Scandinavian Political Studies, Bind 3 (1968)

The third volume of SCANDINAVIAN POLITICAL STUDIES deals with the study
of mass media.
J. Westerståhl (Gothenburg) and G. Sjoblom (Lund) in introductory chapters present
designs for the analysis of political communication.
From Sweden and Finland, reports by P. Salmelin and B. Hadenius deal with the
organizational basis of the labour press in the initial years. S. Høyer (Oslo) reports
on the development of the Norwegian press from a somewhat different point of view:
he is concerned with the interaction between media and markets. N. Thomsen
(Copenhagen) describes the structure of the Danish political press. B. O. Birgersson
(Stockholm) investigate some aspects of the coverage of municipal politics in the
Swedish press. Finally, K. Nordenstreng (Helsinki) studies similarities and differences
in American and Finnish journalists perceptions of world leaders.
The volume contains reports from the Scandinavian countries on current research in
political science. One section reports on recent political developments in the four
Scandinavian countries.