (Agder distriktshøgskole, Seksjon for offentlig administrasjon, Skrifter, 1973:2).

273 STEEN, Sverre. Amt og stat 1837-1860
(County and State 1837-1860). Oslo,
Cappelen, 1973.

274 THUEN, Trond. 'Values, Conflicts and Decisional Processes in Local Level Politics. A Case Study from Northern Norway', PM om tema innen politikk og administrasjon, 1973: 4, 3—25.


275 BECKMAN, Bjorn. 'Lånens lekman hade stort inflytande på regionalpolitikens utformning' (Great influence on the formation of regional policy for regional government members), Organisations-TEMA 2(3), 1973: 30-32.

276 BIRGERSSON, Bengt Owe, HAGGROTH, Soren, and WALLIN, Gunnar. Att leva i Salemstaden. Politisk aktivitet, servicebehov och trivsel i en ny Stockholmsforort (To Live in Salemstaden. Political Activity, Service Requirements and Contentment in a New Stockholm Suburb). With an English summary. Stockholm, Statens institut for byggnadsforskning, 1973, 184 pp.

277 EJVEGÅRD, Rolf. Landstingsforbundet. Organisation, beslutsfattande, forhållande till staten (The Federation of Swedish County Councils. Organization, Decision-Making, Relations with the State). With an English summary. Stockholm, Landstingsforbundet, 1973, 474 pp.

278 GUSTAFSSON, Agne. 'Kommunerna och den nya grundlagen' (The communes and the new constitution), Kommunal tidskrift 6(12), 1973: 535 -539.

279 HAGGROTH, Soren. 'Swedish experiments in citizen participation in local planning', Studies in comparative local government 7(1), 1973: 57-58.

280 HAGSTROM, 80. Tntressekonflikt hos var fjårde lekman!' (A conflict of interest for every fourth regional government member), Organisations 2(3), 1973: 28-29.

281 HAGGROTH, Soren and WALLIN, Gunnar. 'Foreningar och studiecirklar gav Lidingo konstruktiva idéer for generalplanen' (Constructive ideas for general planning from associations and study groups at Lidingo), Kommunal tidskrift 6(20), 1973: 924-927.

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282 NEVÉUS, Torgny, Sormlandstinget 1938-1965 (The Sodermanland County Council 1938-1965). Nykoping, Sodermanlands låns landsting, 1973,280 pp.




283 CLAUSEN, H. P., MEYER, Poul, and PONTOPPIDAN, Anders. Kulturelle, politiske og religiøse bevægelser i det 19. århundrede (Cultural, Political and Religious Movements in the 19th Century). Århus, Universitetsforlaget i Århus, 1973, 38 pp.

284 DICH, Jørgen S. Den herskende klasse. En kritisk analyse af udbytning og midlerne mod den (The Ruling Class. A Critical Analysis of Exploitation and the Means Against This). Copenhagen, Borgen, 1973, 244 pp.

285 GALTUNG, Johan. 'Økologi og klassekamp'
(Ecology and class struggle),
Samtiden 1973: 2, 65-83.

286 HARDER, Bertil. Statskollektivisme og spildproduktion. Om årsagerne til overforbruget, skatteplyndringen, institutionernes tyranni og det tiltagende forbrug af vore ressourser (State Collectivism and Waste Production. About the Origins of the Surplus Consumption the Spoliation of Taxpayers, the Tyranny of the Institutions and the Growing Consumption of Our Resources). Copenhagen, Bramsen & Hjort, 1973, 119 pp.

287 HØIVIK, Tord. 'Norway 1990 - the future of a small nation', in Proceedings of the World Future Research Congress. 3, Bucharest, 3—lo September 1972. Bucharest, 1973.

288 SUPPOLA, Salme. Suomalainen mielenosoitus. Empiirinen tutkimus mielenosoitusten esiintymistiheydestd, muodoista ja seurauksista 1960-luvulla Suomessa (The Finnish Demonstration. An Empirical Study on Frequency, Forms and Consequences of Demonstrations in Finland in the 19605). Helsinki, 1973, 58 pp., mimeo. (Oikeusministerion lainsåådåntoosaston julkaisu 1973:10).

289 SØNDERGAARD, Peter. Udviklingsteori. Historisk Sociologisk analyse af den nordjydske regions udvikling indtil 1850 (Development Theory. A Historie Sociologic Analysis of the Development of the Region Northjutland). Copenhagen, Kurasje, 1973, 292 pp.

290 TEIGLAND, Gunnar. 'Embetsmakt mot
folkevilje. Lekmannsrørsla og utvik

linga av det norske demokratiet på 1800-tallet' (The laymen movement and the development of the Norwegian democracy in the 18th century), Syn og segn 1973: 6, 351-361.

291 TEGLERS, Hans Edvard. Magt og Midler. Rapport om det offentlige Danmark (Power and Means. Report on the Public Denmark) Copenhagen. Forum. 1973. 227 pp.


292 CASTLES, F. G. 'The political functions of organized groups: The Swedish case', Political Studies 21(1), 1973: 26-34.

293 BLOM, Ida. Kampen om Eirik Raudes land. Pressgruppepolitikk i grønlandsspørsmålet 1921-1931 (The Struggle for the Land of Eirik Raude. Pressure Group Politics in Connection with the Greenland Question 1921-1931). Oslo, Gyldendal, 1973. (Rev. ed. of the author's doctoral thesis Nasjonal reisning. Pressgruppepolitikk i grønlandsspørsmålet).

294 BØKLE, Gundula. Kvindeemancipationsteoriens udvikling fra Karl Marx til rådsbevægelsen (The Development of the Theory of Women's Emancipation from Karl Marx to the Soviet Movement). Århus, Modtryk, 1973, 95 pp.

295 ORBRINK, Mats and LUNDGREN, Christer. FNL-rorelsen i Sverige. En historik (The NLF Movement in Sweden. A Short History). Stockholm, Solidaritet, 1973, 32 pp.

296 JØRGENSEN, Klaus. Atomvåbenets rolle i dansk politik. Med særligt henblik på Kampagnen mod Atomvåben 1960-68 (The Role of Nuclear Weapons in Danish Politics. With Special Reference to the Campaign Against Nuclear Weapons 1960-68). With an English Summary. Odense, Odense University Press, 1973, 173 pp.

297 KARLBOM, Rolf. 'Adelsmån och akademiker som statsråd' (Gentry and academics as ministers), Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift 76(1), 1973: 69-70.

298 MATHIESEN, Thomas. Pressgruppe og samfunnsstruktur (Pressure Groups and the Structure of Society). Oslo, Pax Forlag, 1973.

299 SOLVANG, Bernt Krohn. Interesseorganisasjpnenes politiske aktivitet på nasjonal- og lokalplanet. En diskusjon om mulige likheter og forskjeller med utgangspunkt i enkelte nyere undersøkelser (The National and Local Political Activity of the Organizations of Interests. A Discussion of Possible Similarities and Differences on the

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Basis of Some Recent Studies). Kristiansand, 1973. (Agder distriktshøgskole, Seksjon for offentlig administrasjon, Skrifter, 1973:3).

300 TERP, Anna Marie. Kvindebevægelsernes historie i nyere tid (A History of Women's Movement in Recent Times). Copenhagen, Attika, 1973, 83 pp.


301 CHRISTENSEN, Erik. Tanker omkring en fagforeningsundersøgelse' (Thoughts about a trade union research), Politico 6(2), 1973: 39-55.

302 DUE, Jesper and STEEN MADSEN,
Jørgen, 'Strejketeorier' (Theories on
strikes) Politico 6(2), 1973: 56-99.

303 ENEVOLDSEN, Niels et al. konomisk Demokrati. Hvorfor — hvorledes (Economic Democracy. Why — How). Copenhagen, SOC, 107 pp.

304 PESTOFF, Victor. 'Amerikanska LO och presidentvalet' (AFL-CIO and the presidential election), Tiden 65(1), 1973: 5-10.

305 FRIIS, Jakob and HEGNA, Trond (eds.) Arbeidernes leksikon (The Workers' Encyclopedia), 3 vols. Shortened new ed. Selection by Fredrik Engelstad and Einhart Lorenz. Oslo, Pax forlag, 1973.

306 KOCH-OLSEN, Ib (ed.). Kampens gang. LO gennem 75 år 1898-1973 (The Course of the Fight. L.O. Through 75 Years). Copenhagen, LO, 1973, 544 pp.

307 Konsekvenserne af økonomisk demokrati (The Consequences of Economic Democracy). Copenhagen, Dansk Arbejdsgiverforening, 1973, 39 pp.

308 NIELSEN, Villy. 75. 1895 Træindustriarbejderforbundet i Danmark 1970 (75. The 1895 Timbering Workers Union in Denmark 1970). Copenhagen, Træindustriarbejderforbundet i Danmark, 1970, 40 pp.

309 NORDAHL, Konrad. Gode arbeidsår
(Good Working Years). Oslo, Tiden,

310 Den Nye Håndbog for Arbejdere og Funktionærer. Arbejdsmarkedets Håndbog (The New Handbook for Workers and Functionaries. Handbook of the Labour Market). Copenhagen, AOF, 1972, 478 pp.

311 OLSEN, Niels TiJcjøb. Om arbejdsmarkedsforhold og arbejdsmarkedspolitik (On labour market relations and labour market politics) Politico 6(2) 1973: 4-38.

312 PLOVSING, Jan. Funktionær. Organiseret eller uorganiseret? (White Collar: Organized or Unorganized?). Copenhagen, Teknisk Forlag, 1973, 46 pp.

313 SKOGHEIM, Dag. Klassekamp under nordlysflammer. Nord-norske arbeidere i kamp 1889—1918. En dokumentarisk beretning (Class Struggle in the North. Northern Norwegian Workers in Struggle 1889-1918). Oslo, Pax forlag, 1973. (Pax-bøkene 365.)

314 SØRENSEN, Henning. Økonomisk Demokrati. Kilder til den politiske debat (Economic Democracy. Sources to the Political Debate). Copenhagen, Gyldendal, 1973, 122 pp.

315 SOLVANG, Bernt Krohn. 'LO - fra rådgiver til offentlig administrator' (The Norwegian Labour Union — its evolution from adviser to public administrator), Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning 14(2), 1973: 106-124.


316 ANDERSEN, M. Foreningen af jydske Landboforeninger gennem 100 år 1872-1972 (The Association of Jutlandic Farmer Unions Through One Hundred Years 1872-1972). Århus, Foreningen af Jydske Landboforeninger, 1972, 267 pp.

317 HANSEN, Hans Ejvind. Landbrugspolitikken i de europæiske fællesskaber (The Agricultural Policy in the European Communities). Copenhagen, Universitetsforlaget, 1973, 70 pp.

318 TVEIT, Norvald. Eit vegopprør i Bygde-Norge. Fjærland (Uprising in Rural Norway. Roads in Fjærland). Oslo, Samlaget, 1973. (Orionbøkene, 140).

319 NISSEN, Gunhild. Bønder, skole og demokrati. En Undersøgelse i fire provstier af forholdet mellem den offentlige skole og befolkningen på landet i tiden ca. 1880-1910 (Farmers, School and Democracy. A Research of Four Deanovies of the Relations Between the Primary School and the Rural Population about 1880-1910). With English Summary. Copenhagen, Danmarks Lærerhøjskole, 1973, 367 pp.

320 URWIN, Derek. The Politics of Agrarian Defence: Some Aspects of the Historical Development of Agrarian Political Movements in Europe from the End of Feudalism to the Twentieth Century. Ph.D. Thesis, Strathclyde University, Scotland, 1973.


321 ENGMAN, Hans and KRISTENSSON, Folke. 'Det multinationella foretaget, fackforeningen och nationalstaten — två innlågg' (The multinational corporation, the trade union and the nation state — two views), Internationella studier 1(2), 1973: 53-61.

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322 MYRMAN, Yngve. Maktkampen på arbetsmarknaden 1905-1907. En studie av de icke-socialistiska arbetarna som faktor i arhetsgivarpolitiken (The Power Struggle on the Labor Market: A Study of Non-Socialist Labor as a Factor in the Policy of the Employers). With an English summary. Stockholm, Statsvetenskapliga institutionen, 1973, vi + 251 pp.


323 ALAPURO, Risto. Akateeminen Karjala —seura. Ylioppilasliike ja kansa 1920- ja 1930-luvulla (The Karjalaseura [a student national society]. The Student Movement and the People in the 1920s and 19305). Helsinki, 1973, 270 pp. (Politiikan tutkimuksia. Valtiotieteellisen yhdistyksen julkaisusarja 14).

324 ALAPURO, Risto. 'Students and national politics. A comparative study of the Finnish student movement in the interwar period', pp. 113—140 in Scandinavian Political Studies Volume 8173. Oslo, Universitetsforlaget, 1973.

325 HANSSEN, Eskill and WIGGEN, G. (eds.) Målstrid er klassekamp. Målpolitiske artiklar (Language Struggle is Class Struggle. Articles on Language Politics). Oslo, Pax forlag, 1973. (Pax-bøkene, 362).

326 HARTMANN, Jurgen. Studentendissens und Systemkonflikt. Zur Dynamik von Studentenbewegungen in Fortgeschrittenen lndustrienlandern: das Beispil Schweden (Student Dissent and Systemic Conflict. On the Dynamics of Student Movements in Developed Industrial Countries: The case of Sweden). Uppsala, 1973, ii + 188 pp.

327 JENSEN, Karl V. Udviklingen af den revolutionære bevægelse i Danmark (The Development of the Revolutionary Movement in Denmark). Copenhagen, Prometheus, 1972, 48 pp.

328 MIDRÉ, Georges. Pariserkommunen 1871. Et populistisk eksperiment (The Paris Commune 1871. A Populistic Experiment). Universitetet i Tromsø, Institutt for samfunnsvitenskap, Tromsø, 1973. (Stensilserie A, Samfunnsfag, 3).

329 PETERSSON, Olof. 'Political orientations and participation in demonstrations among Swedish students', European Journal of Political Research 1(4), 1973: 299-315.

330 RIKSAASEN, Steinar. Libertas. Bakgrunn, etablering og de første virkeår (Libertas. Background, Founding and the First Years at Work). Oslo, Elingaard, 1973.

331 WIGGEN, Geirr (ed.) Ny målstrid. Artikler og innlegg om sprak, samfunn og ideologi (Language Struggle. Articles and Contributions to the Discussion on Language, Society and Ideology). Oslo, Novus, 1973.


332 DORFER, Ingemar. System 37 Viggen. Arms. Technology and the Domestication of Glory. Oslo, Universitetsforlaget, 1973. (Norwegian foreign policy studies, 6).

333 GALTUNG, Johan. 'Kuppen i Chile'
(The coup in Chile), Rapport från
SWA 4(7), 1973: 2-4.

334 G ARRIS, Jerome. 'Sweden's debate on the proliferation of nuclear weapons', Cooperation and Conflict 8(3/ 1973: 189-208.

335 HOADLEY, J. Stephen. 'Social complexity, economic development, and military coups d'etat in Latin America and Asia', Journal of Peace Research 1973: 1-2, 119-120.


336 ELLINGSEN,Terje. Fri folkekirke. Den norske kirkes forfatning under debatt 1906-1916 (Independent People's Church. The Debate of the Constitution of the Norwegian Church 1906— 1916). Oslo, Universitetsforlaget, 1973. (U-bok, 208).

337 ELLINGSEN, Terje. Kirkelig visjon - politisk dragkamp. Fra reformarbeidet i den Norske kirke (Ecclesiastical Vision — Political Struggle. From the Work of Reform in the Norwegian Church). Stavanger, Nomi, 1973.

338 FOSS, Øivind. Kirke og klassekamp (The Church and Class Struggle). Oslo, Gyldendal, 1973. (Fakkel-bok, 257).

339 Det Frivillige kirkeråds utredningskommisjon, 1969. Den Norske kirke og staten (The Norwegian Church and the State). Innstilling fra det frivillige kirkeråds utredningskommisjon av 1969. Formann: Kaare Støylen. Stavanger, Nomi, 1973.

340 GUNLEIKSRUD, Gaute. Religionsfrihet og statsforståelse' (Freedom of religion and understanding of the state), Kirke og kultur 1973: 6, 336-346.

341 MONTGOMERY, Ingun. Vårjostånd och lårostånd. Religion och politik i meningsutbytet mellan kungamakt och pråsterskap i Sverige 1593-1608 (The Estate of Values of Learning. The Dialogue Between Royal Power and Clergy on Religion and Politics in Sweden 1593-1608.) Doctoral dissertation, Bergen, 1973. (Acta Univer

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sitas Upsaliensis, Studia historicoecclesiastica
Upsaliensia, 22).

342 NOTAKER, Henry. Kirkelig radikalisme i Latin-Amerika (Church Radicalism in Latin America). Oslo, Aschehoug, 1973.

343 REPSTAD, Pål. Raud preikestol? Politikk i kyrkja (Red Pulpit? Politics in the Church). Oslo, Samlaget, 1973. (Orion-bøkene, 145).




344 BLUM, Jaques. Dansk ogleller jøde? En kultur-sociologisk undersøgelse af den jødiske minoritet i Danmark (Danish and/or Jew? A Cultural-Sociologic Research of the Jewish Minority in Denmark). With the cooperation of Line Kabel and Frode Rasmussen. Copenhagen, Gyldendal, 1973, 252 pp.

345 ELKLIT, Jørgen, NOACK, Johan Peter, TONSGAARD, Ole. 'Om måling af nationalt tilhørsforhold i Nordslesvig' (On measuring national membership in North Slesvig), Økonomi og Politik 46(4), 1972: 375-395.


346 GUSTAVSEN, John. 'Minoriteter og problemer i Sverige' (Minorities and problems in Sweden), Samtiden 1973: 3, 143-152.

2AI SCHWARZ, David. Kan invandrarna bli svenskar? (Can the Immigrants Become Swedes?). Lund, Studentlitteratur, 1973, 151 pp.

348 SVENSSON, Tom G. Samernas politiska organisation. En studie av en etnisk minoritet i forhållande till storsamhdllet (The Political Organization of the Lapps: A Study of an Ethnic Minority in Relation to the Greater Society), Stockholm, 1973, iv + 254 pp.



349 HOGLUND, Sten. 'Några anteckningar till låsningen av Robert Michels bok "Political Parties"' (Some notes after reading Robert Michel's book Political Parties'), Sociologisk forskning 10(1), 1973: 38-57.

350 UPTON, A. F., ed. Communism in Scandinavia and Finland: Politics of Opportunity. Garden City, N.Y., Doubleday/Anchor, 1973, 422 pp.



351 LØTVEIT, Trygve. Chinese Communism 1931—1934: Experience in Civil Government. Lund, Studentlitteratur, 1973, 290 pp.


352 DAMGAARD, Erik. 'Party coalitions in Danish law-making 1953-70', European Journal of Political Research 1, 1973: 35-66.

353 HØJGAARD, Gunna. Kvinder i Chile
(Women in Chile). Copenhagen, Kvindehuset,
1973, 56 pp.

354 Økonomisk demokrati - lønmodtagerdemokrati. Lønmodtagerne må have medejendomsret og medbestemmelse. Skitseforslaget fra Socialdemokratiet og LOs fællesudvalg (Economic Democracy — Employees Must have Co and Co-Decisionship. The Rough Draft from the Common Committee of the Social Democratic Party and LO). Copenhagen, LO, 1973.

355 RODE, Ove. Indenrigsminister Ove Rodes dagbøger 1914-1918 (The Diaries of the Secretary of Domestic Affairs Ove Rode, 1914-1918), ed. by Kaarsted, Tage. Århus, Universitetsforlaget i Århus, 1972, 229 pp.

356 KRAG, J. O. Dagbog ved et årsskifte. December 1971. Januar 1972. (Diary Around a New Year. December 1971. January 1972). Copenhagen, Gyldendal, 1972, 77 pp.


357 ANCKAR, Dag. 'Party strategies and foreign policy. The case of Finland 1955-63', Cooperation and Conflict 8(1), 1973: 1-17.

358 HOLAPPA, Pentti (ed.). {Paasio, Rafael) Kdytdnnon sosialidemokratiaa (Juhlakirja 6.6.1973) (Paasio, Rafael, Social Democracy in Practice, Anniversary Publication 6/6/1973). Helsinki, Kustannusoskeyhtio, Tammi, 1973, 224 pp.

359 SULEVO, Kari. Suomen puolueet ja pohjoismaiden yhteistyo. Tutkimus Suomen poliittisten puolueiden asennoitumisesta pohjoismaiden yhteistyohon Kivimden julistuksesta 1935 Nordek — suunnitelmaan 1969 (The Finnish Parties and the Nordic Cooperation. A Study of the Attitudes of the Finnish Political Parties Toward Nordic Cooperation from the Kivimåki Declaration in 1935 to the Nordefc Plan in 1969). Helsinki, 1973, 190 pp. (Bidrag till kånnedom av Finlands natur och folk H.I 15).

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360 VIRMAVIRTA, Jarmo. Paasikiven perilliset
(The Heirs of Paasikivi). Helsinki,
Kirjayhtyma Oy, 1973, 187 pp.

German Democratic Republic

361 JENSEN, Jens-Jørgen. 'Tysklands Sociale Enhedsparti' (The Socialist Unity Party of Germany), Økonomi og Politik 47(3) 1973: 247-273.


362 DJURFELDT, Goran and LINDBERG, Staffan. 'Indisk kommunism sedan 1967' (Indian communism since 1967), Zenit 1973: 1, 36-45.


363 CHRISTOPHERSEN, Jens Andreas. 'Høyre i norsk politikk' (The Conservative party in Norwegian politics), Kirke og kultur 1973: 4. 194-219.

364 HELLEVIK, Per Jarle. 'Kristeleg folkeparti' (The Christian People's party in Norway), Kirke og kultur 1973: 9, 515-524.

365 HOLMEN, Jenny. 'Senterpartiet' (The
Center party in Norway), Kirke og
kultur 1973: 5, 300-312.

366 KJELDSTADLI, Knut and KEUL, Vidar (eds.). DNA — fra folkebevegelse til statsstøtte (The Norwegian Labour Party - From People's Movement to State Support). Oslo, Pax forlag, 1973. (Pax-bøkene, 364).

367 KNUTSEN, Sverre (ed.). Slik begynte ML-bevegelsen: SUF mot SF 1967. En dokumentasjon: Vedtak fra SUFs landsmøte 1967. Artikler fra Orientering og Ungsosialisten (Thus Started the ML-Movement: Socialist Youth Alliance Against Socialist People's Party 1967. A Documentation: Resolutions from the National Meeting of Socialist Youth Alliance 1967. Articles from 'Orientering' and Ungsosialisten'). Oslo, October, 1973. (Folkets historie, 2).

368 KVAM, Ragnar, Jr. DNA mot splittelse. Da venstrefløyen ble ekskludert og SF stiftet (The Norwegian Labour Party Towards Partition. When the Left Wing Was Excluded and the Socialist People's Party Founded). Oslo, Cappelen, 1973.

369 LARSSEN, Olav. Den langsomme revolusjonen
(The Slow Revolution).
Oslo, Aschehoug, 1973.

370 MYDSKE, Per Kristen. 'Sosialistisk folkeparti' (The Socialist People's Party in Norway), Kirke og kultur 1973: 8, 471-483.

371 Det Norske Arbeiderparti. Arbeiderpartiet og valget 73. Håndbok for valgarbeidere (The Labour Party and the Election of '73. Handbook for Elec

tion Workers). 2 vols. 1. DNA's politiske regnskap 1969-1973 (The Political Records of the Labour Party 1969-1973). 2. Arbeidsprogrammet for perioden 1974—77 og uttalelser vedtatt på landsmøtet 1973 (Working Program for the Period 1974-77 and Resolutions Passed at the National Meeting 1973). Oslo, Tiden, 1973.

372 SEIM, Jardar. 'Arbeiderpartiet - Norges største parti' (The Labour party — the largest political party in Norway), Kirke og kultur 1973: 6, 321— 335.

373 VASSBOTN, Per. 'Venstre-sprekken måtte korne' (The split in the Liberal party had to come), Samtiden 1973: 1,9-13.

374 WINTHER, Lise. Da partipisken smalt i Asker (When the Party Whip Sounded in Asker). With a foreword by Ole Wigg. Oslo, Pax forlag, 1973. (Paxbøkene, 357).


375 BACK, Pår-Erik. Det svenska partivasendet ndet (The Swedish Party System), 3rd rev. ed. Stockholm, Almqvist & Wiksell, 1973, 171 pp.

376 FORSELL, Harry. 'Review of Brandstrom, "Nomineringsforfarandet vid riksdagsval"', Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift 76(2), 1973: 135-138.

377 FRYKLUND, Bjorn, NILSSON, Tommy, OLSSON, Sven E., and PETERSON, Tomas. 'Från bondeforbund till centerparti' (From agrarian union to center party), Zenit 1973: 4, 4-23.



378 ANCKAR, Dag. Om representativitetsproblemet vid studiet av partiyttringar (On Representativity Problems in the Studies of Party Statements). Turku, 1973, 12 pp., mimeo. (Meddelanden från institutet for samhållsforskning uppratthållet av statsvetenskapliga fakulteten vid Åbo akademi A: 80).

379 MARTIKAINEN, Tuomo. Political Activity: Structure, Determinants and Dynamics. Helsinki, Commentationes Scientiarum Socialium 6, 1973, 117 pp.

380 MARTHINUSSEN, Willy. Fjerndemokratiet. Sosial ulikhet, politiske ressurser og politisk medvirkning i Norge (The Distant Democracy. Social Inequality, Political Resources and Political Participation in Norway). Oslo, Gyldendal, 1973.

381 ØIDNE, Gabriel. Østkant og Vestkant i
Oslos politiske historie. Sosial og po

Side 252

litisk struktur i Oslo 1909-69 (East End and West End in the Political History of Oslo. Social and Political Structure in Oslo 1909-69). Oslo, Gyldendal, 1973.


382 AAGE, Hans. 'Politisk holdningspåvirkning i den kinesiske folkerepublik' (The influence on political attitudes in the Chinese People's Republic), Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift 76(3), 1973: 185-198.

383 CUTLER, Neal E. and HEISKANEN, Ilkka. Foreign Policy Orientations in Finland, 1964 and 1971: An Example of Generational Political Socialization. Helsinki, 1973, 24 pp., mimeo. (Helsingin yliopiston yleisen valtioopin laitoksen tutkimuksia N 30/ 1973).

384 GERHARDSEN, Einar. Fellesskap i krig og fred. Erindringer 1940—45. (Sol'daritv in War and Peace. Memoirs 1940-45). Oslo, Tiden, 1973.

385 KIVIAHO, Pekka. Meteli. Jarjestokannatus ja poliittinen mielipide (Disturbance. The Organizational Support and the Political Opinion). Jyvåskylå, 1973, 22 pp., mimeo. (Jyvaskylån yliopisto. Yhteiskuntatieteen laitos. Julkaisuja 19).

386 KRONVALL, Kai and SVEDIN, Lennart. Opinionsbildning (Opinion Formation). Lund, Studentlitteratur, 1973, 98 pp.

387 KARKKAINEN, Kari and KANSI, Pekka. Ndkokohtia puolustustahdon mittaamisesta (Some Views on the Measurement of the Will to Defend the Country). Helsinki, 1973, 29 pp., mimeo. (Henkisen maanpuolustuksen suunnittelukunta. Henkinen maanpuolustus. Tutkimussarja 14).

388 LAINE, Jarmo and MARTIKAINEN, Tuomo. Puoluekannatuksen periytyminen ja poliittinen aktiivisuus. Tutkimus viiden helsinkilåisen poliittisen nuorisojårjeston jasenistå (The Succession of Party Standpoint and the Political Activity. A Study on the Members of Five Political Youth Organizations in Helsinki). Helsinki, 1973, 50 pp., mimeo. (Helsingin yliopiston yleisen valtio-opin laitoksen tutkimuksia. Sarja B, 1973:4).

389 LINDBLAD, Ingemar. 'Review of Gustafsson, "Strukturomvandling och politisk socialisation" ', Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift 76(2), 1973: 138-141. Reply from Gustafsson and a rejoinder from Lindblad, pp. 141-145.

390 PEKONEN, Kyosti. Puolueiden kannatuksesta ja kannatuksen muutoksesta Keski-Suomessa 1962-1972 (On the Party Attachment and Its Change in Middle Finland 1962-1972). Jyvåskylå, 1973, 109 pp., mimeo. (Jyvaskylan yliopisto. Yhteiskuntatieteen laitos. Julkaisuja 17).

391 TIMONEN, Pertti. 'Sodan vaikutukset poliittiseen kayttaytymiseen. Tutkimus II maailmansodan vaikutuksista vasemmistopuolueiden kannatukseen Lansi-Euroopassa' (The effects of war on political behavior. A study of the effects of World War II on the support of left-wing parties in Western Europe. English summary, p. 128), Politiikka 15(2), 1973: 106-126.


392 GILETT, Nicholas. Dag Hammarskjold.
London, 1970, xi + 302 pp., 11 pi.

393 HAKALEHTO, Ilkka. Vdino Tanner. Taipumattoman tie (Våino Tanner. A Man Who Followed His Own Course). Helsinki, Kirjayhtymå Oy, 1973, 287

394 HERADSTVEIT, Daniel. Arab and lsraeli elite perceptions. Oslo, Universitetsforlaget, 1973. (Norwegian foreign policy studies, 7).

395 HVIDT, Kristian. 'Politiker - hverv eller erhverv. Vederlag til politikerne før og nu' (Politician - assaignment or business. Payment to politicians earlier and now), Økonomi og Politik 46(4), 1972: 357-374.

396 KAMPMANN, Viggo. Seks socialdemokratiske statsministre — skildret af den syvende (Six Social Democratic Prime Ministers - Described by the Seventh). Copenhagen, Fremad, 1973, 94 pp.

397 LICHELLO, Robert. Dag Hammarskjold.
A Giant in Diplomacy. Charlotteville,
N.Y., SamHar Press, 1970.

398 MEANS, Ingunn Norderval. Kvinner i norsk politikk (Women in Norwegian Politics). Oslo, Cappelen, 1973. (Shortened and revised ed. of Norwegian Political Recruitment Patterns and Recruitment of Women, 1971).

399 MØLLER, Wilhelm Christmas. 'Da myten om "Den Røde Krag" blev til (I)' (When the myth of 'the Red Krag' was born), Økonomi og Politik 47(4), 1974: 305-342.

400 PEDERSEN, Mogens N. Danske politikerarkiver. En oversigt over dataarkiver indeholdende oplysninger om danske politikere 1848-1971 (Danish Archives of Politicians. A Survey of Data Archives Containing Information on Danish Politicians 1848—

Side 253

1971). With an English summary. rhus,
Århus Universitet, Institut for
Statskundskab, 1972, 121 pp.

401 PEDERSEN, Mogens N. 'Lawyers in politics. The Danish Folketing and United States legislatures', pp. 25-63 in Patterson, Samuel C. and Wahlke, John C. (eds.). Comparative Legislative Behavior. Frontiers of Research. New York, John Wiley and Sons, 1972.

402 POVLSEN, Thorvald. Ministermødeprotokol 1916—18. Kirkeminister Thorvald Povlsens referater (Protocol of the Minister Meetings 1916 18. The Minutes by the Minister of Ecclesiastical Affairs, Thorvald Povlsen), ed. by Kaarsted, Tage. Århus, Universitetsforlaget i Århus, 1973, 261 pp.

403 SALMELA-JARVINEN, Martta. Miina Sillanpad. Legenda jo eldessddn (Miina Sillanpaa. A Legend Already in Her Life). Porvoo-Helsinki, Werner Soderstrom Osakeyhtio, 1973, 197 pp.

404 URQUHART, Brian. Hammarskjold.
New York, Alfred A. Knopf, 1972,
xv + 630 -j- xxv pp.

405 THORSEN, Svend. De danske ministerier 1901-29. Et hundrede politiskhistoriske biografier {The, Danish Governments 1901-29. One Hundred Political-Historical Biographies). Copenhagen, Nyt Nordisk Forlag, 1972, 488 pp.



406 ANDERSSON, Jan and FURBERG, Mats. Politik och propaganda. Om rostvdrvandets sematik (Politics and Propaganda. On the Semantics of Electioneering). Stockholm, Aldus/ Bonnier, 1973, 154 pp.

407 KJELLER, Klaus. Vælgeren og partiprogrammerne. En aktuel sprogligpolitisk analyse (The Voter and the Programmes of the Political Parties. A Linguistic-Political Analysis). Copenhagen, Borgen, 1973, 242 pp.


408 AGEBERG, Miki and BERGQUIST, Marianne. Osakligt och partiskt. En granskning av radionåmnden (Biased and Partial. A Review of the Radio Commission). Stockholm, Arbetarkultur, 1973, 102 pp.

409 ALNÆS, Karsten. Sprak og massemedier
(Language and Mass Media).
Oslo, Cappelen, 1973.

410 ANCKAR, Dag. 'Partier, partipress och

circularledare. En empirisk kartlåggning'
(Parties, party press and editorials.
An empirical survey), Finsk Tidskrift
1973: H 1, 24-36.
411 ASP, Kent. Information och samhålle
(Information and Society). Lund,
Studentlitteratur, 1973, 153 pp.

412 AUGEDAL, Egil. 'Bruk og vurdering av nyheter i massemedia' (Use and evaluation of mass media news), Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning 14(4), 1973: 316-323.

413 BAKKE, Marit. 'Nyheter er mer enn fakta' (Newscasts on TV — facts or fiction?), Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning 14(4), 1973: 256-275.

414 BAKKE, Marit. Sentrum og periferi i radio- og fjernsynsnyheter. En innholdsanalyse av innenriksnyheter (Center and periphery in radio and television news. A content analysis of domestic news). Oslo, 1973. (Universitetet i Oslo, Institutt for presseforskning, Stensil, 26).

415 BAKKE, Marit and SIUNE, Karen. Nyheder i radio og TV. Sammenligning mellem Danmark og Norge (News in Radio and Television. A Comparison Between Denmark and Norway). Århus, Århus Universitet, Institut for Statskundskab, 1973, 86


416 BERG, Mie. 'Effektforskning og påvirkningsproblematikk' (The research of effects and problems of influence), Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning 14(4), 1973: 336-341.

417 BERG, Mie. 'Mediaegenskaper, rolletyper og interesse som faktorer i informasjonssanking'- (Types of media, roles, and interests as factors in information seeking processes), Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning 14(4), 1973: 294-315.

418 BLAKAR, Rolv Mikkel. Sprak er makt
(Language is Power). Oslo, Pax forlag,

419 BOARD, Joseph. 'Swedish impressions
of America', Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift
76(3), 1973: 164-171.

420 CERHA, Jarho. Masskommunikation med de jåmlika (Mass Communication with Your Equals). Stockholm, Almqvist & Wiksell, 1973, 165 pp.

421 Dagspresseutvalget, 1972. Dagspressens økonomi. Delutredning I fra Dagspresseutvalget, oppnevnt ved Kronprinsregentens res. av 28. jan. 1972. Utredningen avgitt 26. mars 1973 (The Economy of the Daily Press). Publ. by Statsministeren. Formann: Svein Dalen. Oslo, 1973. (Norges offentlige utredninger 1973:22).

422 DAHL, Hans Fredrik (ed.). Masse kommunikasjon.
En bok om massemedienes
vekst og virkninger (Mass Com

Side 254

munication. On the Development and
Effects of Mass Media). Oslo, Gyldendal,
1973. (Studiefakkel 48).

423 FURHOFF, Lars. Forelåsningar i masskommunikation (Lectures in Mass Communication). Stockholm, Almqvist & Wiksell, 1972, 79 pp.

424 HADENIUS, Stig and WEIBULL, Lennart. Press, radio, tv. En bok om massmedia (Press, Radio, Television. A Book About Mass Media), 2nd rev. ed. Stockholm, Aldus/Bonnier, 1973, 368 pp.

425 HEMANUS, Pertti. 'Havaintoja sitoutumattomien sanomalehtien ideologisesta våristå' (Observations on the ideological colour of the independent newspapers), Politiikka 15(3), 1973: 219-230.

426 HEMANUS, Pertti. Joukkotiedotus piilovaikuttajana (The Latent Effects of Mass Communication). Helsinki, Kustannusosakeyhitio Otava, 1973, 178 pp.

427 HØYER, Svennik. 'En transaksjonsmodell for studiet av pressen' (A transactional model for the study of the press), Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning 14(2), 1973: 81-105.

428 INGMAR, Gunilla. Monopol på nyheter. Ekonomiska och politiska aspekter på svenska och internationella nyhetsbyråers verksamhet 1870—1919 (News Monopoly. Economic and Political Aspects of the Activities of Swedish and International News Agencies 1870-1919). Stockholm, Esselte Studium, 1973, xiv + 240 pp.

429 NORDENSTRENG, Kaarle. lnformational Mass Communication. Tampere, 1973, 194 pp., mimeo. (Tampereen yliopisto. Tiedotustutkimuksen laitos. Opetusmoniste 1973:8).

430 NORDENSTRENG, Kaarle. Tietoa joukkotiedotuksesta (Information About Mass Communication). Tampere, 1973, 164 pp., mimeo. (Tampereen yliopisto. Tiedotustutkimuksen laitos. Opetusmoniste 1973:6).

431 OLSSON, Claes-Olof and WEIBULL, Lennart. 'The reporting of news in Scandinavian countries', pp. 141-167 in Scandinavian Political Studies Volume 8173. Oslo, Universitetsforlaget, 1973.

432 PERKO, Touko. Suomen puoluelehdiston levikistå jatkosodan aikana (On the Circulation of the Finnish Party Press During the Continuation War). Turku, 1973, 24 pp. (Turun yliopiston Suomen historian laitos. Eripainossarja 14).

433 RIEKELES, Petter. 'Den offentlige utenriksopinion og pressen. "Aftenposten" og Vietnam' (The official foreign policy and the press. Aftenpos

ten' and Vietnam), Samtiden 1973: 3,

434 ROSVOLL, Berit. 'Miljø og roller i norske ukeblad' (Milieu and social roles in Norwegian mass magazines), Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning 14(4), 1973: 276-293.

435 SINKKO, Risto. Radio ja yleiso (The Finnish Broadcasting Corporation and the Public). Helsinki, 1973, 23 pp., mimeo. (The Finnish Broadcasting Corporation. PTS-elin B 1973:10).

436 SIUNE, Karen. En uges radionyheder i Norden. Komparativ indholdsanalyse. (A Week's News from the Nordic Radiobroadcastings. A Comparative Content Analysis). Århus, Århus Universitet, Institut for Statskundskab, 1972, 102 pp.

437 SKIRBEKK, Sigurd and AAGEDAL, Olaf. Meninger i NRK. En studie av idépolitisk balanse (Opinions in the Norwegian Broadcasting. A Study of the Balance of Political Ideas). Oslo, Dreyers Forlag, 1973.

438 SUOMINEN, Elina. Kansalaisen tiedontarve (Information Need of Citizens). Helsinki, 1973, 126 pp., mimeo. (The Finnish Broadcasting Corporation. PTS-elin B 1973:3).

439 TEIKARI, Erkki. Suomen oikeistoradikaalinen lehdisto vuosina 1930-1944 (The Finnish Right Radical Press in the Years 1930-1944). Tampere, 1973, 137 pp., mimeo. (Tampereen yliopiston tiedotustutkimuksen laitos. Monistesarja 1973:16).

440 TEIKARI, Erkki. Puolueiden pddlehtien ulkopoliittinen suunta vuosina 1933— 1944 (The Foreign Policy Orientations in the Main Newspapers of the Parties in the Years 1933-1944). Tampere, 1973, 378 pp. (Tampereen Yliopisto).

441 TORSVIK, Per. Ukepressen - en innholdsanalyse (The Weekly Press - A Content Analysis). Bergen, 1973. (Norges almenvitenskapelige forskningsråd, Sekretariat for mediaforskning, Stensil 3).

442 VARIS, Tapio. 'European television exchanges and connections with the rest of the world', Instant Research on Peace and Violence 1973: 1, 27— 43.

443 VARIS, Tapio. The Flow of Communication Through International Broadcasting. Tampere, 1973, 35 pp., mimeo. (Tampereen yliopiston tiedotustutkimuksen laitos. Monistesarja 1973: 13).

444 VARIS, Tapio. 'A qualitative comparison of two Soviet news items in the Finnish services of Radio Moscow and the BBC, Cooperation and Conflict 8(1), 1973: 33-56.

Side 255

445 WERNER, Anita. Massemediaforskning i Norge' (Mass media research in Norway), Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning 14(4), 1973: 249-255.

446 WESTERSTÅHL, Jorgen. EF i Norsk rikskringkasting. En studie av radiooch tv-sdndningarna infor folkeavstemningen 1972 (EEC in Norsk Rikskringkasting. A Study of Radio and TV Broadcasts Before the 1972 Referendum). Goteborg, Statsvetenskapliga institutionen, 1973, 26 + 25 pp. (mimeo).

447 ØSTBYE, Helge. Om innf(firing av fjernsyn i Norge (On the Introduction of Television in Norway). Bergen, 1972,. (Norges almenvitenskapelige forskningsråd, Sekretariat for mediaforskning, Stensil, 2).



448 ELKLIT, Jørgen. 'De sønderjyske vælgere og spærrereglen' (The voters in South Slesvig and the obstruction rule). Sønderjysk Månedsskrift 1973: 2, 65-74.

449 LOGUE, John. 'Socialism in Scandinavia',
The Progressive 37(11), 1973:



450 ELKLIT, Jørgen. 'Om udforskningen af vælgeradfærd i Danmark i det 19. århundrede'. (On research of election behaviour in Denmark in the 19th century). Historie X(2), 1973: 266-288.

451 ELKLIT, Jørgen. 'Valg- og stemmelister fra perioden 1849-98 i Landsarkivet for Nørrejylland. En foreløbig oversigt'. (Voters and voting lists from 1849-98 in the Northjutland archives. A temporary survey). Arkiv 4, 1973: 232-273.

452 'Opponenter ved E. Høghs afhandling: Vælgeradfærd i Danmark 1849 -1901. 24. November 1972' (Opponents to E. Høgh's thesis: Electors' Behaviour in Denmark 1849-1901. 24th November 1972) Sociologiske Meddelelser 17, 1973: 5-98.

453 TOKSVIG, Claus. Den redigerede virkelighed. En reporters beretning om det amerikanske præsidentvalg 1972 (The Drafted Reality. The Account of a Correspondent on the American Presidential Election 1972). Copenhagen, Forum, 1972, 176 pp.


454 JAAKKOLA, Antti. Suhteelliset laskentamenetelmat kansanedustajien vaaleissa (The Relative Calculation Processes in the Election of the Members of Parliament). Tampere, 1973, 51 pp., mimeo. (Tampereen yliopisto. Politiikan tutkimuksen laitos. Tutkimuksia 1973:32).

455 PIETILA, Veikko. 'Vaali-ilmoittelu ja vaalimenestys' (Campaign advertising and electoral success in a municipal election. English summary, pp. 215— 217), Politiikka 15(3), 1973: 168-198.


456 BECKMAN, Bjorn, 'Valen i Frankrike' (The elections in France), Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift 76(3), 1973: 198 -201.


457 BECKMAN, Bjorn. 'De japanska valen' (The Japanese elections), Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift 76(2), 1973: 124 -127.


458 CLUSTERS, Edi. De 'Europa neen' - bewegingen in Noorwegen en Denemarken (The Anti-Common Market Movements in Norway and Denmark). Lie. thesis, Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium, 1973.

459 FRYKLUND, Bjorn and PETERSON, Tomas. 'Stortingsvalet i Norge' (The Norwegian election to the 'Storting'), Zenit 1973: 4, 52-59.

460 GIVERHOLT, Helge. 'Dødt løp i Sverige' (The Swedish election: a tie), Aschehougs leksikonservice 1973: 4, 153-158.

461 JAHREN, Eivind. Analyse av et nettverkpanel i EF-saken (An Analysis of a Network Panel on the EEC Case). Bergen, 1973. (Norges almenvitenskapelige forskningsråd, Sekretariat for mediaforskning, Stensil, 4).

462 SVÅSAND, Lars. 'Stortingsvalget i 1882: geografiske og økonomiske variasjoner i oppslutningen om Høyre og Venstre' (The Storting election in 1882: geographical and economical variations in the support for the Conservative party and the Liberal party), Historisk tidsskrift 1973: 4, 314-328.

463 SÆTTEM, Odd. 'Stortingsvalget 1973* (The Storting election 1973), Aschehougs leksikonservice 1973: 4, 145— 152.

464 VALEN, Henry. 'Norway: "No" to EEC, pp. 214—226 in Scandinavian Political Studies Volume 8/73. Oslo, Universitetsforlaget, 1973.

Side 256

465 Valglovutvalget, 1970. Personvalget ved stortingsvalg og kommunevalg (The Election of Individuals at 'Storting' Elections and Local Elections). Utvalget ble oppnevnt ved kgl. res. av 23. april 1970. Utredningen avgitt 12. april 1973. (Publ. by Kommunal- og arbeidsdepartementet. Formann: Eindride Einarson). Oslo, Universitetsforlaget, 1973. (Norges offentlige utredninger, 1973:38).


466 MELLBOURN, Anders. 'Ett av våra markligaste val' (A most remarkable election), TCO-tidningen 27(16), 1973: 4-5.

467 PETERSSON, Olof. '1973 års val' (The
1973 election), Samhdllsdebatt 1973:
2, 12 pp.

468 SARLVIK, 80. 'Valet 1970' (The 1970 election), pp. 47-109 in Allmdnna valen 1970. Del 3, vol. 3 (SOS). Stockholm, Statistiska Centralbyrån, 1973.

United Kingdom

469 ZETTERBERG, Hans. The End of Innocence. The Context and Impact of the British Pre-Election Polls in 1970. Stockholm, SIFO, 1972, 19 pp.

United States of America

470 BERGQUIST, Mats. 'Det amerikanska presidentvalet' (The American presidential election), Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift 76(2), 1973: 113-124.



471 AROSALO, Uolevi. Alliances: Coercion or Mutual Support. Tampere, 1973, pp. 31-66. (Tampere Peace Research Institute, Offprint series 4).

472 AROSALO, Uolevi and VAYRYNEN, Raimo. 'Financial and industrial oligarchy. Present structure and some trends,' Journal of Peace Research 1973: 1-2, 1-35.

473 BERGO, Jarle. Multinasjonale selskaper — velsignelse eller problem? (Multinational Corporations — A Blessing or a Problem?). Oslo, Universitetsforlaget, 1973.

474 HARLE, Vilho. East-West Event: Codebook and Technical Information (1973). Tampere, 1973, 45 pp., mimeo. (Tampereen yliopisto. Politiikan tutkimuksen laitos. Tutkimuksia 1973: 31).

475 HOLSTI, O. R., HOPMANN, T. P., and SULLIVAN, J. D. Unity and Disintegration in International Alliances: Comparative Studies. New

York and London, John Wiley &
Sons, 1973, 293 pp. (An Interscience

476 ILVESSALO, Jaakko. Voimapolitiikasta rauhanpolitiikkaan. Y dinaseaikakauden rauhan ongelman ja siihen kohdistuvan tutkimuksen taustaa (From the Power Policy to the Peace Policy. Background of the Peace Problem in the Nuclear Weapons Era and the Research Directed to It). Helsinki, 1973, 161 pp., mimeo. (Helsingin yliopiston yleisen valtio-opin laitoksen tutkimuksia 29).

477 KAGI, Werner. Pikkuvaltioiden asema ennen ja nyt. Esitelmd Paasikiviseura ry:n kokouksessa 10.10.1973 (The Status of the Small States in Former Times and Now. A Lecture Held in the Meeting of Paasikiviseura 10/10/1973). Helsinki, 1973, 15 pp., mimeo. (Paasikivi-seuran monistesarja 1).

478 MATHISEN, Trygve. 'Factors promoting sphere of influence relationships', Cooperation and Conflict 8(3/ 1973: 155-171.

479 MUHSAM, H. V. 'A world population policy for the world population year', Journal of Peace Research 1973, 1-2, 91-99.

480 PATOKALLIO, Pasi. Transnationaaliset suhteet kansainvdlisessd jdrjestelmdssd (Transnational Relations in the International System). Tampere, 1973, 136 pp., mimeo. (Tampere peace research institute. Research reports 5).

481 SANNESS, John. 'Fri bevegelse for personer, informasjon og ideer i Europa?' (Free interchange of people, information and ideas in Europe?), Intemasjonal politikk 1973: 1, 43— 53.

482 SUONTAUSTA, Tauno. Atomivastuusta'
(On the nuclear responsibility),
Lakimies 1973: 1, 67-73.

483 WARIS, Heikki. Kansainvdlinen sosiaalipolitiikka ja kehitysyhteistyo (International Social Policy and the Development Cooperation). Helsinki, 1973, pp. 186-194. (Helsingin yliopisto. Sosiaalipolitiikan laitos, Tutkielmia 38).

484 VAYRYNEN, Raimo. Militarization, Conflict Behaviour and Interaction. Three Ways of Analyzing the Cold War. Tampere, 1973, 239 pp., mimeo. (Tampere peace research institute, Research reports 3).

485 ØLBERG, Per M. Forhandlingsteoretiske synspunkter i lys av NORDØKog EF-forhandlingene' (Theory of negotiations and the NORDEK and EC negotiations — some observations), Intemasjonal politikk 1972: 4, 593-600. Commentary by Midgaard,

Side 257

Knut. Internasjonal politikk 1973: 1, 119-121. Commentary by Wold, Knut Getz. lnternasjonal politikk 1973: 3, 619-620. Repartee by 01berg, Per M. Internasjonal politikk 1973: 4, 947-948.


486 EIDE, Wenche Barth & EIDE, Asbjørn. 'Katastrofer og katastrofehjelp' (Catastrophies and assistance), Internasjonal politikk 1973: 4, 861-878.

487 JUDGE, Anthony J. N. and SKJELS Kjell. 'Transnational associations and their functions', in Groom, A. J. R. and Taylor, Paul (eds.). Functionalism: Theory and Practice in International Relations. London, University of London Press, 1973.

488 SKJELSBÆK, Kjell and JUDGE, Anthony J. N. 'Documents on transnational association networks', in Yearbook of International Organizations, 14, 1972-73. Brussels, Union of International Associations, 1973.

489 SKJELSBÆK, Kjell. 'A survey of international nongovernmental organizations', International Associations, 1973.

490 SKJELSBÆK, Kjell. 'Transnasjonale organisasjoner. Vekst og virksomhet' (Transnational organizations. Growth and activity), Internasjonal politikk 1973: 1, 89-105.

491 UNDERDAL, Arild. 'Multinational negotiation parties: the case of the European Community', Cooperation and Conflict 8(3/ 1973: 173-182.


492 NIELSEN, Henning Spure. FN og den
store politik. (UN and World Politics).
Copenhagen, Gjellerup, 1973.

493 VIKATMAA, Juha. 'YYA-sopimus YK:n sopimusjarjestelmassa' (The treaty of friendship, co-operation and mutual assistance and the treaty system of the UN. English summary, p. 43), Ulkopolitiikka 1973: 2, 15-17.

494 TREHOLT, Arne. 'Norsk politikk i FN' (Norway's UN policy: aims and decision-making), Internasjonal politikk 1972: 3, 421-439. Debate by Guldvik, Anders J., Frydenlund, Knut and Arnesen, Arne. Internasjonal politikk 1973: 1, 109-117. Repartee by Treholt, Arne. Internasjonal politikk 1973: 2, 475-477.


495 HANNIKAINEN, Lauri. Guinea
Mosambikin ja Angolan va

pautusliikkeiden asema kansainvålisesså oikeudessa' (The position of the liberation movements of Guinea-Bissau, Mosambique and Angola accord

ing to the international law), Oikeus
1973: 3, 14-19.

496 HUHTANIEMI, Pekka. 'Gatt - maailmankaupan ohjesaanto' (Gatt — the rule of the international trade. English summary, p. 40), Ulkopolitiikka 1973: 3, 23-26.

497 JOHANSSON, B. O. 'Den nya Gattrundan — en losning av de handelspolitiska problemen' (The new Gatt negotiations — a solution to the commercial policy problem. English summary), Ekonomiska Samfundets Tidskrift 26(3), 1973: 167-176.



498 BULL, Odd. På post i Midt-Østen. I FN's fredsbevarende tjeneste (On Guard in the Middle East. In the Service of the United Nations for the Maintenance of Peace). Oslo, Gyldendal, 1973. Review by Butenschon, Nils. Internasjonal politikk 1973: 4, 953-954.

499 GALTUNG, Johan. 'Peace education for and with peace: is it possible?', pp. 169-87 in Proceedings of the International Peace Research Association Conference. 4. Bled, Yugoslavia, 1972. Oslo, IPRA Secretariat, 1973. (IPRA Studies in Peace Research, 5). (Revised version of 'On peace education', paper at IPRA 4th General Conference.) German version in Wulf, C. (ed.) Kritische Friedenserziehung. Frankfurt am Main, Suhrkamp Verlag, 1973, and as 'Probleme der Friedenserziehung', Zeitschrift fur Pådagogik 19(2), 1973: 185-200.

500 GARBO, Gunnar. 'All-europeisk sikkerhet'
(All-European security), Samtiden
1973: 15-22.

501 HOLST, Johan Jørgen. Security, Order
and the Bomb. Oslo, Universitetsforlaget,

502 HUITFELDT, Tønne. 'Sikkerhet og rustningskontroll i Europa. Noen betraktninger om vår situasjon i forhold til aktuelle forhandlingsspørsmåF (Security and arms control in Europe), Internasjonal politikk 1973: 3, 597-604.

503 JERVAS, Gunnar E. 'Security policy
as a process', Cooperation and Conflict
8(1), 1973:57-71.

504 KALELA, Jaakko and MOTTOLA,

Side 258

Kari. ETYK-kdsikirja 1. Eurooppa 1945-1973 (CSCE-Handbook. 1. Europe 1945-1973). Helsinki, 1973, 156 pp., mimeo. (Ulkopoliittinen instituutti. Tutkimusselosteita 1).

505 MITCHELL, C. R. 'Conflict resolution and controlled communication: some further comments', Journal of Peace Research 1973: 1-2, 123-132. Contains a discussion on Yalem, R. Controlled communication and conflict resolution', Journal of Peace Research 1971: 263-272.

506 MOTTOLA, Kari. 'ETYK-valmistelut ja 1. vaihe' (CSCE — preparations and stage I, English summary, p. 40), Ulkopolitiikka 1973: 3, 20-22.

507 PATOKALLIO, Pasi (ed.) Yhteistyd humanitaarisella ja muilla aloilla ja ETYK (Cooperation in Humanitarian and Other Fields and CSCE). Helsinki, 1973. 36 pp., mimeo. (INFO. Ulkopoliittisen instituutin monistesarja 41).

508 SJAASTAD, Anders C. Sikkerhetspolitikk i det Indiske hav' (Security policy in the Indian Ocean), Internasjonal politikk 1973: 3, 549-575, and 4, 899-921.

509 ULSTEIN, Jan Ove. 'Ord og krig. Tenkjepause ved sida av eit problem' (Words and war. Pausing at a problem), Kirke og kultur 1973: 9, 544-552.


510 DOUGHTERY, James E. 'Arms and
the world: the view from Sweden',
Orbis 16(4), 1973: 1057-1065.

511 ESPERSEN, Mogens. 'Det lange tilløb
i Helsingfors'. (The long run in Helsinki),
Fremtiden 26(4), 1973: 4-18.

512 GARRIS, Jerome. 'Sweden's debate on the proliferation of nuclear weapons', Cooperation and Conflict B(3— 4), 1973: 189-208.

513 HA ÅGERUP, Niels Jørgen. 'Samme sikkerhed, færre styrker'. (Equal security, fewer troops) Fremtiden 26(4), 1973: 20-34.

514 HOLST, Johan Jørgen (ed.) Five Roads to Nordic Security. Oslo, Universitetsforlaget, 1973. (Norwegian Foreign Policy Studies, 9. Also publ. in Cooperation and Conflict 3/4, 1972).

515 HOLST, Johan Jørgen. 'Force limitations and European political development', Cooperation and Conflict 8(2), 1973: 119-130.

516 HAIKIO, Martti. Asevoimien supistaminen ja Suomi (Arms Limitation and Finland). Helsinki, 1973, 27 pp., mimeo. (INFO. Ulkopoliitiisen instituutin monistesana 38).

517 KALELA, Aira (ed.). Kemialliset ja biologiset aseet (The Chemical and Biological Weapons). Helsinki, 1973, 152 pp. (Suomen Unescotoimikunnan julkaisusarja 2).

518 KORHONEN, Keijo. 'Suomi ja aseidenriisuntaneuvottelut' (Finland and the disarmament negotiations. English summary, p. 40), Ulkopolitiikka 1973: 3, 8-12.

519 LARSEN, Knud, BERG, Jacques, and HEURLIN, Bertil. Internationale nedrustningsforhandlinger efter anden verdenskrig I—II (International Negotiations on Disarmament Since the Second World War, Vol. I-II). Copenhagen, Københavns Universitet, Institut for Samtidshistorie og Statskundskab, 1973. pp. 172-207.

520 LODGAARD, Sverre. 'Kommentar til Johan Jørgen Holst: "SALT-avtalene: bakgrunn og innhold"', Internasjonal politikk 1972: 3, and "SALT-avtalene: perspektiv og utvikling", Internasjonal politikk 1972: 4' (Commentary to the articles on the SALT agreements by Johan Jørgen Hoist in Internasjonal politikk 1972: 3 and 4), Internasjonal politikk 1973: 1, 117— 119. Repartee by Huitfeldt, Tønne. Internasjonal politikk 1973: 2, 477-478. Reply by Hoist, Johan Jørgen, Internasjonal politikk 1973: 2, 478-480.

521 LUNDIN, Johan. 'The scope and control of chemical disarmament treaties particularly with regard to binary chemical weapons', Cooperation and Conflict 8(3/ 1973: 145-153.

522 MYRDAL, Alva. Spelet om nedrustningen (The Disarmament Game). Stockholm, Utrikespolitiska instituted 1972, 32 pp.

523 STARRÅKER, Ingjald. 'Europa - speloppning om sakerhet och samarbete' (Europe — a prelude on security and cooperation), Inter nationella studier 1(1), 1972-81:32 .

524 VAYRYNEN, Raimo. Aseidenriisuntaneuvottelujen nykytilanne' (The present stage of disarmament negotiations. English summary, pp. 39—40), Ulkopolitiikka 1973: 3, 2-7.


525 MIDGAARD, Knut. 'Teori om internasjonale forhandlinger. Forhandlingene 1958-59 om kvoteregulering av hvalfangsten i Antarktis' (Theory of international negotiations), Internasjonal politikk 1973: 2, 453-473, and 4, 923-946.

Side 259

526 EIDE, Asbjørn. 'Humanitet i væpnet kamp? Krigens folkerett under revisjon' (Humanity in armed conflicts? International Law applicable in armed conflicts under revision), Internasjonal politikk 1973: 2, 341-358. Commentary by Thue, Rolf. Internasjonal politikk 1973: 4, 948-949.

527 FRYDENBERG, Per. 'Fiskeressurser - kontroll og konflikt i Nord-Atlanteren' (Fishing resources - control and conflict in the North Atlantic), Internasjonal politikk 1973: 2, 375-389. (See also the treatment of the question from the point of view of the Faroe Islands in commentary by Paturson, Erlendur. Internasjonal politikk 1973: 3, 620-625).

528 GERHARDSEN, Gerhard Meidell. 'Foran den tredje FN-konferanse om havets folkerett. Noen økonomiske og næringspolitiske momenter' (The third UN conference on the Law of the Sea and the Fish Resources), Internasjonal politikk 1973: 4, 847-860.

529 HAMBRO, Edvard. 'Moderne sydpolsproblemer' (Contemporary problems concerning the South Pole), Samtiden 1973: 7, 403-408.

530 Utenriksdepartementet. Norway's national report to the United Nations Conference on the human environment. Oslo, 1972. Prep, for the conference by the Norwegian national committee under the chairmanship of Olav Gjærevoll. (Publ. by Royal Ministry of Foreign Affairs).


531 MODALSLI, Jakob. Abakaliki. U-hjelp på nært hold (Abakaliki. Envelopment Aid Up Close). Oslo, Landbruksforlaget, 1973.

532 REINTON, Per Olav. 'Tarzan and the division of labor', Proceedings of the International Peace Research Association, Conference. 4. Bled, Yugoslavia, 1972. Oslo, IPRA Secretariat, 1973. (IPRA Studies in Peace Research, 5).

533 Statistisk sentralbyrå. Attitudes to Norwegian development assistance 1972, ed. by Høst, Sigurd. Oslo, Norwegian Agency for International Development, 1972 (utsendt 1973).

534 ULATEIG, Egil. Den kvite mann i Kenya. Kvifor vert dei fattige fattigarel (The White Man in Kenya. Why Do the Poor Become Poorer?). Oslo, Samlaget, 1973. (Orion-bøkene, 141).


535 ETZIONI, Amitai. 'Political integration in Scandinavia', pp. 81—92 in Tharp, Paul A. (ed.) Regional International Organizations: Structures and Functions. New York, St. Martin, 1971.

536 GALTUNG, Johan. The European Community: a Superpower in the Making. Oslo, Universitetsforlaget, 1973. (PRIO studies from the International Peace Research Institute, 1).

537 GUNDERSEN, Fridtjof Frank. Statlige handelsmonopoler og EF. Konkurransebegrensninger i næringer underlagt statlige handelsmonopoler, og deres tilpasning til inter nasjonale traktater (State Monopolies of Trade and EEC. Limitations of Competition in Areas of Trade Covered by State Monopolies, and How They Can Be Adjusted to Operate Within International Treaties). Oslo, Universitetsforlaget, 1973 (Ph.D. thesis).

538 IKK ALA, Olli. 'Mita EEC-sopimus edellyttåa Suomen teollisuudelta?' (The demands placed on Finnish industry by the EEC agreement), Unitas 45(4), 1973: 199-208.

539 KORPINEN, Pekka. 'Suomi ja laajeneva EEC (Finland and the enlarging EEC. English summary, p. 53), Ulkopolitiikka 1973: 1, 3-7.

540 LINNAINMAA, Hannu. SEV-maiden pankit - MBES ja MIB (The Banks in the CMEA Countries - MBES and MIB). Helsinki 1973, 35 pp., mimeo. (Ulkopoliittinen instituutti. Tutkimusselosteita 2).

541 MAGNUSSON, Åke et al. Regionala organisationer i Tredje vdrlden (Regional Organizations in the Third World). Lund, Studentlitteratur, 240 pp.

542 SJOSTEDT, Gunnar. OECD-samarbetet: funktioner och effekter (Cooperation in the OECD: Functions and effects). With an English summary. Stockholm, Statsvetenskapliga institutionen, 1973, 469 pp.

543 SULEVO, Kari. 'The international system and Finnish attitudes toward Nordic cooperation', pp. 169-189 in Scandinavian Political Studies Volume 8173. Oslo, Universitetsforlaget, 1973.

544 SUNDSTROM, Zacharias. 'Något om EEC's konkurrensregler' (On the rules of competition of EEC), Tidskrift utgiven av Juridiska Foreningen i Finland 109(2- 1973: 299-309.

545 ULSTEIN, Egil. Nordic Security. London,
International Institute for Strategic
Studies, 1971.

Side 260

546 VESIKANSA, Jyrki. EEC - tullilutosta Euroopan Yhdysval toihin? Euroopan talousyhteison vaiheet, toiminta ja tulevaisuus sekd katsaus Suotnen EEC-kysymykseen (EEC - from the Customs Union to the European United States? The Phases, Action and Future of the EEC, with a Survey on the Finnish EEC Question). Tampere, 1973, 144 pp. (Taloustasku 4).

547 VAYRYNEN, Raimo. EEC ja ulkopolitiikka (The EEC and Foreign Policy). Helsinki, Suomen sadankomitea & Ydin, 109 pp.

548 VAYRYNEN, Raimo. 'Suomi ja
NATO' (Finland and NATO), Ydin
7(6), 1973: 15-21.



549 FAURBY, Ib. Komparativ (udenrigs-)
politik. (Comparative (foreign) politics).
Politica 6(1), 1973: 9-26.


550 ANDERSEN, Ole et al. EF - hvad nu? Et debatoplæg til en socialdemokratisk EF politik (EC - and After?) Copenhagen, Fremad, 1973, 117 pp.

551 BRUN, Ellen and HERSH, Jacques. De riges vold. Imperialismen. (The Violence of the Rich. The Imperialism). Copenhagen, Høst, 1972, 64 pp.

552 EIDE, Asbjørn. 'Dialogue and confrontation in Europe', Journal of Conflict Resolution 16(4), 1972: 511-522.

553 ESPERSEN, Mogens. 'Forhandlinger uden ideologisk Sikkerhedsnet'. (Negotiations without ideological safety net), Fremtiden 28(6), 1972: 24-32.

554 JØNCK, Finn. Multinationale selskaber
(Multinational Corporations). Copenhagen,
DDF, 1973, 39 pp.

555 KNUDSEN, Olav. 'Det tøyelige begrepet "utenrikspolitikk"' ('Foreign Policy' — a flexible concept), Interims jonal politikk 1973: 2, 405-423.

556 RASMUSSEN, Niels Aadal. International transactions: some principal lines', Cooperation and Conflict 8(2), 1973: 131-143.

557 ÅKERMAN, Nordal. On the Doctrine
of Limited War. Lund, 1973, 287 pp.

558 ANDRÉN, Nils. 'Avspanning - hopp och hot' (Detente — hope and threat), Internationella studier 1(4), 1973: 141 -145.

559 DAHLSTEDT, Roy. Muuttujavalinnasta
monikansallisen yrityksen kåyt

taytymismalleissa' (On the selection
of variables for descriptive models of
multinational fixms. English summary),
Liiketaloudellinen aikakauskirja
22(2), 1973: 127-130.
560 GOLDMANN, Kjell. 'Fem perspektiv
på internationell politik' (Five perspectives
on international politics),
lnternationel'.a studier 1(1), 1973: 15

561 HART, Thomas G. Predictability and Relevancy in International Relations Research. Some Reflections on Communications-Based Research Strategies. Stockholm, Utrikespolitiska institutet, 1971, 48 pp.

562 HOLBRAAD, Carsten. 'The triangular
system', Cooperation and Conflict
8(2), 1973: 81-89.

563 HVEEM, Helge. 'The global dominance system: notes on a theory of global political economy', Journal of Peace Research 1973: 4, 319-340.

564 JERVAS, Gunnar E. Internationella konfliktprocesser. En generell modell for studiet av mellanstatliga konfliktfdrlopp (International Conflict Processes. A General Model for the Study of Interstate Conflicts). Stockholm, Wahlstrom & Widstrand, 1973, 224 pp.

565 JERVAS, Gunnar, Såkerhetspolitiken som process (Security Policy as a Process). Stockholm, Utrikespolitiska institutet, 1972, 32 pp.

566 JERVAS, Gunnar. 'Security policy as
a process', Cooperation and Conflict
8(1), 1973: 57-70.

567 JOHANSSON, B. and PETERSON, A. Ekonomi och konflikter (Economy and Conflict). Gothenburg, Department of Peace and Conflict Research, 1973, 188 pp., mimeo.

568 KALELA, Jaakko. Puolusettomuus ja kansainvdliset jdrjestot (Neutrality and the International Organizations). Helsinki, 1973, 8 pp., mimeo. (Info. Ulkopoliittisen instituutin monistesarja 36).

569 KNUDSEN, Olav. The Politics of International Shipping. Conflict and Interaction in a Transnational Issue 1946-1968. Lexington, Mass., Heath & Co., 1973. (Originally publ. as doct. diss., University of Denver, 1971).

570 LODGAARD, Sverre. 'Industrial cooperation, consumption patterns, and division of labor in the East-West setting', Journal of Peace Research 1973: 4, 387-399.

571 MODIG, Jan-Erik and NIELSEN, Poul. Socialdemokrater fra 6 lande om EF (Social Democrats from 6 Countries About the EC). Copenhagen, Samleren, 1972, 183 pp.

Side 261

572 SKJELSBÆK, Kjell. 'Value incompatibilities
in the global system', Journal
of Peace Research 1973: 4, 341-354.,

573 SKJELSBÆK, Kjell. 'Young believers in a world state', Proceedings of the International Peace Research Association, Conference. 4. Bled, Yugoslavia, 1972. Oslo, IPRA Secretariat, 1973. (IPRA Studies in Peace Research, 5).

574 SVAHNSTROM, Bertil. Det elektroniska kriget (Electronic War). Stockholm, Utrikespolitiska institutet, 1973, 35 pp.

575 VAYRYNEN, Raimo. 'Military uses of satellite communication', Instant Research of Peace and Violence 1973: 1, 44-49.

576 WALL, G. Roger. An Operational Definition of Systemic Bipolarization. Stockholm, Utrikespolitiska institutet, 1971,40 pp.

577 WALL, G. Roger. Bipolarization and the International System 1946—1970. Stockholm, Utrikespolitiska institutet, 1972, iv+ 117 pp.

578 YRJO-KOSKINEN, Kaarlo. Kansainvaliset jarjestot idån ja lånnen vålisen kaupan ediståjinå' (International organizations as contributors to eastwest trade. English summary, pp. 50— 51), Ulkopolitiikka 1973: 4, 19-24.

579 ØSTRENG, Willy (ed.). 'Nye territorier i internasjonal politikk' (New territories in international politics), Internasjonal politikk 1973: Suppl. 38, 645-816. Contains articles by Østreng, Willy, Traavik, Kim, Gabrielsen, Knut, Skagestad, Gunnar, and Traavik, Kim; Traavik, Kim, and Østreng, Willy, Vindenes, Helge, Huitfeldt, Tønne, Antonsen, Per, Sollie, Finn.


580 BJØL, Erling. Verdenshistorien efter 1945. Bd. 2. Revolutionens og sultens verden (The World Since 1945. 11. The World of Revolution and Hunger). Copenhagen, Politiken, 1973, 623 pp.

581 BJØL, Erling. Verdenshistorien efter 1945. Bd. 2. De rige Samfund. De vestlige lande og Japan siden 1945 (The World since 1945. 11. The Affluent Societies. The Western Countries and Japan since 1945). Copenhagen, Politiken, 1973, 600 pp.

582 DAHL, Hans Fredrik. Norge mellom krigene. Det norske samfunn i krise og konflikt 1918-1940 (Norway Between the Wars. The Norwegian Society During Crisis and Conflict 1918 -1940). Oslo, Pax forlag, 1973.

583 DAHLSTEDT, Roy. 'Cycles in the Finnish trade with the Soviet Union', Liiketaloudellinen aikakauskirja 22(1), 1973: 63-66.

584 ESKOLA, Seikko. Yhdysvaltain lehdisto ja Suomen kriisi. Kevddstd 1941 Pearl Harboriin (The Press of the United States and the Crisis of Finland. From the Spring 1941 to Pearl Harbor). Helsinki, 1973. (Historiallisia tutkimuksia 92).

585 FILSETH, Gunnar. 'Vietnamfreden i historisk perspektiv' (The Vietnam peace in historical perspective), Aschehougs leksikonservice 1973: 2, 49-62.

586 GOLDMANN, Kjell. 'East-West tensions in Europe, 1946—1970: a conceptual analysis and description' World Politics 26(1), 1973: 106-125.

587 HALKJAER, Eivor et al. Meningar om miljo. Motsdttningar mellan ekonomisk utveckling och miljovård samt i- och u-lånders olika syn på miljoproblemen (Views About the Environment. The Opposition Between Economic Development and Environmental Care and Differences in Points of View on Environmental Problems Between Industrial and Developing Countries). Stockholm, Utrikespolitiska institutet, 1973, 44 pp.

588 HAMORI, Laszlo and GATE, Erik. Stormaktsspelet i Asien. Med politisk uppslagsbok (Great Power Politics in Asia. With a political dictionary). Stockholm, Askild & Karnekull, 1973, 249 pp.

589 LINDBERG, Hans. Svensk flyktningpolitik under inter nationellt tryck 1936-1941 (Swedish Refugee Policy Under International Pressure 1936— 1941) With an English Summary. Stockholm, Allmanna forlaget, 1973, 349 pp., 4 pi.

590 MYLLYNIEMI, Seppo. Die Neuordnung der Baltischen Lander 1941— 1944. Zum Nationalsozialistischen Inhalt der Deutschen Besatzungspolitik. Helsinki, 1973, 308 pp. (Dissertationes Historicae 2).

591 MYLLYNIEMI, Seppo. Kansallissosocialistisen miehityspolitiikan konstantit ja muuttuvat elementit' (The constant and changing elements in the national socialistic occupation policy), Historiallinen Aikakausikirja 1973: 3, 190-196.

592 PALM, Thede. Moskovo 1944. Aseleponeuvottelut maaliskuussa ja syyskuussa 1944 (Moscow in 1944. The Armistice Negotiations in March and September 1944). Jyvåskylå, Kustannusosakeyhtio Gummerus, 1973, 157 pp.

Side 262

593 PHARO, Helge and NORDAHL, Bjørn A. Kilder til moderne historie 4. Internasjonal politikk 1950-1965 (Sources of Modern History 4. International politics 1950-1965). Oslo, Universitetsforlaget, 1973.

594 POLVINEN, Tuomo. Kenraalikuvernoori Bobrikov ja helmikuun manifesti' (Governor General Bobrikov and the Manifestation of February), Historiallinen Aikakausikirja 1973: 2, 122-132.

595 RESKE-NIELSEN, Erik. Spelet kring Persiska viken (The Power Struggle Around the Persian Gulf). Stockholm, Raben och Sjogren, 1973, 30 pp.

596 SUOMI, Juhani. 'Rudolf Holsti - "styrman for Finlands nya ost-politik?"' ' (Rudolf Holsti - 'steersman for Finlands new east policy'), Historisk Tidskrift for Finland 58(H 3), 1973: 97-119.

597 SUOMI, Juhani. Talvisodan tausta. Neuvostoliitto Suomen ulkopolitiikassa 1937-39 I. Holstista Erkkoon (Background of the Winter War. The Soviet Union in the Finnish Foreign Policy 1937-39 I. From Holsti to Erkko). Helsinki, Kustannusosakeyhtio Otava, 1973, 493 pp.

598 WAHLBACK, Krister. 'Per-Albin Hansson och midsommar krisen 1941' (Per Hansson and the midsummer crisis 1941), Historisk tidskrift 36(1), 1973: 1-26.

599 WALLENSTEEN, Peter. Structure and War: On International Relations 1920-1968. Stockholm, Rabén & Sjogren, 1973, 269 pp.



600 BRANNER, Hans. Småstat mellem Stormagter. Beslutningen om mineudlægningen august 1914 (Small State Between Great Powers. The Decision on the Mine-laying August 1914). Copenhagen, Munksgaard, 1972, 279 pp.

601 ELKLIT, Jørgen and PETERSEN, Nikolaj. 'Denmark enters the European Communities' pp. 198-213 in Scandinavian Political Studies Volume 8/ 73. Oslo, Universitetsforlaget, 1973.

602 Redegørelse for visse statsretslige spørgsmål i forbindelse med en dansk tiltrædelse af De europæiske Fællesskaber (Statement for some Constitutional Questions Connected with a Danish Acceptance of the European Communities). Copenhagen, Justitsministeriet, 1972, 113 pp.

Federal Republic of Germany

603 GUSTAFSSON, Kerstin. Vdsttysklands officiella utrikespolitiska doktrin. En analys av Brandts och Scheels uttalanden under åren 1970—1971 (The Official Foreign Policy Doctrine of Western Germany: An Analysis of the Statements of Brandt and Scheel 1970-1971). Stockholm, Utrikespolitiska institutet, 1972, ii + 102 pp.


604 ANCKAR, Dag. 'Party strategies and foreign policy: the case of Finland, 1955-63', Cooperation and Conflict 8(1), 1973: 1-18.

605 BLOMBERG, Jaakko. 'YYA-sopimus Suomen turvallisuuspolitiikassa' (The treaty of friendship, cooperation and mutual assistance in Finnish security policy. English summary, p. 44), Politiikka 15(2), 1973: 22-25.

606 BRODIN, Katarina. 'Quo vadis, Finlandia?'
(In Swedish), lnternationella
studier 1(4), 1973: 146-150.

607 HAKOVIRTA, Harto. Suomen Idntinen integraatiopolitiikka ja puolueettomuus pyrkimykset 1947—1971. Pddtoksentekotason tutkimus kontekstista, haasteista ja valinnoista (Finlands Integration Policy to the West and the Neutrality Aspirations in 1947—1971. A Study of the Context, Challenges and Choices on the Decision-Making Level). Tampere, 1973, 183 pp., mimeo. (Tampereen yliopisto. Politiikan tutkimuksen laitos. Tutkimuksia 30).

608 HAIKIO, Antero. 'Suomi ja Kiina -
alkuunlahto' (Finland and China —
first stage), Ydin 7(8), 1973: 24-25.

609 HAIKIO, Martti. 'Suomi ja jaetut valtiot' (Finland and the divided states. English summary, p. 54), Ulkopolitiikka 1973: 1, 23-24.

610 KARJALAINEN. Ahti. 'Suomen ja Neuvostoliiton valinen taloudellinen yhteistyo. Eilen, tånåån ja huomenna' (The Finnish-Soviet economic cooperation. Yesterday, today and tomorrow. English summary, p. 42), Ulkopolitiikka 1973: 2, 2-6.

611 KARVONEN, Toivo. Neljdnnesvuosisata YYA-sopimusta (Twenty-five Years of the Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation and Mutual Assistance between Finland and the Soviet Union). Helsinki, Kansankulttuuri Oy, 1973, 144 pp.

612 KEKKONEN, Taneli. 'Suomen SEVpolitiikka' (Finnish policy towards CMEA. English summary, p. 53), Ulkopolitiikka 1973: 1, 8-10.

613 KORHONEN, Keijo. 'Treaty of Friendship,
Cooperation and Mutual Assistance
between the Soviet Union and

Side 263

Finland: some aspects of international
polities', Cooperation and Conflict
8(3/ 1973: 183-188.

614 LUOTO, Reima. 'Suomen turvallisuuspolitiikka EEC:n aikakaudella' (The Finnish security policy in the era of the EEC), Turvallisuuspolitiikka 1973: 4, 12-17.

615 MELANKO Valdemar. Suomen ja Neuvostolnton valiset voimassa ole- vat sopimukset 3 (Treaties> in Effect between Finland and the Soviet Un- ion 3) Helsmki 1973 163 pp mi- me°' S

„, «a I?™™ a• <wa • •

616 PAJUNEN, Aimo. 'YYA-sopimus ja
sotilaspoliittinen kehitys' (The treaty
of friendship, co-operation and mutual
assistance and the militarypolitical
development. English sum- &.
mary, p. 44), Ulkopolitiikka 1973: 2,

617 PAUKKUNEN, Eero (ed.) Suomen ja Neuvostoliiton vdliset voimassa olevat sopimukset 2. 3.2.1947-6.4.1948 (The Treaties in Effect between Finland and the Soviet Union 2). Helsinki, 1973, 198 pp., mimeo. (The Soviet Institute Publications B:12).

618 PAUKKUNEN, Eero and SCHERBAKOFF, Antti (eds.). Suomen ja Neuvostoliiton ystdvyyden perusta. YYAsopimus 25 vuotta (The Basis of the Friendship between Finland and the Soviet Union. The Treaty of the Friendship, Cooperation and Mutual Assistance 25 Years). Helsinki, Neuvostoliittoinstitiiiitti 197V 61 nn

619 PORKKALA, Christina. Kansalaistoiminta Suomen ja Neuvostoliiten yståvyyden puolesta' (Civic activity for the Finnish-Soviet friendship. English summary, p. 43), Ulkopolitiikka 1973: 2, 12-14.

620 SEPPINEN, Ilkka. 'Pohjoismaat Suo- men turvallisuuspoUtiikassa' (The Nordic Countries in Finnish security policy. English summary, p. 54), Ul- kopolitiikka 1973- 1 28-31

621 SUNDQVIST, Ulf. 'Suomen ja Neuvo- stoliiton tiede-ja kulttuuriyhteisty- ostå' (On the scientific and cultural co-operation between Finland and the Soviet Union. English summary, pp. 42-43), Ulkopolitiikka 1973: 2, 7- U, '

622 WIBBLE, Jan and WIKLUND, Claes. 'Review of Anckar, "Partiopinioner och utrikespolitik"', Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift 76(2), 1973: 129-135.


623 SPARRING, Ake. Island, Europa och Nato (Iceland, Europe and NATO). Stockholm, Utrikespolitiska institutet, 1973, 27 pp.


624 BRATTELI, Trygve. 'Norge og Europas samling' (Norway and the unity of Europe), Samtiden 1973: 8, 449-458.

25 BRUNDTLAND, Arne Olav (ed.)
'Norden - Norge - EF (The
Nordic countries - Norway - EEC),
International politikk 1972: Suppl.
4B 755-940. Contains articles by
Br^ Q Li Haak Gleditsch,
NUs ps Karl^ Sto Th
Tv Hveem, Helge, Lod
' Sverre Brundtland, Arne Olav,
(a.0.). Commentaries by Koht Norbye,
Ole David, Sundar, Egil, and
Christophersen, Jens A. International
politikk 1973: 1, 122-127.

626 ENHOLM, Kari. Nato-basen Norge
(The Nato Base Norway). Oslo, Pax
Forlag, 1973.

27 EVENSEN, Jens. 'Frihandelsavtalen mellom Norge og EF' (The free trade agreement between Norway and EEC), Samtiden 1973: 4, 193-209.

28 FAURBY, Ib. 'Britisk markedspolitikk Ved indgangen til EF (British market policies at the time of her joining EEC)j internasjonal politikk 1973: 1, 21-42. Commentary by Hellberg, Lars. Internasjonal politikk 1973: 2, 480-482

529 GUNDERSEN, Fridtjof Frank. Romatraktaten og planene om et norsk engrosmonopol for ø/ (The Treaty of Rome and the plans for a tråde monopoly for the wholesale of beer in Norway). Oslo, Universitetsforlaget, 1973.

get, 1973.
630 HOLST, Johan Jørgen and LØVÅS,
Svein Otto. Norge og EF — utfordringen
sett i perspektiv (Norway and
EEC - the challenge in perspective).
Oslo, Europabevegelsen i Norge,

„, „„T " _, T^ €XT-, „.

631 HOLST, Johan Jørgen. 'Nålen 1 høystakken: Pa übatjakt 1 Sognefjorden (TJe needle m the haystack: hunting submarines in the Sognefjord) Internasjonal politikk 1973: 4, 879-897.

632 JERVELL, Sverre. 'Europarådet. Nor es nye europeiske plattform eller en illustrasjon på et norsk utenrikspolitisk dilemma'(The European Council. The new European platform for Norway?)> Samtiden 1973: 9, 527-534.

633 OFSTAD, Arve. Norges varebytte med utviklingsland 1971 (Norwegian trade with developing countries 1971). Bergen, Christian Michelsens Institutt, Den Humanistiske avdeling (DERAP), 1973.

634 On the Main Topics of Norway's Co
with the Developing Coun

Side 264

tries. Oslo, Norwegian agency for in-
ternational development, 1973.

635 OTNES, Per. Slutten på etterkrigstida
(The End of the Post-War Era). Oslo,
Pax Forlag, 1973.

636 UDGAARD, Nils Morten. Great Power Politics and Norwegian Foreign Policy. A Study of Norway's Foreign Relations November 1940—February 1948. Oslo, Universitetsforlaget, 1973. Review by Riste, Olav. Cooperation and Conflict 8(3/ 1973: 209-214.

637 UDGAARD, Nils Morten. 'Norway between East and West in World War IF, Cooperation and Conflict 8(2), 1973: 91-117.


638 NOTAKER, Henry. 'Spanias to dører mot Europa. En skisse av Francos utenrikspolitikk' (Spain and Europe — two main aspects of Spanish foreign policy), Internasjonal politikk 1973: 3, 605-617.


639 AMARK, Klas. Makt eller moral. Svensk offentlig debatt om internationell politik och svensk utrikes- och forsvarspolitik 1938-1939 (Power or Morality. A Study of the Public Debate in Sweden Concerning International Politics and Swedish Foreign and Defence Policy 1938-1939). With an English summary. Stockholm, Allmånna forlaget, 1973, 323 pp., 8 pi.

640 ANDRÉN, Nils. 'Sweden's security
policy', Cooperation and Conflict
7(3-4), 1972: 259-285.

641 CARLGREN, Wilhelm M. Svensk utrikespolitik 1939-1945 (Swedish Foreign Policy 1939-1945). Stockholm, Allmånna forlaget, 1973, 612 pp., 8 pi.

642 GOLDMANN, Kjell. Trovardighetskravet - onodigt och omdjligt?' (The claim for credibility — unnecessary and impossible?), Internationella studier 1(3), 1973: 97-100.

643 HALL, Lars. Svenska politiker och europeisk spanning. En analys av partiledaruttalanden i riksdagen 1948— 1971 (Swedish Politicians and European Tension: An Analysis of the Statements of the Party Leaders in the Riksdag 1948-1971). Stockholm, Utrikespolitiska institutet, 1973, 30 pp.

644 LAGERROTH, Fredrik. Sverige och Eidsvoll-fb'rfattningen (Sweden and the Eidsvoll Constitution). Lund, Gleerups, 1973, 98 pp.

645 TARSCHYS, Daniel. 'Vardegemenskap
och slagfalt' (A community of values

and a battle-ground), Internationella
studier 1(3), 1973: 101-105.

646 WAHLBACK, Krister. Tran medlare till kritiker' (From mediator to critic), Internationella studier 1(3), 1973: 93 -96.

Union of South Africa

647 STOKKE, Olav. Sør-Afrikas dialogpolitikk: Ekspansjon mot nord (The Dialog in South African Politics: Northward Expansion). Uppsala, Nordiska Afrikainstitutet, 1973.

United States of America

648 BERGQUIST, Mats. 'George Kennen och det kalla kriget' (George Kennen and the cold war), Tiden 65(6), 1973: 345-354.

649 BRODIN, Katarina. Forenta staternas officiella utrikespolitiska doktrin. En analys av officiella amerikanska uttalanden åren 1970-1972 (The Official Foreign Policy Doctrine of the United States: An Analysis of Official American Statements 1970-1972). Stockholm, Utrikespolitiska institutet, 1973, ii + 185 pp.

650 DORFER, Ingemar. Henry Kissinger och freden (Henry Kissinger and Peace). Stockholm, Rabén & Sjogren, 1973, 31 pp.

651 JONSSON, Lars. 'Kissinger och amerikansk utrikespolitik' (Kissinger and American foreign policy), Tiden 65(10), 1973: 612-621.


652 BLOEMER, Klaus. 'Vest-Berlins internasjonale funksjoner. En studie i politisk fysikk og psykologi' (The international functions of West Berlin. A study in political physics and psychology), Internasjonal politikk 1973: 4, 821-838.

653 BREDOW, Einar von. Indokina efter Parisavtalet (Indochina After the Paris Treaty). Stockholm, Rabén & Sjogren, 1973, 32 pp.

654 COLE, David L. 'Perceptions of war and participants in warfare: a tenyear replication', Journal of Peace Research 1973, 1-2, 115-118.

655 ESPERSEN, Mogens and HAAGERUP, Niels Jørgen. Fællesmarkedet og sikkerhedspolitikken (The Common Market and Security Policy). Copenhagen, DDF, 1972, 31 pp.

656 EVRON, Yair. 'The Arab position in the nuclear field: a study of policies up to 1967', Cooperation and Conflict 8(1), 1973: 19-32.

Side 265

657 FRIESEN, Hans von. Tyskland och stormakterna. En studie i Tysklandsfrågans utveckling efter andra vdrldskriget (Germany and the Great Powers. A Study of the Development of the German Question After the Second World War). Stockholm, Rabén &Sjdgren, 1973.

658 GRONBERG, Tom and NORDENSTRENG, Kaarle. 'Approaching international control of satellite communication', lnstant Research on Peace and Violence 1973: 1, 3-8.

659 HANSEN, Folmer Bang. EFs Handelsog associeringspolitik. Et studie i handelsrelationerne mellem EF og omverdenen (The Tråde and Association Policy of the European Communities. A Study of the Tråde Relations Between EC and the World). Copenhagen, Akademisk Forlag, 1973, 170 pp.

660 HAUGLAND, Kjell. Problemet Irland (The Problem Ireland). Oslo, Samlaget, 1973. (Orion-bøkene, 142). Review by Albrektsen, Beatrice, lnternasjonal politikk 1973: 3, 629-631.

661 HERADSTVEIT, Daniel. 'Israelsk oppfatning av "fred"' (Israeli perceptions of 'peace'), Internasjonal politikk 1973: 2, 425-451.

662 HERADSTVEIT, Daniel. Nahost Eine politologische Studie. Berlin Verlag, 1973. Rev. and enl. ed. of Brennpunkt Midtausten. Ein analyse av situasjonen etter junikrigen 1967. Oslo, Universitetsforlaget, 1971.

663 HERNES, Helga. 'The visible hånd of the multinational Corporation: a re-view', European Journal of Political. Research 1(3), 1973: 265-292.

664 JOHANSSON, Sven-Olof. Det utvidgade
EG (The Extended EEC). Stockholm,
Rabén & Sjogren, 1973, 31 pp.

665 MODEEN, Tore. 'Den internationella garantien for Ålands nationalitets - skydd' (The international guarantee for the safeguard of Åland's na» tionality), Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift 76(2), 1973: 89-96.

666 SCHIFF, Martin, 'The United States and Sweden: a troubled relationship', The American-Scandinavian Review 61(4), 1973: 367-372.

667 SENGHAAS, Dieter. Rustningskappløpet som en begrensende faktor for endringer i Øst/Vest-konflikten' (The arms race as a restricting factor for changes in the East-West conflict), Internasjonal politikk 1973: 2, 391— 404.

668 STAVE, Gunnar. 'Tyrkia - EF. Migrasjon av arbeidskraft' (Turkey - EC. Migration of workers). Norsk utenirikspolitisk institutt, Rapport 14, 1973.

669 STÅLVANT, Carl-Einar. 'Sweden: the negotiations with the EEC, pp. 236— 245 in Scandinavian Political Studies Volume 8/73. Oslo, Universitetsforlaget, 1973.

670 SÆTER, Martin. 'Norden og europeisk integrasjon. De nordiske land i krysningsfeltet mellom supermaktsinteresser og regionale europeiske samarbeidstiltak' (The Nordic countries and European integration), Internasjonal politikk 1973: 3, 579-595. Cornmentary by Seip, Helge. Internasjonal politikk 1973: 4, 949-952.

671 THEE, Marek. 'Krig eller fred i Vietnam?' (War or peace in Vietnam?), in Vårldspolitikens dagsjrågor, 11. Stockholm, Swedish Institute of International Affairs, 1972.

672 THEE, Marek. Notes of a Witness: Laos and the Second Indochinese War. N.Y., Random House, 1973. Review, Journal of Peace Research 1973: 4, 407-408.

673 THEE, Marek. 'Våpenhvile og fredsslutning i Vietnam' (Cease-fire and peace in Vietnam), Internasjonal politikk 1973: 1, 5-20.

674 THEE, Marek. 'War and peace in Indochina: US Asian and Pacific policies', Journal of Peace Research 1973, I—2, 51—70.

675 TOIVONEN, Seppo. 'Pariisin sopimuksen kampromissit — Vietnam F (The compromises in the Paris Agreement. English summary, p. 54), Ulkopolitiikka 1973: 1, 31-33.

676 TOIVONEN, Seppo. 'Yhdysvaltain pommituspolitiikka — Vietnam F (The bombing policy of the United States. English summary, p. 54), Ul

kopolitiikka 1973: 1, 34-37.
677 VAKKURI, Juha. Mustavalkoinen Ajrikka.
Katsaus Etelå-Afrikan rotupolitiikkaan
(Black and White Africa.
A Survey of the South African Race
Policy). Jyvaskyla, Kustannusosakeyhtio
Gummarus, 1973, 168 pp.

678 VAYRYNEN, Raimo. 'Conflicts of mterest
in territorial waters: Iceland,
Ecuador and the Straits of Malacca'
, Research on Peace and Vio
o„no \cn%. i ni_u»
l '^ J' iZi 148>



679 AHLSÉN, Bengt. Sydafrika, Namibia, Rhodesia. Minoritetsstyrda lander i sodra Afrika (South Africa, Namibia, Rhodesia: Minority-Ruled Countries in Southern Africa). Stockholm, Utbildningsforlaget, 1973, 128 pp.

680 ANDERSSON, Gun-Britt. Befrielse i
sodra Afrika (Liberation in Southern

Side 266

Africa). Stockholm, Rabén & Sjogren,
1973, 32 pp.
681 BULL, Edvard. Østafrikansk bakgrunn.
Kenya, Tanzania og Uganda i fortid
og nåtid (East African Background.
Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda in the
Past and Present). Oslo, Gyldendal,
1973. (Kjempefakkel, 68) Review by
Stokke, Olav. Internasjonal politikk
1973: 4, 956-957.

682 CERVENKA, Zdenek & WALLENSTEN, Lena. Botswana, Lesotho, Swaziland. Beskrivning av tre u-ldnder ' (Botswana, Lesotho, Swaziland: Description of Three Developing Countries). Stockholm, Utbildningsforlaget, 1973, 144 pp. <

683 ERIKSEN, Tore Linné. 'Amilcar Cabral og Guinea-Bissau. En frigjøringsleder og en utviklingsmodelT (Amilcar Cabral and Guiné-Bissau. A liberation leader and a model of development), Kirke og kultur 1973: 2, 86-98.

684 HAKULINEN, Kerkko (ed.). Trooppisen Afrikan kehitysmaaongelmia: artikkelikokoelma (Problems of Developing Countries in the Tropic Africa: Articles). Helsinki, 1973, 46 pp., mimeo. (Helsingin yliopisto. Interkontin julkaisuja 1973:11).

685 HVEEM, Helge. Uganda. Beskrivning av ett u-land (Uganda: Description of a Developing Country). Stockholm, Utbildningsforlaget, 1973, 105 pp.

686 NAUNTOFTE, Jens. Sudans fredsavtal och nyorientering mot Afrika (Peace Treaty in Sudan and Her Reorientation Toward Africa). Stockholm, Utrikespolitiska institutet, 1973.

687 RUNDIN, Ulf. Perspektiv på Ostafrika. Utvecklingsproblem i Kenya, Tanzania och Uganda (Perspectives on East Africa: Development Problems in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda). Stockholm, Prisma, 1973, 283 pp.

688 STOKKE, Olav and WIDSTRAND, Carl (eds.). Southern Africa. The U N-O AU Conference, Oslo 9-14 April 1973, 2 vols. Scandinavian Institute of African Studies, 1973. Review by Eide, Asbjørn. Internasjonal politikk 1973: 4, 964-965.

689 TORM, Uffe. Namiba - En tredobbelt tragedie (Namiba — A Trippie Tragedy). Copenhagen, FN forbundet, 1972, 40 pp.

690 UTNEM, Stig. 'Portugals kolonivelde. Mot oppløsning eller konsolidering?' (Colonial Portugal. Breaking up or consolidating?), Kirke og kultur 197'3: 2, 65-77.


691 BJØL, Erling. 'Chile hvorfor?' (Chile
Why?) Fremtiden 28(6), 1973: 4-15.

692 DIETRICH, Harald. USA - et sted eller et begrep? (USA — A Place or an Idea?). Oslo, Elingaard, 1973. (Nådebatt, 1973.1).

693 FLOTO, Inga. Colonel House in Paris. A Study of American Policy at the Paris Peace Conference 1919. Århus, Universitetsforlaget i Århus, 1973, 374 pp.

694 HALKJAER, Eivor. Peru. Beskrivning av ett u-land (Peru: Description of a Developing Country). Stockholm, Utbildningsforlaget, 1973, 141 pp.

695 HAREIDE, Dag (ed.). Chile - På vei
til sosialismen? (Chile — Heading for
Socialism?). Oslo, Pax forlag, 1973.

696 LINDQVIST, Sven. Jord och makt i Sydamerika. 1. Brasilien, Uruguay, Argentina, Paraguay, Ecuador, Columbia (Land and Power in South America). Stockholm, Bonnier, 1973, 240 pp., 8 pi.

697 SELLSTROM, Tore. 'Fascismen i Chile*
(Fascism in Chile), Rapport från
SWA 4(8), 1973: 6-9 (46-47).

698 SIREVÅG, Torbjørn (ed.). 'Det amerikanske samfunn' (The American society), Internasjonal politikk 1973: Suppl. 18, 165-336. Contains articles by Sirevåg, Torbjørn, Normann, Berit, Vik, Harald, Seyersted, Per, Skårdal, Dorothy 8., Smith, David K.

699 OSTLING, Sven Erik. Bolivia. Beskrivning av ett u-land (Bolivia: Description of a Developing Country). Stockholm, Utbildningsforlaget, 1973, 117 pp.

700 STAGE, Jan and NOTAKER, Henry. Generalenes time. Chile septemberoktober 1973 (The Hour of the Generals. Chile, September-October 1973). Oslo, Aschehoug, 1973.


701 BERG, Lasse and BERG, Lisa. Hvor
går Japan? (Which Way Japan?).
Oslo, Gyldendal, 1973.

702 BISLEV, Sven. 'Indiske samfundsformationer i kolonitiden' (Indian social systems in the colonial era), Politico 5(3-4), 1972: 1-27.

703 EULER, Roland von. Mass Communication Experiment. A Study in the Promotion of Family Planning in Pakistan Conducted by the Sweden Pakistan Family Welfare Project. Stockholm, SIDA, 1973, 255 +17+38 pp., mimeo.

704 GALTUNG, Johan. 'Japan and future
world polities', Journal of Peace Research
1973: 4, 355-385.

Side 267

705 HIRSTI, Reidar. Et møte med Kina (A Rendez-Vous with China). Foreword by Ålgård, Ole. Oslo, Tiden, 1973.

706 LARSEN, Kjeld A. et al. Kina - et land i socialistisk udvikling (China - A Country in Socialist Development). Copenhagen, Akademisk Forlag, 1973, 400 pp.

707 LJUNGGREN, Borje & MARKENSTEN, Klas. Indien (India). Stockholm, SIDA, and Uppsala, Nordiska Afrikainstitutet, 1973, 161 pp.

708 LUNDIN, Lars-Erik. Thailand. Stockholm,
Rabén & Sjogren, 1973, 25 pp.

709 MUNTHE-KAAS, Harald. 'Regionalt samarbeid i Asia' (Regional cooperation in Asia), Internasjonal politikk 1973: 3, 533-548.

710 PEVS, Henrik. Kinas udvikling i vort århundrede (The Development of China in Our Century). Copenhagen, Uglen, 1973, 51 pp.

711 TSCHUDI, Aadel Brun. 'India - ett rike, men ikke ett folk' (India — one country, but not one people), Aschehougs leksikonservice 1973: 1, 12-21.


712 ALALUUSUA, Jouko. 'TTT-yhteistyo Euroopassa. Idan ja Lånnen valisen yhteistyon kehitys; syyt ja muodot' (The development, causes and forms of economic cooperation between East and West), Ulkopolitiikka 1973: 4,4-11.

713 CASTLES, Francis G. 'Barrington Moore's thesis and Swedish political development', Government & Opposition 8(3), 1973: 313-331.

714 GOPLEN, Ådne. 'Tsjekkoslovakia idag"
(Czechoslovakia today), Internasjonal
politikk 1973: 1, 55-73.

715 HAKOVIRTA, Harto. 'Saksojen perussopimus' (The basic treaty between the German states. English summary, p. 54), Ulkopolitiikka 1973: 1, 25-28.

716 HANSEN, Bjørn. 'Irland ved et tideverv'
(Ireland at a cross-road), Aschehougs
leksikonservice 1973: 2, 63-72.

717 HUOPANIEMI, Jukka. Parliaments and European Rapprochement. Geneve, Institut Universitaire De Hautes Etudes Internationales, 1973.

718 HØIVIK, Tord. 'Rumensk essay' (Romanian
essay), Samtiden 1973: 23—

719 JOHANSEN, Jahn Otto. Hvor går Jugoslavia
(Which Way Yugoslavia.)
Oslo, Cappelen, 1973.

720 JOHANSEN, Jahn Otto. 'Øst-Europa:: stagnasjon og forandring' (Eastern Europe: stagnation and change), Aschehougs leksikonservice 1973: 1, 3—ll.

721 LAINE, Jermu. 'Yleiseurooppalainen taloudellinen yhteistyo' (All-European economic cooperation. English summary, p. 50), Ulkopolitiikka 1973: 4, 1-3.

722 LANGVIK-JOHANNESSEN, Kåre. 'Mot et nytt Belgia' (Towards a new Belgium), Aschehougs leksikonservice 1973: 3, 97-109.

723 NORBYE, Ole David Koht. Perspektiv på fransk politikk i dag' (Perspectives on contemporary French politics), Samtiden 1973: 5, 268-284.

724 Østeuropas fremtid. Debatoplæg fra et seminar om konvergensteori (The Future of East Europe. Introduction to Debates from a Seminar on Convergence Theory). Esbjerg, Sydjysk Universitetscenter, 1973, 127 pp.

725 PETERSEN, Carl Heinrich. Fra klassekampens slagmark i Norden. (From the Battlefield of the Class Struggle in the Nordic Countries.) Århus, Modtryk, 1973, 252 pp.

726 URWIN, Derek. 'Political parties, societies and regimes in Europe: some reflections on the literature', European Journal of Political Research 1973: 1/2, 179-204.

727 SJOBERG, Hans. Pompidous Frankrike
(Pompidou's France). Stockholm, Rabén
& Sjogren, 1973, 64 pp.

728 Strategian asiatietoa. Kdsityksia Pohjois-Euroopan strategisista olosuhteista (Knowledge About the Strategy. Views on the strategic Conditions of the North Europe). Helsinki, 1973, 182 pp., mimeo. (Sotatieteen laitos. Julkaisusarja 3 No 2).

729 VIKSVEEN, Stein. Øst-Tyskland i dag. Med 20 korte biografier og en oversikt over begivenheter 1944—1972 (Eastern Germany Today. With 20 Short Biographies and a Review of Events 1944-1972). Oslo, Tiden, 1973. (Tidens tema, 47).


730 ERONEN, Jarmo and HELLE, Reijo. 'Neuvostoliiton alueellisista kehittyneisyys ja elintasoeroista' (Regional differences of economic development and standard of living in the Soviet Union), Terra 85(2), 1973: 104-108.

731 SUSILUOTO, Ilmari. 'Behavioralismin ylittåmisen strategioista. Metodologisia huomioita sosialismin tutkimuksen kehityksestå' (On the strategies of going beyond behavioralism. Methodological observations on the development of research on Socialism), Politiikka 15(2), 1973: 129-136.

732 SUSILUOTO, Ilmari. 'Historia ja yhteiskuntatieteet
Neuvostoliitossa' (His

Side 268

tory and the social sciences in the
Soviet Union), Politiikka 15(1), 1973:

733 TAPIOLA, Ilkka. Neuvosoliiton talousuudistus vuosina 1965—1972 (The Economic Reform in the Soviet Union in 1965-1972). Helsinki, 1973, 46 pp., mimeo. (Ulkopoliittisen instituutin julkaisusarja. Tutkimusselosteita 1973:3).

734 SUSILUOTO, Ilmari. Sosialistisen yh-

teiskunnan hallinto ja poliittinen jarjestelma: systeemiteoreettinen kartoitus politologisesta Neuvostoliiton tutkimuksesta (The Administrative and Political System of the Socialist Society: a System-Theoretical Survey on the Politological Research of the Soviet Union). Helsinki, 1973, 123 pp., mimeo. (Helsingin yliopiston yleisen valtio-opin laitoksen tutkimuksia. Sarja B, 1973: 6).