Redaktionen, -. “Swan, N. Og D. Wilton, red.: Inflation and the Canadian Experience. Kingston: The Industrial Centre at Queen’s University, 249 Pp. NT 75-20Q8 Kaliski, S. f.: The tråde off Between Inflation Unemployment: Some Explorations the Recent Evidence for Canada. Economic Council of Canada, Special Study, 22. Ottawa: Information Canada 1972. 114 Pp. NT7S-20QQ Inflation, Unemployment, and Incomes Policy. Report. Ottawa: Information Canada, 1972. NT 75-2100 Scarfe, B. L.: Price Determination and Process Inflation in Canada. Ottawa: Information 1972. 82 Pp. NT 75-2101 Essays on Price Change. Prepared for the Prices and Incomes Commission. Ottawa: Information Canada, 1973. 175 Pp. NT 75-2102 KARDOUCHE, GEORGE K. Og FRANK CARAMAZZA: Wage and Price Controls for Canada? Montreal: C. D. Howe Research Institute, 86 Pp. NT 75-2103”. Nationaløkonomisk Tidsskrift 113 (januar 1, 1975). Set marts 14, 2025.