Call for reviewers


Qualitative Health Communication (QHC) is now calling for reviewers. We wish to establish a bank of permanent reviewers, so if you have expertise in health communication and qualitative research, please let us know. We are looking for both experienced researchers/reviewers and early career researchers who might not have a lot of review experience.

What are you signing up for?
We hope that our reviewers will take two reviews a year, but you can, of course, always decline if you are too busy, the article is outside your expertise, etc.

What’s in it for you?
You will get experience with reviewing articles in a friendly environment (the editors will help you in any way you need). Your name will feature on our website in our list of reviewers.

How to sign up?
Please send us an email at with 3-8 keywords that reflect your research expertise. Please send keywords that reflect your area of health communication as well as your expertise in qualitative research methods (e.g. interview method, conversation analysis, or similar).