Scandinavian Political Studies, Bind 4 (1969)

Bibliography of Scandinavian Political Science for 1967-68

This bibliography has been compiled in accordance with the principles followed in earlier volumes of Scandinavian Political Studies. It includes: (1) publications of native and foreign authors printed in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden, (2) publications of Scandinavian authors printed in other countries, and (3) publications dealing with the Scandinavian countries regardless of where they have been published. The bibliography includes books, contributions to joint works and periodicals, as well as committee reports and other government papers which make a contribution to less explored areas of political science. Reviews of books have here been entered under the respective books. Only those reviews which have appeared in periodicals have been listed here.

As in earlier bibliographies, the individual country entries have been compiled and classified in the respective countries: in Denmark by H. P. CLAUSEN and Peter HANSEN, in Finland by Rauno LEHTINEN and Pentti PÄRSSINEN, and in Sweden by Anders MELLBOURN. Yours truly has been responsible for the editing of the bibliography as well as for the collection and classification of the Norwegian contributions. The individual country contributors have attempted to achieve a high degree of conformity in the collection and classification of the respective country entries by following as closely as possible the principles adhered to in the International Bibliography of Political Science printed by UNESCO.

We would like to express our thanks to our country collaborators in Denmark,
Finland and Sweden, to Professor Stein ROKKAN and to the present editors.

Helen V. Aareskjold

Institute of Sociology
University of Bergen

Classification Scheme

A Political Science

A.O General Studies 1—4

A. 1 Study, Teaching and Current Trends 5-21

A.2 Methods and Research Techniques 22-36

A.3 Congresses, Symposia, Associations 38—4-0

A.4 Works of Reference, Bibliographies 41-50

B Political Thought

8.1 History of Political Ideas 51-58

Side 227

8.2 Ideological Foundations of Political Systems

8.20 General Studies 59-60

8.21 Democracy 61-70

8.22 Socialism 71-90

8.23 Marxism, Bolshevism, Communism 91-99

8.25 Totalitarianism 100-103

8.27 Conservatism 104-106

C Government and Public Administration

C.2 Political Systems

C.20 General Studies 107

C.21 National Studies 108-133

C.22 Comparative Studies 134-141

C.3 Political Systems: The Powers

C.31 Executive

C.310 General and Comparative Studies 142-143

C.311 National Studies 144-157

C.32 Legislative

C.320 General Studies 158

C.321 National Studies 159-175

C.33 Judiciary

C.330 General and Comparative Studies 176-178

C.331 National Studies 179-182

C.34 Relations between the Powers

C.340 General and Comparative Studies 183

C.341 National Studies 184-190

C.4 Political Systems: Freedom and Civil Rights

C.40 General and Comparative Studies 191

C.41 National Studies 192

C.5 Economic and Social Functions of Government

C.51 National Studies 193-202

C.6 Instruments of Government

C.61 Public Management: Organization and Methods

C.610 General and Comparative Studies 203-213

C.611 National Studies 214-224

C.62 Civil Service

C.620 General and Comparative Studies

C.621 National Studies 225-234

C.7 Local Government

C.70 General and Comparative Studies 235-237

C.71 National Studies 238-256

D Governmental Process

D.I Political Influences and Trends

D.lO General Studies 257-262

D.ll Pressure Groups 263-268

Side 228

D.12 Labor Influences 269-272

D.13 Rural Influences 273

D.15 Business Influences 274-276

D.16 Ideological Influences 277-279

D.lB Religious Influences 280-281

D.19 National Minorities and Racial Factors

D.191 Studies by Areas 282-288

D.2 Political Parties

D.20 General and Comparative Studies 289-296

D.21 National and Regional Studies 297-318

D.3 Political Behaviour

D.30 General and Comparative Studies 319-328

D.31 Political Attitudes: Formation and Characteristics 329-338

D.32 Political Leadership, Elites 339-346

D.33 Channels of Political Communication

D.330 General Studies 347

D.331 Political Communication, Propoganda 348

D.332 Mass Communication Media 349-372

D.34 Voting Behaviour and Elections

D.340 General and Comparative Studies 373-374

D.341 Voting Behaviour 375-383

D.342 Elections: Studies by Countries 384-408

E International Relations

E.O General Studies 409-411

E.I International Organization and Administration

E.lO General Studies 412-114

E.ll Legal Framework 415-121

E.12 International Community 422-126

E.13 United Nations 427-140

E.14 United Nations Specialized Agencies 441—443

E.15 The Tasks of International Organizations

E.151 Maintenance of Peace and Collective Security 444—449

E.152 Disarmament 450-154

E.154 Human Rights 455

E.155 Technical Assistance and Economic Development 456-478

E.16 Other Intergovernmental Organizations 479—497

E.2 International Politics

E.21 General Aspects of International Life 498-511

E.22 History of International Relations 512-521

E.23 States in International Affairs: Their Foreign Relations 522-569

E.24 Problems of International Relations 570-588

F Area Studies

F.I Africa 589-590

F.2 America 591-593

F.3 Asia 594-597

F.4 Europe 598-607

F.7 Union of Soviet Socialist Republics 608-609

Side 229



l Allardt, Erik. Statsvetenskap och sociologi (Political Science and Sociology). Helsinki, 1968, 17 pp., mimeo. (Helsingin yliopiston sosiologian laitoksen tutkimuksia — Research Reports, Institute of Sociology, University of Helsinki, 112.) Also published in: Politiikka 10 (3), 1968: 87-99.

2 Dahl, Robert. Moderne politisk analyse (Norwegian translation of Robert DahPs Modem Political Analysis). Oslo, Cappelen, 1967, 202 pp.

3 Pesonen, Pertti ed. Scandinavian Political
Studies Vol. 11. Helsinki, Academic
Bookstore, 1967, 334 pp.

4 Stolte Heiskanen, Veronica. "Tieteen yhteisön funktionaalisista perusongelmista sosiaalitieteissä" (The Functional Problems of Social Science as a Scientific Community), Politiikka 10 (4), 1968: 149-159.


5 Allardt, Erik. "Emile Durkheim e la
sociologia politica", Rassegna italiana
di sociologia 8 (1), 1967: 47-66.

6 Allardt, Erik. "Emile Durkheim - sein Beitrag zur politischen Soziologie", Kolner Zeitschrift zur Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie 20 (1), 1968: 1-16.

7 Allardt, Erik. Konflikt- och konsensusteoretiker (Theorists of Conflict and Theorists of Consensus). Helsinki, 1968, 31 pp., mimeo. (Helsingin yliopiston sosiologian laitoksen tutkimuksia - Research Reports, Institute of Sociology, University of Helsinki, 111.)

8 Allardt, Erik. "Konflikti - ja yhteisyysteoriat: kehitystä jarruttava erottelu?" (Theories of Conflict vs. Theories of Consensus: An Obstacle for Development?), Politiikka 10 (4), 1968: 135-148.

9 Allardt, Erik. "Värdeorienteringar inom amerikansk politisk forskning" (Value Orientations in American Political Behavior Research), Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning 8 (2-3), 1967: 232-246. Reprinted in: Publications of the Institute of Sociology, University of Helsinki, 47.

10 Asplund, Johan. "Några ref lektioner kring Galtungs fredsforskningsbok" (Some reflections on Galtung's book on peace research), Sociologisk forskning 4 (4), 1967: 219-224.

11 Earth, Fredrik. "Muligheter og begrensninger
i anvendelsen av sosialanthropologi
på utviklingsproble

mene" (Possibilities and Limitations on the Use of Anthropology on Development Problems), Tss. for Samfunnsforskning 9 (4), 1968: 311-325.

12 Forsmå n, Anders. "En revolutionar fredsforskning" (Revolutionary peace research), Kommentar l (2), 1968: 6-10.

13 Galtung, Johan. "Fredsforskning och revolution" (Peace research and revolution), Kommentar l (3), 1968: 10-13.

14 Gomard, Bernhard. "De samfundsvidenskabelige studier". (Social Sciences Studies). Juristen 50, 1968: F 139-49.

15 Heiskanen, Ilkka. "Hajaanus ja kehitys: politiikan tutkimus kongressien kuvastimessa" (The World Congresses as the Indicators of the Development of Political Science), Politiikka 10 (2), 1968: 47-63.

16 Heiskanen, Ilkka. Theoretical Approaches and Scientific Strategies in Administrative and Oragnizational Research. A Methodological Study. Diss. Helsinki, Societas Scientiarum Fennica, 1967, 199 pp. (Commentationes Humanarum Litterarum, 39:2.)

17 Himmelstrand, Ulf. "Om utvecklingslinjer for den politiska sociologin" (On development trends in political sociology), Sociologisk forskning 5

(2), 1968:95-108.

18 Martikainen, Tuomo. Politiikan behavioraalinen tutkimus (Behavioral Study of Politics). Helsinki, 1968, 61 pp., mimeo. (Helsingin yliopiston yleisen valtio-opin laitoksen tutkimuksia — Research Reports, Institute of Political Science, University of Helsinki, 15.)

19 Nilson, Sten Sparre. "Atferdsforskningen i sökelyset" (The Behavioral Sciences Re-examined), Tss. for Samfunnsforskning 9(3), 1968:233-41.

20 Rokkan, Stein. "Prefacio: La Internacionalization de las estadfsticas electorales" (Preface: The Internationalization of Electoral Statistics), pp. 111—VIII in Dario Canton ed. Materiales Para El Estudio de la Sociologia Politica en la Argentina. Buenos Aires, Institute Torcuato di Telia, 1968.

21 Schmid, Herman. "Politics and Peace
Research", Journal of Peace Research
5 (3), 1968: 217-232.


22 Björklund, Stefan, Lewin, Leif,

Side 230

Nilsson, Göran B. and Tägil, Sven. "Historiens plats i samfundsforskningen" (The Role of History in Social Science), Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift 71 (2), 1968: 126-138.

23 Borg, Olavi. Sisällönanalyysin tavoitteista ja metodisista pulmista (On the Goals and Methodological Problems of Content Analysis). Tampere, 1968, 47 pp., mimeo. (Tampereen yliopiston tutkimuslaitos. Monistesarja, 42.)

24 Gall ung, Johan. Theory and Methods of Social Research. New York, Columbia University Press, 1967, 534

25 Gjessing, Guttorm. "Ecology and
Peace Research", Journal of Peace
Research 4 (2), 1967, 125-39.

26 Hoikka, Paavo and likko B. Voipio. "Puoluetypologioista ja niiden perusdimensioiden samanaikaisesta tarkastelusta" (On Party Typologies and Simultaneous Examination of Their Basic Dimensions), Politiikka 10 (2), 1968: 64-69.

27 Karlin, Björn. "Kategorischema och metoder för kvantitativ innehålleanalys av politisk text" (A scheme of chategories and methods for quantitative content analysis of political texts), Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift 71 (3), 1968: 294-297.

28 Lindahl, Göran G. "Gabriel A. Almond's functional categories. A critique), Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift 70 (4), 1967: 263-272.

29 Midgaard, Knut. "Some Comments on the Meaning and Uses of Game Theory", Co-operation & Conflict 3 (2), 1968: 108-130.

30 Myrdal, Gunnar. Objektivitetsproblemet i samhällsforskningen (Objectivity in Social Research). Stockholm, Rabén & Sjögren, 1968, 95 pp.

31 Nilson, Sten Sparre. "Measurement
and Models in the Study of Stability",
World Politics 20 (1), 1967: 1-29.

32 Nilson, Sten Sparre, "okonomiske og politiske beslutnings-sekvenser: En konkret parallell og noen teoretiske betraktninger" (Economic and Political Decision-Making Processes: A Concrete Parallel and Some Theoretical Considerations), Paper presented at the Second Nordic Conference in Political Science, Helsinki/ Jollas, August, 1968, Mimeo 38 pp.

33 Oden, Brigitta. "Historiens plats i samfundsforskningen" (The role of history in social research), Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift 71 (1), 1968: 25-46.

34 Pesonen, Pertti. "Vaalitulosten tulkintatapoja" (Ways of Interpreting Electoral Results), pp. 135-147 in: Oman ajan historia ja politiikan tutkimus. (Helsinki, Kustannusosakeyhtiö

Otava, 1967, 259 pp. Reprinted in:
Tampereen yliopisto, Politiikan tutkimuksen
laitos, Tutkielmia, 4.

35 Va len, Henry & Stein Rokkan. "The Norwegian Program of Electoral Research", pp. 294-305 in Pertti Pesonen ed. Scandinavian Political Studies Vol. 11. Helsinki, Academic Bookstore, 1967.

36 Wi ber g, Håkon. "Some Comments on the Functions and Meaning of Game Theory", Cooperation and Conflict 4 (3), 1968: 247-253.


38 Boserup, Anders, Claus Iversen, and Ib Jarvad. Proceedings of the Second Nordic Conference on Peace Research. llth-13th February 1966, Hillerød. Hellerup, Institut for Fredsog Konfliktforskning, 1966, 58 pp.

39 Rok kan, Stein. "Models and Methods in the Comparative Study of Nation Paper presented at the UNESCO Symposium, Aspenäs Studiegård, v/ Gothenberg, Sweden, August, 1968, Mimeo 50 pp.

40 Valen, Henry. "The First Nordic Conference in Political Science", pp. 273-275 in Pertti Pesonen ed. Scandinavian Political Studies Vol. 11. Helsinki, Academic Bookstore, 1967.


41 Aareskjold, Helen. "Bibliography for 1966", pp. 257-282 in Per To rs vik ed. Scandinavian Political Studies Vol. 111. Oslo, Universitetsforlaget, 1968.

42 Bruun, Henry. Dansk historisk Bibliografi 1913-1942. Stats- og Kulturforhold fra Aa,ndsliv og ud. (Danish Historical Bibliography 1913-1942). Vol. 2. København, Den danske historiske Forening, Rosenkilde og Bagger, 1967, 11 +472 pp.

43 Ejlersen, Rita and Ellen Jensen (eds.) Bibliografi over Danmarks Offentlige Publikationer 19. arg. (A Bibliography of Denmark's Public Documents). København, Danmarks Institut for International Udveksling (Bibliotekscentralen), 1966, 114 pp.

44 Hydén, Göran. "Afrika -en litteraturoversikt" (Africa - a bibliographical survey, Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift 71 (4), 1968: 431-437.

45 Julkunen, Martti and Anja Lehikoin en. Finland 1967. Books and Publications in Politics, Political History and International Relations. 2nd ed. Turku, Institute of Political History, University of Turku, 1968, 25 pp.

Side 231

46 Julkunen, Martti and Lehikoinen, Anja. A Select List of Books and Artides in English, French and German on Finnish Politics in the 19th and 20th Century. Turku, Institute of Political History, University of Turku, 1967, 125 pp.

47 Kåber, Anna-Lise. Et udvalg af litteratur om EFTA til slutningen af december 1966. (A Selection of Literature on EFTA up to December 1966). København, Det Udenrigspolitiske Selskab og Det Danske Forlag, 1967, 28 pp.

48 Lehtinen, Rauno. "Bibliography for 1965", pp. 306-334 in Pertti Peson en ed. Scandinavian Political Studies Vol. 11. Helsinki, Academic Bookstore, 1967.

49 Samhälle och riksdag, Del 5. Register - Bibliografi över skrifter rörande riksdagen 1866-1965 (Society and Parliament. Part 5. Index - Bibliography of literature on parliament 1866—1965). Stockholm, Almqvist & Wicksell, 1967, 216 pp.

50 Zanderin, Lars. "Latinamerika — en litteraturöversikt" (Latin America - a bibliographical survey), Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift 71 (3), 1968: 249-260.



51 Berg, Jacques. Frihed og lighed. Studier i den franske radikalismes sociale og økonomiske tankegang fra Glemenceau til Mendes France. (Freedom and Equality. Studies in the Social and Economic Ideas in French Radicalism from Clemenceau to Mendes France). København, Københavns Universitets Institut for Samtidshistorie og Statskundskab, 1968, 153 pp.

52 Cordtsen, Kjell. Blodflekkene på veien. Norsk nyradikalisme (Blood Stains on the Road. Norwegian Neoradicalism). Oslo, Pax, 1967, 117 pp.

53 Hansen, Oskar (ed.). Stats- og samfundstænkningen fra revolutionstiden til vore dage. En samling dokumenter. (Theories on Government and Society from the French Revolution to the Present. A collection of Documents). København, Akademisk Forlag (O. 8.K.), 1968, 212 pp.

54 Hansson, Svante. "Hegel och historiens slut" (Hegel and the end of history), Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift 71 (4), 1968: 406-430.

55 Hemberg, Göran. "Den amerikanska
ideologia" (The American Ideology),
Kommentar l (10-11), 1968:35-40.

56 Hy d en, Göran. "Rousseau i afrikanskt

taukande" (Rousseau in African
thought), Liberal debatt 21 (6), 1968:

57 Skard, Torild. Nyradikalismen i Norge
(Neo-radicalism in Norway). Oslo,
Gyldendal, 1967, 218 pp.

58 Wilenius, Reijo. Filosofia ja politiikka. Poliittisen ja sosiaalisen ajattelun perusteiden kehityksestä (Philosophy and Politics: On the Development of the Basic Ideas of Political and Social Thought). Helsinki, Kustannusosakeyhtiö Tammi, 1967, 149 pp.



59 Björklund, Stefan. Politisk teori (PoliticalPol-
Theory). Stockholm, Aldus/
Bonnier, 1968, 183 pp.

60 Torstendahl, Rolf. "Historikern inför ideologierna. Problemställningar utifrån debatten om ideologiernas død" (The historian and the ideologies. Some problems in relation to the debate on the end of ideology), Scandia 33, 1967: 217-249.


61 Hagård, Birger. "Borgerligheten och den 'ekonomiska demokratin'" (The bourgeois parties and 'economic democracy'), Svensk tidskrift 54 (6), 1967: 370-378.

62 Hagård, Birger. "Demokrati - ett förvirrat begrepp" (Democracy - a confused concept), Svensk tidskrift 55 (10), 1968: 496-504.

63 Johansson, Sten. "Demokratins problem" (The problems of democracy), Sociologisk forskning 4 (2), 1967: 114-135.

64 Larsson, Yngve. På marsch mot demokratin. Från hundragradig skala till allmän rösträtt (Marching towards Democracy. From a 100 degree scale to general suffrage). Stockholm, Almqvist & Wicksell, 1967, 585 pp. (Monografier utg. av Stockholms kommunalförvaltning 22: 2).

65 Luoma, Vainö. Demokratiasta ja byrokratiasta (On Democracy and Bureaucracy). Turku, 1967, 11 pp., mimeo. (Turun yliopiston sosiaalipolitiikan laitoksen tutkielmia, B 2.)

66 Nerman, Ture. Demokrati och diktatur
(Democracy and Dictatorship). Nened.
Stockholm, Liber, 1968, 157 pp.

67 Nilsson, Göran B. "Demokratins pris"
(The price of democracy), Statsvetenskaplig
tidskrift 70 (1), 1967: 1-36.

68 Ross, Alf. Hvorfor demokrati? (Why

Democracy?) 2nd ed. København,
Nyt Nordisk Forlag, 1967, pp. 247.

Side 232

69 Tingsten, .Herbert. Demokratins problem (The Problems of Democracy). sth ed. Stockholm, Aldus/Bonnier, 1968, 159 pp.

70 Tingsten, Herbret. Från idéer till idyll. Den lyckliga demokratin (From ideas to idyll. The successful democracy). New, enlarged ed. Stockholm, PAN/Nordstedt, 1967, 210 pp.


71 Adler-Karlsson, Gunnar. Funktionssocialism (Functional Socialism). Stockholm, Prisma, 1967, 103 pp. (Verdandi-debatt 31).

72 Andersson, Leif. Socialism i nutid
(Socialism Today), Stockholm, Utblick
(SSU), 1967, 32 pp.

73 Arvidsson, Evert. Syndikalismen i nutidssamhället (Syndicalism in the society of today). Stockholm, Federativ, 1968, 43 pp.

74 Johansson, Sten. "En plädering för jämlikhetspolitik" (A plea for a policy of equality). Tiden 59 (9), 1967: 541-553.

75 Jørgensen, Andreas, Ejvind Larsen, and Preben Wilhj elm (eds.) Venstresocialisme - analyse og debat. ("Left Socialism" — analysis and debate). København, Røde Hane, 1968, 192 pp.

76 Kampman n, Viggo. Socialismens
skæbne (The fate of Socialism). Købnehavn,
Fremad, 1967, 136 pp.

77 Le win, Leif. "Ideologi och ekonomi"
(Ideology and economy), Tiden 59
(10), 1967: 616-628.

78 Le win, Leif. "Planhushållningen och ideologierna" (The planned economy and the ideologies), Tiden 59 (7), 1967: 390-404.

79 Le win, Leif. Planhushållningsdebatten (The Debate on Planned Economy). Diss. Stockholm, Almqvist & Wiksell, 1967, 564 pp. With an English summary. Reviewed by: Diane Sainsbury "A Methodological Critique of Leif Lewin's Planhushållnings deb atten", Statsvetenskaplig Tidskrift 71 (2), 1968: 109-125.

80 Palme, Olof. Politik är att vilja (Politics
means willingness), Stockholm,
Prisma, 1968, 240 pp.

81 Sandell, Ove. "1932 än en gång"
(1932 once more), Tiden 59 (10),
1967: 628-630.

82 Therborn, Göran ed. En ny vänster (A New Left), 2nd ed. Stockholm, Rabén & Sjögren, (Tema), 1967, 252 pp.

83 Tingsten, Herbert. Den svenska socialdemokratins
idéutveckling (The
ideological development of social de

mocracy in Sweden). New ed. 2 parts.
Stockholm, Aldus/Bonnier, 1967, 391
(part 1) and 423 (part 2) pp.

84 Tingsten, Herbert. "Socialisering och planhushållning" (Socialisation and planned economy), Tiden 59 (8), 1967: 463-476.

85 Togeby, Lise. Var de så røde? T ekster og dokumenter til belysning af Socialdemokratiets gennembrudsperiode. (Were They so Red? Texts and Documents illustrating the Social Democratic Party's Period of Breaking København, Fremad, 1968, 190 pp.

86 Wigforss, Ernst. "Ideologiska linjer i praktisk politik" (Ideological lines in practical politics), Tiden 59 (9), 1967: 525-533.

87 Wigforss, Ernst. Vision och verklighet
(Vision and Reality), Stockholm,
Prisma, 1967, 162 pp.

88 Wigforss, Ernst. "Välfärdspolitik och socialism" (Welfare politics and socialism), Tiden 59 (4), 1967: 197-205.

89 Öhman, Berndt. "Socialismen och
marknaden" (Socialism and the market),
Tiden 60 (5), 1968: 301-309.

90 Ös te r ud, Öyvind. "Avideologisering og ideologi i velferdssamfunnet" (The Pragmaticizalion and Ideology of the Welfare State), Paper presented at the Second Nordic Conference in Political Science, Helsinki/Jollas, August, 1968, Mimeo 16 pp.


91 Gustafsson, 80. Vad vill kommunistiska förbundet? (What does the Communist Society want?). Uppsala, Marxistisk forum, 1968, 66 pp. Mimeo.

92 Hakalehto, Ilkka. "Die Beziehungen zwischen der Kommunistischen Partei Finnlands und der Kommunistischen Internationale in den Jahren 1919-1930", Jahrbiicher fur Geschichte Östeuropas. N. F. 15 (4), 1967: 597-608.

93 Hodgson, John H. Communism in Finland: A History and Interpretation. Princeton, N. J., Princeton University Press, 1967, 261 pp. CR: Y. Blomstedt, Historiallinen aikakauskirja (4), 1967: 365-369; M. Rintala, American Political Science Review 61 (3), Sept. 1967: 819-820.

94 Ljungdahl, Arnold. Marxismens världsbild (The World View of Marxism). New ed. Stockholm, PAN/ Norstedts, 1967, 224 pp.

Side 233

95 Marxism. Bakgrund, teori, praktik. En troduktion (Marxism. Background, theory, practice. An introduction). Publ. by Vånsterns ungdomsforbund. Stockholm, VUF, 1967, 205 pp.

96 Program for socialism (Program for
socialism). Stockholm, Aldus/Bonnier
(Tribunserien), 1967, 83 pp.

97 Strand, Anton. Rodjront (Red Front).
Stockholm, Prisma, 1967, 145 pp.

98 Sørensen, Curt. Marxismens grundlag, model og metode. Minimumsfordringer til et moderne marxistisk parti. (The Foundations of Marxism, Model, and Method. Minimum Requirements for a Modern Marxist Party). København, Bulletin, Særnummer, Venstresocialisterne, Christiansborg, August 1968, 20 pp.

99 Tarschys, Daniel and T ham, Carl. Den nygamla vänstern (The New Old Left). Stockholm, Bonnier, 1967, 193 pp.


100 Cars, Hans Christian. Nynazismen i Tyskland (Neo-nazism in Germany). Stockholm, PAN/Norstedt, 1968, 91 pp.

101 Hyvämäki, Lauri. "Fascismin 'tulo Suomeen' 1922-23" (The 'Coming of Fascism to Finland' 1922-23), Historiallinen aikakauskirja (2), 1968: 109-128.

102 Lauri la, Juhani. Suomen Kansau Jär Järjestön aatteista ja suhteesta muihin kansallissosialistisiin suuntauksiin Suomessa lähinnä vuosina 1932— 1934 (The 'Organization of the Finnish People': A Study of Its Ideology and Its Relation to Other National Orientations in Finland, Primarily 1932-1934). Turku, Turun yliopiston valtio-opin laitos, 1967, 117 pp., mimeo. (Turun yliopiston valtioopin laitos. Tutkimuksia, C 5.)

103 Sjögren, Per. Nynazismen (Neo-nazism).
Stockholm, Aldus/Bonnier,
1968, 166 pp.


104 Gummesson, Ola, Emilsson, Per and Englund, Rolf. Sista chansen (The Last Chance). Stockholm, Horisont, 1967, 61 pp.

105 Møller, Per Stig (ed.) Synspukter i konservatismen (Viewpoints in Conservatism). København, Stig Vendelkjær, 1968, 203 pp.

106 Politik för en ny tid (Politics for a new age). Published by .Högerns ungdomsförbund, Uppsala, Medborgarskolan, 1967, 89 pp.




107 Rasmussen, Erik. Politik (SamfundsfagSamfunds-
for Samfundsgrenen). (Politics).
København, Gyldendal, 234 pp.



108 Christensen, Bent. "Dansk offentligretlig lovgivning 1959-1965" (Danish Legislation Concerning Public Law in 1959-1965), with an English Summary, Nordisk Administrativt Tidsskrift 47, 1966: 276-296.


109 Magi, Artur. Das Staatsleben Estlands wdhrend seiner Selbståndigkeit. I. Das Regierungssystem (Political Life in Independent Estonia. I. The System of Government). Stockholm, Almqvist & Wicksell, 1967, 324 pp. (Skrifter utgivna av Statsvetenskapliga foreningen i Uppsala, 47.)


110 Immonen, E. J. "Kansanåånestys Suomessa" (Referendum in Finland), Suomalainen Suomi 35 (7), 1967: 380-385.

111 Jyrånki, Antero. " Valtiosåånnon sååtåjien tarkoitukset ja noudatettu kåytånto" (The Finnish Constitution: The Ideas of the Legislators and Later Practice), Sosiologia 5 (l), 1968: 20-28.

Great Britain

112 Bodelsen, C. A. A Survey of English
Institutions. 9th. ed. København,
Hagerup, 1966, 228 pp.


113 Ramsoy, Natalie. ed. Det norske samfunn
(Norwegian Society). Oslo, Gyldendal,
1968, 491 pp.

114 Torgersen, Ulf. "Samf unnsstruktur of politiske legitimitetskriser" (Societal Structure and Political Legitimacy Grises), Tss. for Samfunnsforskning 8 (1), 1967: 65-77.


115 Almerud, Bengt. "Folkrådsinstitutionen i Polen" (The People's Council institution in Poland), Statsvetenskaplig tidsskrift 70 (5), 1967: 395-415.

Side 234


116 Andrén, Nils. Modern Swedish government.
2nd. rev. ed. Stockholm, Almqvist
& Wicksell, 1968, 289 pp.

117 Andrén, Nils. Svensk statskunskap (Government and politics in Sweden). 3d ed. Stockholm, Liber, 1967, 313 pp.

118 Andrén, Nils in collab. with Harriet Lundblad. Svensk statskunskap (Government and politics in Sweden). 4th rev. ed. Stockholm, Liber, 1968, 510 pp.

119 Back, Pär-Erik. "How Sweden is Governed" in Sweden in the Sixties. Uppsala, Almqvist & Wicksell, 1967, 296 pp.

120 Gafvelin, Åke. Vårt nya statsskick
(Our New Constitution). Stockholm,
Sveriges Radio (Eko), 1968, 94 pp.

121 Gellerman, Olle. Låt folket bestämma
(Let the people decide). Stockholm,
Folk och samhälle, 1968, 56 pp.

122 Gustafsson, Agne. Demokratisk författning (A Democratic Constitution). Stockholm, Rabén & Sjögren (Tema), 1967, 137 pp.

123 Gustafsson, Agne. "Om bønhørelse och missnøje" (On the hearing of an answer to prayer and discontent), Tiden 60 (1), 1968: 45-49.

124 Hagar d, Birger. "Författningskompromissen" (The constitutional compromise), Svensk tidskrift 54 (2), 1967: 82-87.

125 Helidén, Arne. Regeringsmakt och demokrati (Governmental Power and Democracy). New ed. Stockholm, Liber, 1968, 151 pp.

126 Hennings, Beth. Fyra gustauiauska
studier (Four Gustavian studies).
Stockholm, Norstedt, 1967, 165 pp.

127 Herlitz, Nils. "Grundbrager av det svenska statsskickets historia (An outline of the history of the Swedish constitution). 6th ed. Stockholm, Svenska bokförlaget (Scandinavian university books), 1967, 377 pp.

128 Lagerroth, Fredrik. "Positiv rätt eller naturrätt? Ett statsrättsligt dilemma från svenskt 1700-tal" (Positive law or natural law? A dilemma of constitutional law in 18th century Sweden), Scandia 33, 1967: 270-312.

129 Malmgren, Robert. Sveriges grundlagar (The Swedish Constitution). 10th rev. ed. Stockholm, Norstedt, 1968, 271 pp.

130 Ortmark, Åke. Maktspelet i Sverige (The Power Game in Sweden). Stockholm, Wahlström & Widstrand, 1967, 225 pp. Rev. and enlarged ed. Stockholm, W & W-serien/Wahlström & Widstrand, 1968, 271 pp.

131 Strömberg, Håkan. Sveriges författning (The Swedish Constitution). 2nd ed. Lund, Studentlitteratur, 1968, 198 pp.

132 Svensson, Sven. / maktens labyrinter
(In the labyrinths of power). Stockholm,
Bonnier, 1968, 260 pp.

United States of America

133 Ahlander, Björn. Maktspelet i USA. Partier och institutioner i amerikanskt statsliv (The Power Game in the U.S. Parties and Institutions in American Political Life). 3rd. rev. ed. Stockholm, Natur o. kultur, 1967, 689 pp.


134 Andrén, Nils,. In collab. with Magnus Gislason ... Nordisk statskunskap (Government and Politics in the Nordic Countries). 3rd ed. Stockholm, Liber, 1968, 242 pp.

135 Andrén, Nils. In collab. with Jurij Borys et. al. Utländsk statskunskap (Foreign governments). 2nd ed. Stockholm, Liber, 1967, 438 pp.

136 Hesslén, Gunnar and Thulstrup, Åke. Statskunskap (Government and Politics). 13th rev. ed. Stockholm, Bonnier, 1968, 251 pp.

137 Nordenstarn, Gunnar. "De östeuropeiska kommunistländernas aktuella författningsutveakling" (The current constitutional developments in the communist countries of Eastern Europe). Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift 71 (3), 1968: 279-280.

138 Nyman, Olle. Statsforfatninger (Constitutions. A comparative study of European political systems). Oslo, Tiden, 1967, 138 pp.

139 Nyman, Olle. Utländska statsskick. En komparativ översikt (Foreign systems of govrenment. A comparative survey). 4th ed. Stockholm, Aldus/Bonnier, 1967, 198 pp. (sth ed. 1968).

140 Rasmussen, Erik. Komparativ politik.
(Comparative Politics). Vol. 1. København,
Gyldendal, 1968, pp. 261.

141 Rokkan, S. £A. Campbell. "Norway and the United States of America", in J. Meynaud ed. Decisions and Decision-Makers in the Modem State. Paris, UNESCO, 1967.




142 Jyrånki, Antero. "Monarkkinen aines
Ranskan ja Suomen valtiosåånnosså"
(Monarchic Elements in the Consti

Side 235

tutions of France and Finland), Lakimies
65 (7), 1967: 832-838.

143 Merikoski, Veli. "Suurkoalitio hallitusjärjestelmänä" (A Grand Coalition as a System of Government), Valvoja 87 (1), 1967: 6-14.



144 Thorsen, Svend. De danske ministerier. [Bd. 1] 1848-1901. Et hundrede politisk-historiske biografier. (The Danish Cabinets. 1848-1901; One hundred Biographies), København, Nyt Nordisk Forlag, 1967, 506 pp.


145 Jyränki, Antero. Sotavoiman ylin päällikkyys. Tutkimus tasavallan presidentille HM 30 §:n nojalla kuuluvasta toimivallasta ja sen käyttämisestä (The Supreme Command of the Armed Forces. A Study of the Power of the President of Finland According to Art. 30 of the Constitution and the Exercise of this Power). Diss. Helsinki, Suomalainen lakimiesyhdistys, 1967, 344 pp. With a German summary. (Suomalaisen lakimiesyhdistyksen julkaisuja, A 76.)

146 Kastari, Paavo. "Le chef de I'État dans les institutions finlandaises", Revue du droit public et de la science politique en France et å l'étranger 83 (5), sept.-oct. 1967: 861-883.

147 Kastari, Paavo. "Näkökohtia tasavallan president«! mahtiaseman muodostumisessa" (On the Evolution of the Power Position of the President of Finland), Lakimies 65 (8), 1967: 953-973.

148 Kastari, Paavo. "Staatspräsident und Regierungssystem in Finnland", Osterreichische Zeitschrift fiir öffentliches Recht N. F. 18, 1968: 262-280.

149 Merikoski, V. "Hallituksen muodostaminne Suomessa" (Formation of Government in Finland), Politiikka 9 (1), 1967: 1-15.

150 Merikoski, V. "Tasavallan presidentin asema suomalaisessa parlamentarismissa" (The Position of the President of Finland in Finnish Parliamentarism), pp. 129-146 in: Suomalainen tiedeakatemia. Esitelmät ja pöytäkirjat 1966. Helsinki, Suomalainne tiedeakatemia, 1967, 221 pp.


151 Bull, Trygve. Kongedömmets dilemma
(The Monarchy's Dilemma). Oslo,
Dreyer, 1967, 51 pp.


152 Erneholm, B. "Om beslut i regeringsärenden" (On decisions in governmental affairs), Förvaltningsrättslig tidskrift 31 (3), 1968: 113-119.

153 .H agård, Birger. "Samling eller maktuärling" (Coalition or a change of power), Svensk tidskrift 55 (7), 1968: 344-352.

154 Nilsson, Sven-Eric. "Statsrådsberedningen" (The preliminary Cabinet session), Förvaltningsrättslig tidskrift 30 (6), 1967: 261-283.

155 Ruin, Olof. Mellan samlingsregering och tvåpartisystem. Den svenska regeringsfrågan 1945-1960 (Between coalition government and a two party system. The cabinet question in Sweden 1945-1960). Stockholm, Bonnier, 1968, 398 pp.

156 Tarras-Wahlberg, Björn and Treslow, Kjell. Kan kungadömet bevaras? (Can monarchy be saved?). Stockholm, Horisont, 1968, 135 pp.

157 Vinde, Pierre. "Enny regeringsorganisation - ett idé utkast" (A new governmental organisation — an outline). Tiden 60 (8), 1968: 465-471.



158 Aubert, Vilhelm. "Some Social Functions
of Legislation", Acta Sociologica
10 (1-2), 1967: 98-120.



159 Kobbernagel, Jan and Poul Sveist r up. Afstemningsregler og afstemningsmetoder. (Voting Procedures and Methods). København, 1967, 71

160 Pedersen, Mogens N. "Partiernes holdning ved vedtagelsen af regeringens lovforslag 1945-66. Metodologiske problemer og nogle foreløbige resultater". (The attitudes of the Parties towards the Adoption of the Government's Bills, 1945-66. Methodological Problems and some preliminary conclusions), Historie Ny Række 7, 1967: 404-435.


161 Anckar, Dag. Om riksdagsmännens utriksepolitiska debattaktivität (On the Activity of the Members of the Finnish Parliament in Debates on Issues of Foreign Policy). Abo, 1968, 17 pp., mimeo. (Meddelanden från

Side 236

Institutet för samhällsforskning upprätthållet
av Statsvetenskapliga fakultetne
vid Åbo Akademi, 46.)

162 Broms, Bengt. "Eduskunnan ulkoasiainvaliokunnan toimivaltuudet ja niiden kehittaminen" (The Powers of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Finnish Parliament and Their Development), Lakimies 65 (1-2), 1967: 48-63.

163 Broms, Bengt. Eduskunnan ulkoasiainvaliokunta. Vertaileva valtiosadntooikeudellinen tutkimus (The Foreign Affairs Committee of the Finnish Parliament). Turku, Turun yliopisto, 1967, 446 pp. With an English summary. (Turun yliopiston julkaisuja - Annales Universitatis Turkuensis, C 4.)

164 Hidén, Mikael. "Puhuja ja puhemies - huomioita sanankäytön vapaudesta eduskunnassa" (Observations on Order and Freedom of Speech in the Finnish Parliament), Lakimies 65 (7), 1967: 816-831.

165 Kastari, Paavo. "Eduskunnan valiokunnat ja julkisuus" (The Committees of the Finnish Parliament and Publicity), Lakimies 66 (2-3), 1968: 249-260.

166 Lehto, Markku. Kansanedustajien aktiivisuus eduskuntatyossa vuoden 1961 valtiopdivilld (Activity of the Members of the Finnish Parliament in Parliamentary Work in the Diet of 1961). Turku, 1968, 37 pp., mimeo. (Turun yliopiston valtio-opin laitos. Tutkimuksia, G 8.)

167 Nyholm, Pekka and Carl Hagfors. Ryhmåyhtenåisyyden kehityksesta eduskunnassa 1930-1954 (On the Development of the Cohesion of Party Groups in the Finnish Parliament, 1930-1954). Helsinki, 1968, 34 pp., mimeo. (Helsingin yliopiston yleisen valtio-opin laitoksen tutkimuksia - Research Reports, Institute of Political Science, University of Helsinki, 14.)

168 Suomen kansanedustuslaitoksen historia (History of the Finnish Representative Assembly). Vol. 6. Eduskunnan aseman muuttuminen 1917-1919 (Change of the Position of the Finnish Parliament 1917-1919). By Sven Lindman. Helsinki, Valtion painatuskeskus, 1968, 442 pp.


169 Aareskjold3 Helen. "Stortingsrepresentantenes deltakelse i internasjonale organisasjoner: 1945-65" (Parliamentarians Participation in International Organizations: 1945-65), Paper presented at the Second Nordic Confe

rence in Political Science, Helsinki/
Jollas, August, 1968, Mimeo 26 pp.

170 Sal hus, Kjell. "Rekrutteringen av norske stortingsmenn: 1865-1965" (The Recruitment of Norwegian Parliamentarians: 1865-1965), Paper presented at the Second Nordic Conference in Political Science, Helsinki/ Jollas, August, 1968, Mimeo l Opp.


171 Gustafsson, Agne and Carlsson, Carl Gustai. "Anciennitetsprincipen och utskottsväsendet" (The Seniority Principle and the Committee System). Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift 71 (2), 1968: 139-146.

172 Nilsson, Göran B. "Konservatism i förvandling. Riddarhusoppositionens representationsförslag hösten 1865" (Conservatism in the Course of Transformation. The Representation Proposals of the Opposition in the House of the Nobility in the Autumn of 1865), Historisk tidskrift 30 (4), 1967: 433-447.

173 Ramstedt, Tolle. "Parlamentarisk beslutsordning och voteringsmetod" (Parliamentary methods of decision and voting), Svensk tidskrift 54 (2), 1967: 97-102.

174 Richardson, Gunnar. "1950 års enhetsskolebeslut — en politisk nebulösa" (The 1950 decision on comprehensive schools — a political nebula), Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift 70 (5), 1967: 369-394.

175 Sterzel, Fredrik. Inter parlamentariska unionen och svenska riksdagens interparlamentariska gruppe (The Interparliamentary Union and the Interparliamentary Group of the Swedish Parliament). Stockholm, Nordiska bokhandeln, 1967, 933 pp.



176 Eckhoff, Torstein. "The Sociology of Law in Scandinavia", pp. 21-50 in R. Treves & J. F. Glastra van Loon eds. Norms and Actions. The Hague, Nijhol, 1968.

177 Olsson, Henrik A. "Den germanska loguppfattninger och några svenska medeltidslagar" (The Germanic concept of law and some Swedish Medieval laws), Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift 70 (5), 1967: 448-475.

178 Troll e, J. "Den dömmende magt og retsudviklingen i Norge og Danmark" (The Judiciary and the Development of Law in Norway and Denmark), Tss. for Rettsvitenskap 1968: 3, 346-367.

Side 237



179 Spleth, P. og J. Trolle. "Danske domme 1966 af administrativ interesse". (Danish Court-Decisions in 1966 of Administrative Interest). Nordisk Administrativt Tidsskrift 48, 1967: 47-70.


180 Christie, Nils. "Rettsvesenet og dets klientel" (The Legal System and its Clients), pp. 405-444 in N. Ramsöy ed. Det norske samfunn. Oslo, Gyldendal, 1968.

181 Nissen, G., F. Hiorthöy & K. Gaarder. Den dömmende makt. Domstolene og rettsutviklingen 1814-1964 (The Judiciary. The Courts and Judicial Development 1814-1964). Oslo, Universitetsforlaget, 1967, 290 PP.

Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

182 Åda hl, Anders. Legalitet och rättssäkerhet i Sovjetunionen (Legality and legal security in the Soviet Union). Stockholm, Utrikespolitiska institutet, 1968, 21 pp. (Internationella studier) .



183 Nyheim, Jan Henrik. "Om enkelte ombudsmandsordninger [Norden]". (On Some Ombudsmansystems Scandinavia]), Økonomi og Politik 42 (2), 1968: 197-224.



184 Meyer, Poul. "Regeringsdannelsens teknik". (The Technique of Government Formation). Økonomi og Politik 41 (3), 1967: 284-307.

185 Sch ou, Peter. Parlamentarismen i Danmark. Indskrænket monarki eller folkestyre? Konge, ministerium og folketing. (Parliamentarism in Denmark; Limited Monarchy or Democracy? King, Cabinet, and Parliament). 3. rev. ed. Skive, Skive Folkeblads Bogtrykkeri, 1968, 58 pp.


186 Hidén, Mikael J. V. "Finland's Defenders of the Law", Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 377, May 1968: 31-40.

187 Hi den, Mikael. "Säätyin asiamiehestä oikeusasiamieheen. Lainvalvojaidean vaiheita ennen hallitusmuodon säätämistä" (From the Commissioner of the Estates to the Ombudsman), Tidskrift utg. av Juridiska föreningen i Finland 103 (4), 1967: 346-376.


188 Christophersen, Jens A. "The Making of Foreign Policy in Norway", Co-operation & Conflict 3(1), 1968: 52-74. Also printed in Norwegian: "Avgjørelsesprosessen i norsk utenrikspolitikk", Internasjonal Politikk 1968: 7, 662-700.

189 Torgresen, Ulf. "De politiske institusjonene (Political Institutions), pp. 229-262 in N. Ram søy: ed. Det norske samfunn. Oslo, Gyldendal, 1968.


190 Kirchheiner, H. H. "Af hensyn til mennesket. Den demokratiske baggrund for Rigsdagens ombudsmaninstitut" (Of respect to man. The democratic background to the parliamentan ombudsman institution), Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift 70 (4), 1967: 282-292.



191 Castberg, Frede. Naturrett og menneskerettigheter (The Law of Nature and Human Rights). Oslo, Universitetsforlaget, 1967, 93 pp.



192 Strömberg, Håkan. "Lagen och den politiska yttrandefriheten" (The law and freedom of expression in political matters), Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift 71 (3), 1968: 207-219.



Side 238


193 Petersen, Jørn Henrik. "Økonomiske reformer i Tjekkoslovakiet -baggrund og indhold". (Economic Reforms in Czechoslovakia — Background and Contents), Økonomi og Politik 42 (3), 1968: 303-325.


194 Dept. of Social Welfare Sosial trygghet i Norge (Social Welfare in Norway). Oslo, Universitetsforlaget, 1967, 381

195 Lund, O. Folketrygden (Norwegian
Social Security). Oslo, Tanum, 1967,
408 pp.

196 Salvesen, Kaare. Social Legislation in
Norway. Oslo, Tanum, 1967, 70 pp.

197 Seierstad, Ståle. "Norsk okonomi" (Norwegian Economics), pp. 92-129 in N. Ramsoy ed. Det norske samfunn. Oslo, Gyldendal, 1968.

198 österberg, Dag. "Om rettferdiggjörelse av inntektsforskjeller" (On the Justification for Wage Inequality), 8 (1), 1967: 1-19.


199 Lindeberg, Sven-Ola. Nodhjålp och samhållsneutoalitet. Svensk arbetsloshetspolitik 1990-1923. (Emergency Aid and State Neutrality. Swedish Unemployment Politics 1920-1923). Diss. Lund, Uniskol (Scandinavian University Books), 1968, 432 pp. With an English summary. (Lund political studies, 9.)

200 Mundebo, Ingemar. Social administration (Social administration). 2nd rev. and enlarged ed. Stockholm, Natur o. kultur, 1967, 197 pp.

201 Rosenthai, Albert H. The social programs of Sweden. A search for security in a free society. Minneapolis, Univ. of Minnesota press, 1967, 193 pp.

United States of America

202 Lindmarker, Ingmar. Lyndon Johnson's 'Great Society' i kris (Lyndon Johnson's 'Great Society in crisis). Publ. by Utrikespolitiska institutet. Stockholm, Råben & Sjogren, 1967, 63 pp. (Varldspolitikens dagsfrågor 1967: 10-11.)




203 Eckhoff, Torstein. "The Mediator, the Judge and the Administrator in Conflict Resolution", Acta Sociologica 10 (1-2), 1967: 148-72.

204 Kihlberg, Mats. U-landsbyråkrati och biståndsarbete (The bureaucracy of the developing countries and aid programs). Stockholm, Prisma, 1968, 98 pp.

205 Kontaktmandsseminar. Arrangeret af Nordisk Råd. Hindsgavl, den 19.-21. september 1966. (Seminar for 'liaison officials'. On Nordic administrative cooperation), Stockholm, Nordisk Udredningsserie 1966: 6, Nordisk Råd, 1967, 73 pp.

206 Merikoski, V. "Basic Problems of University Administration", International Review of Administrative Science 33 (1), 1967: 17-30.

207 Merikoski, V. Hallinnon politisoituminen (Politicization of Administration). Porvoo — Helsinki, Werner Söderström Osakeyhtiö, 1968, 144 pp.

208 Molin, Björn. "Analys av administrativa beslut" (Analysis of administrative decisions), Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift 70 (l i, 1967: 37-52.

209 Moren, Jorolv. "Organization Theories and the Study of Boards, Councils and Commissions in Public Administration", Acta Sociologica 11 (1-2), 1968: 63-81.

210 Myrdal, Gunnar. "Den 'mjuka staten' i underutvecklade länder" (The 'Soft State' in Underdeveloped Countries), Nordisk administrativt tidskrift 49 (4), 1968: 259-274.

211 Oisen, Johan P. "Informasjon og innflytelse" (Information and Influence), Tss. for Sa.mfunnsforskning 9 (3), 1968: 187-207.

212 Schmidt, Erik Ib. "Det möderne samfunds krav til den offentlige forvaltning". (Demands of the Modern Society on the; Public Planning), Nordisk Administrativt Tidsskrift 49, 1968: 1-18.

213 Schmidt, Erik Ib. Offentlig administration og planlægning (Public Administration and Planning), København, Gyldendal, 1968, 125 pp.



214 Christensen, Bent. Offentlig administration og folkestyre (Public Administration and Democracy), København, Munksgaard, 1968, 91 pp.

215 Koch, Ejler. "Administration og administrationjireformer"
(The Admin

Side 239

istration and Reforms of the Administration),
Juristen 49, 1967: F 186-194.

216 Schmidt, Erik Ib. "Statsfinanserne og planlægningen" (The Public Finances and Planning), Nationaløkonomisk Tidsskrift 105, 1967: 126-145.


217 Rytköl ä, Olavi. Puolustushallinto (Finnish Defence Administration), Helsinki, Suomen Lakimiesliiton Kusetannus Oy., 1967, 203 pp. (Suomalaisen lakimiesyhdistyksen julkaisuja, B 132.)

218 Sipponen, Kauko. Päätöksenteko kansanvallassa (Decision Making in a Democracy), Helsinki, Suomen ylioppilaskuntien liitto, 1967, 238 pp.


219 Frihagen, Arvid. Forvaltningsloven
(Administrative Law), Oslo, Universitetsforlaget,
1967, 347 pp.

220 Frihagen, Arvid. Lcerebok i forvaltningsrett Del I (Textbook in Administrative Law, Part I.), Oslo, Universitetsforlaget, 1967, 224 pp.

221 H egna, Trond. Nytt og bedre skattesystem?
(A New and Better Taxation
Policy), Oslo, Tiden, 1968, 76 pp.

222 Mathiesen, Per. "Klientmodeller og avgjørelsesform i et distriktstiltak" (Client Models and Types of Decisions in a Regional Project), Tss. for Samfunnsforskning 8 (1), 1967: 45-64.


223 Vinde, Pierre. Hur Sverige styres (How
Sweden is governed), Stockholm,
Prisma, 1968, 220 pp.

224 Åkerman, Sune. "Bevillningsadministrationen 1810-1812" The administration of revenue 1810—1812), Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift 70 (2-3), 1967: 140-209.




225 Merikoski, V. "Poliittiset virkanimitykset ja hallinnon tehokkuus" (Partisanship in Selecting Administrative Personnel and Effectiveness of Administration), Lakimies 65 (6), 1967: 697-712.


226 Christensen, Bent. "Højere administrative tjenestemænds foruddannelse" (The Pre-Training of the Higher Civil Servants), Nordisk Administrativt Tidsskrift 48, 1967: 389-437.


227 Lähteenmäki, Marja. "Suomalaisen diplomaatin ura" (The Career of the Finnish Diplomatist), Politiikka 9 (4), 1967: 146-155.

228 Merikoski, V. "USA:n virkanimitysjärjestelmän kehitysvaiheita" (On the Development of the American System of Appointments to the Administrative Posts), Lakimies 65 (1-2), 1967: 181-189.

229 Paasivirta, Juhani. Suomen diplomaattiedustus ja ulkopolitiikan hoito itsenäistymisestä talvisotaan (The Diplomatic Missions and Conduct of Foreign Affairs of Finland from the Beginning of the Independence to the Russo-Finnish War of 1939-1940). Porvoo, Werner Söderström Osakeyhtio, 1968, 306 pp.

Great Britain

230 Vinde, Pierre. "Reform av den brittiska statsförvaltningen" (Reform of the British civil service), Forvaltningsratslig tidskrift 31 (6), 1968: 279-286.


231 Donjem, H., J. Hovden &T. Gran. " Rekrutteringen til norske departementer: 1914-65" (Recruitment to Norwegian Ministries: 1914-1965), Paper presented at the Second Nordic Conference in Political Science, Helsinki/Jollas, Jollas, August, 1968, Mimeo 17pp.

232 Handegaard, Odd. "Ekspertenes funksjon i det offentlige administrasjon (1)" (The Function of Experts in Public Administration - 1 -), Paper presented at the Second Nordic Conference in Political Science, Helsinki/ Jollas, August, 1968, Mimeo 38 pp.

233 Mydske, Per. "Den regionale planekspertise i Norge" (Regional Planning Experts in Norway), Paper presented at the Second Nordic Conference in Political Science, Helsinki/ Jollas, August, 1968, Mimeo 14 pp.


234 Vinde, Pierre. The Swedish Civil Service.
An Introduction, Stockholm,

Side 240

Finansdepartementet (Nordiska bokhandeln),
1967, 30pp.



235 Backman, Lars-Otto. "Den kommunala kompetensen" (The Powers of the Communal Administration), Tidskrift utg. av Juridiska föreningen i Finland 104 (5), 1968: 411-458.

236 Ry t kola, Olavi. "Den kommunala självstyrelseprincipen" (The Principle of the Communal Self-Government), Förvaltningsrättslig tidskrift 31 (3), 1968: 211-224.

237 Ryt kola, Olavi. "Kunnallisen itsehallinnon periaate ja sen soveltaminen Pohjoismaissa" (The Principle of the Communal Self-Goverment and Its Application in the Nordic Countries), Maalaiskunta 47 (15), 1968: 968-9 7 j.



238 Asmussen, Ole. "Tanker om funktions og udgiftsdeling mellem stat og kommune" (Thoughts on the Distribution of Functions and Expenditures among the National Government and the local Governments), Økonomi og Politik 41 (1), 1967: 81-95.

239 Tjørnehøj, Erik. "De offentlige opgavers fordeling mellem staten og kommunerne" (The distribution of Public Activities between the Central Administration and the Local Governments), Økonomi og Politik 40 (4), 1966:439-454.


240 Asp, Erkki and Voitto Helander. Turun ja Porin läänin maalaiskuntien kannanotot kuntauudistussuunnitelmiin (Attitudes of the Rural Communes in the Province of Turku and Pori Towards Plans for Communal Reform). Turku, 1968, 22 pp., mimeo. (Turun yliopiston valtio-opin laitos. Tutkimuksia, C 6.)

241 .Helander, Voitto. Kaupunginvaltuutetut kunnallisen aloiteoikeuden käyttäjinä Turussa (The Members of the Turku City Council as Users of the Communal Right of Initiative). Turku, 1968, 25 pp., mimeo. (Turun yliopiston valtio-opin laitos. Tutkimuksia, C 7.)

242 Kurkela, Matti. Määräenemmistöt ja
määråvähemmistöt Tampereen kau

punginvaltunstossa (The Qualified Majorities and Minorities in the City Council of Tampere). Tampere, 1967, 34 pp., mimeo. (Tampereen yliopisto, Politiikan tutkimuksen laitos, Tuskimuksia - University of Tampere, Institute of Political Science, Research Reports, 3.)

243 Local Selj-Covernment and Municipal Law in Finland. Ed. by Suomen Maalaiskuntien Liitto - The Finnish Association of Rural Municipalities, Helsinki, Suomen Maalaiskuntien Liitto, 1968:, 79 pp.


244 Engh, A. ed. Kommunalkunnskap I-IV (Local Community Politics Vol. IIV), Oslo, Tiden, 1968. Includes: Vol. I. Arnljot Engh Kommunal forvaltning (Local Administration), 196 pp. Vol. 11. Karl Torgersen Skattene (Taxes), 216 pp. Vol. 111. Odd Hansson & Einar Tofte Planlegging og utbygging (Planning and Expansion), 225 pp. Vol. IV. Hans Cappelen & Audun E r v i k Sosiale oppgaver (Problems of Social Welfare), 206 pp.

245 Hjellum, Torstein. "The Politicization of Local Government: Rates of Change, Conditioning Factors, Effects on Political Culture", pp. 69-93, in Pertti Pesonen ed. Scandinavian Political Studies Vol. 11, Helsinki, Academic Bookstore, 1967.

246 Kjellberg, Francesco. "Kommunalforskning — perspektiv og muligheter" (Local Community Studies - Approaches and Possibilities), Tss. for Samfunnsforskning 8 (2-3), 1967: 219-231.

247 Kjellberg, Francesco & Johan P. Olsen. "Det kommunale selvstyre" (Local Self-Government), Tss. for Samfunnsforskning 9 (1), 1968: 1-18.

248 Olsen, Johan P. "En studie av budsjetteringsprocessen i en norsk primærkommune" (A Study of the Budjetting Process in a Norwegian City), Paper presented at the Second Nordic Conference in Political Science, Helsinki/Jollas, Jollas, August, 1968, Mimeo 24pp.


249 Albinsson, Gillis and Eländer, Kurt. Våra landsting (Our County Councils), Stockholm, Liber, 1968, 188 pp.

250 Calmfors, Hans. Local Self-Government
in Stockholm, Stockholm, Stockholms
stadshus, 1967, 28 pp.

Side 241

251 Gustafsson, Agne. "Länsdemokrati"
(Province democracy), Tiden 60
(10), 1968: 620-627.

252 Ku bu, Mert. Det politiska spelet i Stadshuset (The political game in City Hall), Stockholm, Almqvist & Wicksell, 1968, 27 pp.

253 Nilsson, Göran B. Självstyrelsen problematik. Undersökningar i svensk landstingshistoria 1839-1928 (The problems of self-government. Investigations of the history of Swedish County Councils 1839-1928). Diss. Stockholm, Svenska bokförlaget (Scandinavian university books), 1967, 56 pp. + 4 essays. (Studia historica Uppsaliensia, 25.)

254 Sköld, Per Edvin, Sköld, Lars and de la Mötte, Tage. Kommunalkunskap. Jämförande översikt av den kommunala förvaltningen i Sverige (Local Government. A Comparative Survey of Local Administration in Sweden), 17th rev. ed., Stockholm, Tiden, 1967, 276 pp.

255 Wergenius, Torsten. "Heltidssysselsatta förtroendemän" (Full-time employed representatives), Kommunal tidskrift l (18), 1968: 661-670.

256 Wes ter ståhl, Jörgen. "Swedish Local Government Research", Scandinavian Political Studies 2, 1967: 276-280.




257 Carlbom, Terry. "Makt och inflytande. Bidrag till en begreppsapparat" (Power and influence. Contributions to a conceptual scheme), Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift 70 (4), 1967: 273-281.

258 Nilson, Sten Sparre. "Økonomiske og politiske beslutnings-sekvenser" (Economic and Political Sequences of Decisions), Økonomi og Politik 42 (3), 1968: 326-342.

259 Rainio, Kullervo. Välta ja vallan käyttö. S osiaalipsy kolo ginen tarkastelu (Power and Exercise of Power: A Social Psychological Study), Porvoo Werner Söderström Osakeyhtiö, 1968, 269 pp.

260 Rokkan, Stein. "The Structuring of Mass Politics in the Smaller European Democracies: A Developmental Approach", pp. 26-65 in Otto Stammer ed. Party Systems, Party Organizations and the Politics of New Masses. Berlin, Institut fiir politische Wissenschaft, 1968.

261 Tarkiainen, Kari. "Kehitysmaiden kumousliikkeet ja teollisuusmaiden uusi vasemmisto" (Revolutionary Movements in the Developing Countries and the New Left of the Industrialized Countries), Valvoja 88 (2), 1968: 63-72.

262 Vanhanen, Tatu. Poulueet ja pluralismi. Tutkimus poliittisen ja sosiaalisen pluralismin riippuvuuksista kymmenessä Kansainyhteisön jäsenmaassa (Parties and Pluralism. A Study of the Correlation Between Political and Social Pluralism in Ten Member Countries of the Commonwealth). Diss. Porvoo-Helsinki, Werner Söderström Osakeyhtiö, 1968, 331 pp. (Politiikan tutkimuksia, 8.) CR: K. Törnudd, Politiikka 10 (4), 1968: 172-176.


263 Back, Pär-Erik. Sammanslutningarnas roll i politikken 1870-1910 (The political role of voluntary associations in Sweden 1870-1910), Lund, Student litteratur, 1967, 247 pp. With a summary in English.

264 Fladby, Rolf. "Bønder og embetsmenn i lokalstyringen etter 1837" (Farmers and Royal Officials in Local Administration after 1837), Historisk Tss. 46 (1), 1967: 21-54.

265 Huuska, Väinö. Etujärjestöjen painostuspolitiikka Suomessa (The Pressure Politics of Finnish Interest Groups). Diss., Tampere. Porvoo Werner Söderström Osakeyhtiö, 1968, 251 pp. With an English summary. (Politiikan tutkimuksia, 9.) CR: P. Pesonen, Politiikka 10 (3), 1968: 11-114.

266 Jonéus, Lennart. "Föreningen Tekniska Samhällehjälpen" (The Technical Community Aid Association), Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift 70 (5), 1967: 416-447.

267 Nilsson, Macke. Ombuds - Sverige
(Sweden - country of representatives),
Stockholm, Prisma, 1968, 199 pp.

268 Westerhu 11, 80. "Om studiet av påtryckningsgrupper" (On the study of pressure groups), Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift 70 (2-3), 1967: 123-139.


269 Dorf man, H. Labor Relations in Norway,
Oslo, Tanum, 1967, 148 pp.

270 Hansen, Svend, K. Francis Madsen, and Ole Malmqvist, eds. "Strejker eller voldgift" (Strikes or Arbitration), København, Det danske Forlag, 1968, 143 pp.

Side 242

271 Lysgaard, Sverre. Arbeiderkollektivet
(The Workers' Collective), Oslo, Universitetsforlaget,
1967, 256 pp.

272 Schiller, Bernt. Storstrejken 1909. Förhistoria och orsaker (The general strike of 1909. Prehistory and causes). Diss. Göteborg, Akademiförlaget (Scandinavian university books), 1967, 301 pp. (Studia historica Gothoburgensia, 9.)


273 Hy dén, Göran. TAN U yajenga nchi. Political development in rural Tanzania.) ) Diss. Lund, Uniskol (Scandinavian university books), 1968, 282 pp. (Lund political studies 8.)


274 Alvfors, Karl-Gösta. "1927 års målmartal"
(The 1927 ore treaty), ScandiaM,
1967: 345-398.

275 B art h, Fredrik ed. The Role of the Entrepreneur in Social Change in Northern Norway, Oslo, Universitetsforlaget, 1967, pp.

276 Enerstvedt, Regi. Toppskiktet i næringslivet" (Industrial and Business Elites), Tss. for Samfunnsforskning 8 (4), 1967: 269-91.


277 Amber g, Teddy. Revolutionära rörelser i USA (Revolutionary Movements in the U.S.), Stockholm, Prisma, 1968, 196 pp.

278 Johansson, Sten. "Socialdemokratins roll i samhällsstrukturen" (The role of social democracy in the social structure), Tiden 60 (3), 1968: 144-152.

279 Kleberg, Olof. Tjeckoslovakien. Experiment i demokrati och socialism (Czechoslovakia. An experiment in democracy and socialism). Publ. by Utrikespolitiska institutet, Stockholm, Rabén & Sjögren, 1968, 32 pp. (Världspolitikens dagsfrågor 1968: 10.)


280 Munthe, L. "U-landa og misjonen' (The Under-developed Areas and the Church), Internasjonal Politikk 1967: 3, 279-88.

281 Pesonen, Pertti. "Kirkon ja valtion keskinäisten suhteiden kehistyspirteitä" (Features of the Development of the Relations Between the Church and the State), pp. 163-171 in: Pöytäkirja Tampereen hiippakunnan papiston lakimääräisessä pappeinkouksessa Tampereella lokakuun 17-19 päivinä 1967 sekä liitteet. Tampere, 1968,

190 pp. Reprinted in: Tampereen
yliopisto, Politiikan tutkimuksen laitos,
Tutkielmia, 7.




282 Tandberg, Olof G. Brun mans Afrika
(Brown Man's Africa), Stockholm,
Natur och kultur, 1968, 207 pp.


283 Nelleman, George. "Den polske indvandring til Lolland-Falster" (The Polish Immigration to Lolland-Falster), Summary in English and Polish, Lolland-Falsters Historiske Samfunds Årbog, 1967.


284 Gadolin, Axel von. "Die schwedische
Volksgruppe in Finnland", Europa
ethnica 25 (1), 1968: 2-12.

285 Hämäläinen, Pekka Kalevi. Kielitaistelu Suomessa 1917-1939 (The Language Feud in Finland, 1917-1939). Porvoo-Helsinki, Werner Söderström Osakeyhtiö, 1968, 299 pp. CR: K. Pipping, Sosiologia 6 (2), 1969: 103-105.


286 Hirsti, Reidar. En samisk utfordring
(The Challenge of the Lapps). Oslo,
Pax, 1967, 70 pp.

287 Hoem, Anton, "Samer, skole og samfunn" (The Lapps, School and Society), Tss. for Samfunnsforskning 9 (1), 1968: 27-41.

United States of America

288 Lantz, Ragni M. Svart och vitt. USA's fortsatta dilemma (Black and White. The continuous dilemma of the U.S.). Publ. by Utrikespolitiska institutet, Stockholm, Rabén & Sjögren, 1968, 36 pp. (Världspolitikens dagsfrågor 1968: 2.)



289 Lipset, S. M. &S. Rokkan eds. Party
Systems and Voter Alignments. Glencoe,
Free Press, 1967, 554 pp.

Side 243

290 Moberg, Erik. "Partimodeller och beslutsanalys - en replik" (Party models and decision analysis - a reply), Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift 71 (3), 1968: 220-237.

291 Sjöblom, Gunnar. "Analysis of party
behavior" Scandinavian political studies
2, 1967: 203-222.

292 Sjöblom, Gunnar. "Partimodeller och beslutsanalys" (Party models and the analysis of decisions), Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift 70 (4), 1967: 293-317.

293 Sjöblom, Gunnar. Party strategies in a multiparty system. Diss. Lund, Studentlitteratur, 1968, 293 pp. (Lund political studies, 7.)

294 Sjöblom, Gunnar. "Replik på Mobergs replik" (Reply to Moberg's reply), Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift 7 (3), 1968: 238-248.

295 Sjöblom, Gunnar. "Studiet av partipropaganda" (The study of party propaganda), Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift 70 (2-3), 1967: 85-122.

296 Särl vik, 80. "Partibyten som mått på avstånd och dimensioner i partisystemet" (Party change as a measurement of distance and dimensions in the party system), Sociologisk forskning 5(1), 1968: 35-82.



297 Hartman, Carl Arne. Österrikes politiska partier 1918-1966 (Political Parties in Austria, 1918-1966). Ekenäs, Ekenäs Tryckeri Aktiebolags Förlag, 1968, 102 pp.

298 An eka r, Dag. "Utrikespolitiken i partiprogrammen" (Foreign Policy in the Finnish Party Programmes), Finsk tidskrift 183-184 (10), 1968: 455-466.

299 Hakalehto, Ilkka. "Suomen kommunistisen poulueen kriisi 1928-30" (Crisis of the Finnish Communist Party, 1928-30), pp. 225-240 in: Oman ajan historia ja politiikan tutkimus. Helsinki, Kustannusosakeyhtiö Otava, 1967, 259 pp.

300 Hodgson, John H. "The Finnish Communist Party and Neutrality", Government and Opposition 2 (2), Jan. 1967: 269-287.

301 Kuittinen, Pertti. SKDL:n eduskuntaryhmä puolueen hallitus- ja oppositiokaudella (The Parliamentary Group of the Finnish People's Democratic League). Tampere, 1968, 22 pp., mimeo. (Tampereen yliopisto, Politiikan tutkimuksen laitos, Tutkimuksia — University of Tampere, Institute of Political Science, Research Reports, 8.)


302 Dahl, Ottar. "Høyre og regjeringsdannelsen i 1893" (The Conservative Party and the Formation of the Government in 1893), Historisk Tss. 46 (3-4), 1967: 250-300.

303 Hjell um, Torstein. Partiene i lokalpolitikken (The Political Parties in Local Politics), Oslo, Gyldendal, 1967, 105 pp. Reviewed by: Francesco Kjellberg, Tss. for Samfunnsforskning 8 (2-3), 1967: 159-60.

304 Nyheim, Jan Henrik. "Norway: The Co-operation of Four Parties", pp. 257-262 in Pertti Pesonen ed. Scandinavian Political Studies Vol. 11, Helsinki, Academic Bookstore, 1967.

305 Tor ger sen, Ulf. "The Formation of Parties in Norway: The Formation of Right-Left Differences", pp. 43-67 in Pertti Pesonen ed. Scandinavian Political Studies Vol. 11. Helsinki, Academic Bookstore, 1967.

306 Valen, Henry. "Party Membership in Norway", Paper presented at the Second Nordic Conference in Political Science, Helsinki/Jollas, August, 1968, Mimeo 34 pp.

307 Valen, Henry. Political Parties in Norway.
Oslo, Universitetsforlaget, 1967,
383 pp.


308 Andrén, Nils ed. Parti och politik
(Party and Politics), Stockholm, Liber
(Tema), 1968, 207 pp.

309 Back, Pär-Erik. Det svenska partiväsendet (The Swedish Party System). Stockholm, Almqvist & Wicksell, 1967, 154 pp.

310 Hedlund, Gunnar and Jonnergård, Gustaf. Politiska alternativ (Political alternatives). Stockholm, LT, 1968, 159 pp.

311 Schiller, Bernt. "Socialdemokratiska omröstningar 1901-1907. Några korrelationsanalyser" (Social democratic votes 1901-1907. Some correlation analyses), Scandia 33, 1967: 197-216.

312 Sparring, Åke. Från Höglund till Hermansson. Om revisionismen i Sveriges kommunistiska parti (From Höglund to Hermansson. On revisionism in the Swedish Communist Party). Stockholm, Bonnier, 1967, 191 pp.

313 Stjernquist, Nils. "Sweden: Stability or deadlock?" pp. 116-146 in: Dahl, Robert A., ed. Political Oppositions in Western Democracies. 3rd printing. New Haven & London, Yale univ. press, 1968, 458 pp.

Side 244

314 Stjern quist, Nils and Bjurulf, 80. "Partisammanhållning och partisamarbete" (Party cohesion and party cooperation), Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift 71 (4), 1968: 335-405.

315 Sårlvik, 80. "Party politics and electoral opinion formation: a study of issues in Swedish politics 1956-1960", Scandinavian political studies 2, 1967: 167-202.

316 Waldemarsson, Axel. Kampen om regeringsmakten (The struggle for governmental power). Stockholm, Norstedt, 1968, 137 pp.


317 Rudebeck, Lars. Party and People. A study of political change in Tunisia. Diss. Stockholm, Almqvist & Wicksell, 1967, 275 pp. (Skrifter afgivna av Statsvetenskapliga foreningen i Uppsala, 48.)


318 Nord, Lars. Partiet och staten i Jugoslavien (The Party and the State in Yugoslavia). Stockholm, Utrikespolitiska institutet, 1968, 27 pp. (Internationella studier).



319 All ardt, Erik. Past and Emerging Political Cleavages. Helsinki, 1968, 13 pp., mimeo. (Helsingin yliopiston sosiologian laitoksen tutkimuksia — Research Reports, Institute of Sociology, University of (Helsinki, 98.)

320 Allardt, Erik. "Studenter och politik i sociologiskt perspektiv" (Students and Politics in Sociological Perspective), Nordisk forum 3 (5-6), 1968: 337-345.

321 Allardt, Erik and R. F. Tomasson. "Stability and Strains in Scandinavian Student Politics", Daedalus 97 (1), Winter 1968: 156-165.

322 Koskinen, Tarmo. Yhdyskunnan sosiaalinen muutos jo poliittinen aktiivisuus (Social Change in the Comrnunity and Political Activity). Tampere, 1968, 36 pp., mimeo. (Tampereen yliopisto, Politiikan tutkimuksen laitos, Tutkimuksia - University of Tampere, Institute of Political Science, Research Reports, 6.)

323 Martikainen, Tuomo. Poliittinen aktiivisuus. Rakenteen ja selitystekijoiden perusulottuvuudet (Political Activity: The Basic Dimensions of Its Structure and the Explanatory Fac

tors). Helsinki, 1967, 87 pp., mimeo. (Helsingin yliopiston yleisen valtioopin laitokseri tutkimuksia - Research Reports, Institute of Political Science, University of Helsinki, 12.)

324 Ran tala, Onni. "Poliittiset alueet, niiden tausta ja tutkiminen" (Political Regions, Their Background and the Study of Them), pp. 115-134 in: Oman ajan historia ja politiikan tutkimus. Helsinki, Kustannusosakeyhtiö Otava, 1967, 259 pp.

325 Ruusala, Raili. Vasemmiston naisjärjestöjen tauoitteet ja toimintamenetelmät (The Aims and Methods of Activity of the Women's Organizations of the Left). Ta.mpere, 1967, 94 pp., mimeo. (Tampereen yliopisto, Politiikan tutkimuksen laitos, Tutkimuksia - University of Tampere, Institute of Political Science, Research Reports, 4.)

326 Sundquist, Ulf. "Studentrevolten i Europa" (Student Revolts in Europe), Nordisk forum 3 (5-6), 1968: 329-336.

327 Sånkiaho, Risto. Puolueiden alueellinen kannatus Uudenmaan Iddnisså (Regional Distribution of Party Support in the Province of Uusimaa). Diss. Helsinki, Finska Vetenskaps-Societeten, 1968, 186 pp. (Bidrag till kånnedom av Finlands natur och folk, 111.)

328 Tiihonen, Pertti. Puoluekannattomuudesta ja puoluekannan ennustamisesta (On Non-Partisanship and Prediction of Party Preference). Tampere, 1968, 42 pp., mimeo. (Tampereen yliopisto, Politiikan tutkimuksen laitos, Tutkimuksia - Research Reports, Institute of Political Science, University of Tampere, 7.)


329 Al vik, Trond. "The Development of Views on Conflict, War and Peace Among School Children", Journal of Peace Research 5 (2), 1968: 171-195.

330 Brändström, Dan. "Rekryteringsvägarna till Kristen Demokratisk Samling (KDS); Västerbottens län" (The recruitment routes of the 'Christian Democratic Union' (KDS) in Västerbotten province'), Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift 70 (4), 1967: 318-340.

331 Book, Ingmar. "Kandidat Dahlbom: aspekter på studentaktivistens politiska socialisation" (Aspects of the Political Socialisation of the Student Activist), Sociologisk forskning 5 (3), 1968: 191-209.

Side 245

332 Høgh, Erik. "Meningspåvirkning og politiske opinionsledere". (Opinion Formation and Political Opinion Leaders), Økonomi og Politik 41 (2), 1967: 195-208.

333 Lumsden, Malvern. "Social Position and Cognitive Style in Strategic Thinking", Journal of Peace Research 4 (3), 1967, 289-304.

334 Martinussen, Willy. "Politisk oppmerksomhet og sosial bakgrunn" (Political Consciousness and Social Background), Tss. for Samfunnsforskning 9 (4), 1968: 253-74.

335 Nordenstreng, Kaarle and Anna Nurminen. "Suuri vaalikeskustelu puolueiden silmin" (Active Party Members' Perception of the Participants in the Finnish Pre-election TV and Radio Panel Discussion), Politiikka 10 (1), 1968: 1-17.

336 Palme, Thomas. "Riksdagsmännens attityder till resursf or delingen" (The attitudes of members of parliament to the allocation of resources), Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift 71 (1), 1968: 1-24.

337 Siverts, Henning. "Om kulturkontakt og politisk entreprise i Sör-Meksiko" (Concerning Cultural Contact and Political Activity in Sou them Mexico), Tss. for Samfunnsforskning 9 (2), 1968: 131-67.

338 Vuori, Hannu. "Suhtautuminen sairausvakuutukseen" (Attitudes Towards Compulsory Health Insurance), Politiikka 9 (4), 1967: 133-145.


339 Alla rdt, Erik. "Päätöksiä tekevistä eliiteistä ja käskyvallan legitiimisyydestä" (On Decision Making Elites and the Legitimacy of Authority), Sosiologia 4 (3), 1967: 105-110.

340 Blomstedt, Yrjö. "Lakimiehet ja poliittinen välta itsenäisessä Suomessa" (Lawyers and Political Power in Finland During the Independence), Lakimies 65 (8), 1967: 911-939.

341 Burgess, Philip. Elite Images and Foreign Policy Outcomes. A Study of Norway. Ohio, The Ohio State University Press, 1967, 170 pp. Reviewed by: Barbara H ask el. "A Mirror for Princes: Elite Images", Co-operation & Conflict 3 (4), 1968: 240-246.

342 Dahlström, Edmund. "Maktstruktur och social kontroll" (Power Structure and Social Control)} Sociologisk forskning 5 (1), 1968: 1-26.

343 Granqvist, »Hans. Kinesiska toppfigurer (Men at the top in China). Publ. by Utrikespolitiska institutet. Stockholm, Rabén & Sjögren, 1967, 31 pp.

(Världspolitikens dagsfrågan, 1967:

344 Hveem, Helge. "Foreign Policy Thinking in the Elite and the General Population", Journal of Peace Research 5 (2), 1968: 146-170.

345 Krekola, Antero. "Sotilaseliitti Suomessa"
(Military Elite in Finland),
Politiikka 10 (1), 1968: 18-25.

346 Rudie, Ingrid. "Modernisreing, verdidebatt og lokalt lederskap" (Modernization, the discussion of Values and Local Leadership),Tss. for Samfunnsforskning 9 (2), 1968: 89-102.



347 Tor svik, Per. ed. l Scandinavian Political
Studies Vol. 111. Oslo, Universitetsforlaget,
1968, 282 pp.


348 Konradsen,H.B. "Forsvarte ide politiske partiers valgmateriale". (The Defence in the Election propaganda material of the Political Parties.) Militært Tidskrift 97, 1968: 126-140.


349 Aagaard, Frode. De Bergske blade.
(The "Bergske" Dailies). København,
De Bergske blade, 1967, 191 pp.

350 Anderberg, Folke. "Upplagespiralen - en realitet" (The espiral of circulation - a reality), Tiden 60 (5), 1968: 295-300.

351 Blomqvist, Lärs-Erik. "Sovjets press om Kina" (The Soviet press on China), Kommentar l (8), 1968: 17-19.

352 Furhoff, Lars and Nilsson, Lennart. "Utländskt nyhetsmaterial i svenska och utlandska prestigetidningar" (Foreign news material in Swedish and foreign prestigious newspapers), Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift 71 (2), 1968: 83-108.

353 Gahrton, Per. "Palestinakonflikten i pressen — en analys av ledarkommentarer i Malmö — och Stockholmstidningarna" (The Palestine conflict in the press — an analysis of the retitorial comments in the Malmö and Stockholm newspapers), Liberal de batt 20 (5), 1967: 2-9.

354 Haaland, Arild. Rottefangeren fri.
Gutenberg (The Pied Piper of Gutenberg).
Oslo, Pax, 1968, 123 pp.

Side 246

355 Hadenios, Stig. "Upplagespiraler och den socialdemokratiska pressen" (The spiral of circulation and the social democratic press), Tiden 60 (2), 1968: 81-84.

356 Jan sen, Torben 80. Massekommunikationsmidler i Danmark. (Mass Communication Media in Denmark), København, Jørgen Paludan, 1967, 132 pp.

357 Jyränki, Antero. Valtionvalvonta ja sananuapaus yleisradiotoiminnassa. Julkisoikeudellinen tutkimus (State Control and Freedom of Speech in Broadcasting. A Study in Public Law). Tampere, 1968, 234 pp., mimeo. (Tampereen yliopisto. Oikeustieteen laitoksen monistesarja, 3.)

358 Kaasalainen, Tuomas. Puolueiden johtohenkilöt päivälehtien sivuilla (The Images of the Party Leaders as Reflected by the Finnish Press). Tampere, 1968, 40 pp., mimeo. (Tampereen yliopisto, Politiikan tutkimuksen laitos, Tutkimuksia - Research Reports, Institute of Political Science, University of Tampere, 5.)

359 Kjær-Hansen, Ulf. "De danske dagblades oplagsudvikling i 1966". (Trends in the Circulation of Danish Dailies in 1966), Markedsøkonomi 1, 1967: 209-218.

360 Kj ær-H ans en, Ulf. "Det danske dagbladssalgs fordeling mellem 1965 og 1966" (The Distribution of the Sale of Danish Newspapers in 1965 and 1966), Markedsøkonomi l, 1967: 54-62.

361 Kj ær-Hansen, Ulf. "Forsøg på status over den nordiske presseforskning" (A preliminary survey of the state of Nordic Press Research), Markedsøkonomi 2, 1968: 45-51.

362 Høyer, Svennik. "The Political Economy of the Norwegian Press", Scandinavian Political Studies Vol. 111, Oslo, Universitetsforlaget, 1968.

363 Spure Nielsen, Henning. Dansk, norsk og svensk presses indhold af nordisk stof (The Coverage of Nordic Affairs by the Danish, Norwegian and Swedish Press). Stockholm Nordisk Udredningsserie 1967: 6, Nordisk Råd, 1967, 90 pp.

364 Pressehistorisk Årbog 5 og 6 (Yearbook of Press History 5 and 6.) København, Dansk Pressehistorisk Selskab, 1967 og 1968, 184 pp.

365 Thomsen, Niels. "Pressen 1966-67"
(The Press 1966-67). Pressehistorisk
Årbog 76, 1967: 125-42.

366 Thor én, Stig. "The Flow of Foreign Wire Service News into Sweden", Cooperation and Conflict 3 (3), 1968: 198-209.

367 Thorsen, Svend. "Rundskue på dags-

pressen selv" (An Overview of the
Daily Press), Pi•essehistorisk Årbog,
1967: 105-113.

368 To r svi k, Per. "Massemedia" (Mass Media), pp. 340-376 in N. Ramsøy ed. Det norske samfunn, Oslo, Gyldendal, 1968.

369 Torsvik, Per. Valgkampen i j jernsyn og radio (The Election Campaign on Radio and Television), Oslo, Universitetsforlaget, 1967, 56 pp.

370 Torsvik, Per. "Valgkampen i fjernsyn og radio i 1965" (The Election Campaign on Television and Radio in 1965), Tss. for Samfunnsforskning 8 (2-3), 1967: 143-162.

371 Troll e, I. "Dansk Pressenævns virke" (The Activities of the Danish Press Board), Pressehistorisk Årbog, 1967: 115-123.

372 Vallinder, Torbjörn. Press och politik
(Press and Politics), Lund, Gleerup,
1968, 170 pp.



373 Rokkan, S. "Electoral Systems", pp. 6-21 in International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences Vol. 5, New York, Macmillan/Free Press, 1968.

374 Rokkan, Stein & J. Meyriat eds. International Guide to Electoral Statistics. Vol. I: National Elections in W. Europe. Paris, Mouton, 1968. Includes: S. Rokkan "The Comparative Study of Electoral Statistics: An Introductory Note", S. Rokkan "Norway".


375 Bjørnset, Asbjørn & Torstein Hjellum. Valghåndboken (An Electoral Handbook — for the local elections of 1967). Oslo, Gyldendal, 1967, 192 pp.

376 Lassen, Aksel. "Endnu et valg" (Another
Election), Historie Ny Række
8, 1968: 98-130.

377 Lindblad, Ingemar. "Partier och väljare vid seklets början" (Parties and voters at the beginning of the century), Tiden 59 (5), 1967: 300-304.

378 Martinussen, Willy. "Velgerne og de politiske stridsspørgsmål" (Voters and the Political Conflict Questions), Tss. for Samfunnsforskning 8 (2-3), 1967: 163-186.

379 Pedersen, Mogens N. "Valgforklaringer. Kommentarer til Aksel Lassen: Vælgere på vandring" (Explaining Elections. A Commentary to Aksel

Side 247

Lassen; Electors in Motion), Historie
Ny Række 7, 1967: 595-614.

380 Pes on en, Pertti. An Election in Finland. Party Activities and Voter Reactions. Clinton, Mass., The Colonial Press; New Haven & London, Yale University Press, 1968, 416 pp. Originally published in Finnish: Valtuutus kansalta (see item 241 of the bibliography in SPS, vol. 2/1967).

381 Pes on en, Pertti. The Timing of the Vote Decision. International Conference on Comparative Electoral Behavior, Ann Arbor, Michigan, April 5-8, 1967. Tampere, 1967, 27 pp., mimeo. (Tampereen yliopisto, Politiikan tutkimuksen laitos, Tutkimuksia - University of Tampere, Institute of Political Science, Research Reports, 2.)

382 Rokk an, S. "Valgatferd og velgerreaksjoner (Voting Behaviour and the Reaction of Voters), in Norske Meninger (Norwegian Opinion), Oslo, Pax, 1967.

383 Valen, Henry & Per Torsvik. "okningen i valgdeltakelsen ved kommunevalget i 1963 og Stortingsvalget i 1965" (The Increase in the Electorate in the Local Election in 1963 and in the Parliamentary Election in 1965), Tss. for Samjunnsforskning 8 (2-3), 1967: 187-218.



384 Hydén, Göran. "Val och författningsändringar
i afrikanske stater" (Elections
and constitutional changes in
African states), Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift
70 (4), 1967: 341-344.

385 Lundqvist, Lennart. "Valet i Belgien 1968" (The 1968 election in Belgium), Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift 71 (3), 1968: 288-294.


386 Winqvist, Kay-Vilhelm. "Valet i Kanada 1968" (The election in Canada 1968), Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift 71 (4), 1968: 448-457.


387 Bj øl, Erling. "De Gaulles tredie parlament" (De Gaulle's Third Parliament), Økonomi og Politik 41 (1), 1967: 13-23.

388 Nilsson, Lars-G. "1968 års folketingsval
i Danmark" (The 1968 parlia

mentary elections in Denmark), Statsvetenskaplig
tidskrift 71 (3), 1968:


389 Fors ter, Kent. "Finland's 1966 Elections
and Soviet Relations", Orbis 12
(3), Fall 1968: 774-792.

390 Kivikari, Urpo. "Pienet puolueet ja ryhmåt eduskuntavaaleissa 1907-66" (Small Political Parties and Groups in the Finnish Parliamentary Elections of 1907-66), Politiika 9 (2), 1967: 52-61.

391 Studenternet vid Åbo Akademi och presidentvalet 1968. En opinionsundersokning genomford i oktober 1967 (Students at Åbo Akademi and the Presidential Election of 1968. An Interview Survey Carried Out in October, 1967). Åbo, 1968, 40 pp., mimeo. (Meddelanden f ran Institutet for samhallsforskning uppratthållet av Statsvetenskapliga fakulteten vid Åbo Akademi, 40.)

392 Sänkiahoj Risto. "Oteäänet eduskuntavaaleissa vuodesta 1951" (Voting by Proxy in Finnish Parliamentary Elections since 1951), Politiikka 10 (3), 1968: 100-107.

393 Tö rnudd, Klaus. The Electoral System of Finland. Helsinki, 1967, 202 pp., mimeo. (Research Reports, Institute of Political Science, University of Helsinki, 9); London, Hugh Evelyn, 1968, 181 pp.


394 Lundqvist, Lennart. "Valet i Frankrike 1968" (The election in France 1968), Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift 71 (4), 1968: 442-448.

395 Lundqvist, Lennart. "Valet i Frankrike 1967" (The election in France 1967), Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift 70 (1), 1967: 53-56.


396 Jacobson, Robert. "Valet i Baden (The election in Baden-Wiirttemberg), Wiirttemberg), Kommentar l (5), 1968: 14-21.

397 Strand, Sven-Erik. "Västtyska delstatsval" (West German State Elections), Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift 71 (2), 1968: 174-182.


398 Hermérén, Henrik. "Valen i Indien 1967" (The elections in India 1967), Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift 70 (2-3), 1967: 225-230.

Side 248


399 Strand, Sven-Erik. "Parlamentsvalet i Italien 1968" (The parliamentary election in Italy 1968), Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift 71 (4), 1968: 438-441.


400 Juhasz, Lajos. "Stortingsvalget i Christiania i 1817" (The Parliamentary Election in Christiania in 1817), Historisk Tidsskrift 47 (1), 1968: 35-52.

401 Nilsson, Lars-G. "1967 års kommunalval i Norge" (The 1967 Local Elections in Norway), Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift 71 (2), 1968: 183-189.

402 Valen, Henry. "Partiforskyvninger ved Stortingsvalget i 1965" (Changes in Recruitment Patterns in the Storting Election of 1965), Tss. for Samfunnsforskning 8 (2-3), 1967: 113-142.

403 Valen, Henry. "Norway: The 1967 Local Elections", pp. 237-241 in Per Tor s vik ed. Scandinavian Political Studies Vol. 111. Oslo, Universitetsforlaget, 1968.


404 Johansson, Olle. "Socialdemokratins väljare 1911 och 1914" (Electoral Support for the Social Democrats in 1911 and 1914), Historisk tidskrift 30 (3), 1967: 297-356.

405 Olivercrona, Gustaf. Hur väljarna vanns (How the voters were won), Stockholm, Wahlström &Widstrand, 1968, 206 pp.

406 Vad gäller valet? (What is the election
about?), Stockholm, Prisma, 1968,
111 pp.

407 Zanderin, Lars. "Borgerliga samlingsoch samverkansrörelser i Skåne vid 1966 års val" (Non-socialist coalition and co-operation movements in Skåne at the 1966 election), Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift 70 (5), 1967: 476-483.

United States of America

408 Bergqvist, Mats. "Amerikanska mellanval: republikanernas återkomst" (American off-year elections: the return of the Republicans), Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift 70 (2-3), 1967: 210-224.



409 Bj øl, Erling. International politik (International
Politics), København, Berlingske,
1967, 143 pp.

410 Karup Pedersen, Ole. Tendenser t international politik efter 1945. Fra fast til løs bipolaritet (Trends in International Relations after 1945), København, Fremad, 1967, 267 pp.

411 Damgaard Petersen, Ib. "Interaktionsprocessen som integrerende led imellem beslutnings- og magtteori" (The Interaction Process as an Integrating Link between the Theory of Decisions and the Theory of Power), Økonomi og Politik 42 (1), 1968: 29-62.


412 Galtung, Johan. "Norge og omverdenen" (Norway's Place in the World Community), pp. 445-491 in N. Ramsøy ed. Det norske samfunn. Oslo, Gyldendal, 1968.

413 Galtung Johan. "On the Future of the International System", Journal of Peace Research 4 (4), 1967: 304-333.

414 Hansen, Peter. Hvad er vi med i. En oversigt over internationale organisationer. (A Survey of International Organizations.) København, Borgen, 1968, 456 pp.


415 Galtung, Johan." A Structural Theory
of Integration", Journal of Peace Research
5 (4), 1968: 375-395.

416 Hoffmann, Fredrik. "The Functions
of Economic Sanctions", Journal of
Peace Research 4 (2), 1967, 140-160.

417 Krogdahl, Trygve. "Folkerettslige spørsmål vedrørende suverenitetskrav i Antarktis" (International legal questions about Sovereign Rights in the Antarctic), Internasjonal Politikk 1968: 3, 274-84.

418 Modeen, Tore. Det folkrättsliga skyddet av nationella minoriteter i Europa (International Protection of National Minorities in Europe). Åbo, 1968, 197 pp., mimeo. (Meddelanden från Institutet för samhällsforskning upprätthållet av Statsvetenskapliga fakulteten vid Åbo Akademi, 41.)

419 Reinton, Per Olav. "International Structure and International Integration", Journal of Peace Research 4 (4), 1967, 334-365.

420 Ross, Alf. Lærebog i folkeret. Almindelig del. (Textbook in International Law). 4. ed., 2nd print. København, Nyt Nordisk Forlag, 1967, 374 pp.

Side 249

421 Sørensen, Mår. Den internationale beskyttelse af menneskerettighederne (The International Protection of the Human Rights). København, Munksgaard, 1967, 87 pp.


422 Bonsdorff, Göran von. Maailmanyhteisö tutkimuksen kohteena (World Community as an Object of Study). Helsinki, 1967, 29 pp., mimeo. (Helsingin yliopiston yleisen valtio-opin laitoksen tutkimuksia — Research Reports, Institute of Political Science, University of Helsinki, 10.)

423 Gl edit sch, Nils Petter. "Trends in
World Airline Patterns", Journal of
Peace Research 4 (4), 1967, 366-408.

424 Internationella Organisationer (International Organizations). Publ. by Sveriges Allmänna Exportförening and Utrikespolitiska institutet. 3rd revised and enlarged ed. Stockholm, Exportföreningen, 1967, 256 pp.

425 Landqvist, Åke. ed. Norden på världsarenan (The Nordic Countries in the World Arena), Stockholm, LT (Tema), 1968, 272 pp.

426 Sanness, John. "De nye stater i det internasjonale politiske system" (The New States in the International Political System), Internasjonal Politikk 1967: 4, 330-44.


427 Askgaard, Preben V. Sikkerhedsrådet gennem tyve år (The Security Council through twenty years). København 1967, 140 pp.

428 Broms, Bengt. The Definition of Aggression in the United Nations. Turku, University of Turku, 1968, 162 pp. (Turun yliopiston julkaisuja — Annales Universitatis Turkuensis, B 108.)

429 Broms, Bengt. Yhdistyneet Kansakunnat (The United Nations). Turku, 1968, 540 pp. (Suomalaisen lakimiesyhdistyksen julkaisuja, B 148.)

430 Broms, Bengt. "Yhdistyneiden Kansakuntien peruskirjan muuttaminen" (Amendments to the Charter of the UN), Lakimies 65 (3), 1967: 319-346.

431 E nek ell, Ralph. "Pohjoismaat Yhdistyneissä Kansakunnissa" (The Nordic Countries in the United Nations), Valvoja 87 (3), 1967: 100-109.

432 Ilvessalo, Jaakko. "Yhdistyneet Kansakunnat Afrikan maiden näkökulmasta" (The United Nations from the Viewpoint of African Countries), pp. 241—259 in: Oman ajan historia ja politiikan tutkimus. Helsinki, Kustannusosakeyhtiö Otava, 1967, 259 pp.

433 Jacobsen, Kurt. "Voting Behaviour of the Nordic Countries in the General Assembly", Co-operation & Conflict 2 (3-4), 1967: 139-157.

434 Jensen, Bjørn. Norway in the United
Nations. Oslo, Universitetsforlaget,
1967, 33 pp.

435 Kale la, Jaakko. "The Nordic Group in the General Assembly", Co-operation and Conflict (3-4), 1967. 158-170.

436 Lidström, Jan-Erik & Wiklund, Claes. "The Nordic Countries in the General Assembly and its two Political Committees", Co-operation and Conflict 2 (3-4), 1967: 171-187.

437 Linnamo, Jussi. "Yhdistyneiden Kansakuntien mahdollisuudet maailman talouspolitiikan muotoilijana" (The United Nations and the Shaping of World Economic Policy), Kansantaloudellinen aikakauskirja 63 (1), 1967: 3-20.

438 Ross, Alf. De forenede Nationer, Fred og fremskridt (The United Nations; Peace and Progress). 2. rev. ed. København, Nyt Nordisk Forlag 1968, 432 pp.

439 Siipi, Jouko and Kaarina Lehtonen. YK:n kansainvälinen sosiaalipolitiikka (International Social Policy of the UN). Hämeenlinna, Arvi A. Karisto Oy, 1968, 252 pp. CR: K. Törnudd, Politiikka 10 (4), 1968: 176-177.

440 Törnudd, Klaus. Suomi ja Yhdistyne et Kansakunnat (Finland and the UN). Helsinki, Kustannusosakeyhtiö Tammi, 1967, 214 pp.


441 Bergqvist, Mats. "FN:s politiska och sociala råd (ECOSOC)" (The political and social council of the UN [ECOSOC]), Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift 71 (1), 1968: 47-56.

442 Dahl, Karl Nandrup. "The Role of 1.L.0. Standards in the Global Integration Process", Journal of Peace Research 5 (4), 1968: 309-351.

443 "Om UNCTAD II" (About the UNCTAD II Conference), Internasjonal Politikk 1968: 4, 350-377. Includes articles by: Magne Reed and David Vikøren.



444 Bruckner, Peter. "Sydrhodesia og FN.
En studie i international retshåndhæ

Side 250

velse" (Rhodesia and UN. A Study of International Legal Enforcement), Nordisk Tidsskrift for International Ret og Jus Gentium 37, 1967: 267-272.

445 Bull-Hansen, Frederik V. "Forutsetninger og muligheter for fredsbevarende operasjoner under de f oren te nasjoner" (Pre-requisites for and Possibilities of United Nations Peace Operations), Internasjonal Politikk 1967: l, 49-82.

446 Lie, Kai. "Ikkespredningsavtalen" (The
Treaty of Non-Proliferation), Internasjonal
Politikk 1968: 3, 327-345.

447 Schou, Niels. "De retlige betingelser for De Forenede Nationers krisestyrkers tilstedeværelse på en stats territorium" (The Legal Conditions of the Presence of UN Emergency Forces on the Territory of a State), Militært Tidsskrift 97, 1968: 145-164.

448 Sogstad, Knut. "Utviklingen av militære styrker i Afrika og muligheter for rustningskontroll i Afrika" (The Build-up of Military Forces and the Possibilities for Arms Control in Africa), Internasjonal Politikk 1967: 2, 103-139.

449 örn, Torsten. FN's fredsbevarande aktioner (The peace keeping missions of the UN). Publ. by Utrikespolitiska institutet, Stockholm, Rabén & Sj&gren, 1967, 39 pp. (Världspolitikens dagsfrågor, 1967: 7.)


450 Edels tam, Axel. Nedrustningsfrågan. Dagsläge och framtidsperspektiv (The disarmament question. The present situation and a perspective for the future). Stockholm, Utrikespolitiska institutet, 1968, 31 pp. (Strategisk bulletin 1968: 4.)

451 Galtung Johan. "Popular Inspection of Disarmament Processes", Co-operation & Conflict 2 (3-4), 1967: 121-138.

452 Galtung, Johan. "Two Approaches
to Disarmament", Journal of Peace
Research 4 (2), 1967, 161-95.

453 Heurlin, Bertel. "Nedrustning og nedrustningsforskning" (Disarmament and Disarmament Research). konomi og Politik 41 (1), 1967: 24-48.

454 Institutt for Fredsforskning. Disarmament and World Economic Interdependence. Oslo, Universitetsforlaget, 1967, 260 pp.


455 Nieminen, Armas. "Sosiaaliturva ja ihmisoikeudet" (Social Security and Human Rights), Huoltaja (18), 1967: 552-557, 583.


456 Andersen, Ole Stig. "Kodificeringsproblemer. Folkeretskommissionens arbejde med traktatrettens kodificering" (Problems of Codification. The activities of the International Commission of Justice concerning the Codification of Treaties); Juristen 49, 1967: 25-36.

457 Berntson, Lennart and Persson, Gunnar. U-hjälp ch imperialism (Foreign aid and imperialism), Stockholm, Aldus/Bonnier, 1968, 159 pp.

458 Boserup, Hans. "Danske statslån som udviklingshjælp" (Danish Government Loans as Development Assistance), Økonomi og Politik 40 (4), 1966: 403-424.

459 Boserup, Mogens. "Bistandstheori — kommentarer til den nyeste litteratur" (Aid Theory; A Commentary to the Recent Literature), Nationaløkonomisk Tidsskrift 104, 1966: 272-284.

460 "Danmarks udviklingsbistand 1965-1968" (Denmark's Development Aid, 1965-1968), Udviklingsbistand, 1968: 79-92.

461 Ferrer, Aldo. "Modernisering, industriel udvikling og integration i Latinamerika (Modernization, Industrial Development and Integration in Latin America), Den Ny Verden 3 (5), 1966: 10-22.

462 Gahrton, Per. '"Imperialistisk utsugning' - dogm eller verklighetsbeskrivning?" (Imperialist edploitation - dogma or a description of reality?), Liberal debatt 21 (1), 1968: 39-47.

463 G'årdlund, Torsten. Främmande inv esteringar i u-land (Foreign Investments in Developing Countries), Stockholm, Almqvist & Wicksell, 1968, 164pp.

464 Gårdlund, Torsten. Lamco i Liberia
((Lamco in Liberia), Stockholm,
Almqvist & Wicksell, 1967, 149 pp.

465 »H eppling, Sixten. FN och de fattige länderna. Utvecklingshjälp i teori och praktik (The UN and the Poor Countries. Development Aid in Theory and Practice), Stockholm, Prisma, 1967, 179 pp. (Verdandidebatt 34).

466 Holmsen, Ylva and Mannerheim, Johan. Lamcos Liberia (Lamco's Liberia), Stockholm, Unga filosofer, 1968, 223 pp.

467 Johanson, L. U-landsproblemet (The
Problem of the Under-developed
States), Oslo, Ny Dag, 1967, 61 pp.

468 Knutsson, Karl Eric. Tekniskt bistånd i traditionella samhällen (Technical Assistance in Traditional Societies). Publ. by Nordiska Afrika

Side 251

institutet, 2nd ed. Stockholm, Almqvist
& Wicksell, 1968, 101 pp.

469 Kristensen, Thorkil. U-landsplanlægning - landbrug kontra industri (Planning in Developing Countries, Agriculture versus Industry.) København, Mellemfolkeligt Samvirke, 1968, 91 pp.

470 Lie, Arne. "De industrialiserte lands økonomiske politikk overfor utviklingslandene" (The Economic Policy of the Developed Countries towards the Under-developed Countries), Internasjonal jonal Politikk 1967: 3, 208-43.

471 Nord, Erik. "Ytre og indre hindringer til utvikling" (External and Internal Hindrances to Development), Internas jonal Politikk 1967: 3, 253-278.

472 Ri bu, Erik. "Hva kan vi gjøre for å øke private kapitaloverføringer til utviklingslandene?" (What Can We Do to Encourage Transfer of Capital to the Under-developed Countries?), Internasjonal Politikk 1967: 3, 244-252.

473 Philip, Kjeld. "Det økonomiske samarbejde i Østafrika" (Economic Cooperation in East Africa), Markedsøkonomi l, 1967: 223-244.

474 Philip, Kjeld. "Muligheder for industriel udvikling i tropisk Afrika (Prospects of Industrial Development in Tropical Africa), Nationaløkonomisk Tidsskrift 104, 1966: 210-222.

475 Rudebeck, Lars. "Utsugning eller bistånd"
(Exploitation or aid?), Tiden
60 (4), 1968: 230-241.

476 Thustrup Hansen, H. U-landene i verdenshandelen (The Developing Countries in World Trade). København, Mellemfolkeligt Samvirke, 1967, 112 PP.

477 "U-hjelpen, supermakterne og FN" (Aid to Under-developed Areas, the Great Powers and the UN), Internasjonal Politikk 1968: 4, 378-419. Includes articles by: Ketil B ø r d e, Erik Nord and T. Petter Svennevig.

478 Westring, Gøsta. "Cooperation for Development — the Relative Roles of Donor and Receiver in the Administration of Development Projects", Nordisk Tidsskrift for International Ret og Jus Gentium 37, 1967: 178-188.


479 Anderson, S. The Nordic Council. Oslo, Universitetsforlaget, 1967, 199 pp. Reviewed by: Barbara Ha skel "Regionalism without Politics?", Cooperation & Conflict 3 (3), 1968: 195-98.

480 Andrén, Nils. "Nordic Integration -
Aspects and Problems", Co-operation
& Conflict 2 (1), 1967: 1-25.

481 Andrén, Nils. "A Note on a Note",
Co-operation & Conflict 2 (3-4),
1967: 235-237.

482 Gastrén, Erik. "Afrikan yhtenäisyyden järjestö" (Organization of African Unity), Lakimies 66 (2-3, 1968:211-221.211-

483 "EEC" (EEC), International Politiikk 1968: 5, 441-527. Includes articles by: Valter Ange 11, Sigurd Ekeland, Kirsten Ohm and Per Morton Vigtel.

484 Ekström, John. EEC i arbete (The EEC at work). Publ. by Utrikespolitiska institutet, Stockholm, Rabén & Sjögren, 1967, 72 pp. (Världspolitikens dagsfrågor, 1967: 2—3.)

485 Eriksen, B. The Committee System of
the NATO Council. Oslo, Universitetsforlaget,
1967, 79 pp.

486 "Et nordisk ekonomisk alternativ?" (A Nordic Customs Union — An Economic Alternative?), Internasjonal Politiikk 1968: 1, 3-85. Includes such articles as: Birger Christiansen "Norge og tollunionsspörgsmålet" (Norway and the Question of the Customs Union), 3-13. "Et nordisk alternativ?" (The Nordic Alternative?), p. 36 "Fire innlegg:" (Four Commentaries in the Debate: R. Roem Nielsen, Leif Johansen, Knut Frydenlund, Thor Store), 37-56, among others.

487 Haagerup, Niels Jørgen. NATO efter
1969 (NATO after 1969). København,
Berlingske, 1967, 119 pp.

488 Haskel, Barbara G. "Is there an 'Unseen Spider'? A Note on Nordic Integration", Co-operation and Conflict 2 (3-1), 1967: 229-234.

489 Jantzen, Torben. EFTA. Resultater og perspektiver. (EFTA. Achievements and Perspectives). København, 1967, 122 pp.

490 Kelstrup, Morten. "Kommissionens rolle i Fællesmarkedets beslutningsproces". (The Role of the Commission in the Decision-Making Process of the Economic Community), Økonomi og Politik 42 (1), 1968: 3-28.

491 Lie, Arne. "Det nord-atlantiske frihandelsområde — NAFTA — et realistisk forslag?" (The North Atlantic Free Trade Area - NAFTA - Is such a Plan Realistic?), Internasjonal Politiikk 1967: 4, 314-329.

492 Marschan, Alexander. "Finnlands Position gegenuber EFTA und EWG", Aussenpolitik 19 (4), April 1968: 206-210.

493 Moberg, Erik. "The 'Nordic Balance'
Concept. A Critical Commentary",

Side 252

Co-operative and Conflict 3 (3),
1968: 210-214.

494 NATO oget nytt Europa (NATO and
a New Europe). Oslo, Norsk Utenrikspolitisk
Institut, 1967, 207 pp.

495 Nielsen, R. R. Veien til europeisk enhet
(The Road to European Unity).
Oslo, Elingaard, 1967, 187 pp.

496 Norland, A. Ja, til Europa? (Yes, to
Europe?). Oslo, Minerva, 1967, 103

497 Vigtel, Per Morton. "Atlanterhavssamarbeidet vurdert med amerikanske öyne" (Atlantic Co-operation Evaluated from an American Point of View), Internasjonal Politikk 1967: 4, 361-376.



498 Bonsdorff, Göran von. Regionalismen t den internationella politiken (Regionalism in International Politics). Helsingfors, Söderström & C:o Förlags AB, 1967, 170 pp. Also published in Finnish: Alueellinen yhteistyö kansainvälisessä politiikassa. Helsinki, Kustannusosakeyhtiö Tammi, 1967, 155 pp. CR: J. Huopaniemi, Politiikka 9 (3), 1967: 115-119.

499 Broms, Bengt. "Pysyvä puolueettomuus"
(Permanent Neutrality), Lakimies
65 (5), 1967: 547-559.

500 Jääskeläinen, Mauno. "Moraali ja kansainvälinen politiikka" (Morality and International Politics), pp. 57-74 in: Oman ajan historia ja politiikan tutkimus. Helsinki, Kustannusosakeyhtiö Otava, 1967, 259 pp.

501 Kil linen, Kullervo. Kansallinen etu ja kansainvälinen kehitys (National Interest and International Development) . Porvoo-Helsinki, Werner Söderström Osakeyhtiö, 1967, 225 pp.

502 Kill inen,K. "Tasapainopolitiikka vai ideologioiden tasapaino?" (A Balance of Power or a Balance of Ideologies?), Politiikka 9 (2), 1967: 45-51.

503 Andrén, Nils. Den totala säkerhetspolitiken (The total security policy). Stockholm, Utrikespolitiska institutet, 1968,64 pp. (Strategisk bulletin 1968: 1-2.)

504 Darre,B. "Strategi og den tekniske udvikling". (Strategy and the Technical Development). Tidsskrift for Søvcesen 139, 1968: 409-445.

505 Degerman, Allan. Global politik i vår
egen tid (Global politics in our time).
Stockholm, Liber, 1967, 182 pp.

506 Fossum, Egil. "Factors Influencing the Occurrence of Military Coup D, Etats in Latin America", Journal of Peace Research 4 (3), 1967: 228-251.

507 Friberg, Mats and Jonsson, Dan. "A Simple War and Armament Game", Journal of Peace Research 5 (3), 1968: 233-247.

508 Damgaard Petersen, Ib. "Beslutningsprocessen som udgangspunkt for studiet af international politik". (The Decision-Making-Process as the Point of Departure in the Study of International Relations). Økonomi og Politik 41 (1), 1967: 49-80.

509 Sæter, Martin. "Supermaktshegemoni og nasjonale interesser" (Big Power Hegemony and National Interests), Internasjonal Politikk 1967: 1, 10-28.

510 Wallensteen, Peter. "Characteristics of Economic Sanctions", Journal of Peace Research 5 (3), 1968: 248-267.

511 Orvik, Nils. "Integration - For Whom?
Against Whom?", Co-operation &
Conflict 2 (I), 1967: 54-60.


512 Adler-Karlsson, Gunnar. Western economic warfare 1947—1967. A case study in foreign economic policy. Diss. Stockholm, Almqvist & Wicksell, 1968, 319 pp. (Stockholm economic studies, 9.)

513 Apunen, Osmo. Suomi keisarillisen Saksan politiikassa 1914-1915 (Finland in the German Policy 1914-1915). Diss. Helsinki, 1968, 307 pp. With a German summary. CR: M. Jääskeläinen, Historiallinen aikakauskirja (1), 1968: 55-57.

514 Aspelmeier, Dieter. Deutschland und Finnland während der beiden Weltkriege. Hamburg, Verlag Christoph von der Ropp, 1967, 178 pp. (Schriften aus dem Finnland-Institut in Köln, 7.)

515 Barros, James. The Aland Islands Question: Its Settlement by the League of Nations. New Haven, Yale University Press, 1968, 362 pp.

516 Christophersen, Jens. Bolshevikrevolusjonen 1917 (The Bolshevik Revolution 1917). Oslo, Pax, 1967, 204 pp.

517 Krosby, Hans Peter. Suomen valinta 1941. From the English manuscript Finland and Operation Barbarossa transl. by Erkki Ihanainen. Helsinki, Kirjayhtymä, 1967, 410 pp.

518 Maseng, Einar. Utsikt over de nordeuropeiske staters utenrikspolitikk I—II (Survey of Foreign Policy in Northern Europe I—II). Oslo, Tanum, Vol. I, 1964, Vol. 11, 1967, Vol. I 323 pp., Vol. II 231 pp.

519 Nord, Erik. "Militærkuppene i Afrika"
(The Military Coups in Africa), Internasjonal
Politikk 1967: 2, 85-102.

Side 253

520 Damgaard Petersen, Ib. "Nogle synspunkter på årsagsforholdet ved udbruddet af 2. verdenskrig". (Some Viewpoints on the Causal Relations at the Outbreak of the Second World War). Historisk Tidsskrift 12 (3), 1967: 129-54.

521 Rapport fra Athen. Nordiske politikere i Hellas (Report from Athens. Nordic Parliamentarians in Greece). Oslo, Pax, 1967, 158 pp.



522 Blomqvist, Lårs-Erik. Albanien i storpolitiken (Albania in World Politics). Publ. by Utrikespolitiska institutet. Stockholm, Råben & Sjogren, 1967, 32 pp. (Vårldspolitikens dagsfrågor, 1967: 5.)


523 Nor rmån, Karl-Erik. Den femte kårnvapenmakten (The fifth nuclear power). . Stockholm, Utrikespolitiska institutet, 1967, 31 pp. (Strategisk bulletin 1967: 5.)


524 "Tsjekkoslovakia" (Czechoslovakia), International Politikk 1968: 6, 540-658. Includes articles by: John Sanne s "Hvad krisen kan fore til (What the crisis can Mean), Martin Sæter "Europa ved en skillevei" (Europe at a Crossroad), Arne Olav Brundtland "En sikkerhetspolitisk fortolkning av invasjonen" (A Strategic Interpretation of the Invasion), among others.


525 Bassi ng, E. "Danmarks sikkerhedspolitiske muligheder". (Alternatives in Denmark's Security Policy), Militært Tidsskrift 97, 1968: 349-390.

526 Bjøl, Erling; Niels Jørgen Haagerup, O. Kofoed-Hansen, Erik Re s k e and Erik Seidenfaden. Danmark og NATO. (Denmark and NATO). København, Gyldendal, 1968, 223 pp.

527 Danmark og De europæiske Fællesskaber. (Denmark and the European Communities). Vol. l and 2 by Udvalget vedrørende Danmarks Forhold til De europæiske Fællesskaber. København (D.8.K.) 1968, 520 pp. + 557 pp. (551-1107 pp.)

528 Dansk sikkerhedspolitik 1948-1966. (Danish Security Policy, 1948-1966). Vol. 1, Presentation and Vol. 2, Documents, add. The development in NATO 1966-67). København, Udenrigsministeriet (D.8.K.), 1968, 180 pp. and 541 pp.

529 Fink, Troels. Fem foredrag om dansk udenrigspolitik efter 1864. (Five Lectures on Danish Foreign Policy after 1864). 2nd edition. Århus, Universitetsforlaget, 1967, 83 pp.

530 Haagerup, Niels Jørgen. "Dansk sikkerhedspolitik anno 1968". (Danish Security Policy in the Year 1968). Militært Tidsskrift 97, 1968: 397-407.

531 Lund, Erik. "Khrushchev in Denmark: A Study of the Soviet and East Press Reactions", Co-operation & Conflict 2 (1), 1967: 26-36.

532 Løkkegaard, Finn. Det danske gesandtskab i Washington 1940-42. Henrik Kauffmann som uafhængig dansk gesandt i U.S.A. 1940-1942 og hans politik vedrørende Grønland og de oplagte skibe i Amerika. (The Danish Legation in Washington 1940-42. Henrik Kauffmann as Independent Envoy in the United States 1940-1942 and his policy concerning Greenland and the Vessels laid up in America). Diss. Summary in English. København, Udgiverselskab for Danmarks Nyeste Historie, Gyldendal, 1968, 644 pp.

533 Nørlund, Ib. Det kommunistiske synspunkt. (The Communist Standpoint), København, Stig Vendelkjær, 1967, 265 pp.

534 Svenningsen, Nils. "Danmarks besættelse 1940-45. Lidt forhistorie, nogle generelle synspunkter og nogle reflektioner om forhandlingspolitikken og modstandsbevægelsen". (The Occupation of Denmark 1940-45. A little about the Historical Background, some General Viewpoints and some Reflections on the "Policy of Negotiations" and the Resistance Movement), Nordisk Tidsskrift for International Ret og Jus Gentium 37, 1967: 105-150.

535 Wahlbäck, Krister. "Danmark, Tyskland och Norden. Några synpunkter kring ett arbete om dansk utrikespolitik 1933-1940" (Denmark, Germany and the Nordic Countries. Some Comments on a Work on Danish Foreign Policy), Historisk tidskrift 30 (1), 1967: 233-246.


536 Bonsdorff, Göran von. "Faktorer av
betydelse för Finlands relationer till

Side 254

Sovjetunionen" (On Factors with a Bearing on Finland's Relations with the Soviet Union), Politiikka 9 (3), 1967: 81-101.

537 Jakobsen, Max. Finnish Neutrality. A Study of Finnish Foreign Policy since the Second World War. London, Hugh Evelyn, 1968, 116 pp.

538 Jakobsen, Max. Kuumalla linjalla. Suomen ulkopolitiikan ydinkysymyksiå 1944-1968 (Basic Problems of Finnish Foreign Policy, 1944-1968). Porvoo-Helsinki, Werner Soderstrom Osakeyhtio, 1968, 211 pp.

539 Jansson, Jan-Magnus, ed. Studier i finlandsk politik (Studies in Finnish Politics). Goteborg, Låromedelsiorlagen (Akademiforlaget), 1968, 290 pp.

540 Pajunen, Aimo. "Finland's Security
policy", Co-operation and Conflict
(1), 1968: 75-92.

541 Pajunen, Aimo. Finlands såkerhetspolitik (Finland's Security Policy). Stockholm, Utrikespolitiska institutet, 1967, 30 pp. (Strategisk bulletin, 1967: 4.)


542 Brodin, Katarina. Bonn och såkerheten i Europa (Bonn and the security of Europe). Stockholm, Utrikespolitiska institutet, 1967, 31 pp. (Strategiska bulletin 1967: 1.)

543 Heurlin, Bertel. "Forbundsrepublikken Tyskland i international politik". (The Germany Federal Republic in International Relations), Økonomi og Politik 41 (4), 1967: 372-415.

544 Tågil, Sven. "Wegener, Råder and the German Naval Strategy: Some Viewpoints on the Gonditions for the Influence of Ideas", Co-operation and Conflict 219), 1967: 102-112.

Nordic Area

545 Brodin, Katarina, Goldmann, Kjell & Lange, Christian, "The Policy of Neutrality: Official Doctrines of Finland and Sweden", Co-operation and Conflict 3 (1), 1968: 18-51.

546 Hækker up, Per. "Nordens forhold til Europa politisk, økonomisk og kulturelt." (The Scandinavian Political, Economic, and Gultural Relations to Europe), Nordisk Tidsskrift for International Ret og Jus Gentium 37, 1967: 13-23.


547 Sæter, Martin. "Change of Course in
German Foreign Policy", Co-operation
& Conflict 2 (2), 1967: 82-101.

548 Sæter, Martin. Okkupasjon, integrasjon, likeberettigelse. En analyse av Tysklandsproblemet. (Occupation, Integration, Equal Rights - An Analysis of the German Problem). Oslo, Norsk

Utenrikspolitisk Institutt, 1967, 125

549 Aakvaag, Torvild. "Norsk oljelovgivning i internasjonal perspektiv" (Norwegian Law on Drilling for Oil on the Continental Shelf and its International Perspective), Internasjonal Politikk 1968: 3, 312-326.

550 Anonsen, Carl. "Den politiske og administrative ledelse av Norges bistandsvirksomhet" (The Political and Administrative Organization of Norway's Aid Programs), Internasjonal Politikk 1968: 4, 420-31.

551 Brundtland, Arne Olav. "Norwegian Foreign Policy", Co-operation & Conflict 3 (3), 1968: 169-183. Also printed in Norwegian: "Aktuell norsk utenrikspolitikk", Internasjonal Politikk 1967: 1, 29-48.

552 Brundtland, Arne Olav. Sikkerhetspolitisk ompröving? (A Re-evaluation of our Security Policy?). Oslo, Norsk Utenrikspolitisk Institutt, 1968, 254 pp.

553 Enholm, Kari. Norge - en NATObase
(Norway — a NATO Base). Oslo,
Pax, 1967, 155 pp.

554 Hoist, Johan Jörgen. Norsk sikkerhetspolitikk i strategisk perspektiv (A Strategic View of Norwegian Security Policy). Oslo, Norsk Utenrikspolitisk Institutt, 1967, Vol. I 229 pp., Vol. II 294 pp.

555 Landmark, Kjell. Ikke gi det bort. Fellesmarkedet og Norges selvstendighet (Don't Give It Away. The Common Market and Norway's Independence). Oslo, Pax, 1967, 104 pp.

556 Löchen, Einar. Norge og fellesmarkedet
(Norway and the Common Market).
Oslo, Aschehoug, 1967, 63 pp.

557 "Norge, Europa og sikkerheten" (Norway, Europe and Security), Internasjonal Politikk 1968: 2, 88-251. Includes such articles as: Petter Graver "Norge og NATO — fremtidsperspektiver i Atlanterhavssamarbeidet" (Norway and NATO — Future Prospects for Atlantic Co-operation), 90— 101. Martin Sæter "Fransk og tysk östpolitikk: Nye europeiske perspektiver" (French and German Policies towards Eastern Europe: New European Prospects), 147-78. Arne Olav Brundtland "Norges sikkerhetspolitiske alternativer" (Norway's Alternative Security Policies), 179—210. Among others.

558 Sanness, John. "NATO og Norge"
(NATO and Norway), Internasjonal
Politikk 1967: 1, 1-10.

559 Evensen, Jens. "Norge og havbunnen — Nasjonale og internas j onale aspekter" (Norway and the Ocean Floor - National and International Aspects),

Side 255

Internasjonal Politikk 1968: 3, 285-311.

560 Orvik, Nils. "Base Policy - Theory
and Practice", Co-operation & Conflict
2 (3-4), 1967: 188-204.



561 An dr én, Nils. "In Search of Security",
Co-operation and ConflictS (4), 1968:

562 And r én, Nils. "National Security and International Solidarity" in Sweden in the Sixties. Uppsala, Almqvist & Wicksell, 1967, 296 pp.

563 Andrén, Nils. Power-balance and nonalignment. A perspective on Swedish foreign policy. Stockholm, Almqvist & Wicksell, 1967, 212 pp.

564 Andrén, Nils. "På neutralitetens smala nås" (On the thin line of neutrality), Svensk tidskrift 55 (7), 1968: 326-335.

565 Boberg, Goran and Wahlbåck, Krister. Sveriges sak ar vår. Svensk utrikespolitik 1939-1945 i dokument (Swedish foreign policy 1939-1945 in documents), 2nd ed. Stockholm, Prisma, 1967, 237 pp.

566 Moberg, Erik. "The Effect of Security Policy Measures: A Discussion Related to Sweden's Security Policy", Co-operation andConflict2 (2), 1967: 67-81.

567 Prawitz, Jan. "A Nuclear Doctrine
for Sweden", Co-operation and Conflict
3 (3), 1968: 184-193.

United States of America

568 Adler-Karlsson, Gunnar. "Den ekonomiska giganten och maktpolitiken" (The economic giant and power politics), Tiden 59 (4), 1967: 240-247.

569 Bergqvist, Mats. "George Kennan och den amerikanska efterkrigspolitiken" (George Kennan and the American post war policy), Tiden 60 (9), 1968: 536-547.


570 Birnbaum, Karl E. "The Nordic Countries and European Security", Cooperation and Conflict 3 (1), 1968: 1-17.

571 Ghristensson, Henry. Meller stå ostern efter sexdagarskriget (TheMiddle East after the six days' war). Publ. by Utrikespolitiska institutet, Stockholm, Råben & Sjogren, 1968, 31 pp. (Vårldpolitikens dagsfrågor 1968:2.)

572 Christensen, Jens. "Den markedspolitiske situation" (The Markets Political Situation), with a Commentary by Jørgen H. Gelting). National

økonomisk Tidsskrift 105, 1967: 1-13
(incl. Gelting s: 12-13).

573 Ed een, Alf. Tjeckoslovakien. Brickan i stormaktspelet (Czechoslovakia. A pawn in the game of the big powers). Stockholm, Utrikespolitiska institutet, 1968, 30 pp. (Strategisk bulletin 1968: 5.)

574 Forsberg, Sture. "Den brittiska garantin till Polen den 31 mars 1939" (The British guarantee to Poland on March 31, 1939), Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift 71 (2), 1968: 147-173.

575 Forsman, Lennart. "Norge och försvarsförhandlingarna 1949" (Norway and the defence negotiations 1949), Tiden 60 (2), 1968: 85-97.

576 Gustavsen, Finn. Anti-amerikanisme?
(Anti - Americanism?), Oslo, Pax,
1967, 87 pp.

577 Hanssen, Halle Jørn. "Skandinavia - europeisk eller atlantisk?" (Scandinavia - European or Atlantic Minded?), Internasjonal Politikk 1967: 2, 140-202.

578 Heradstveit, Daniel. "Krisekontroll i Midt-Austen" (Crisis Control in the Middle East), Internasjonal Politikk 1968: 5, 528-38.

579 Holm, Erik. Stormaktspolitiken 1966-1967 (The politics of the great powers, 1966-1967). Publ. by Utrikespolitiska institutet, Stockholm, Rabén & Sjögren, 1968, 72 pp. (Världspolitikens dagsfrågor 1968: 4-5.)

580 Johansen, Jahn-Otto. Titokratiet (Titocracy),
Oslo, Pax, 1967, 405 pp.

581 Krig utan seger, 12 kapitel i det kalla krigets historia (War without victory. 12 chapters from the history of the cold war). Stockholm, Sveriges radio (Eko), 1968, 170 pp.

582 Martola, A. "Kyproksen ongelma ja piirteitä rauhanturvajoukkojen toiminnasta saarella" (The Cyprus Problem and Notes on the Activities of the Peace-Keeping Forces on the Island), pp. 39—59 in: Tiede ja ase, 25. Helsinki, Suomen sotatieteellinen seura, 1967, 375 pp.

583 Reske-Nielsen, Erik. "Opgøret i Mellemøsten" (The Middle East Conflict), Økonomi og Politik 41 (2), 1967: 143-171.

584 Sanness, John. "Eastern Europe - Integration, Hegemony, Empire?", Co-operation & Conflict 2 (1), 1967: 47-53.

585 Sollie, Finn. "Arktis og Antarktis

aktuelle problemstillinger" (The Arctic and Antarctic - Current Problems), Internasjonal Politikk 1968: 3, 256-73.

586 Sæter, Martin. "Tysklandsproblemet i
tysk litteratur" (The Problem of
Germany - A Review of German Lit

Side 256

terature on the Subject), Internasjonal
Politikk 1967: 4, 289-313.

587 Väätäjä, Matti. Pohjoiskalottikysymys kansainvälispoliittisena ongelmana (The Question of the Northern Gap as a Problem of International Politics). Helsinki, 1968, 100 pp., mimeo. (Helsingin yliopiston yleisen valtioopin laitoksen tutkimuksia — Research Reports, Institute of Political Science, University of Helsinki, 13.)

588 Wattrang, Hans. Det kalla kriget
(The Cold War). 3rd rev. ed. Stockholm,
Prisma, 1968, 185 pp.



589 Hydén, Göran. Politik och samhälle i Afrika (Politics and Society in Africa). Staffanstorp, Cavefors, 1967, 319 pp.

590 Mohn, A. H. Rhodesia (Rhodesia).
Oslo, Gyldendal, 1967, 124 pp.


591 Kumm ,Björn. Gerillans ansikte (The face of the guerilla), Stockholm, Rabén & Sjögren (Tema), 1968, 179 pp.

592 Lonaeus, Gunnar. Brasilien. Politik och politiker efter 1945 (Brazil. Politics and politicians after 1945). Publ. by Utrikespolitiska institutet, Stockholm, Rabén & Sjögren, 1968, 32 pp. (Världspolitikens dagsfrågor 1968:1.)

593 Zanderin, Lars. "Den politiska utvecklingen i Latinamerika" (The political development of Latin America), Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift 71 (l), 1968: 56-63.


594 Hallaråker, Harald. "Kina som uland" (China as an Under-developed Country), InternasjonalPolitikk 1967: 4, 345-360.

595 Hermerén, Henrik. "Indisk demokrati i förvandling" (Indian democracy in the process of change), Liberal debatt 21 (11, 1968: 26-30.

596 Myrdal, Gunnar. Asian Drama. An inguiry into the poverty of nations. Vol. 1-3. New York, Pantheon, 1968, 2284 pp. Also published partly in Swedish: Asiatiskt Drama. Stockholm, Rabén & Sjögren, 1968, 366 pp. (Skrifter utg. av Utrikespolitiska institutet. )

597 Sonden, I. & Haellqvist, K. R.
Indien. Partier och politik (India.
Parties and Politics). Publ. by Ut

rikespolitiska institutet, Stockholm, Rabén & Sjögren, 1967, 39 pp. (Världspolitikens dagsfrågor 1967: 8.)


598 Fleischer, Frederic. The New Sweden. The challenge of a disciplined democracy. New York, David Mc Co., 1967, 365 pp.

599 Hadenius, Stig, Molin, Björn and Wieslander, Hans. Sverige efter 1900. En modern politisk historia (Sweden since 1900. A modern political history). Stockholm, Aldus/ Bonnier, 1967, 304 pp. (2nd ed. 1968.)

600 Jenkins, David. Sweden and the price
of progress. New York, Coward-Mc
1968, 286 pp.

601 Jönsson, Christer. Östeuropa - en översikt" (Eastern Europe — a survey), Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift 71 (3), 1968: 261-272.

602 Ljunglöf, Lennart. Maktspel i östeuropa (Power Game in Eastern Europe). Staffanstorp, Cavefors, 1968, 173 pp.

603 Molin, Björn. "Sweden: Politics since
1964", Scandinavian political studies
2, 1967: 253-256.

604 Reform, ockupation. Tjeckoslovakien 1968 (Reform, Occupation. Czechoslovakia in 1968). Publ. by Utrikespolitiska institutet. Stockholm, Aldus/ Bonnier, 1968, 171 pp.

605 Sjöberg, Hans. Fransk explosion (French explosion). Publ. by Utrikespolitiska institutet. Stockholm, Rabén & Sjögren, 1968, 39 pp. (Världspolitikens dagsfrågor, 1968: 9.)

606 Thulstrup, Åke. Svensk politik 1905—
1939 (Swedish politics 1905-1939).
Stockholm, Bonnier, 1968, 191 pp.

607 Wahlbäck, Krister. Från Mannerheim till Kekkonen. Huvudlinjer i finländsk politik 1917-1967 (From Mannerheim to Kekkonen. The main trends in Finnish politics, 1917-1967). Stockholm, Aldus/Bonnier, 1967, 250 PP


608 Nordenstam, Gunnar and Ennerfelt, P. Göran. Introduktion till sovjetsamhället (An introduction to Soviet society). Stockholm, Almqvist & Wicksell, 1967, 122 pp.

609 Nørrestranders, Bjarne. "Sovjetunionen som forskningsobjekt" (The Soviet Union as a Research Object), Økonomi og Politik 41 (3), 1967: