Scandinavian Political Studies, Bind 8 (1973)

Bibliography of Scandinavian Political Science: 1972

Helen V. Aareskiold

University of Bergen

This bibliography is a review of Scandinavian political science for 1972. It is a continuation of earlier bibliographies in Scandinavian Political Studies, and therefore an attempt has been made to include earlier publications omitted in previous volumes. We have included:

1) publications of native and foreign authors printed in Denmark, Finland,
Norway, and Sweden,

The bibliography includes references to books, contributions to joint works, and periodicals, as well as committee reports and other official government documents which make a contribution to less explored areas of political science in Scandinavia. Reviews appearing in periodicals are listed under the appropriate book, article, etc.

The entries in this bibliography have been compiled and classified in their respective countries: in Denmark by Ib FAURBY, in Finland by Liisa PIKKOLA, in Norway by Kirsti SÆLEN, and in Sweden by Anders MELLBOURN. The undersigned is responsible for the final editing of the bibliography. The individual national editors have sought to maintain a high degree of uniformity in the classification of entries by following as closely as possible the classification scheme used in the International Bibliography of Political Science published by Unesco.

We would like to thank our national editors in Denmark, Finland, Norway, and
Sweden for a job well done and also extend our thanks to Jan Petter MYKLEBUST
for much needed assistance.

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Classification Scheme

A Political Science

A.O General Studies 1~17

A.I Study, Teaching and Current Trends 18-30

A.2 Methods and Research Techniques 31-67

A.3 Congresses, Symposia, Associations 68

A.4 Works of Reference, Bibliographies 69-79

B Political Thought

8.1 History of Political Ideas 80-87

8.2 Ideological Foundations of Political Systems

8.20 General Studies 88-100

8.21 Democracy 101-111

8.22 Socialism 112-115

8.23 Marxism, Bolshevism, Communism 116-129

8.24 Nationalism 130-131

8.25 Totalitarianism 132-134

8.26 Liberalism 135-136

8.27 Conservatism 137

C Government and Public Administration

C.I The State

C.lO General Studies 138

C.I 1 State Structure: Federalism 139

C.2 Political Systems

C.20 General Studies 140-141

C.21 National Studies 142-155

C.22 Comparative Studies 156-158

C.3 Political Systems: The Powers

C.31 Executive

C.311 National Studies 159-164

C.32 Legislative

C.320 General and Comparative Studies 165

C.321 National Studies 166-182

C.33 Judiciary

C.330 General and Comparative Studies 183-185

C.331 National Studies 186

C.34 Relations between the Powers

C.340 General and Comparative Studies 187-188

C.341 National Studies 189-192

C.4 Political Systems: Freedom and Civil Rights

C.40 General and Comparative Studies 193

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C.41 National Studies 194-196

C.5 Economic and Social Functions of Government

C.50 General and Comparative Studies 197-200

C.51 National Studies 201-203

C.52 Public Enterprise

C.521 National Studies 204-205

C.6 Instruments of Government

C.61 Public Management

C.610 General and Comparative Studies 206-219

C.611 National Studies 220-227

C.62 Civil Service

C.621 National Studies 228-229

C.7 Local Government

C.71 National Studies 230-241

D Governmental Processes

D.I Political Influences and Trends

D.lO General Studies 242-249

D.I 1 Pressure Groups 250-255

D.12 Labor Influences 256-266

D.13 Rural Influences 267

D.15 Business Influences 268

D.16 Ideological Influences 269-275

D.17 Military Influences 276-277

D.lB Religious Influences 278

D.19 National Minorities and Racial Factors

D.190 General and Comparative Studies 279

D.191 Studies by Areas 280-282

D.2 Political Parties

D.20 General and Comparative Studies 283

D.21 National and Regional Studies 284-310

D.3 Political Behavior

D.30 General Studies 311-316

D.31 Political Attitudes: Formation and Characteristics 317-328

D.32 Political Leadership, Elites 329-341

D.33 Channels of Political Communication

D.331 Propaganda 342-343

D.332 Mass Communications Media 344-382

D.34 Voting Behavior and Elections

D.341 Voting Behavior 383-387

D.342 Elections: Studies by Countries 388-397

E International Relations

E.O General Studies 398-409

E.I International Organization and Administration

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E. 13 The United Nations 410

E.14 The United Nations Specialized Agencies 411-412

E.15 The Tasks of the International Organizations

E.151 Maintenance of Peace and Collective Security 413-426

E. 152 Disarmament 427-433

E.153 Development of International Law 434-440

E.155 Technical Assistance and Economic Development 441-445

E.16 Other Intergovernmental Organizations 446-466

E.2 International Politics

E.21 General Aspects of International Life 467-482

E.22 History of International Relations 483-488

E.23 States in International Affairs: Their Foreign Relations

E.24 Problems of International Relations 523-540

F Area Studies

F.I Africa 541-550

F.2 America 551-553

F.3 Asia 554-559

F.4 Europe 560-577

F.5 Middle East 578-580

F.7 Union of Soviet Socialist Republics 581-585

Side 251



1 ANBRO, Klaus, et al. Samfundsvidenskabernes filosofi og historie — set ud fra den kritiske teori (The Philosophy and History of the Social Sciences — Seen from the Angle of Critical Theory). Copenhagen, Akademisk forlag, 1972, 6+160 pp.

2 ERASAARI, Risto. "Politiikkatiedeesittelevia kommenttaja" (Policy Science - Introductory Comments). Sosiologia 9 (9) 1972: 223-331.

3 HEISKANEN, Ilkka. Yhteiskunnan automaattiset mekanismit ja poliittiset prosessit yksilo ja ryhmatasoisen tarpeitten tyydytyksen saatelysså (Societal Automatic Mechanisms and Political Processes in the Regulation of Needs Satisfaction on Individual and Group Levels). Turku, 1972, 29 pp., mimeo. (Turun yliopiston valtioopinlaitos. Tutkimuksia C:20).

4 JANSSON, Jan Magnus & RUDEBECK, Lars. "Vetenskapen om politik — integrations- och avgransningsproblem" (The Science of Politics - Problems of Integration and Demarcation). Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift 75 (1) 1972: 3-35 (two introductions and a debate).

5 JONSSON, Dan. "The Perspective of
the Social Sciences," Acta Sociologica
15 (2), 1972: 132-144.

6 KUHNLE, Stein. Indicators of National Development: The Nordic countries, (Universitetet i Bergen, Sosiologisk Institutt, Dataarkivene, Historisk-økologiske dataarkiver). Rapport 5, Bergen, 1972, 29 pp., mimeo.

7 LAHTELA, Markku. Kato ihmista. Johdatus tieteelliseen ihmiskdsitykseen ja politiikkaan (Look at a Man. Introduction to a Scientific View of Man and Politics). Jyvaskylå, Kustannusosakeyhtio Gummerus, 1972, 181 pp.

8 NOPONEN, M.artti.Politiikka tutkimuksen kohteena (Politics as the Object of Research). Porvoo, Werner Soderstrom Osakeyhtio, 1972, 95 pp.

9 NURMI, Hannu. Automaattien teorian statuksesta politiikan tutkimuksessa (On the Status of the Theory of Automats in Political Science). Turku, 1972, 31 pp., mimeo (Turun Yliopiston valtio-opin laitos. Tutkimuksia C:19).

10 RASMUSSEN, Erik. Komparativ Politik
(Comparative Politics) (2 ed.). Copenhagen,
Gyldendal, 1972, 394 pp.

H RASMUSSEN, Erik. Politik (Politics)
(2 ed.). Copenhagen, Gyldendal, 1972,
- 241 pp.

12 RASMUSSEN, Erik, ed. Scandinavian

Political Studies, Volume 7. Oslo,
Universitetsforlaget, 1972, 319 pp.

13 RASMUSSEN, Erik & BJORKLUND, Stefan. "Varderingar - normativism i samhallsvetenskapen" (Values — Normativism in Social Science). Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift 75 (1), 1972: 36 —66 (two introductions and a debate).

14 ROKKAN, Stein, ed. European Political
Data Newsletter 3-5, Bergen, ECPR
Data Information Service, 1972.

15 SAMUELSSON, Kurt. Den forvirrade jamlikheten och andra essder (The Confused Equality and Other Essays). Stockholm, Raben & Sjogren, 1972, 206 pp.

16 SARIOLA, Sakari. "Vallan ongelma"
(The Problem of Power), Sosiologia
9, 1972: 145-152.

17 SULKUNEN, Pekka. Tutkimuksia vallasta (Studies of Power), Helsinki, 1972, 173 pp., mimeo (Helsingin yliopiston sosiologian laitoksen tutkimuksia 186).


18 ANCKAR, Dag. Statskunskap i Finland och det o'vriga Norden: iaktagelser kring sektorala intressetyngdpunkter 1961-70 (Political Science in Finland and in the Other Nordic Countries: Observations on the Main Sectors of Interest in the Years 1961 — 70). Turku, 1972, 37 pp., mimeo (Meddelanden från institutet for samhallsforskning uppratthållet av statsvetenskapliga fakulteten vid Åbo akademi B: 17).

19 CHRISTOPHERSEN, Jens A. "Noen bemerkninger om politisk idéhistorie som statsvitenskaplig disiplin" (Some Remarks about the History of Political Ideas as a Discipline of Political Science). Statsvetenskaplig Tidskrift l, 1972: 92-96. Discussion by Par Back, Elias Berg, and Bengt Hultén, Statsvetenskaplig Tidskrift 1, 1972: 98-107.

20 DAMGAARD, Erik. "Noter till diskussion af 'Politisk output analyse'" (Notes for a Discussion on 'the Analysis of Political Output'). Statsvetenskaplig tidskriit 75 (1), 1972: 107-122.

21 ESKOLA, Antti. Yhteisid asioita (Common
Affairs), Helsinki, Kirjayhtyma,
1972, 113 pp.

22 HEISKANEN, Ilkka. "Politologian kehitys ja opinnaytteet" (The Development of Politology), Politiikka 14, 1972: 368-374.

23 JENSEN, Jens-Jørgen. Grundsynspunkter
i den vestlige forskning af de kom

Side 252

munistiske systemer (The Basis ol Western Research on Communist Systems). Copenhagen, Forlaget GMT. 1972, 115 pp.

24 JENSEN, Jens-Jørgen. "Grundsynspunkter i den vestlige forskning af de kommunistiske systemer" (The Basis of Western Research on Communist Systems). Økonomi og Politik 46 (1), 1972: 35-49.

25 KORITZINSKY, Theo, ed. Samfunnsfag og påvirkning. Sju innlegg om samjnnns jagenes plass i norsk skole og lærebøkenes ideologiske og politiske innhold (Social Science and Influence. Seven Contributions on the Status of Social Science in Norwegian Education, and the Ideological and Political Contents of School Books). Oslo, Universitetsforlaget, 1972, 131 pp.

26 PESONEN, Pertti. "Behavioraalinen ja vertaileva politiiikan tutkimus" (Behavioral and Comparative Political Research). Politiikka 14, 1972: 238-249.

27 ROKKAN, Stein. "Forskningsstrategi"
(Strategy of Research). Statsvetenskaplig
Udskrift 75 (1), 1972: 67-73.

28 ROKKAN, Stein. "Politisk sosiologi: Håndverk eller lærdomsgren" (Political Sociology: Craft or Teaching Discipline). Samtiden 81 (3), 1972: 164-177.

29 Samfundsvidenskabelig teori og metode. Rapport fra konferencen afholdt den 25. november 1971 af udvalget for samfundsvidenskabelige basisuddannelser (Theory and Method in the Social Sciences. Report from a Conference Held on November 25th, 1971 by the Committee on Basic Training within the Social Sciences). Copenhagen, Planlægningsrådet for de højere uddannelser, 1972, 11 + 146 pp.

30 SANDE, Øystein. "Future Consciousness,"
Journal of Peace Research 3,
1972: 271-278.


31 ANDERSEN, Heine. Samfundsvidenskaber og videnskabsteorier (Social Sciences and Epistemology). Copenhagen, Studenterrådet ved Københavns Universitet, 1972, 192 pp.

32 BERGSTROM, Lars. Objektivitet. En undersokning av inneborden, mojligheten och onskvdrdheten av objektivitet i samhdllsvetenskapen (Objectivity. An Enquiry into the Meaning, Possibility and Desirability of Objectivity in the Social Sciences).

33 B LOM BERG, Jaakko. "Dialektinen
piiattely ja rakenneanalyysi" (Dialec

tical Inferences and Structural Analysis),
Lakimies 70, 1972: 162-167.

34 BRUUN, H. H. Science, Values ana Politics in Max Weber's Methodology Copenhagen, Munksgaard, 1972, 11 + 300 pp.

35 CHRISTENSEN, Jørgen Grønnegård "Bagstræb og modeluner i international politik" (Reaction and Whims in International Relations). Politico Tidsskrift for politisk videnskab (2), 1972: 47-52.

36 DAMGAARD, Erik. "Noter til diskussion af politisk output analyse" (Notes on the Discussion of Political Output Analysis). Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift 1, 1972: 107-122.

37 FRISCH, Ragnar. Cooperation between Politicians and Econometricians on the Formalization of Political Preferences. Stockholm, Sveriges Industriforbund, 1971, 66 pp.

38 GAASHOLT, Øystein. "Tendenser innen nyere amerikansk politologi: Noen inntrykk og bemerkninger angående diskusjonen omkring kvantitativ metodikk" (Tendencies within Recent American Political Science: Impressions and Comments Relating to the Debate on Quantitative Methods). Politica Tidsskrift for politisk videnskab 5 (2), 1972: 34-46.

39 GUSTAVSSON, Sverker. "Skålen for forskningens frihet" (The Arguments for the Freedom of Science). Tiden 64 (6), 1972: 350-361.

40 HANSEN, Per Vejrup. "En kritik af Myrdals syn på objektivitetsproblemet i samfundsvidenskaben" (A Critique of Myrdals Views on the Problem of Objectivity in the Social Sciences). Økonomi og Politik 46 (1), 1972: 22


41 HELLEVIK, Ottar. Forskningsmetode i sosiologi og statsvitenskap (Research Method in Sociology and Political Science). Oslo, Universitetsforlaget, 1971, 384pp.

42 KERNES, Gudmund. "Second Order Measures of Association — A Markovian Approach," Acta Sociologica 15 (4), 1972: 307-322.

43 ISBERG, Magnus, WETTERGREN, Anders & WITTROCK, Bjorn. "A Technique for Structural Content Analysis of Party Propaganda" Scandinavian Political Studies. Volume 7. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget, 1972, pp. 83-105.

44 ISRAEL, Joachim. "Is a Non-Normative
Social Science Possible?" Acta
Sociologica 15 (1), 1972: 69-89.

45 ISRAEL, Joachim. Kritisk samhdllsteori och andra vetenskapsteoretiska synpunkter (Critical Social Theory and Other Viewpoints on the Philosophy

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of Science). Lund, Studentlitteratur,
1972, 93 pp.

46 ISRAEL, Joachim. Om kunsten at løfte sig op ved hårene og beholde barnet i badevandet Kritiske betragtninger over samfundsvidenskabernes videnskabsteori. (On the Art of Lifting up Oneself by the Hair and Keeping the Child in the Bath Water. Critical Comments on the Epistemology of the Social Sciences). Copenhagen, Gyldendals samfundsbibliotek, 1972, 172 pp.

47 ISRAEL, Joachim. "Om onskvårdheten av en kritisk samhållsteori" (On the Desirability of Critical Social Theory). Sociologisk forskning 9 (1), 1972: 51 -57.

48 KASVIO, Antti. "Taloudellisen yhteiskuntamuodostuman kasite" (The Concept of Economic Society Formation). Sosiologia 9, 1972: 59-68.

49 KRISTENSEN, Ole P. "Matematik og politologi" (Mathematics and Political Science). Politica Tidsskrift for politisk videnskab 5 (2), 1972: 3-12.

50 LAAKSO, Markku & MARTIKAINEN, Tuomo. Poliittisten vastakontaisuuksien mittaaminen (The Measurement of Political Contradictions). Helsinki, 1972, 55 pp., mimeo (Helsingin yliopiston yleisen valtio-opin laitoksen tutkimuksia 28).

51 LINDBLAD, Ingemar. Om den politiska vetenskapens grundar (On the Foundations of Political Science). Stockholm, Almqvist & Wiksell, 1972, 172 pp.

52 NURMI, Hannu. "Vertailevan politiikantutkimuksen metodologistista valinnoista" (On Methodological Choices in the Comparative Study of Politics), Politiikka 14, 1972: 3-32.

53 PEDERSEN, Henning. "En teoretisk ramme for policy impact analyser" (A Theoretical Framework for the Analysis of Policy Impact). Politico Tidsskrift for politisk videnskab 5 (2), 1972: 59-77.

54 PEDERSEN, Mogens N. "Nogle forskningspolitiske fodnoter til beretningen om behavioralismens gennembrud i statskundskaben" (The Breakthrough of Behavioralism in Political Science. Some Footnotes Concerning Research Policy). Politica Tidsskrift for politisk videnskab 5 (2), 1972: 13-33.

55 RANTALAIHO, Liisa. "Metodi ja teoria"
(Method and Theory). Sosiologia
9, 1972: 3-11.

56 RASILA, Viljo. "Systeemianalyyttinen nakokulma historiassa" (The Systemic Approach in History). Historiallinen Aikakauskirja 69, 1972: 211-222.

57 ROKKAN, Stein. "Data Resources for
Comparative Research on National

Development," Social Science Information
11 (3-4), 1972: 287-302.

58 ROKKAN, Stein. "Models and Methods in the Comparative Study of Nation in T. J. NOSSITER, A. H. HANSON & Stein ROKKAN, eds.. Imagination and Precision in the Social Sciences. Essays in Memory of Peter Nettl, London, Faber & Faber, 1972, pp. 121-156.

59 ROKKAN, Stein. "Political Statistics," in B. ODEN "Historical statistics in the Nordic countries," in V. R. LORWIN & J. M. PRICE, eds., The Dimensions of the Past, New Haven and London, Yale University Press, 1972, pp. 291-295.

60 ROKKAN, Stein & WESTERSTÅHL, Jorgen. "Forskningsstrategi" (Research Strategy). Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift 75 (1), 1972: 67-91 (two introductions and a debate).

61 SCHILLER, Bernt. "Samtidshistoria och kållkritik" (Contemporary History and Source Evaluation). Historisk tidskrift 35 (1), 1972: 2-14.

62 SODERFELT, Bjorn. Statsvetenskapliga metoder (Methods of Political Science). Stockholm, Almqvist &Wiksell, 1972,211 pp.

63 TERSBØL, Hans Henning. "Metodeovervejelser vedrørende studiet af magtstrukturer i lokalsamfund" (Methodological Reflections Concerning the Study of Power Structures in Local Communities). Politica Tidsskrift for politisk videnskab 5 (1), 1972: 43-64.

64 TUOMI, Helena. Dominanssi kansainvdlisessii jarjestelmassa. Analyysi imperialismin tutkimuksen Idhestymistavoista (Dominance in the International System. An Analysis of Approaches in the Study of Imperialism). Tampere, 1972, mimeo, 93 pp. (Rauhan- ja konfliktintutkimuslaitos. Tutkimuksia 2).

65 VAANANEN, Pekka. "Konvergenssioletus vertailevan politiikan tutkimuksen lahtokohtana" (The Convergence Hypothesis as an Approach to the Comparative Study of Politics). Politiikka 14, 1972: 51-60.

66 WESTHOLM, Carl-Johan. "Debatten om forskningen och samhallet (The Debate on Science and Society). Historisk tidskrift 35 (4), 1972: 586-596 (review of Sverker Gustavsson, Debatten om forskningen och samhallet (The Debate on Science and Society). Stockholm, 1971).

67 WITTROCK, Bjorn. "Peter Winchs idé om en samhallsvetenskap" (Peter Idea of a Social Science). Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift 75 (4), 1972: 493-504.

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68 ESKONEN, Lasse. "Neljånsien politiikan tutkimuksen paivien tilitysta" (Accounts of the Fourth Symposium of Policy Science), Politiikka 14, 1972: 60-65.


69 AARESKJOLD, Helen V., ed. "Bibliography of Scandinavian Political Science: 1971," Scandinavian Political Studies Volume 7. Oslo, Universitetsforlaget, 1972, pp. 287-319.

70 BENTZON, Karl-Henrik, BORRE, Ole, ELKLIT, Jørgen. Kommune-dataarkivet, 1909-1968. En foreløbig oversigt over det politisk-økologiske data-arkiv ved Institut for Statskundskab (The Municipal Data Archives 1909-68. A Provisional Guide to Political-Ecological Data Archives at the Institute of Political Science, Aarhus). Århus, Institut for Statskundskab, 1972.

71 GORDIN, Dan, LAINE, Olavi, & TAPIOLA, Kari. Maailma 1945-71 (The World 1945-71). Helsinki, Kustannusosakeyhti Otava, 1972, 440 pp.

72 JANSSON, Esbjorn. "Sweden," in ROKKAN, S. and MEYRIAT, J., eds., International Guide to Electoral Statistics. The Hague, Mouton, 1969, pp. 281-308.

73 KALNINS, Bruno. "Baltisk statsvetenskaplig forskning i Sverige" (Baltic Research in Political Science in Sweden), in Symposium om balterna i Sverige, Stockholm, Baltiska institutet, 1971, pp. 102-105.

74 LAAKSONEN, Pirjo. SEV-maiden talonseldmd. Kirjallisuusluettelo (COMECON. Selected Bibliography). Helsinki, 1972, 55 pp., mimeo (Kauppakorkeakoulun kirjaston julkaisuja 6).

75 LEBECH, Anne Marie. Lenin 1870-1970. Bibliografisk liste til brug ved studiet af Lenin (Lenin 1870-1970: A Bibliographical List for the Study of Lenin). Copenhagen, Det kongelige Bibliotek, 1970, 13 pp.

76 LEHIKOINEN, Anja, ed. Finland 1971. Books and Publications in Politics, Political History and International Relations. Turku, 1972, 35 pp., mimeo (Institute of political history, University of Turku A:7).

77 Liste over litteratur om EF og EFT A. Ved Universitetsbiblioteket i Oslo og Universitetsbibliotektets bibliotektjeneste ved det Samfunnsvitenskaplige fakultet, Blindern. Universitetsbiblioteket i Oslo, Bibliotektjenesten ved det Samfunnsvitenskaplige fakultet, Oslo,

1972, 59 pp. (edited by Sabine
AMELN and Harald RØNNING).

78 MOREN, Jorolv, et al. Norske organisasjoner (Norwegian organizations), new rev. ed., Tanum, Oslo 1972, 238 pp.

79 RYDÉN, Per. Anteckningar till en svensk presshistorisk bibliografi (Notes for a Bibliography of Swedish Press History). Lund, Lunds universitet, Litteraturvetenskapliga institutionen, Avd. for pressforskning, 1971, v, 324 pp.



80 ANDERSSON, Torsten J. "Platons Staten och Mores Utopia" (Plato's Republic and More's Utopia), in Idé och lårdom, Lund, Studentlitteratur, 1972, pp. 6-36.

81 ASPELIN, Gunnar. Karl Marx som sociolog
(Karl Marx as Sociologist).
Lund, Gleerups, 1972, 184 pp.

82 KLINGE, Matti. Vihan veljistd valtiososialismiin. Ynteiskunnallisia ja kansallisia ndkemyksid 1910- ja 1920luvuilta (From Brothers of Hate to Governmental Socialism. Social and National Viewpoints of the 1910'sand 1920'5), Porvoo-Helsinki, Werner S6derstrom Osakeyhtio, 1972, 215 pp.

83 LIEDMAN, Sven-Eric. F ran Platon till Lenin. De politiska ideernas historia (From Plato to Lenin: The History of Political Ideas). Stockholm, Aldus/ Bonnier, 1972, 253 pp.

84 LINDENSJO, 80. "Fran hegeliansk idealism till historisk materialism" (From Hegelian Idealism to Historical Materialism). Hdften for kritiska studier 4 (6-7), 1971: 5-28.

85 PAANANEN, Unto. Sallusfs Politico Terminology. Its Use and Biographical Significance. Helsinki, Ac. diss, 1972, 127 pp. (Suomalaisen tiedeakatemian toimituksia 8.175).

86 SJOHOLM, Elsa. Rechtsgeschichte als Wissenschaft und Politik. Studien zur germanischen Theorie des 19. Jahrhunderts (History of Law as Science and Politics. Studies in German Theory of the Nineteenth Century). Berlin, J. Schweitzer Verlag, 1972, xviii, 148 pp.

87 STYBE, Svend Erik, ed. Politiske ideologier. Fra Platon til Mao (Political Ideologies. From Plato to Mao). Copenhagen, Politiken, 1972, 400 pp.



88 ALLARDT, Erik. "Fordelningen av resurser"
(Distribution of Resources),

Side 255

pp. 20-31, in Socialstyrelsen redovisar,
Stockholm, 1972.

89 ALLARDT, Erik, and UUSITALO, Hannu. "Dimensions of Welfare in a Comparative Study of the Scandinavian Societies," in Scandinavian Political Studies, Volume 7, Oslo, Universitetsforlaget, 1972, pp. 9-27.

90 BROX, Ottar. Politikk. Bidrag til populistisk argumentasjon (Politics. Contributions to Populistic Argumentation), Pax, Oslo, 1972, 192 pp. (Paxbøkene 327).

91 FROSTIN, Per. Kristendom och marxism. Från konflikt till dialog (Christianity and Marxism. From Conflict to Dialogue). Stockholm, Gummesson, 1971, 227 pp.

92 HEEGER, Robert. "Vad ar en ideologi?" (What is an ideology?). Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift 75 (3), 1972: 307-325.

93 HELENIUS, Ralf. Suuret ismit 1970luvun politiikassa (The Great isms in the Politics of the 1970'5). Kyriiri, 1972, 177 pp. (bibliography).

94 LAULAJAINEN, Esko, TAPIOLA, Hannu, and ARRAKOSKI, Olli. Aikamme ongelmia I (Problems of Our Time). Jyvaskyla, Rustannusosakeyhtio Gummerus, 1972, 176 pp.

95 LEWIN, Leif. "Om studiet av de politiska ideologiernas innehåll och funktion" (On the Study of Content and Function of Political Ideologies). Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift 75 (4), 1972: 437-468.

96 MATHIESEN, Thomas. Det ufer dige. Bidrag til politisk aksjonsteori (The Incomplete. Contributions to Political Action Theory). Pax, Oslo 1971. Review by Per MATHIESEN, Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning 13 (3), 1972: 280-284.

97 Norsk populisme (Norwegian Populism);
Oslo, Det Norske Samlaget, 1972,
170 pp.

98 ØSTERBERG, Dag. "Anomi-begrepet og historisk materialisme" (Durkheim's Concept of Anomie and the General Paradigma of Historical Materialism), Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning 13 (1), 1972: 69-79.

99 TOIVIAINEN, Kalevi. Aseistakieltaytyminen ekumeenisessa keskustelussa (Conscientious Objectors in Ecumenical Discussion). Helsinki, Kirjapaja, 1972, 158 pp. (bibliography).

100 UUSITALO, Hannu. Objektiivinen vai subjektiivinen hyvinvointi (Objective or Subjective Welfare). Helsinki, 1972, 32 pp., mimeo (Helsingin yliopisto, sosiaalipolitiikan laitos. Tutkimuksia 3).


101 ABRAHAMSSON, Bengt. "Organisationerna och demokratin" (Organizations and Democracy), in KERMAN, N., ed. Demokratibegreppet (The Concept of Democracy), Stockholm, Prisma, 1972, pp. 123-156.

102 BORJESSON, Bengt. "Om maktens fordelning — demokratin ur jamlikhetens perspektiv" (On the Distribution of Power - Democracy in the Perspective of Equality), in ÅKERMAN, N., ed., Demokratibegreppet (The Concept of Democracy), Stockholm, Prisma, 1972, pp. 88-122.

103 FREDRIKSSON, Gunnar. "Demokratidebatten" (The Democracy Debate), in ÅKERMAN, N., ed., Demokratibegreppet (The Concept of Democracy), Stockholm, Prisma, 1972, pp. 15-37.

104 GUSTAFFSSON, Agne. "Demokrati - strid och samverkan" (Democracy — Struggle and Cooperation). Tiden 64 (2), 1972: 70-79.

105 HEISKANEN, Ilkka, and MARTIKAINEN, Tuomo. "Demokratia, tasaarvo ja informaation kulku suomalaisessa yhteiskunnassa" (Democracy, Equality, and Flow of Information in Finnish Society). Politiikka 14, 1972: 285 -320.

106 KARLSSON, Lårs-Erik. "Demokratisering av foretag" (The Democratization of Enterprise), in ÅKERMAN, N., ed., Demokratibegreppet (The Concept of Democracy). Stockholm, Prisma, 1972, pp. 157-208.

107 KEKKONEN, Urho. Puheita ja kirjoituksia 4. Demokratia ja perusoikeudet (Speeches and Essays 4. Democracy and Basic Rights). Tapiola, Oy Willin & Goos Ab, 1972, 188 pp. Edited by Tuomas Vilkuna).

108 LANE, Jan-Erik. "Leif Lewin, statskunskapen och demokratin" (Leif Lewin, Political Science and Democracy). Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift 75 (3), 1972: 326-343.

109 NORDEN ST AM, Gunnar R. "Folkmakt och elitstyre" (Popular Power and Elite Rule), in NORDENSTAM, G. R., et al. Varde, Vdlfdrd och jdmlikhet, Lund, Studentlitteratur, 1972, pp. 19-47.

110 PART ANEN, Juha. "Demokratia ja tasa-arvoisuus suomalaisessa yhteiskunnassa" (Democracy and Equality in Finnish Society). Politiikka 14, 1972: 321-345.

111 SLAGSTAD, Rune. "Borgerlig eller proletar demokrati" (Bourgeois or Proletarian Democracy), in ÅKERMAN, N., ed., Demokratibegreppet (The Concept of Democracy), Stockholm, Prisma, 1972, pp. 71-87.

Side 256


112 KJ EMS, Box. Socialismen og det amerikanske system mellem borgerkrig og verdenskrig (Socialism and the American System between Civil War and World War). Copenhagen, Forlaget G.M.T., 1972, 157 pp.

113 LINDHAGEN, Jan. Socialdemokratins program. Del 1. l rorelsens tid 1890 -1930 (The Program of the Social Democratic Party. Part 1: The Period of the Movement, 1890-1930). Stockholm, Tiden, 1972, 253 pp.

114 LORENZ, Emhard.Arbeiderbevegelsens historic. En innføring. Norsk sosialisine i internasjonalt perspektiv (The History of the Labor Movement. An Introduction. Norwegian Socialism in International Perspective). Pax, Oslo, 1972, Vol. I, 213 pp. (Pax-bøkene 313).

115 MEURLING, Per. Fabian Månsson och bondesocialismen (Fabian Månsson and Populist Socialism). Stockholm, Tiden, 1972, 157 pp.


116 BACKSTROM, Knut. Gotrek och Manifestet
(Gotrek and the Manifesto).
Stockholm, Gidlund, 1972, 144 pp.

117 BERNTSON, Lennart. "Sveriges kommunistiska parti och leninismen 1919 -1929" (The Swedish Communist Party and Leninism 1919-1929). Arkiv for studier i arbetarrorelsens historia 1 (3), 1972: 52-73.

118 GUNNARSON, Gunnar. "Får marxismen scut hur som helst?" (May Marxism Look like Anything?). Tiden 64 (10), 1972: 549-557.

119 HANSEN, Karstein M., et al. Mellom Luther og Marx: Ei utgreiing fra kristne i Sosialistisk valgforbund i Stavanger (Between Luther and Marx: A Statement from Christians in the Socialistic/Christian Group of Cooperation in the Election in Stavanger); Oslo, Det Norske samlaget, 1972, 163 pp. (Orion-bøkene 134).

120 LIEDMAN, Sven-Eric. "Marxismen" (Marxism), in LIEDMAN, S.-E., ed., Moderna livsåskådningar. Stockholm, Natur och Kultur, 1972, pp. 124-150.

121 LINDBECK, Assar. The Political Economy of the New Left. An Outsider's View. Foreword by Paul A. Samuelson. New York, Harper & Row, 1971, xxi, 100 pp.

122 MOSKOVSKIJ, P. V., and SEMENOV, V. G. Lenin v Svecii (Lenin and Sweden). Moscow, Politizdat, 1972, 166 pp.

123 NORD, Lars. "Arbetarråd och socialistisk marknadsekonomi" (Workers' Councils and Socialist Market Economics). Liberal Debatt 24 (1), 1972: 21-24.

124 OSTERBERG, Dag. Et fordord til "Afpitalen". En filosofisk fremstilling av Marx' hovedverk (A Preface to 'Das Kapital'. A Philosophical View of Marx's Main Work). Oslo, Pax, 1972, 78 pp. (Pax-bøkene 312).

125 PETERSSON, Olof and HOLMBERG, Soren. "KFml(r) och Klassbegreppet" ('KFml(r)' and the Class Concept). Zenit 26 (17) (December/January 1971 -1972), 1971: 23-38.

126 SKODDBERG, Kaj. "Poulantzas1 politiska teori — en kritik" (The political Theory of Poulantzas - A Critique). Haften for kritiska studier 5 (4), 1972: 40-56 (59).

127 TANNSJO, Torbjorn. "Mot Althusser"
(Against Althusser). Haften for kritiska
studier 5 (2-3), 1972: 7-29.

128 TARSCHYS, Daniel. Beyond the State. The Future Polity in Classical and Soviet Marxism. Stockholm, Laromedelsforlagen, 1972, 261 pp.

129 THERBORN, Goran. "Althusser - en marxist-leninistisk filosof" (Althusser - A Marxist-Leninist Philosopher). Haften for kritiska studier 5 (8), 1972: 34-49 (60).


130 BLOMQUIST, Lars Erik. Sovjet blickar bakåt. Den nya ryska patriotismen (The Soviet Union Looks Backward: The New Russian Patriotism). Stockholm, Askild & Kårnekull, 1972, 95 PP.

131 HANNSON, Svante, ed. Sionism. Idé, debatt, kritik (Zionism: Idea, Controversy, Critique). Stockholm, Proprius, 1972, 203 pp.


132 BOOK, Mikael. "Marxistisk analys av fascismen I" (Marxist Analysis of Fascism I). Haften for kritiska studier 4 (6-7), 39-46 (58), 1971.

133 DAHL, Hans Fredrik. Hva er fascisme? Et essay om fascismens historie og sosiologi (What is Fascism? An Essay on the History and Sociology of Fascism). Oslo, Pax, 1972, 162 pp. (Pax-bøkene 317).

134 WARENSTAM, Eric. Fascismen och Nazismen i Sverige (Fascism and Nazism in Sweden), rev. and enlarged ed. Stockholm, Almqvist & Wiksell, 1972, 250 pp.


135 KIHLBERG, Leif. Folktribunen Adolf

Side 257

Hedin. For frihet och rdttvisa at menige man (The Popular Tribune Adolf Hedin: For Freedom and Justice for the Common Man). Stockholm, Bonniers, 274 pp., 4 pi.

136 LIEDMAN, Sven-Eric. "Liberalismen och friheterna" (Liberalism and the Freedoms), in Idé och lårdom, Lund, Studentlitteratur, 1972, pp. 150-171.


137 ANNERS, Erik. "Conservatism in Sweden", in M. D. HANCOCK and G. SJOBERG, eds. Politics in the Post State: Responses to the New Individualism.NewYork and London, Columbia University Press, 1972, pp. 257-278.




138 NCUBE, Patrick. "Kommentar. Equilibrium and the Problem of the State — Reconsidered," Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning 13 (3), 1972: 265-273.


139 ESPERSEN, Ole. Elementær stats forfatningsret vol. l (Elementary constitutional law). Copenhagen, Universitetsforlaget, 1972, 153 pp.



140 HAAPASALO, Jukka. "Kansa, gallup ja demokratia" (People, Gallup, and Democracy). Y din 6 (8), 1972: 10-12.

141 ROKKAN, Stein. "Nation-Building and the Structuring of Mass Politics," in S. N. EISENSTADT, ed. Political Sociology. A Reader, New York and London, Basic Books, 1971, pp. 393 -411.



142 HANSEN, Svend Aage. Samfundets organisation (The organization of society). Copenhagen, (Gad), 1971, 121 pp.

143 MØLLER, Poul. Politik. Parlamentarismens sejr og krise. Politiske essays (Politics. The Victory and Crisis of Parliamentarism. Political Essays). Copenhagen, Schønberg, 1972,160 pp.

144 WESTERGAARD Andersen, Harald.

Dansk politik i går og i dag Fra tredivernes krise til EF. (New ed.). (Danish Politics Yesterday and Today. From the Crisis of the Thirties to the EEC), new ed. Copenhagen, Fremad, 1972, 276 pp.

145 VES ALA, Tauno. Vallankdtkentdjuttu (The Story of Hiding Power). Jyvåskylå, Kustannusosakeyhtio Gummerus, 1972, 119 pp.


146 ANDRÉN, Nils. Fran kungavdlde till folkstyre (From Royal Autocracy to Popular Government), 4th ed. Stockholm, Utbildningsforlaget, 1972, 251 pp.

147 ANDRÉN, Nils. Svensk statskunskap (Swedish Government), sth rev. ed. Stockholm, Utbildningsforlaget, 1972, 397 pp., in cooperation with Harriet LUNDBLAD.

148 ARNAULT, Jacques. Une société mixte
(A Mixed Society). Paris, Seghers,
1971, 159 (15) pp.

149 BOARD, Joseph 8., Jr. The Government
and Politics of Sweden. Boston,
Houghton Mifflin, 1970, 270 pp.

150 HAHN, Georg. Verfassungsreform in Schweden — Ein Zwischenbericht" (Constitutional Reform in Sweden — an Interim Report). Archiv des 6fjentlichen Rechts 97 (1), 1972: 31-59.

151 HALVARSSON, Arne. Sveriges statsskick. En faktasamling (The Swedish Constitution: A Collection of Facts). Stockholm, Laromedelsforlagen, 1972, 92pp.

152 HANCOCK, M. Donald. "Post-Welfare Modernization in Sweden: The Quest for Cumulative Rationality and Equality", in M. D. HANCOCK, and G. SJOBERG, eds. Politics in the Post State: Responses to the New Individualism. New York and London, Columbia University Press, 1972, pp. 223-245.

153 HANCOCK, M. Donald. Sweden: The Politics of Post-Industrial Change. Hinsdale, 111.,The Dryden Press, 1972, 298 pp.

154 HOLMBERG, Erik. "Grundlagsberedningens forslag till nyßFoch ny RO" (The Proposals of the Constitutional Commission for a New Governmental and Parliamentary Constitution). Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift 75 (2), 1972: 189-208.

155 RUIN, Olof. Participation, Corporativization and Politicization. Trends in Present-Day Sweden. Paper delivered at the Annual Meeting of the Society for the Advancement of Scandinavian Study, New York, 1972, 34 pp. (mimeo).

Side 258


156 HANCOCK, M. Donald; SJOBERG, Gideon, and WHITE, Orion, Jr. Politics in the Post-Welfare State: A Comparison of the United States and Sweden. Carnegie Seminar for Political and Administrative Development and the Department of Government, Bloomington, Ind., 1967.

157 HERLITZ, Nils. Nordisk folkstyrelse (Popular Government in the Nordic Countries). Stockholm, Foreningarna Nordens forbund, 1972, 129 pp.

158 LINDBLAD, Ingemar, WAHLBACK, Krister, and WIKLUND, Claes. Politik i Norden. En jatnforande oversikt (Politics in the Nordic Countries: A Comparative Survey). Stockholm, Aldus/Bonnier, 1972, 232 pp., (with the cooperation of Carl-Einar Stålvant).





159 HÆSTRUP, Jørgen. ...Til landets bedste. — Hovedtræk af departementchefstyrets virke 1943-45 Vol. 2. (... For the Best of the Country. The "Government by Permanent Undersecretaries" 1943-45). (DNH's studier i besættelsestiden), Copenhagen, Gyldendal, 1971, 330 pp.


160 RIEPULA, Esko. Tasavallan presidentin asema ja vaalitapa. (The Position of President and Mode of Election). Tarn" pere, 1972, 20 pp., mimeo. (Tampereen yliopisto. Oikeustieteen laitoksen monistesarja 2).

161 SANKIAHO, Risto. "Suomen hallituskoalitiot vuosina 1945-1971. Koalitoteoreeettinen tarkastelu" (The Governmental Coalitions in the Years 1945-1971. A Coalition Theoretical Approach). Politiikka 14, 1972: 227 -237.


162 RASMUSSEN, Lars 80. Charles de Gaulle. Menneske og statsmand(Charles de Gaulle, Man and Statesman). Copenhagen, (Rosenkilde og Bagger), 1971, 244 pp.


163 LAGERROTH, Fredrik. "Kvinnlig tronfoljd annu en gang" (Female Succession to the Throne — Another Remark). Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift 75 (3), 1972: 390-392.

164 LAGERROTH, Fredrik. Den svenska monarkin infor rdtta. En forfattningshistorisk expose (The Swedish Monarchy on Trial. A Survey of Constitutional History). Stockholm, Raben & Sjogren, 1972, 258 pp.



165 BJURULF, 80. "Parlamentariska voteringsmetoder" (Parliamentary Voting Procedures), in N y Regeringsform. Ny Riksdagsordning (SOU 1972: 15), Stockholm, Allmånna forlaget, 1972, pp. 362-375.



166 ANCKAR, Dag. Några anteckningar kring riksdagsutskottens ålderstruktur (Some Notes on the Age Structure of Parliamentary Committees). Åbo, 1972, 23 pp. (Meddelanden f ran institutet for samhallsforskning uppratthållet av statsvetenskapliga f akulteten vid Åbo akademi B: 20).

167 HINTIKKA, Jaakko. "Valtasuhteet, måaraenemmistosaånnot ja paria menttarismin luonne" (Power Relations, the Rules of Majority, and the Nature of Parlamentarianism). Aika 66, 1972:406-411.

168 LAAKSO, Markku. Erditå eduskunnan pddtoksenteon rakenteellisia piirteitd (Some Structural Characteristics of Parliamentary Decision-Making). Helsinki, 1972, 51 pp., mimeo. (Turun yliopiston valtio-opin laitos. Tutkimuksia C:21).

169 LAAKSO, Markku. William H. Rikerin poliittisesta koalitioteoriasta. Peliteoreettinen tarkastelu sekdempiirinensovellutus eduskunnan ddnestyskdyttdytymiseen vuosina 1964, 1965 ja 1966 (On the Coalition Theory of William H. Riker. A Game Theoretical Approach and an Empirical Application to the Voting Behavior of the Finnish Parliament in the Years 1964, 1965, and 1966). Helsinki, 1972, 153 pp., appendix, mimeo. (Helsingin yliopiston yleisen valtio-opin laitoksen tutkimuksia 24).

170 OKSANEN, Matti. Kantnsanedustajan rooli. Tutkimus kansanedustajien suhtautumisesta edustajan toimeensa vuoden 1969 valtiopdivilld (The Role of the Member of Parliament. A Study on the Attitudes of the Members of Parliament to Their Deputy Position in the Diet of the Year 1969). Oy Gaudeamus Ab (Doctoral disserta

Side 259

171 PEKONEN, Kyosti. "Eduskunnan valiokuntien puheenjohtajat ja varapuheenjohtajat" (The Chairmen and Vice of the Parliamentary Committees). Politiikka 14, 1972: 99-118.

172 RIEPULA, Esko. "Eduskunnan asema Suomen poliittisessa jårjestelmasså" (The Position of the Parliament in the Finnish Political System). Aika 66, 1972: 232-237.

173 SARAVIITA, Ilkka. "Lainsåådantotaktiikkaa"
(On the Tactics of Legislation).
Oikeustiede 2, 1972: 5-129.

174 TIMONEN, Pertti. "Suomen eduskunnan kokoonpanonstabiliteetti Ilmaailmansodan jålkeen" (The Stability of the Composition of Parliament after World War II in Finland). Politiikka 14 1972: 119-135.


175 FONNES, Ivar. "Stortingsopposisjonen av 1872" (The Storting Opposition in 1872). Historisk tidsskrift 51 (2), 1972: 150-181.

176 KIELLAND, Arne. All makt? Dagbok
fra Stortinget (Total Power? Diary
from the Storting). Oslo, Pax, 1972.

111 TORP, Olaf Chr. Stortinget høsten 1969 -våren 1973 (The Norwegian Storting from Autumn 1969 to Spring 1973), 2nd rev. ed. Oslo, Universitetsforlaget, 1972, 186 pp.


J7B BJURULF: 80. An Analysis of Some Aspects of the Voting Process. Diss., Lund, Studentlitteratur, 1972, 17 pp. (a summary of four articles).

179 BJURULF, 80. "Fran minoritetsparlamentarism till majoritetskoalition. En studie av riksdagens rostråkningar 1925-38" (From Minority Parliamentarianism to a Majority Coalition. A Study of Swedish Roll-Calls 1925-38). Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift 75 (2), 1972: 125-188.

180 BJURULF, 80. "A Probabilistic Analysis of Voting Blocs and the Ocurrence of the Paradox of Voting, in R. G. NIEMI and H. F. WEISSBERG, eds., Probability Models of Collective Decision Making. Columbus, Ohio, Charlees E. Merrill, 1972, pp. 232-251.

181 GRIMLUND, Bengt, and RICKNELL, Lars. Den nya riksdagen. En presentation av den partiella forfattningsreformen (The New Riksdag: A Presentation of the Partial Constitutional Reform). Stockholm, Prisma, 1970, 92 pp.

182 MOLIN, Bjorn. "Sweden: The First

Year of the One-Chamber Riksdag," Scandinavian Political Studies Volume 7, Oslo, Universitetsforlaget, 1972. 283-286.



183 ERIKSSON, Lars D. "Rakenneselitykset marksilaisessa oikeusteoriassa" (Structural Explanations in the Marxist Theory of Law). Lakimies 70, 1972: 151-161.

184 Oikeuslaitoksen politisoituminen.Mitd se on, miten se vaikuttaa }a mitkd ovat sen hyvdt ja huonot puolet? (The Politicization of the Institution of Justice. What is it, what Effects does It Have, and What Are Its Advantages and Drawbacks?). Porvoo-Helsinki, Werner Soderstrom Osakeyhtio, 1972, 99 pp.

185 WILENIUS, Reijo. "Marxilaisesta ja hermeneuttisesta oikeusteoriasta" (On Marxist and Hermeneutical Judicial Theory). Lakimies 70, 1972: 168-175.



186 SCHULTEN, C. G. af. "Taloudellisen integraation vaikutus Suomen oikeusjarjestykseen" (The Effects of Economic Integration on the Legal System of Finland). Ydin 6 (7), 1972: 19 -23.



187 KIRCHHEINER, Hendrik H. Ombudsman en democratic Een studie over het instituut van de ombudsman aan tie hand van de ervaringen in Zweden en Denemarken (Ombudsman and Democracy: A Study of the Ombudsman Institution in the Light of the Swedish and Danish Experiecne). Alpen an den Rijn, Sanson, 1971, 321

188 LEGRAND, André. L'ombudsman
scandinave. Etudes comparées sur le
controle de l'administration (The
Scandinavian Ombudsman. Comparative
Studies in Administrative Control).
Paris, Libraire Générale de droit
et de jurisprudence, 1970, iii, 549 pp.



189 KAUFFELDT, Carl. "Folkeafstem-

Side 260

ningsinstituttets udvikling i Danmark" (The Referendum and its Development in Denmark). Økonomi og Politik 46 (3), 1972: 245-255.


190 BEXELIUS, Alf red. "The Ombudsman," in Effective Realization of Civil and Political Rights at the National Level. Selected Studies. New York, United Nations, 1968, pp. 27-50.

191 GUNNARSON, Jan. Svenska kommunforbundet. Beslutsfattande, relationer till kommunerna, forhallande till staten (The Swedish Association of Communes. Decision Making, Relations with the Communes and the State). Stockholm, Kommun AB, 1972, 225 pp., (with an English Summary).

192 STÅHLBRAND, Sven F. "JO-åmbetet - ett kontrollorgan på awågar?" (The Parliamentary Ombudsman - A Control Mechanism Astray). Tiden 64 (10), 1972: 558-568.



193 LIVERS AGE, Toni. Kvinden og Historien. Kønsroller og familiemønstre i økonomisk belysning (Woman and History. Sex Roles and Family Patterns Seen from an Economic Point of View). Copenhagen, (Gyldendal), 1972, 105 pp.



194 Rapport om betydningen for ligestillingen i Danmark mellem mænd og kvinder af en dansk indtræden i de europæiske fællesskaber (Report on the Impact of Danish Entry into the European Communities on the Equality between Men and Women in Denmark). Copenhagen, Justitsministeriet, 1971, 22pp.


195 KASTARI, Paavo. Kansalaisvapauksien perustuslainturva (The Constitutional Safeguards of Civil Liberties). Helsinki, Lainopillisen ylioppilastiedekunnan kustannustoimikunta, 1972, XVI, 320 pp. (Suomalaisen lakimiesyhdistyksen julkaisuja B-sarja 164).

196 MERIKOSKI, Veli, ed. Adni aanioikeuden puolesta (Voice for the Right to Vote). Helsinki, Suomen Lakimiesliiton Kustannusosakeyhti, 1972, 74 pp.



197 AUKEN, Svend, JEPSEN, Gunnar Thorlund, and LARSEN, Ejvind. konomisk Politik/Politisk Økonomi (Economic Politics/Political Economy). Copenhagen, (Schultz), 1972, 128 pp.

198 DAHL JACOBSEN, Knut. "Økonomi og velferd" (Economics and Welfare). PM om tema innen politikk og administrasjon, Universitetet i Bergen, 2, 1972 13-22.

199 PETERS, B. Guy. "Economic and Political Effects on the Development of Social Expenditures in France, Sweden and the United Kingdom," Midwest Journal of Political Science 16 (2), 1972: 225-238.

200 RUDEBECK, Lars. "Annorlunda jordreform i annorlunda u-land" (Differing Land Reform in a Differing Developing Country). Tiden 64 (9), 1972: 494-503.



201 RASMUSSEN, Erling. "De nye principper for den sociale sektors planlægningssystem" (New Principles for the Planning System of the Social Sector). Økonomi og Politik 45 (4), 1971: 400 -412.


202 KIRKINEN, Heikki. Kehitysalue - kehitysmaa. Laulu kotimaisesta kolonialismista (Developing Region — Developing Country. A Song on Domestic Colonialism). Tampere, Kirjay hty ma, 1972, 111 pp.


203 JANSEN, Alf-Inge. Hvem gjør hva i natur og miljøvernet? (Who Does What in the Work for Environmental Protection). Oslo, Norges Naturvernforbund, 1972.




204 Valtion Yhtiot 1971 (The State Enterprises
1971). Helsinki, 1972, 80 pp.
(Chief Editor: Mauno HARMO).

Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

205 DELLENBRANT, Jan Ake. Reformists and Traditionalists. A Study of Soviet Discussion About Economic Reform, 1960-1965. Uppsala, 1972, ii, 214 pp., mimeo.

Side 261




206 Administrativ utvikling i forvaltningen. Mål og virkemidler (Development in Public Administration. Goals and Means). Foredrag ved Nordisk konferanse Oslo 31. mai-2. juni 1972. Ed. by Statens rasjonaliseringsdirektorat, Oslo in coll. with Administrationsdepartementet, Danmark, Finansministeriets organisationsavdelning, Finland (and) Statskontoret, Sverige. Oslo, 1972, 106 pp.

207 ANDRÉN, Nils. "'Framtidsforskningen' och dess betydelse forsamhalletslångtidsplanering" (Future Research and Its Importance for Social Long-Term Planning). FLS-aktuellt 13 (1), 1972: 24-33.

208 ANNERSTEDT, Jan, and DENCIK, Lars. "Koloniseringen av framtiden" (The Colonization of the Future). Ord & Bild 80 (6), 1971: 412-425.

209 BALDERSHEIM, Harald. "Nokre omgrep, tenkjemåtar og problemstillingar i studiet av offentleg politikk og administrasjon" (Some Concepts, Ways of Thinking, and Ways of Posing Problems in the Study of Public Policy and Administration). Skriftsene om Offentlig Politikk og Administrasjon, Sosiologisk Institutt, Universitetet i Bergen, l, 1972.

210 HOFOSS, Dag. "Vannforurensning og administrasjon: En organisasjonsteoretisk undersøkelse" (Water Pollustion and Administration: An Administrative-Theoretical Analysis). Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning 13 (2), 1972: 118-134.

211 LUNDQUIST, Lennart. Forvaltningen i det politiska systemet (Public Administration in the Political System). Lund, Studentlitteratur, 1971, 146 pp. Review by Jorolv MOREN, Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning 13 (4), 1972: 378-381.

212 LUNDQUIST, Lennart. Means and
Goals of Political Decentralization.
Lund, Studentlitteratur, 1972, 223 pp.

213 LUNDQUIST, Lennart. "Steering and review in large organizations", Scandinavian Political Studies Volume 7, Oslo, Universitetsforlaget, 1972, pp. 29-43.

214 ØSTERUD, Øyvind. Samfunnsplanlegging og politisk system (Public Planning and Political System). Oslo, Gyldendal, 1972.

215 OLSEN, Johan P. "Alternative beslutningsprosedyrer
i organisasjoner" (Alternative
Procedures of Organizational

Choice). Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning
13 (1), 1972: 25-50.

216 OLSEN, Johan P. "Public Policy-Making and Theories of Organizational Choice", Scandinavian Political Studies Volume 7. Oslo, Universitetsforlaget, 1972, pp. 45-62.

217 OLSEN, Johan P. "Voting, 'Sounding Out,' and the Governance of Modern Organizations," Acta Sociologica 15 (3), 1972: 267-283.

218 ROOS, J. P. The Concepts and Development of Social Planning. Helsinki, 1972, 20 pp., mimeo. (Helsingin yliopisto. Sosiaalipolitiikan laitos, tutkimuksia 7).

219 TEIG, Alv, ed. Offentlig planlegging - og mennesket. Om planleggingsprosessene, prognosene, det sosiale miljø og den enkelte innbyggers rolle i den store sammenheng (Public Planning — and Man. About the Planning Processes, the Prognoses, the Social Environment and the Role of the Individual). Oslo, Gyldendal, 101 pp.



220 KRARUP, Ole, and MATHIASSEN, Jørgen. Elementær forvaltningsret (Elementary administrative Law). New ed Copenhagen, Universitetsforlaget, 1972, 154 pp.


221 HUSU, Erkki. "The Economic Stabilization Programmes and Their Political Consequences in Finland 1967-1970" Scandinavian Political Studies Volume 7. Oslo, Universitetsforlaget, 1972, pp. 259-265.


222 BALDERSHEIM, Harald. "Klientar og handlemåtar i regionalplanlegginga. Kommunane og fylkesmennenes utbyggingsavdelingar" (Clients and Patterns of Interactions in Regional Planning in Norway). Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning 13 (4), 1972: 311-336.

223 BUGGE, Kjell. "Forskjeller mellom privat og offentlig administrasjon" (Differences between Private and Public Administration). PM om tema innen politikk og administrasjon, Universitetet i Bergen, 3, 1972: 38-48.

224 WHIST, Erik. "Kommentar. Forholdet mellom administrasjon og den politiske ledelse. En case-studie" (Commentary. The Relation between Administration and Political Leadership. A Case-Study). Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning 13 (2), 1972: 182-189.

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225 CHRISTOFFERSSON, Ulf, MOLIN, Bjorn, MÅNSSON, Lennart, and STROMBERG, Lars. Byråkrati och politik (Bureaucracy and Politics). Stockholm, Bonniers, 1972, 178 pp. Review by Lennart LUNDQUIST, in Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift 75 (3), 1972: 406-411.

226 JONSSON, Rolf, et al. Forvaltningen i Sverige (Public Administration in Sweden). Lund, Studentlitteratur, 1972, 112pp.

227 MOLIN, Bjorn, MÅNSSON, Lennart, and STROMBERG, Lars. Offentlig forvaltning. Stats- och kommunalforvaltningens struktur och funktioner (Public Administration: The Structure and Functions of State and Local Administration), 3rd rev. ed. Stockholm, Bonnier's, 1971, 383 pp.




228 MIETTINEN, Tarmo. "Virkamiesharjoittelu valtionhallinnossa" (Civil Servant Training in the Governmental Administration). Valtionhallinnon Rnmistio 1972.6, pp. 43-45.


229 ANTON, Thomas J., LINDE, Claes, and MELLBOURN, Anders. Bureaucrats in Politics: A Profile of the Swedish Administrative Elite. Paper delivered at the Annual Meeting of the Society for the Advancement of Scandinavian Study, New York, 1972, 47 pp.



Federal Republic of Germany

230 HAARLØV, Tyge. "Slesvig-holstenske forvaltningsreformer" (Administrative Reforms in Schleswig-Holstein), Nordisk Administrativt Tidsskrift 53 (1), 1972: 1-24.


231 DREIJER, Matts. Alands sjalvstyrelse 1947-1972 (The Self-Government of Ahvenanmaa 1947-1972). Mariehamn, Alands Tryckeri, 1972, 255 pp.


232 BALDERSHEIM, Harald. "Kornmunane som klientar i regionalplanlegginga" (The Municipalities as Clients in Regional Planning). Plan og Arbeid 2, 1972.

233 ERVIK, Audun, ed. Sosial planlegging i
kommunene (Social Planning in Local

Government). Oslo, Tanum, 1972,124

234 ERVIK, Audun, and ROB, Lars. Saksbehandling i den kommunale sosiale administrasjon (Procedures in the Municipal Social Administration). Oslo, Tanum, 1972, 107 pp.


235 ATTMAN, Artur, BOBERG, Stig, and WÅHLSTRAND, Arne. Goteborgs stadsfullmaktige 1863-1962. 3. Stadsfullmdktige, stadens styrelser och forvaltninger (The Municipal Council if Gothenburg, 1863-1962. Vol. 3. The Municipal Council of Gothenburg, 1863-1962. Vol. 3. The Municipal Council, the City Boards, and Administrative Agencies). Goteborg, Stadsfullmaktige, 1971, xi, 468 pp.

236 BRANTGARDE, Lennart. "Political Decision-Making in a Risk-Taking Situation: Swedish Local Councils in the Face of Amalgamation," Scandinavian Political Studies 6, Volume 7. Oslo, Universitetsforlaget, 1972, pp. 54-86.

237 FORSELL, Harry. Strukturomvandling och kommunala beslut (Structural Change and Local Government Decision-Making). Umeå, 1972, mimeo. (with an English summary).

238 HAGGROTH, Soren. "Varfor flyttar så många från Salemstaden?" (Why are so Many Leaving Salem City?). Kommunal tidskrift 5 (16), 1972: 926-929.

239 HAGGROTH, Soren. Den kommunala beslutsprocessen vid fysisk planering (The Communal Decision-Making Process in Physical Planning). Stockholm, 1972, v, 209, 94 pp. (with an English summary).

240 MEHR, H. "Stockholm," in W. A. ROBSON, and D. E. REGAN, eds. Great Cities of the World. Their Government, Politics and Planning, Vol. 2, 3rd rev. & enl. ed. London, Allen & Unwin, 1972.

241 STROMBERG, Lars, and NILSSON, Lennart. "Ar kommunalpolitiken konfliktlos?" (Are There No Conflicts in Local Government?). Kommunal tidskrift 5 (15), 1972: 846-849.




242 ELVANDER, Nils. "The Politics of Taxation in Sweden 1945-1970: A Study of the Functions of Parties and Organizations," Scandinavian Politi

Side 263

cal Studies Volume 7. Oslo, Universitetsforlaget,
1972, pp. 63-82.

243 ELVANDER, Nils. Svensk skattepolitik 1945-1970. En studie i partiers och organisationers funktioner (Swedish Tax Policy, 1945-1970. A Study in the Functions of Parties and Organizations). Stockholm, Raben & Sjogren, 1972, 405 pp.

244 ODEN, Birgitta. Planering, vdrdestruktur och demokratisk participation Planning, Value Structure and Democratic Participation). Stockholm, Justit iedepartementet (Ds Ju 1972:27), mimeo.

245 RUIN, Olof. "Universitetsautonomi och studentparticipation i Sverige och USA" (University Autonomy and Student Participation in Sweden and the U.S.). Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift 75 (4), 1972: 469-492.

246 SAVOLAINEN, Jukka. Poliittisen påatoksenteon ja sen vaikutuksen analyysi (An Analysis of Political Decision-Making and Its Inpact). Tampere, 1972, 3 pp., mimeo. (Tampereen yliopisto. Julkishallinnon laitoksen julkaisusarja 13).

247 SODERBERG, Tom. Två sekel svensk medelklass. Från gustaviansk tid till nutid (The Swedish Middle Class during Two Centuries: From the Late Eighteenth Century to Our Day). Stockholm, Bonniers, 1972, 377 pp.

248 THERBORN, Goran. "Om klasserna i Sverige 1930-1970" (On the Classes in Sweden 1930-1970). Zenit 28 (April-May) (54), 1972: 4-36.

249 THERBORN, Goran. Klasser och ekonomiska system (Classes and Economic Systems). Stockholm & Cavefors, Staf fanstrop, Zenit, 1971, 334 pp.


250 BJORKMAN, Maja, FLEMING, Daniel, KJELLBERG, Anders, SPANG, Lennart, and ÅBERG, Bengt. En analys av den amerikanska arbetar- och bor går klassens organiseringsstråvanden och statens ingripanden i klasskampen f ran 1870- till 1950-talet, (An Analysis of the Organizing Efforts by the American Working and Bourgeois Classes and the Interferences of the State from the 1870's to the 1950'5). Lund, 1972, 450 pp., mimeo.

251 BLOM, Ida. Nasjonal reisning. Pressgruppepolitikk i Grønlandsspørsmålet 1921-1931 (National Assertion. Press Group Politics in Connection with the Greenland Question 1921-1931). Doet. diss., Universitetet i Bergen, 1972.

252 BLOM, Raimo. Retrospektio suomalais-

ten jarjestokiinnittymisesta 1930—70 (Retrospection to the Finnish Affiliation to Non-Governmental Organizations 1930-70). Tampere, 1972, 96 pp., mimeo. (Tampereen yliopisto. Sosiologian laitos. Tutkimusseloste 36).

253 ELVANDER, Nils. "Democarcy and Large Organizations", in M. D.HANCOCK and G. SJOBERG, eds. Politics in the Post-Welfare State: Responses to the New Individualism, New York and London, Columbia University Press, 1972, pp. 302-324.

254 KIVIAHO, Pekka. "Urheilujårjestot ja politiikka Suomessa" (Sport Organizations and Politics in Finland). Politiikka 14, 1972: 172-190.

255 LUOMA, Våino. Yrttys ja yhteiskunta. Liikkeenjohdon yhteiskunnallisen vastuun hahmottelua (Enterprise and Society. An Outline of the Social Responsibility of Business Leadership). Turku, 1972, 16 pp., mimeo. (Turun Kauppakorkeakoulun julkaisuja. Sarja A I - 9).


256 Årbog for arbejderbevægelsens historie Vol. 1 (Yearbook of the History of the Working Class Movement), (ed. by selskabet til forskning i Arbejderbevægelsens historie). Copenhagen, Fremad, 1971, 159 pp.

257 Årbog for arbejderbevægelsens historie Vol. 2 (Yearbook of the History of the Working Class Movement), (ed. by selskabet til forskning i Arbejderbevægelsens historie). Copenhagen, Fremad, 1972, 160 pp.

258 Betænkning om fagbevægelsens organisationsstruktur (A Report on the Organizational Structure of the Trade Union Movement). Landsorganisationen i Danmark, Copenhagen, 1971, 47pp.

259 BORG, Vilhelm. Industriarbejde og arbejderbevidsthed (Industrial Work and Labour Consciousness). Røde Hane, Copenhagen, 1971, 144 pp.

260 CHERNISHEVA, Olga Vasilevna. Rabochee dvizhenie v Svecii nakanune vtoroj mirovoj vojny (1929—1939) (The Labor Movement in Sweden before the Second World War (1929-1939). Moscow, Nauka, 1971, 294 pp.

261 FORSBERG, Thomas. "Forhandlingsprocess och facklig metod" (The Negotiation Process and Trade Union Method). Sociologisk forskning 9 (3), 1972: 185-205.

262 LUOMA, Våino. Toimihenkilot ja yhteiskunta (Functionaries and Society). Turku, 1972, 29 pp. (Turun Kauppakorkeakoulun julkaisuja. Sarja B 1-3).

263 MOLGAARD, John, DUE, Jesper, and

Side 264

MADSEN, Jørgen Sten. LO - Magt eller afmagt? (The Tråde Unions — Power or Impotence?). Spektrum, Copenhagen, 1972, 223 pp.

264 MUKHERJEE, Santosh. Making Labour Markets Work. A Comparison of the U.K. and Swedish Systems. London, PEP, 1972, x, 153 pp.

265 SANKIAHO, Risto. Suomen metallityovaen liiton lakkoaanestykset vuonna /977 (The Strike Votes of the Finnish Metal Workers' Union in 1971). Helsinki, 1972, 41 pp., mimeo. (Tampereen yliopisto. Politiikan tutkimuksen laitos. Tutkimuksia 23).

266 SEIM, Jardar. Hvordan Hovedavtalen
av 1935 ble til Oslo, Tiden norsk forlag,


267 HUIZER, Gerrit. "Land Invasion as a Non-Violent Strategy of Peasant Rebellion: Some cases from Latin America," Journal of Peace Research 2, 1972: 121-132.


268 BRUNDENIUS, Claes. "The Anatomy of Imperialism: The Case of the Multinational Mining Corporations in Peru," Journal of Peace Research 9 (3), 1972: 189-207, Also printed in Swedish: "De multinationella gruvbolagen i Peru," Internasjonal politikk (4), 1972: 681-699.


269 ARNAULT, Jacques. Le socialisme
suedois (Swedish Socialism). Paris,
Editions sociales, 1970, 79 pp.

270 BIRGERSSON, Bengt-Ove. "Review of Thomas G. Hart, The Dynamics of Revolution, Stockholm, 1971," Statsvetenskaplig enskaplig tidskrift 75 (2), 1972: 253-260.

271 BJORK, Kaj. "Individualism and Collectivism", in M. D. HANCOCK, and G. SJOBERG, Politics in the Post State: Responses to the New Individualism. New York and London, Columbia University Press, 1972, pp. 246-256.

272 DOMINGUEZ, Felix. Socialismo sueco
(Swedish Socialism). Madrid, 1970, 96

273 GYLLENSTEN, Lars. "Swedish Radicalism in the 19605: An Experiment in Political and Cultural Debate," in M. D. HANCOCK, and G. SJOBERG, eds. Politics in the Post-Welfare State: Responses to the New Individualism, New York and London, Columbia University Press, 1972, pp. 279-301.

274 HØIBERG, Erling. "Højskolen og den

tidligste danske georgeisme" (The Folk High School and the Earliest Danish Georgism). Historie, Jyske samlinger, Ny række, 10, (1), 1972: 110-127.

275 VARIS, Tapio. Ideologia ja tiedonvdlityksen loukkaavuus. Tutkimus yhteiskunnallisestatajunnasta ja loukkaavien televisio- ja radio-ohjelmien havaitsemisesta (Ideology and Insulting Effects of Communication. A Study on Social Consciousness and Perceptions of Insulting Television and Radio Programs). Tampere, 1972, 126 pp., mimeo. (Tampereen yliopiston tiedotusopin laitos. Monistesarja 7).


276 ABRAHAMSSON, Bengt. Militarer, makt och politik (Military Professionalization and Politics). Stockholm, Prisma, 1972, 213 pp. Note: Swedish Translation of work listed in Bibliography ... 1971; 220.

277 WIESLANDER, Hans. / Nedrustningens tecken. Intressen, aktiviteter i forsvarsfrågan, 1918-1925 (In the Sign of Disarmament: Interests, Activities in the Defence Question, 1918 -1925). Lund, Gleerups, 1966, 352 pp.


278 LINDBERG, 80. Religionens politiska anvandning — en akademisk doktrin under 1700-talet" (The Political Use of Religion — An Academic Doctrine in the Eighteenth Century), in Idé och lårdom, Lund, Studentlitteratur, 1972, pp. 85-108.



279 WIDGREN, Jonas. Europa och Invandrarjrågan (Europe and the Immigration Question). Stockholm, Raben & Sjogren, 1972, 32 pp.



280 MARANDI, Rein. "De baltiska minoriteterna i svensk pressdebatt" (The Baltic Minorities in the Swedish Press), in Symposium om balterna i Sverige, Stockholm, Baltiska institutet, 1971, pp. 21-24.

281 NYMAN, Elmar. "Den 'baltiska' invandringen till Sverige under och efter andra varldskriget — Skiss till ett forskningsprogram" ("Baltic" Immi

Side 265

gration to Sweden during and after the Second World War - Outline of a Research Program), in Symposium om balterna i Sverige, Stockholm, Baltiska institutet, 1971, pp. 10-16.

Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

282 AUN, Karl. "Problematics about the National Minorities in the U.S.S.R., with Special Reference to the Baltic Nations" in Symposium om balterna i Sverige, Stockholm, Baltiska institutet, 1971, pp. 25-28.



283 BERGLUND, Sten. Masspartiet som kommunikationssystem (The Mass Party as a Communication System). Umeå, 1972, v. 265 pp., mimeo. (with an English summary).



284 BILLE, Lars, ed. Danske partiprogrammer 1945-1970 (Danish Party Programs 1945-1970). Copenhagen, Gyldendal, 1972, 95 pp.

285 FIBIGER, 80. Partipolitisk sprogbrug (Party Political Vocabulary). Copenhagen, Akademisk forlag, 1972, 123 pp.

286 KRAFT, Ole Bjørn. En konservativ pølitikers erindringer 1926-1945 (Memoirs of a Conservative Politician 1926-1945). Copenhagen, Gyldendal, 1971, 293 pp.

287 OLSEN, P. Nannestad. "At the Cradle of a Party System: Voting Patterns and Voting Groups in the Danish Constitutional Convention 1848-1849," Scandinavian Political Studies Vol. 7. Oslo, Universitetsforlaget, 1972, 119 -136, 1972.

288 TOPSØE, Vilhelm. Poul Sørensen og dansk politik 1960-1970 (Poul Sørensen and Danish Politics 1960-1970). Copenhagen, Lindhardt og Ringhof, 1972, 174 pp.


289 ANCKAR, Dag. Partier, partilag, vallag. En teoretisk skiss till ett konkret forskningsprojekt (Parties, Party Law, Election Law. A Theoretical Outline of a Concrete Research Project). Åbo, 1972, 58 pp., mimeo. (Meddelanden från institutet for samhallsforskning uppråtthållet av statsvetenskapliga fakulteten vid Åbo akademi B: 10).

290 KLOCKARE, Sigurd Yleislakosta kannanrintamaan
(From the General

Strike to the People's Front). Helsinki,
Kustannusosakeyhtio Tammi,
1972, 222 pp. (bibliography).

291 KORJUS, Jaakko. Nain jatkuu Rihtniemen linja (So Will Rihtniemi's Line Go on). Helsinki, Oy Uusi Suomi, 1972, 108 pp.

292 POUTIAINEN, Eino. Melkoisen kovaa leikkid (Quite a Hard Game). Helsinki, Kustannusosakeyhtio Tammi, 1972,217pp.

293 SIIKALA, Kalervo. Maalaisliiton perilliset
(Heirs of the Agrarian Union).
Helsinki, Kirjayhtyma, 1972, 137 pp.

294 VAYRYNEN, Raimo. "Analysis of Party Systems by Concentration, Fractionalization and Entropy Measures," Scandinavian Political Studies Vol. 7. Oslo, Universitetsforlaget, 1972, pp. 137-155.


295 BLOM, Ida. "Bønder og blokkforhandlinger 1933—1936" (Farmers and Group Negotiations 1933-1936). Historisk tidsskrift 51 (4), 1972: 391 -408.

296 MAURSETH, Per. Fra Moskvateser til Kristianiaforslag (From Moscow Theses to the Kristiania Proposition). Oslo, Pax, 1972,216pp.

297 OIDNE, Gabriel. "Venstres valgnederlag i 1903. Politiske strømninger ved århundreskiftet i Norge" (The Defeat of the Liberal Party in the Election of 1903. Political Trends at the Turn of the Century in Norway). Historisk Tidsskrift 51 (1), 1972: 37-69.


298 BRANDSTROM, Dan. Nominerings fdrfarandetdr- vid riksdagsval. En studie av partiernas kandidatnomineringar infor 1970 års riksdagsval (The Nomination Process. A Study of the Party Candidate Nominations before the 1970 Riksdag Elections), in SOU ]972:17, Stockholm, Allmånna Forlaget, 1972, pp. 5-101.

299 HASKEL, Barbara G. "What is Innovation? Sweden's Liberals, Social Democrats and Political Creativity," Political Studies 20 (3), 1972: 306-310.

300 JESPERSEN, Knud J. V. "Den tidlige svenske socialdemokrati og jordbruget" (Early Swedish Social Democracy and Agriculture). Arkiv for studier i arbetarrorelsens historia l (3) (91), 1972: 74-83.

301 JONASSON, Gustaf. "På vag mot koalition? Forhandlingarna mellan socialdemokrater och bondeforbundare efter 1948 års val" (On the Road towards a Coalition? The Negotiations between Social Democrats and Agrarians after the 1948 Election). Histo

Side 266

risk Udskrift 35 (3), 1972: 355-408,
(with a German summary).

302 NEDELMAN, Birgitta. Zur Parteienentstehung in Schweden (1866— J 907). Historisch-soziologische Aspekt e der Institutionalisierung politischer Organisationen (On the Emergence of Parties in Sweden (1886-1907). Historic and Sociological Aspects of the Institutionalization of Political Organizations). Mannheim, 1970. xiii, 572, 154pp.

303 OLOFSSON, Gunnar. "SSU - socialdemokratins rekrytskola?" (The Social Democratic Youth League — a Recruitment School for the Social Democrats?). Arkiv for studier i arbetarrdrelsens historia 1 (1), 1972: 60 -74.

304 OLSSON, Tom. "SKP's politiska utveckling 1943-1950 I&II" (The Political Development of the Swedish CP 1943-1950 I&II). Arkiv for studier i arbetarrorelsens historia 1 (2&3), 1972: 78-95, 35-51.

305 RUIN, Olof. "Partidemokrati" (Party
Democracy). Tiden 63 (4), 1971: 198

306 SPARRING. Åke. "The Communist Party of Sweden," The Communist Parties of Scandinavia and Finland. London, Oxford University Press, 1972.

307 SPARRING, Åke. Suucden no kyosan
shugi. Shusei sliugi me no ketteiteki
tenko (From Hoglund to Hermansson.
On Revisionism in the Swedish Communist
Party). Tokyo, Kajima Institute,
Note: English translation listed in
Bibliography... 1967/68: 312

308 VERNEY, Douglas. "The Foundations of Modern Sweden: The Swift Rise and Fall of Swedish Liberalism," Political Studies 20 (1), 1972: 42-59.

309 WINQVIST, Kay-Vilhelm, WICKLÉUS, Jan-Ake, UDDMAN, Paula, BENGTSSON, Lars, and LUNDSTROM, Berndt-Ola. Svenska partiapparater (Swedish Party Organizations). Stockholm, Aldus/Bonnier, 1972, 317 pp.

United Kingdom

310 URWIN. Derek. "Scottish Conservatism: A Party Organization in Transition," in J. D. LEES and R. KIMBALL, ALL, eds. Political Parties in Modern Britain, London, Routledge, 1972.



311 ALLARDT, Erik. "Types of protests
and alienation," in Ada W. FINIFTER,
ed. Alienation and the Social

System, New York, John Wiley &
Sons, 1972, pp. 289-305.

312 ANCKAR, Dag. "Om representativitetsproblemet vid studiet av partiyttringar" (On Representativity Problems in the Studies of Party Statements). Politiikka 14, 1972: 346-357.

313 LANGHOLM, Sivert. "The Historian, the Sociologist — and the Third Man. Some Conclusions from the Study of Political Participation," Historisk tidskrift 35 (4), 1972: 474-489.

314 MARTINUSSEN, Willy. "Sosial lagdeling og politiske ressurser. Del II: Politiske ressurser og politisk deltakelse" (Social Stratification and Political Resources. Part II: Political Resources and Political Participation). Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskniug 13 (1), 1972: 1-24.

315 SUHONEN, Pertti. Puoluekannatus selittdvdnd muuttujana (Party Support as the Independent Variable). Tampere, 1972, 19 pp., mimeo. (Tampereen yliopisto. Sosiologian laitos. Tutkimusseloste 37).

316 VANHANEN, Tatu. "Poliittisen vallan jakautumisen ennustaminen sosiaalisilla muuttujilla: vertaileva tutkimus" (Predicting the Distribution of Political Power by Using Social Variables: A Comparative Study). Politiikka 14, 1972: 208-223.


317 AROSALO, Uolevi, and LAIHINEN, Tuuli. "Opiskelijoiden vasemmistolaisuus" (Leftism of the Students). Sosiologia 9, 1972: 12-20.

318 FORSER, Thomas, and TJADER,Arne. Tredje Ståndpunkten. En debatt från det kalla krigets dagar (The Third Point of View. A Debate from the Period of Cold War). Staffanstorp, Cavefors, 1972, 207 pp.

319 GUSTAFSSON, Gunnel. Strukturomvandling och politisk socialisation (Structural Change and Political Socialization). Umeå, 1972, 7, 107, 31 pp. (with an English summary).

320 HELLEVIK, Ottar. Gallupdemokratiet. Bruk og misbruk av meningsmålingar (The Gallup Democracy. Use and Misuse of Public Opinion Polls). Oslo, Det norske samlaget, 1972.

321 KALVEMARK, Ann-Sofie. Reaktionen mot afvandringen. Emigrationsfrågan i svensk debatt och politik 1901— 1904 (The Swedish Reaction Against Emigration, 1901-1904). Stockholm, Laromedelsforlagen, 1972, 252 pp. (with an English summary).

322 KORPI, Walter. "Working Class Communism
in Western Europe: Rational

Side 267

or Nonrational," American Sociological
Review 36 (December), 1971:

323 LAFFERTY, W. M. "Industrialism and Labor Radicalism in Norway: An Ecological Analysis," Scandinavian Political Studies Vol. 7. Oslo, Universitetsforlaget, 1972, pp. 157-176.

324 LEHTONEN, Jarmo. N uoret ja turvallisuuspolitiikka. (The Young People and Security Politics). Helsinki, 1972. 49 pp., mimeo. (Henkinen maanpuolustus. Tutkimussarja 13).

325 LEIMU, Heikki. Sdkerhetspolitikens attityddimensioner. En undersokning av at ti tyde r till internationellsdkerhetoch socioekonomisk sdkerhet enligt social position, partiståndpunkt och utrikespolitiska kunskaper (Attitudinal Dimensions of Security Politics. A Study of Attitudes to International Security and Socioeconomic Security According to One's Social Position, Party Attachment, and Knowledge of International Affairs). Turku, 1972,51 pp., mimeo., appendix (Turun yliopiston sosiologian laitos. Monisteita 55).

326 MARTINUSSEN, Willy. "The Development of Civic Competence: Socialization or Task Generalization," Acta Sociologica 15 (3), 1972: 213-227.

327 NIELSEN, Hans Jørgen & Steen Saurberg. "De meningsløse — en analyse af politisk apati" (Those without an Opinion — an Analysis of Political Apathy). Økonomi og Politik 45 (4), 1971: 367-382.

328 OTNES, Per. "A-fjord - Sosialismen i en fjord" (The Failure of "Socialism in One Fjord"). Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning forskning 13 (2), 1972: 161-181.


329 ABRAHAM, Henry J. "Prime Minister
Olof Palme of Sweden," Orbis 15 (3),
1971: 953-962.

330 ALESTALO, Matti, and UUSITALO, Hannu. "Eliittien sosiaalinen tausta ja yhteiskunnan muutokset Suomessa" (The Social Background of Elites and Changes in the Finnish Society). Sosiologia 9 1972: 193-207.

331 BENTZON, Karl-Henrik. "Klasse og elite" (Class and Elite). Politica Tidsskrift for politisk videnskab 5 (1), 1972: 23-42.

332 CHRISTENSEN, Erik. "Ideologi og elite: de ideologiske aspekter i demokrati/elite og i magtelite/pluralismediskussionen" (Ideology and Elite: The Ideological Aspects of Democracy/Elite and of Power Elite/Pluralism Debate). Politica Tidsskrift for

politisk videnskab 5 (1), 1972: 65-93.

333 ELIASSEN, Kjell A. "Statssekretæren - fagmann eller politiker. En undersøkelse av rekrutteringen til statssekretærembetet i Norge" (The Norwegian Assistant Secretaries of State Their Political and Administrative Background). Tidsskrift for samfimnsforskning 13 (1), 1972: 51-68.

334 GRØNHOLT, Knut, and HIG LE Y John. "National Elite Surveys: Some Experience from Norway," Acta Sociologicals (2), 1972: 168-183.

335 KALELA, Aira. Organisaation asemo pååtoksentekorakenteessa ja sen vaikutus johtajiston rekrytointiin. Tutkimus ulkopoliittisten kansalaisjdrjestdjen johtajistosta (The Position of Organization in the Decision-Making Structure and Its Effects on Recruitment of Leadership. A Study of the Executives of the Foreign Policy Voluntary Organizations). Helsingin yliopisto, 1972, 91 pp. (not published pro-gradu).

336 MEANS, Ingunn Norderval. "Political Recruitment of Women in Norway," The Western Political Quarterly 25 (3), 1972:491-521.

337 MELLBOURN, Anders. "Var står George McGovern?" (What Is George McGovern's Stance?), Kristet forum 19(8), 1972: 6-11.

338 RASMUSSEN, Arne, and OSTER Knud. "Michel's oligarkilov — præsentation og præcisering" (Michel's Law of Oligarchy - Presentation and Clarification). Politico Tidsskrift for politisk videnskab 5 (1), 1972: 5-22.

339 RUIN, Olof. "McGovern - f ran universiteten till en majoritetskoalition?" (McGovern - from the Universities to a Majority Coalition?). Tiden 64 (7-8), 1972: 460-468.

340 SVENSSON, Waldemar. C. G. Ekman. Frisinnad hovding, nykterhetsman, statsman (C. G. Ekman: Liberal Leader, Abstainer, Statesman). Stockholm, Frisinnad Tidskrift, 1972, 289 pp., 6

341 TORGERSEN, Ulf. Profesjonssosiologi
(Sociology of Professions). Oslo, Universitetsforlaget,
1972, 188 pp.



342 KULHA, Keijo K. Tarkoituksellista tiedotiistoimintaa. Sodanaikaisen propagandan kuva todellisuudesta vuosina 1943—44 (Intentional Communication. The Image of Reality of the

Side 268

War-Time Propaganda in the Years 1943-44). Helsinki, 1972, 268 pp. (Henkinen maanpuolustus. Tutkimussarja 12).

343 LARSEN, Johannes, ed. Lovgivning, administrasjon, samfunn (Law, Administration, Society). Oslo, Universitetsforlaget, 1972, 160 pp.


344 ALDEMARK, Lars, and WEIBULL, Lennart. Information, kommunikation och motivation (Information, Communication and Motivation). Stockholm, Militarpsykologiska institutet, 1971, 219 pp. (appendix).

345 ALSTROM, Borje, and PATRIKSSON, Goran. Lokaltidningen och lasarna. En studie av lasvanor och lasintresse i Mcdelpad (The Local Newspaper and Its Readers. A Study of Reading Habits and Readers' Interest in Medelpad). Sundsvall, Sundsvalls Tidning, 1971, 86 pp.

346 ANDRÉN, Gunnar, ERICSSON, Lars 0., OHLSON, Ragnar, and TANNSJO, Torbjorn. "Från objektivitet till okad genomsnittlighet" (From Objectivity to Increased "Averageness"). Hfiften for kritiska studier 5 (6-7) (81), 1972: 6-30.

347 AUGEDAL, Egil, and WERNER, Anita. "Avisdød og avisvalg" (Factors Influencing the Choice of Newspapers) Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning 13 (3), 1972: 223-250.

348 AUGEDAL, Egil. "Patterns in Mass Media Use and Other Activities," Acta Sociologica 15 (2), 1972: 145-156.

349 BAKKE. M., and SIUNE, K. Nyheder i radio og TV. En sammenligning mellom Norge og Danmark, l (News in Radio and TV. A Comparison between Norway and Denmark, 1). Aarhus, Institut for Statskundskab, 1972.

350 BJORKMAN, Susanne, and BOTHROP, Helena. "Utrikesinformation i TV (International Information in Television News). Sociologisk forskning 8 (1), 1971: 41-54.

351 BJORLIN, Lars. "Socialdemokratisk press och presspolitik" (Social Democratic Press and Press Politics). Arkiv for studier i arbetarrorelsens historia 1 (1) (74), 1972: 90-99.

352 BJORLIN, Lars, HADENIUS, Stig, SEVEBORG, Jan-Olof, and WEIBULL, Lennart. "Ny kunskap. Tre debattinliigg" (New Knowledge. Three Arguments in a Debate). Historisk tidskrift 35 (2). 1972: 232-257.

353 BLAKAR, Rolv Mikkel. "Språket som
maktmiddel eller avsendaren som ak

tiv skapar" (Language as an Instrument of Power, or the Communicator as an Active Creator). Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning 13 (3), 1972: 199 -222.

354 DALHOFF, Jørgen. "Dagspressen og EEC" (The Daily Press and EEC). Økonomi og Politik 46 (2), 1972: 133 -161.

355 FURHOFF, Lars. "Dagsaktuellt och tidsaktuellt eller mojligheterna att foråndra nyhetsvårderingen" (Daily or Contemporary News or the Possibilities of Changing the Evaluation of News). Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift 75 (2), 1972: 208-223.

356 HADENIUS, Stig. "Riksdagen i pressen. En undersokning av nyhetsmaterialet om riksdagen" (The Riksdag in the Press. A Study of the News Material on the Riksdag), in SOU 1972: 17, Stockholm, Allmanna Forlaget, 1972. pp. 103-126.

357 HADENIUS, Stig, and WEIBULL, Lennart. Some Notes on Newspaper Concentration. Paper presented at the Round Tableon Information and Democracy, IPSA Executive Committee, Bucharest, September 1972, mimeo.

358 HAGGQVIST, Bjorn. "Massmedier eller masskultur?" (Mass Media or Mass Culture?). Haften for kritiska studier 5 (6-7), 1972: 42-48.

359 HEMANUS, Pertti. Indoktrinaatio joukkotiedotuksessa (Indoctrination in Mass Communication). Tampere, 1972, 170 pp., mimeo. (Tampereen yliopiston tiedotustutkimuksen laitos. Monistesarja 9).

360 HEMANUS, Pertti. Sitoutumattoman sanomalehden poliittisesta roolista (On the Political Role of an Independent Newspaper). Helsinki, 1972, 56 pp., mimeo. (Helsingin yliopiston yleisen valtio-opinlaitoksen tutkimuksia 25).

361 HIMMELSTRAND, Ulf. "Nyheter och nyheter - Nigeria 1966" (News and News - Nigeria 1966). Ord & Bild 76 (5), 1967: 383-389.

367 HIMMELSTRAND, Ulf. Objektivitet i nyhetsformedlingen (Objectivity in News Distribution). Stockholm, Råben & Sjdgren, 1972, 36 pp.

363 HOGBERG, Bertil. Kommunikation och forandring i u-land (Communication and Change in Developing Countries). Stockholm, SIDA, 1972, 67 pp.

364 HULTMAN, Harald. Spegel och Språkror. Norrtelje Tidning 1880-1970 (Mirror and Mouthpiece. Norrtelje Tidning, 1880-1970). Norrtalje, Norrtelje Tidning, 1970, 287 pp.

365 NORDENSTRENG, Kaarle. "Suomen

Side 269

tajuntateollisuuden talous" (The Economy
of Finland's Consciousness Industry).
Sosiologia 9, 1972: 107-114.

366 P ART ANEN, Juha. "Informaatiopolitiikka
I" (Politics of Information I).
Sosiologia 9, 1972: 97-106.

367 POHJOLAINEN, Teuvo. Tiedonvdlityksen oikeudellisesta sddntelystd (On the Judicial Regulation of Communication). Tampere, 1972, 88 pp., mimeo. (Tampereen yliopisto. Oikeustieteen laitos. B. Raportteja).

368 ROSENGREN, Karl-Erik. Nyhetsspridning: Apollo 14 och Sverige" (The Diffusion of News: Apollo 14 and Sweden). Sociologisk forskning 8 (4), 1971: 222-247.

369 SIUNE, Karen. En uges radionyheder i Norden. — Komparativ indholdsanalyse (A Week's News in Radio in the North. - Comparative Content Analysis). Aarhus, Institut for Statskundskab, 1972.

370 THOMSEN, Niels. Dagbladskonkurrencen 1870-1970. Politik, journalistik og økonomi i dansk dagspresses strukturudvikling, l—II (Newspaper Competition 1870-1970. Politics, Journalism and Economics in the Development of the Danish Press System). Copenhagen, Universitetsforlaget i kommission hos G.E.G. Gads Forlag, 1972, 1114 pp. (with an English summary).

371 TIIHONEN, Pertti. Joukkotiedotus, deprivaatio ja tiedollinen aktiivisuus (Massmedia, Deprivation and the Level of Intellectual Instinct). Tampere, 1972, 14 pp., appendix, mimeo. (Tampereen yliopiston tiedotustutkimuksen laitos. Monistesarja 11).

372 TORBACKE, Jarl. Dagens Nyheter och demokratins kris 1922—1936. Friheten år vår losen (Dagens Nyheter and the Crisis of Democracy. 1922-1936. Freedom is Our Watchword). Stockholm, Bonniers, 1972, 329 pp., 4 pi.

373 TORBACKE, Jarl. Dagens Nyheter och demokratins kris. 1937—1946. Genom stormar till seger (Dagens Nyheter and the Crisis of Democracry. 1937-1946: Through Tumults to Victory). Stockholm, Bonniers, 1972, 426 pp., 4 pi.

374 TORSVIK, Per. "Television and Information," Scandinavian Political Studies Vol. 7, Oslo, Universitetsforlaget, 1972, pp. 215-234.

375 TORSVIK, Per, ROKKAN, Stein, and HOLBÆK-HANSEN, Leif. Mediaforskning: En oversikt og et forskningsopplegg for Norge (Media Research: A Survey and Plans for Research in Norway). Oslo, Universitetsforlaget, 1972, 124 pp.

376 VARIS, Tapio. "Havaintoja tiedotustutkimuksen kansainvalisista suuntauksista" (Observations on International Trends in Communications Research). Politiikka 14, 1972: 191-207.

377 VEDUNG, Evert, and GUSTAVSSON, Sverker. "En dag i Mellanostern" (One Day in the Middle East). Ord & Bild 76 (5), 1967: 390-391.

378 WEIBULL, Lennart. "Informationen som varde" (Information as a Value), in G. R. Nordenstam, et al. Varde, vdlfard och jdmlikhet. Lund, Studentlitteratur, 1972, pp. 235-260.

379 WEIBULL, Lennart, OLSSON, Claes and LUNDQUIST, Lars-Anders. Nordisk nyhetsformedling (The Distribution of News in Scandinavia). Goteborgs universitet, Statsvetenskapliga institutionen, 1972, 144 pp., mimeo.

380 WERNER, Anita. Barn og fjernsyn. Fritidssysler, flytteønsker og yrkesplaner blant skoleelever i Finnmark før og etter innføringen av fjernsyn (Children and Television. Leisure Time Spending, Preferred Place of Living, and Plans for Occupation among Pupils in Finnmark before and after the Introduction of Television). Oslo, Universitetsforlaget, 1972, 142 pp. Review by Dag Hallen, Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning 13 (4), 1972: 374-375.

381 WESTERSTÅHL, Jorgen. Objektiv nyhetsformedling (Objectivity in the Distribution of News). Gothenburg, Akademiforlaget, 1972, 163 pp.

382 WINDAHL, Swen. Kommunikationsmodeller
(Models of Communication).
Lund, Studentlitteratur, 1972, 35 pp.



383 HEINONEN, Jukka. Nuorison ddnestyskdyttdytyminen ja poliittinen aktiivisuus (The Voting Behavior and the Political Activty of Youth). Tampere, 1972, 63 pp., mimeo., bibl. (Tampereen yliopisto. Sosiologian laitos. Tutkimusseloste 35).

384 KAUFFELDT, Carl, ed. Folkeafstemninger. Principper og praksis i Danmark og i andre lande (Referenda. Principles and Practice in Denmark and in Other Countries). Copenhagen, Gyldendal, 1972, 61 pp.

385 KUHNLE, Stein. "Stemmeretten i 1814" (An Estimation of the Proportion of the Norwegian Population Enfranchised in 1814). Historisk tidsskrift 51 (4), 1972: 373-390.

386 SUHONEN, Pertti. Liikkuva ddnestdjd

Side 270

Sitomen monipuoluejdrjestelmdssd. Tutkimus ddnestdjien siirtymisestd vaalikaudella 1966-1970 (Unstable Voters in the Finnish Multiparty System. A Study on Voters in the Election Period 1966-1970). Tampere, 1972, mimeo. (Tampereen yliopisto. Politiikan tutkimuksen laitos. Tutkimuksia 26).

387 VALEN, Henry, and MARTINUSSEN, Willy. Velgere og politiske frontlinjer (Voters and Political Front Lines). Oslo, Gyldendal, 1972.



388 BORRE, Ole, and ELKLIT, Jørgen. "Nogle resultater fra TVA's analyse af EF-folkeafstemningen" (Some Results from the Analysis Made by Danish Television of the EEC Referendum). Økonomi og Politik 46 (3), 1972: 256-274.

389 ELKLIT, Jørgen, RUS, Ole, and TONSGAARD, Ole. "Local Voting Studies of Total Electorates: The Danish General Election of 1971," Scandinavian Political Studies Vol. 7. Oslo, Universitetsforlaget, 1972, pp. 191 -213.

390 HØGH, Erik. Vælgeradfærd i Danmark 1849-1901. En politisk sociologisk analyse (Electoral Behaviour in Denmark 1849-1901. A Political-Sociological Analysis). Copenhagen, Eget forlag, 1972, 31 + 660 pp. (with an English summary).

391 NIELSEN, Hans Jørgen, ed. Folketingsvalg og folkeafstemninger efter 1945 (Parliamentary Elections and Referenda Since 1945). Copenhagen, Gyldendal, 1972, 76 pp.

392 RUS, Ole. "The General Election and the Formation of Government in Denmark 1971," Scandinavian Political Studies Vol. 7. Oslo, Universitetsforlaget, 1972, pp. 251-258.

393 THOMSEN, Søren Risbjerg. "Models for Change in Voting Behavior," Scandinavian Political Studies Vol. 7. Oslo, Universitetsforlaget, 1972, pp. 177-190.


394 PESONEN, Pertti, ed. Protestivaalit tutorisovaalit. Tutkielmia kansanedustajain vaaleista 1966, 1970 ja 1972 (Protest Elections, Youth Elections. Studies on Elections of the Members of Parliament in Years 1966, 1970, and 1972). Helsinki and Tampere, Ylioppilastuki, 1972, 483 pp. (Politiikan tutkimuksia 12).

395 PESONEN, Pertti. "The 1972 Parlia-

mentary Election in Finland," Scandinavian Political Studies Vol. 7. Oslo, Universitetsforlaget, 1972, pp. 266-271.


396 VALEN, Henry. "Norway: Local Elections in the Shadow of the Common Market," Scandinavian Political Studies Vol. 7. Oslo, Universitetsforlaget, 1972, pp. 272-282.


397 LEWIN, Leif, JANSSON, 80, and SORBOM, Dag. The Swedish Electorate 1887-1968. Stockholm, Almqvist & Wiksell, 1972, 293 pp.



398 ANDERSSON, Jan Otto. "Till kritiken av den neoklassiska utrikeshandelsteorin" (To the Critique of the Neoclassical Theory of Foreign Trade). Haften for Kritiska Studier 5 (5), 1972: 6-30.

399 GOLDMANN, Kjell. "Bipolarization and Tension in International Systems: A Theoretical Discussion," Cooperation and Conflict 7 (1), 1972: 37-63.

400 GOLDMANN, Kjell. Resur sojamlikhet, interaktion och dominans i internationell politik. En teoretisk idéskiss och två empiriska pr ov undersokningar (Resource Inequality, Interaction and Dominance in International Politics. A Theoretical Sketch and Two Empirical Tests). Stockholm, Utrikespolitiska institutet, Forskningsrapport 1972:1, mimeo.

401 HAKOVIRTA, Harto. Regional Integration and International Tensions. An Experimental Study in the Use of Judges to Measure Causal Relations. Preliminary Report. Tampere, 1972, 60 pp., mimeo. (Tampereen Yliopisto. Politiikan tutkimuksen laitos. Tutkimuksia 25).

402 HARLE, Vilho. Liittoutumat ja niiden saavuttamat voitot (Coalitions and Victories Gained by Them). Tampere, 1972, 117 pp., mimeo. (Tampereen yliopisto, tutkimuslaitos. D. Tutkimuksia 51).

403 HARLE, Vilho. Reliability of International Events Data Sources. Tampere, 1972, 59 pp., mimeo. (Tampereen yliopisto. Tutkimuslaitos. B. Tutkimuksia 18).

404 KINNUNEN, Kari. Rauhanpolitiikan perusteet (Foundations of Peace Policy). Helsinki, Suomen Sadankomitealiitto ry., 1972, 166 pp.

405 OLBERG, Per M. "Forhandlingsteoretiske
synspunkter i lys av NORDØK

Side 271

og EF-forhandlingene" (Theory of Negotiations and the NORDEK and EC Negotiations - Some Observations). Internasjonal Politikk 4, 1972: 593-600.

406 PEDERSEN, Ole Krarup, et al. Artikelsamling om synspunkter på studiet af international politik. En artikelsamling til samfundsfagsstudiet ved Københavns Universitet (A Collection of Articles on Approaches to the Study of International Relations). Copenhagen, Akademisk Forlag, 1971, 334pp.

407 VAYRYNEN, Raimo. "Notes on Foreign
Policy Research," Cooperation
and Conflict 9, 1972: 87-96.

408 VAYRYNEN, Raimo. Notes on Transaction-Flow Modules. Tampere, 1972, 80 pp., mimeo. (University of Tampere. Research Institute Research Reports B: 17).

409 VAYRYNEN, Raimo, and AROSALO, Uolevi. Industrial and Financial Oligarchy: Present Structure and Some Trends. Tampere, 1972, 61 pp., mimeo. (Peace Research Institute, Research Reports 1).



410 TREHOLT, Arne. "Norsk politikk i FN" (Norway's UN Policy: Aims and Decision-Making). Internasjonal Politikk 3, 1972: 421-439.


411 HVEEM, Helge. "Etter UNCTAD III"
(After UNCTAD III). Internasjonal
Politikk 3, 1972: 441-464.

II," Internasjonal Politikk 2, 1972:



413 ÅKERMAN, Nordal. On the Doctrine
of Limited War. Lund, 1972, 287 pp.

414 ANDRÉN, Nils. "European Security
Conference," The Atlantic Community
Quarterly (Fall), 1972: 312-320.

415 ANDRÉN, Nils. "Sakerhetspolitikens trovardighetsproblem" (The Credibility Problems of Security Politics). Kungl. Krigsv etenskapsakademiens handlingar och Udskrift 176 (5), 1972: 83-88.

416 ANDRÉN, Nils. "Sikkerhedspolitiske
fremtidsperspektiver" (Perspectives of

the Future for Security Politics). Militært
tidskrift (January), 1972: 11-20.

417 ANDRÉN, Nils. Den totala sakerhetspolitiken (The Total Security Policy). Stockholm, Råben & Sjogren, 1971, 125 pp.

418 EIDE, Asbjørn. "Internasjonal konfliktkontroll og konfliktregulering: Utvikling eller avvikling?" (International Conflict Control and Conflict Regulation). Internasjonal Politikk l, 1972: 55-69.

419 GOLOSHUBOV, Jurij Ilitj. Skandinavija i evropejskaja bezopasnost (Scandinavia and European Security). Moscow, Mezdonarodnye otonosenia, 1971,117 pp.

420 INADOMI, Inger. "Om Nobels fredspris" (The Nobel Peace Prize - Role and Possible Changes). Internasjonal Politikk 3, 1972: 465-470.

421 JAHN, Gunnar. For rettferd og fred
(For Justice and Peace). Oslo, Aschehoug,

422 JERVAS, Gunnar. Från kdrnvapen till gerilla. Om modern strategi (From Nuclear Weapons to Guerilla: On Modern Strategy). Stockholm, Almqvist & Wiksell, 1972, 155 pp.

423 JERVAS, Gunnar. Strategisk! agerande over tiden (Strategic Action over Time). Umeå, 1971. Diss. Review by Mats BERGQUIST, Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift, No 2 1972.

424 KILLINEN, Kullervo. "Kehitys NATO:n ja Varsovanliiton piirisså" (Development within NATO and WTO). Aika 66, 1972: 492-495.

425 MARCHAT, Philippe. "Le modéle suédois et ses limites" (The Swedish Model and its Limits). Revue de Defense Nationale 28 (May), 1972: 774-787.

426 VAYRYNEN, Raimo. "ESC and EEC. The Incompatibles?" Instant Research on Peace and Violence 2, 1972: 113 -127.


427 HEURLIN, Bertel. Nedrustningspolitik. En analytisk oversigt over nedrustning som fænomen og som forhandlingsobjekt i international politik (The Politics of Disarmament. An Analytical Survey of Disarmament as a Phenomenon and as an Object for Negotiation in International Politics). Copenhagen, Internationale Studier fra Selskabet for Historie og Samfundsøkonomi (Wilkenschildt), 1971, 395 pp.

428 HEURLIN, Bertel. "Pilene og oliegrenen, I. En analyse af det amerikanske beslutningssystem på rustnings- og nedrustningsområdet" (RN-systemet) (The Arrows and the Olive Branch, I.

Side 272

An Analysis of the American Decision-Making System in the Field ol Armament and Disarmament) (The RN-system). Økonomi og Politik 46 (3), 1972: 275-313.

' 429 HOLST, Johan Jørgen. "Arms Limiting and Force Adjusting Arrangements in the Northern Cap Area", Cooperation and Conflict 1 (2), 113-120, 1972.

430 HOLST, Johan Jørgen. "SALT-avtalene: Bakgrunn og innhold" (The SALT Agreements: Background and Contents), Internasjonal Politikk 3, -

471-491, 1072.
431 HOLST, Johan Jørgen. "SALT-avta
lene: Perspektiv og utvikling" (The
SALT Agreements — Perspectives
and Development), Internasjonal Politikk
4, 601-618, 1972.

432 LARSEN, Knud, BERG, Jacques, and HEURLIN, Bertel. Internationale nedrustningsforhandlinger efter anden verdenskrig. Vol. l Nedrustningsforhandlingerne 1919-1957. Vol. 2 Nedrustningsforhandlingerne efter 1957. Partielle forhandlinger. Sammenfatning og konklusjon (International Negotiations on Disarmament since the Second World War). Copenhagen, Københavns Universitets Institut for Samtidshistorie og Statskundskab,

1970, 166 + 207 pp.
433 VAYRYNEN, Raimo. "Prospects for
Arms Limitation Talks: Negotiations,
Asymmetries, and Neutral Countries,"
Co-existence 9, 1972: 1-15.


434 CASTREN, Erik. "Aseellisia selkkauksia koskevan kansainvålisen humanitaarisen oikeuden kehittaminen" (The Development of the International Humanitarian Law on Armed Conflicts). Lakimies 70, 1972: 707-720.

435 GRAHL-MADSEN, Atle. The Status of Refugees in International Law, 2 Vols. Vol. I: Oslo, Universitetsforlaget, 1966; Vol. II: Asylum, Entry and Sojourn. Amsterdam, A. W. Sijthoff, 1972.

436 KIELLAND, Christian Boe. "Miljøvern som internasjonalt problem" (Environmental Questions in an International Context). Internasjonal Politikk 4, 1972: 701-710.

437 NORD, Erik. "Forurensning og politikk"
(Pollution and Politics). Internasjonal
Politikk 2, 1972: 283-286.

438 RUHALA, Kalevi. "Puolustussopimukset kansainvalisessa oikeudessa" (Defense Treaties in International Law), in Suornen Sotatieteellisen seuran vuosijulkaisu: Tiede ja Ase, Vol. 30, Mikkeli, 1972, pp. 75-133.

439 SEEBERG, Stein. "Internasjonalt miljøvernarbeid" (International Anti-Pollution Cooperation). International Politikk 1, 1972: 5-13.

440 SOLLIE, Finn. "Forurensning av polarområdene? Et spørsmål om regulering av utviklingen" (Polluting the Polar Areas? A Question of Developmental Control and Regulations). Internasjonal Politikk 1, 1972: 15-29.


441 GOLDSHMIDT, Verner et al. Dansk frivilligbistand. En analyse af målsætninger og praksis (Danish Voluntary Aid. An Analysis of Goals and Practice). Vol. 2 (tabeller med kommentarer).

442 GOLDSCHMIDT, Verner, et al. Dansk frivilligbistand. Vol. 3: Holdninger til danske u-landsfrivillige. Sammenfatning af interviewmateriale (Danish Voluntary Aid. Attitudes towards Danish Overseas Volunteers. A Collection of Interviews). Copenhagen, Nyt fra samfundsvidenskaberne, 1972, 38 pp.

443 HOIVIK, Tord, and REINTON, Per Olav. "Norge og U-hjelpen: En vurdering og et alternativ" (The Norwegian Aid to Developing Countries: An Evaluation and an Alternative). Internasjonal Politikk 1, 1972: 31-54. Commentaries by Karin STOLTENBERG and Ole David Koht NORBYE, International Politikk 2, 1972: 279-283. Repartee by Per Olav REINTON, Internasjonal Politikk 3, 1972: 547-549. Commentary by Ole David Koht NORBYE, Internasjonal Politikk 4, 1972: 723-725.

444 LARSON, David Lloyd. "Marshall-planen og Norge" (The Marshall Plan and Norway). Internasjonal Politikk 2, 1972: 251-275.

445 TAYLOR, Kristen Westergård, MARCUSSEN, Henrik Secher, and CARLSEN, John. Thailand — udvikling for hvem? Thailands økonomiske og politiske udvikling efter 1945 (Thailand - Development for Whom? The Economic and Political Development in Thailand after 1945). Copenhagen, Instituttet for udviklingsforskning, 1972, 132 pp. (with an English summary).


446 ARCHER, T. C. "Nordek: Shadow or
Substance?" Integration 2, 1971: 108

447 d'AVAILLY, Louis. "Unite et disverité
nordiques face å PEurope" (Nordic

Side 273

Unity and Diversity in Facing Europe.^
Revue de Defense Nationale 27 (November),
1971: 1637-1648.

448 BIRNBAUM, Karl E. "Die Nordisch« Staaten und das kontinentale Europa' (The Nordic States and Continental Europe). Europa Archiv 26 (16) 1971: 573-578.

449 ERIKSEN, Knut Einar.DNA og NATO En redegjørelse for debatten og vedtakene i det Norske Arbeiderparti 1948-49 (The Norwegian Laboi Party and NATO. The Debate and the Decisions in the Party 1948-49), Oslo, Gyldendal, 1972, 328 pp.

450 ESPERSEN, Mogens, and HAAGE RUP, Niels Jørgen. Fællesmarkedet og sikkerhedspolitikken (The Common Market and the Security Policy). Copenhagen, Det danske forlag, 1972, 31 pp. (Udenrigspolitiske skrifter 11:1).

451 GALTUNG, Johan. EF - en supermakt i verdenssamjunnet (EEC - a World Super Power). Oslo, Universitetsforlaget, 1972.

452 GREGERSEN, Jens. "Socialistisk konomisk integration" (Socialist Economic Integration). Økonomi og Politik 45 (4), 1971: 383-399.

453 GUNDERSEN, Fridtjof Frank. Kontrolien med karteller og storbedrifter (Controlling Cartels and Large Corporations). Oslo, Universitetsforlaget, 1972, 330 pp. Review by Jarle BERGO, Internasjonal Politikk 1, 1972: 133-134.

454 HANCOCK, M. Donald. "Sweden, Scandinavia
and the EEC," International
Affairs 48 (3), 1972: 424-437.

455 HANOA, Rolf. EEC og sosialpolitikken
i Europa (EEC and Social Politics in
Europe). Oslo, Pax, 1972, 100 pp.

456 HOIVIK, Susan, and LODGAARD, Sverre, eds. 6 nye innlegg om EF (Six New Contributions to the Common Market Debate). Oslo, Universitetsforlaget, 1972, 132 pp.

457 HOIVIK, Tord. "Three Approaches to Exploitation: Markets, Products, and Communities," Journal of Peace Research 3, 1972: 261-270.

458 KALLENAUTIO, Jorma. "Kansainliitto tuomarina Suomen ja Neuvostoliiton vålisesså kiistassa joulukuussa 1939" (The League of Nations as an Umpire in thee Dispute between Finland and the Soviet Union in December 1939). Historiallinen Aikakauskirja69, 1972: 243-251.

459 KLEBERG, Olof, and WALLENSTEEN, Peter. "Sveriges svar på Norges nej" (Sweden's Answer to Norway's No). Internasjonal Politikk (4B), 1972: 913-922.

460 Økopolitikk eller EF? (Ecopolitics or

EEC?). Samarbeidsgruppa for natur
og miliøvern. Oslo, Pax, 1972, 96 pp

461 RESKE-NIELSEN, Erik, and KRAGH Erik. Atlantpagten og Danmark (3rc ed.) 1949-1972 (The North Atlantic Treaty and Denmark). Copenhagen Atlantsammenslutning, 1972, 231 pp

STOCKMARR, Ole, eds. Eurolex
Copenhagen, Gyldendal, 1972, 167pp

463 SJOBERG, Hans. De Gaulles Europatankar (The European Ideas of d« Gaulle). Stockholm, Råben och Sjo gren, 1972, 148 pp.

464 SAINIO, Toivo. Pohjoismaiden neuvoston perussåannbn kehitysvaiheet (Development of the Constitution of the Nordic Council). International Law Association. Finnish Branch 1, Vammala, 1972, pp. 69-76.

465 SÆTER, Martin. "EF og utviklingslandene" (EEC and the Developing Countries). Infernosjonal Politikk 2, 1972: 160-174, Commentary by Per Olav REINTON, Internasjonal Politikk 3, 1972: 549-550.

466 WIKLUND, Claes. "Den svenska EECdebatten 1961-1962" (The Swedish EEC Debate 1961-1962. Historisk tidskrift 35 (l, 1972: 106-110. Review of Mats BERGQUIST, Sverige och EEC (Sweden and EEC). Stockholm, 1970.



467 ADLER-KARLSSON, Gunnar. Hyckleriets årtionde (The Decade of Hypocrisy). Stockholm, Prisma, 1971, 161 pp.

468 ANDRÉN, Nils. "The Special Conditions of the Baltic Subregion," in R. S. JORDAN, ed. Europe and the Superpowers. Perceptions of European International Politics. Boston, Allan and Bacon, 1971, pp. 193-228.

469 ANNERSTEDT, Jan, and GUSTAVSSON, Rolf. "Mot en ny internationell arbetsfordelning? —Det koloniala beroendet, 'multinationella foretag' och teknologisk imperialism" (Towards a New International Separation of Labor? — Colonial Dependence, Multinational Corporations and Technological Imperialism). Zenit 30 (December), 1972: 5-22.

470 BLOEMER, Klaus. "Horisontal utenrikspolitikk" (Horizontal Foreign Policy). Internasjonal Politikk Supplement to 2, 1972: 309-323.

471 BOSERUP, Anders, and MACK, Andrew.
Ikke-vold som nationalforsvar

Side 274

(Non-violence as National Defense).
Copenhagen, Spektrum, 1971, 222 pp.

472 BRODIN, Katarina. "Belief Systems, Doctrines, and Foreign Policy," Cooperation and Conflict 1 (2), 1972: 97-112.

473 GOLDMAN, Kjell, and HALL, Lars. Spanningen i Europa 1946-70, En begreppsanalys och en kvantitativ beskrivning (Tension in Europe 1946-1970. A Conceptual Analysis and a Quantitative Description). Stockholm, Utrikespolitiska institutet, Forskningsrapport 1972:3, mimeo.

474 HVEEM, Helge. "Foreign Policy Opinion as a Function of International Position," Cooperation and Conflict 1 (2), 1972: 65-86.

475 HOGLUND, Bengt, and ULRICH, Jørgen W. Conflict Control and Conflict Resolution. Copenhagen, Scandinavian University Books (Munksgaard), 1972, 240 pp.

476 KNUDSEN, Olav. "Skipsfart og internasjonal politikk: Et teoretisk perspektiv" (Shipping and International Politics: A Theoretical Perspective). Internasjonal politikk 2, 1972: 175-201, Commentaries by Asbjørn Larsen and Steinar Kringlebotten, Internasjonal Politikk 3, 543 -547. Repartee by Olav KNUDSEN, Internasjonal Politikk 4, 1972: 721-723.

477 MUNCK, Tore. Det multinasjonale firma: "Den fjerde internasjonale" (The Multinational Firm: "The Fourth International"). Oslo, Elingaard, 1972, 99 pp.

478 NIELSEN, Johs. Demokratiet og Krigen. En undersøgelse af samspillet mellem demokrati, nationalisme og krigførelse (Democracy and the War. An Inquiry into the Interplay between Democracy, Nationalism and Warfare). Copenhagen, Wøldike, 1971, 189 pp.

479 SKAGGESTAD, Gunnar. "Utenrikspolitiske holdninger og sosial posisjon" (Foreign Policy Attitudes and Social Position). Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift 75 (4), 972: 504-516.

480 STENELO, Lars-G. Mediation in International Negotiations. Lund, Studentlitteratur, 1972, 91 pp. Review by L. LUNDQUIST, and C. JONSSON Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift 75 (4), 1972: 546-557.

481 STÅLVANT, Carl-Einar. "Sweden and Eastern Europe", in Johan GALTUNG, ed. Cooperation in Europe. Assen, Van Gorcum & Co., 1970, pp. 233-258.

482 VAYRYNEN, Raimo. "Notes on For-

eign Policy Research," Cooperation
and Conflict 1 (2), 1972: 87-96.


483 BJØL, Erling. Verdenshistorie efter 1945. Vol. 1. Duellen uten ende. Den internationale politiks historie siden 1945 (World History after 1945. Vol. 1. The Duel without End. The History of International Politics since 1945). Copenhagen, Politiken, 1972, 575 pp.

484 ERIKSEN, Knut E., and LUNDESTAD, Geir. Norsk utenrikspolitikk (Norwegian Foreign Policy). Oslo, Universitetsforlaget, 1972, (Kilder til moderne historie 1). Review by Leiv MJELDHEIM, Historisk tidsskrift 51 (4), 1972: 445-446.

485 HENNINGSEN, Sven. Atompolitik 1939-1945 (Nuclear Policy 1939-1945). Copenhagen, Universitetsforlaget, 1971, 470 pp. Also published by Gyldendal, 1971, 24 pp. (Festskrift udg. af Københavns Universitet).

486 HOLM, Erik. Stormaktspolitiken 1970 -797.? (Great Power Politics, 1970-1971). Stockholm, Raben & Sjogren, 1972, 64 pp.

487 MANNHEIMER, Kaj, ed. Norge och den norska exilregeringen under andra varldskriget (Norway and the Norwegian Exile Government during the Second World War). Stockholm, Statens offentliga utredningar 1972: 18, 165 pp.

488 MATHISEN, Trygve. The Functions of the Small States in the Strategies of the Great Powers. Oslo, Universitetsforlaget, 1971, 287 pp.



489 BJERG, Hans Chr. "Debatten om danmarks strategiproblem 1872-76" (The Debate on Danish Strategic Problems 1872-76). Historie, Jyske samlinger, Ny række, 10 (1), 1972: 1-83.

490 BJØL, Erling. "Danmark som bro" (Denmark as Bridge). Internasjonal Politikk Supplement (4B), 1972: 891 -895.

491 BJØL, Erling. "Danemark - Im Gefolge der Grossen" (Denmark - Following the Great), in SPANIER, KENNEDY, BLOM und BJØL: .. . plus vier, Bonn, 1972, pp. 111-141. (Europaische Schriften des Bildungswerks Europaische Politik, Band 33).

492 BRANNER, Hans. Småstat mellem
stormagter. Beslutningen om mineud

Side 275

lægning august 1914 (Small State among Great Powers. The Decision to Mine (the Great Belt) August 1914). Copenhagen, Dansk udenrigspolitisk instituts skrifter nr. 5, 1972, 279 pp.

493 FREDERIKSEN, Bjarne W. Danmarks sydslesvigpolitik efter det tyske sammenbrud i 1945. En analyse af de faktorer, der var bestemmende for dens udformning (Danish Policy toward Southern Schleswig after the German collapse in 1945. An Analysis of Determinants in Policy-Making). Copenhagen, Munksgaard, 1971, 210 pp.

494 MAIGÅRD, Jens. "En flytende situation" (A Fluid Situation). Internasjonal Politikk Supplement (4B), 1972: 897-902.

495 RUDBECK, Fr. Grænselandet i Europaperspektiv (The Border Region (Southern Jutland) in a European Perspective). Copenhagen, Unitas, 1972, 78 pp.


496 APUNEN, Osmo. KANNSALLINEN REALISM! ja puolueettomuus Suomen ulkopoliittisina valintoina. Tutkimus Suomen ulkopoliittisen toimintaohjelman rakenteesta ja funktioista l (National Realism and Neutrality as Choices in the Finnish Foreign Policy. A Study on the Structure and Functions of the Action Program of Finnish Foreign policy). Helsinki, 1972, 268 pp., appendix, mimeo. (Tampereen yliopisto. Politiikan tutkimuksen laitos. Tutkimuksia 28).

497 BLOMBERG, Jaakko. Ulkopolitiikkamme sivutavoitteista" (On Secondary Goals in Finnish Foreign Policy). Ydin 6 (1), 1972: 4-6.

498 BLOMBERG, Jaakko, and JOENNIEMI, PQrtti.Kaksiterainen miekka.7oluvnfi puolustuspolitiikkaa (A Two Sword. Defense Politics in the 70'sj. Helsinki, Kustannusosakeyhtio ammi, 1971, 140 pp.

499 HAKOVIRTA, Harto. "Suomen puoleettomuuden uskottavuustarkkailusta" (On the Credibility Observation of finnish Neutrality). Politiikka 14 1972: 65-70.

500 HAKOVIRTA, Harto. Turvallisuuspolitiikkamme antinomiat (Antinomies in Our Security politics). Helsinki, 1972, 3 pp., mimeo. (INFO. Ulkopoliittisen instituutin monistesarja 30).

501 HUOPANIEMI, Jukka. "Puolueiden rooli Ikopolitiikassa" (The Role of Parties in Foreign Policy). Ulkopolitiikka 2, 172: 6-10.

502 KALELA, Jaakko. "Kansainvaliset jårjestot
ja Suomen turvallisuuspolitiik

ka" (International Organizations and
the Finnish Security Politics). Poliliikka
14 1972: 3-47.

503 SEPPINEN, Ilkka. Lehdisto ja ulkopolitiikka 1927-1932 (Press and Foreign Policy in the Years 1927-1932). Helsinki, 1972, 120 pp. (Helsingin yliopiston poliittisen historian laitoksen julkaisuja 1).

504 YLI-JOKIPII, Pentti. Suomen virallisen ulkomaanedustuksen alueellinen kasvu. Poliittisen pddtoksenteon aiheuttama leviamisilmio(The Regional Growth of the Finnish Official Fireign Representation. The Expansion Phenomenon caused by Political Decision-Making). Helsinki, 1972,48 pp., mimeo. (Helsingin yliopiston maantieteen aitoksen julkaisuja B:10).


505 ANGELL, Valter, and HOLST, Johan Jørgen, eds. EF — Norges vei? Forhandlingsresultatet sett i perspektiv (EEC - The Road of Norway? The Result of the Negotiations Seen in Perspective). Oslo, Universitetsforlaget, 1972, 207 pp. Commentaries by Halle Jørn HANSEN, Øystein NORENG, Harald HALLARÅKER, Tomas TORSVIK, Jens A. CHRISTOPHERSEN, Sverre LODGAARD.and Nelvin FARSTAD, Internasjonal Politikk l, 1972: 115-131. Repartee to Harald HALLARÅKER's commentary by Valter ANGELL, Internasjonal Politikk 2, 1972: 288-289.

506 BERGO, Jarle. "Direkte investeringer fra utlandet" (Direct Investment from Abroad). Internasjonal Politikk 2, 1972: 236-250. Commentaries by Ole David Koht NORBYE and Inge SAMDAL, Internasjonal Politikk 4, 1972: 725-729.

507 BRUNDTLAND, Arne Olav ed."Norden - Norge - EF" (The Nordic Countries - Norway - EEC). Internasjonal Politikk Supplement (4B), 1972: 765-940. Contains articles by Ottar BROX, Haakon LIE, Nils Petter GLEDITSCH, Karl SANNE, Thor STØRE, Dag TRESSELT, Helge HVEEM, Sverre LODGAARD, Arne Olav BRUNDTLAND (a.0.).

508 GROTHE, Peter. "Norske gymnasiasters holdninger overfor USA" (Norwegian Student Attitudes towards America). Internasjonal Politikk 4, 1972: 711-720.

509 HVEEM, Helge. International Relations and World Images. A Study of Norwegian Foreign Policy Elites. Oslo, Universitetsforlaget, 1972, 336 pp. (PRIO monographs 3). Review by

Side 276

Abraham HALLENSTVEDT, Internasjonal
Politikk 3, 1972: 561-563.

510 KVINNSLAND, Ole-Jacob. "Norsk olje og aktuelle politiske og konomiske problemer" (Norwegian Oil — Economic and Political Problems in a European Context). Internasjonal Politikk 4, 1972: 581-591.

511 LAUX, Jeanne Kirk. "Small States and Inter-European Relations: An Analysis of the Group of Nine," Journal of Peace Research 2, 1972: 147-160.

512 ORVIK, Nils. Fears and Expectations. Norwegian Attitudes toward European Integration. Oslo, Universitetsforlaget, 1972.

513 RISTE, Olav. "The Great Powers and
the Northern Cap 940-45," Cooperation
and Conflict 1 (1), 1972:

514 SELVNES, Kåre. Norge-Russiand, grannefolk gjennom tusen år (Norway Neighbours for a Thousand Years). Oslo, Universitetsforlaget, 1972.

515 SKOD VIN, Magne. Norden eller NATO. Utenriksdepartementet og alliansespørsmålet 1947-1949 (The Nordic Countries or NATO. The Foreign Office and the Question of Alliance 1947-1949). Oslo, Universitetsforlaget, 1971, 355 pp. Review by Geir LUNDESTAD, Historisk tidsskrift 51 (2), 1972: 221-224.

516 VEFALD, Olav. "Sovjetunionen - EF — Norge: Noen tanker om Norges plass i et storpolitisk mønster" (The Soviet Union - EEC - Norway: Norway in a Great Power System). Internasjonal Politikk 3, 1972: 513-524.

517 VIGTEL, Per Morten, and BERGGRAF, Jan. Fakta om fellesskapet — og Norges plass i Europa (Facts about the European Economic Community — and the Place of Norway in Europe). Oslo, Dreyer, 1972, 47 pp.


518 ANDREEN, Per G. De morka åren. Perspektiv på svensk neutralitetspolitik våren 1940-nyåret 1942 (The Dark Years: Perspectives on Swedish Neutrality Policy, Spring 1940-New Year 1942). Stockholm, Norstedts, 1972, 200 pp.

519 WAHLBACK, Krister, ed. Regeringen och kriget. Ur statsrådens dagbocker 1939-41 (The Government and the War: From the Diaries of the Ministers, 1939-1941). Stockholm, Prisma, 1972, 190pp., 4 pi.

Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

520 BERRY, Peter. Sovjetunionens utrikespolitiska
doktrin (The Foreign policy
Doctrine of the Soviet Union). Stock

holm, Utrikespolitiska institutet,
Forskningsrapport 1972:4, mimeo.

521 JONSSON, Christer, et al. Sovjets utrikespolitik — proletar och internationalism och fredlig samexistens (The Foreign Policy of the Soviet Union — Proletarian Internationalism and Peaceful Coexistence). Lund, Studentlitteratur, 1972, 347 pp.

522 MAGNUSSON, Hans. "Relationerna mellan USA och Latinamerika — sedda ur sovjetiskt perspektiv" (U.S. —Latin American Relations in a Soviet Perspective). Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift 75 (3), 1972: 392-404.


523 ALBREKTSEN, Beatrice. "Aspekter ved konflikten i Nord-Irland" (The Conflict in Northern Ireland: Some Aspects). Internasjonal Politikk 3, 1972: 525-541.

524 BERGQUIST, Mats. «Berlinfrågan»
(The Berlin Question). Statsvetenskaplig
tidskrift 75 (2), 1972: 224-243.

525 BIRNBAUM, Karl E. «Pan-European Perspectives after the Berlin Agreement,* International Journal 27 (2), 1971. German version in Europa Archiv 27 (1), 1972: 1-10.

526 BUTENSCHON, Nils A. «Nigeria/Biafra. Konflikt og forhandlingen (Nigeria/Biafra. Conflict and Negotiations). Oslo, Norsk Utenerikspolitisk Institutt, Rapport 12, 1972.

527 FJØRTOFT, Arne. Spelet om Bangladesh
(The Gamble for Bangladesh).
Stavanger, Nomi, 1972, 210 pp.

528 GELPKE, Rh. «Kranzniederlegung am Grabe des bekannten Soldaten: tJbergang zur rituellen Kriegfiihrung,» Journal of Peace Research 1, 1972: 69-75.

529 HERADSTVEIT, Daniel, and STAVE, Gunnar. «European policies in the Arab-Israeli conflict,* Norsk Utenrikspolitisk Institutt, Rapport 11,1972.

530 HERADSTVEIT, Daniel. «Jews and Arabs. Conflict Perceptions and Conflict Strategies,* Norsk Utenrikspolitisk Institutt, Rapport 13, 1972.

531 HOLMSTROM, Barry. Koreakriget i svensk debatt (Swedish Controversy on the Koren War). Stockholm, Råben & Sjogren, 1972, 353 pp.

532 LEWIN, Leif. Review of VEDUNG, Evert. Unionsdebatten 1905 (The Debate on the Dissolution of the Union in 1905). Stockholm, 1971. Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift 75 (2), 1972: 282-303.

533 MUNTHE-KAAS, Harald. «Bangladesh
i perspektiv* (Bangladesh in Perspec

Side 277

tive). Internasjonal Politikk l, 1972: 85-98. Commentary by Gunnar FILSETH, Internasjonal Politikk 2, 1972:286-287.

534 PHARO, Helge, ed. USA og den kalde krigen. En antologi med bidrag av "revisionistiske* og «tradisjonalistiske» amerikanske historikere om opprinnelsen til Den kalde krigen (USA and the Cold War. An Anthology with Contributions from »Revisionist« and «Traditionalist* American Historians on the Origin of The Cold War). Oslo, Gyldendal, 1972, 260 pp. Review by Leiv MJELDHEIM, Historisk tidsskrift 51 (4), 1972: 444-445.

535 SÆTER, Martin. Det politiske Europa:
Europeisk integrasjon: Teori — Idé —
Praksis (Pclitical Europe: European
Integration: Theory — Idea — Practice).
Oslo, Universitetsforlaget, 1971.
Doctoral thesis, defended in Oslo
March 18, 1972.)
Appointed opponents' contributions:
SANNES, John. «Europeisk integrasjon
som historisk problem« (European
Integration as a Historical Problem).
Internasjonal Politikk Supplement
(4B), 1972: 339—356.
MIDGAARD, Knut. «Europeisk integrasjon
som teoretisk problem* (European
Integration as a Theoretical
Problem), ibid., 357—381.
Evaluation by the third member of the
doctoral committee:
ORVIK, Nils. «Om Martin Sæters avhandling
Det politiske Europa« (On
Martin Sæter's Dissertation The Political
Europe), ibid., 382-391.
Rejoinder by Martin Sæter, «Det problematiske
Europa: Svar fra doktoranden«
(The Problematic Europe: Answer
from the Doctoral Candidate),
ibid., 392-416.
Discussion by Martin SÆTER, Knut
Internasjonal Politikk 4, 1972: 729-739.

536 SÆTER, Martin. «Studiet av aktuelle europeiske integrasjonsproblemer: En drøfting av den neofunksjonalistiske tilnærming med spesiell vekt på såkalte 'funksjonelle bindinger'« (The Study of Current European Integration Problems: A Discussion of the Neo-Functionalist Approach with Special Emphasis on So-Called "Functional Linkages"). Internasjonal Politikk Supplement (4B), 1972: 324-338. English translation printed in Cooperation and Conflict 7 (2), 1972: 121-130.

537 SPARRING, Ake. "Pollution Control as
a Problem of International Politics:
Models for a Baltic Convention. "Pro

ceedings of the Twenty-First Pugwash Conference on Science and World Affairs, London, 1972. Revised version at FAO—SIDA Training Course on Marine Pollution in Relation to Protection of Living Resources, Go teborg, 1972.

538 TREHOLT, Arne. "Kypros-krisen og Hellas" (The Cyprus Crisis and Greece). Internasjonal Politikk 2, 1972: 202-222. Commentary by Alexis KARAGIANNIS, Internasjonal Politikk 3, 1792: 552-553.

539 TREHOLT, Arne. "Rapport fraKypros" (Report from Cyprus). Oslo, Norsk Utenrikspolitisk Institutt, Rapport 10, 1972.

540 WAGNER, Ulla. Colonialism and Iban
Warfare. Stockholm, 1972, vi, 209, ii



541 AHLSÉN, Bengt. Portugisiska Afrika. Beskrivning av ett kolonialimperium och dess sonderfall (Portuguese Africa. Description of a Colonial Empire and Its Disintegration). Stockholm, Utbildningsforlaget, 1972, 140 pp.

542 EHRENPREIS, Dag, and SVENSSON, Bengt. Tunisien (Tunisia). Uppsala, SIDA, Stockholm & Nordiska Afrikainstitutet, 1972, 94 pp.

543 GUSTAVSSON, Rolf. Den svarte mannens borda. Om kolonialismen i Afrika (Black Man's Burden. On Colonialism in Africa). Stockholm, Sveriges Radio, 1972, 116 pp.

544 GUSTAVSSON, Rolf. Kongo. Fran Lumumba till Mobutu (Congo: From Lumumba to Mobutu). Stockholm, Raben& Sjogren, 1972, 32 pp.

545 HORM, Peeter. Zambia (Zambia). Uppsala,
SIDA, Stockholm & Nordiska
Afrikainstitutet, 1972, 78 pp.

546 HVEEM, Helge. Uganda - en politisk o'versikt (Uganda - a Political Survey). Nordiska Afrikainstitutet, Wahlstrom & Widstrand, 1972, 90 pp. Review by Johan THORUD, Internasjonal Politikk 3, 1972: 564-565.

547 HYDÉN, Goran. Socialism och samhdllsutveckling i Tanzania. En studie i teori och praktik (Socialism and Social Development in Tanzania. A Study in Theory and Practice). Staffanstorp, Cavefors, 1972, 214 pp.

548 JOHNSON, 80. "Frihetsrorelser i sodra Afrika" (Liberation Movements in Southern Africa). Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift 75 (4), 1972: 516-540.

549 NAUNTOFTE, Jens. "Nye perspektiver
i sudanesisk og østafrikansk politik"
(New Perspectives in Sudanese and

Side 278

East African Politics). Internasjonal Politikk 2, 1972: 223-235. Commentary by Johan THORUD, International Politikk 3, 1972: 550-551.

550 THORUD, Johan. Geriljasamfunnet. Guinea Bissaus frihetskamp mot Portugal (The Guerilla Society. The Struggle of Freedom against Portugal in Guinee Bissau). Oslo, Tiden, 1972, 145 pp.


551 APUNEN, Osmo. Epdsuora hyokkdys, interventio ja Latinalainen-Amerikka (Indirect Attack, Intervention, and Latin America). Helsinki, 1972, 20 pp., mimeo. (INFO. Ulkopoliittisen instituutin monistesarja 35).

552 BRUNDENIUS, Claes. Imperialismens ansikte. 400 år av underutveckling i Peru (The Face of Imperialism. 400 Years of Underdevelopment in Peru). Stockholm, Prisma, 1972, 284 pp.

553 KROGH, Torben. Den amerikanske
trussel (The American Threat). Oslo,
Gyldendal, 1971, 245 pp.


554 BERG, Lars, and BERG, Lisa. Japan i
Asien (Japan in Asia). Stockholm, Råben
& Sjogren, 1972, 32 pp.

555 BERG, Lasse, and BERG, Lisa. Ansikt til ansikt. Fascister og revolusjonære i India (Face to Face. Fascists and Revolutionaries in India). Oslo, Gyldendal, 1972.

556 BJONDAL, Jan, and JOHNSEN, Geirmund, eds. Folkerepublikken Kina i dag (The Peoples's Republic of China Today). Oslo, Gyldendal, 1972, 116

557 BLINKENBERG, Lars. India-Pakistan.
The History of Unsolved Conflicts.
(Dansk udenrigspolitisk instituts skrifter
nr. 4), Copenhagen, 1972, 440 pp.

558 HANSSEN, Halle Jørn. "En skisse av hovedlinjer og begivenheter i tyrkisk etterkrigspolitikk" (Turkey after World War II). Internasjonal Politikk 4, 1972: 659-680.

559 HART, Thomas G. "Contradictions and Choice in the Revolution: Whither China and How? Instant Research on Peace and Violence (2) 1972.


560 ALA-JAASKI, Marja. Poulueettomien maiden criss-cross-asema Euroopassa. Itavallan, Jugoslavian, Ruotsin, Suomen ja Sveitsin vuorovaikutuksen jakautuminen itd-lansisuhteessa Euroopassa (The Criss-Cross Position of

Neutral Countries in Europe. The Distribution of Interaction of Austria, Finland, Sweden, Switzerland, and Yugoslavia According to the East Dimension in Europe). Turku, 1972, 45 pp., mimeo, (Turun yliopiston valtio-opin laitos. Tutkimuksia C: 18).

561 BONSDORFF, Goran von. Euroopan tulevaisuus. 1970-luvun ongelmia ja kehityslinjoja (The Future of Europe. Problems and Prospects of the 70's). Helsinki, Kustannusosakeyhitio Otava, 1972, 171 pp.

562 BONSDORFF, Johan von. Pohjois-Irlanti (Northern Ireland). Helsinki, Kustannusosakeyhtio Tammi, 1972, 212 pp.

563 ERIKSEN, Knut E., and LUNDESTAD, Geir. Norsk innenrikspolitikk (Norwegian Domestic Politics). Oslo, Universitetsforlaget, Kilder til moderne historie 2, 1972. Review by Leiv MJELDHEIM, Historisk tidsskrift 51 (4), 1972: 445-446.

564 GALTUNG, Johan. "Europe: Bipolar,
Bicentric or Cooperative?" Journal of
Peace Research l, 1972: 1-26.

565 HADENIUS, Stig, MOLIN, Bjorn, and WIESLANDER, Hans. Sverige efter 1900. En modern politisk historia (Sweden after 1900. A Modern Political History). sth updated ed. Stockholm, Aldus/Bonnier, 1972, 336 pp.

566 LINNAINMAA, Hannu. Taloushallinto Bulgarian kansantasavallassa — vuoden 1968 uudistukset (The Economic Administration in the People's Reforms of the Year 1968). Helsinki, 1972, 24 pp., mimeo. (INFO. Ulkopoliittisen instituutin monistesarja 29).

567 LUOTO, Reima T. A., ed. Turvallinen Pohjola. Pohjolan turvallisuus ja Euroopan yhdentyminen (The Secure North. The Security of the Northern Countries and European Integration). Forssa-Helsinki, Akateeminen maanpulustusyhdistys ry., 1972, 100 pp.

568 MØLLER, J. Ørstrøm. "Frankrig, Europas nye industrielle stormagt" (France, the New Industrial Great Power of Europe). Økonomi og Politik 46 (1), 1972: 3-21.

569 NORDENSTAM, Gunnar R., et al Varde, val f ard och jdmlikhet. En granskning av vdrdefordelningen i Sverige (Value, Walfare, and Equality. A Review of the Distribution of Values in Sweden). Lund, Studentlitteratur, 1972, 334 pp.

570 SÆTER, Martin. "Johan Galtung og 'symmetrien' i Europa" (Johan Galtung and the "Symmetry" in Europe). Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning 13 (1), 1972: 80-83.

Side 279

571 SANNESS, John. "Sørøst-Europa - konfliktstoff og samarbeidsmuligheter" (Southeastern Europe - Conflict Sources and Cooperation). International Politikk 1, 1972: 99-109. Commentary by Per Egil HEGGE, Internasjonal Politikk 2, 1972: 290.

572 SKOGAN, John Kristen. "Omforming i europeisk politikk: Bakgrunn, forutsetninger og innhold" (Transformation in European Politics: Background, Conditions and Direction). Internasjonal Politikk 3, 1972: 493-512.

573 SVALASTOGA, Kaare, and CARLSSON, Gosta. "Scandinavia," in Margaret ARDEN, and S. GINER, Contemporary Europe. Class, Status and Power. London, Weidenfeld and Nicholson, 1971, pp. 358-387.

574 SWARTZ, Richard. Integration i steuropa (Integration in Eastern Europe). Stockholm, Raben & Sjogren, 1972, 32pp.

575 TOMASSON, Richard F. Sweden: Prototype
of Modern Society.New York,
Random House, 1970, xv, 302 pp.

576 URWIN, Derek. Western Europe since
1945. London, Longmans, 1972, 2nd
rev. ed.

577 WAHLBACK, Krister. "Sweden: Secrecy and Neutrality," in D. C. WATT ed. Contemporary History in Europe. London, Allen & Unwin, 1969, pp. 197-205.


578 HERADSTVEIT, Daniel. "Midt-Austen
etter Nasser" (The Middle East after

Nasser). Oslo, Norsk Utenrikspolitisk
Institutt, Rapport 9, 1972.

579 HERADSTVEIT, Daniel. "A Profile of
the Palestine Guerrillas," Cooperation
and Conflict 7 (1), 1972: 13-36.

580 PETTERSSON, Jan-Olof. Tystnad i Turkiet
(Silence in Turkey). Stockholm,
Raben & Sjogren, 1971, 32 pp.


581 HEISKANEN, Ilkka, and VESALA, Heimo. Editorial: On Finnish studies of socialist societies, Politiikka 14. Special Issue on the Study of Socialist Societies 1-5, 1972.

582 JUSSILA, Osmo. "Venajån vallankumous: venalainen sattuma vai lainmukainen vålttamattomyys?" (The Russian Revolution: a Russian Coincidence or a Lawlike Necessity). Historiallinen Aikakauskirja 69, 1972: 23 ff.

583 KARAVA, Jukka. Neuvostoliiton tiedeakatemia (The Academy of Sciencies of the USSR). Helsinki, 1972, pp., mimeo. (INFO. Ulkopoliittisen instituutin monistesarja 32).

584 SUSILUOTO, Ilmari. "Scientific Communication in the Study of Socialist Countries," Politiikka 14. Special Issue on the Study of Socialist Societies, 1972: 6-21.

585 VAYRYNEN, Raimo. "Some Bases of Soviet Foreign Policy: A Review of Western Behavioral Literature," Politiikka 14, Special Issue on the Study of Socialist Societies, 1972: 66-79.