Nationaløkonomisk Tidsskrift, Bind 135 (1997)

Nye danske arbejdspapirer

Aarhus School of Business. Department of
Economics: Working Paper

96-1 Gert Tinggård Svendsen: C02 Regulation:
Case of Denmark.

96-2 Niels Nannerup: Equilibrium Pollution
Taxes in a Two-sector Open Economy.

Copenhagen Business School. Economic Policy
Unit. Working Paper

96-20 Slobodan Djajic, Sajal Lahiri and Pascalis
Transfer and the
Intertemporal Terms of Trade.

96-21 Slobodan Djaici, Sajal Lahiri and Pascalis
Logic of Aid in
an Intertemporal Setting.

96-22 Svend E. Hougaard Jensen and Bernd Raffelhuschen: Public Debt, Welfare Reforms, Intergenerational Distribution of Tax Burdens in Denmark.

97-01 Harry Huizinga and Søren Bo Nielsen: The Political Economy of Capital Income and Profit Taxation in a Small Open Economy.

97-02 Torsten Sløk and Jens Peter Sørensen: How Small Shocks and Heterogeneous Expectations Can Create Swings in the Exchange Rate.

97-03 Thorarinn G. Pétursson and Torsten Sløk: Wage Formation in a Cointegrated VAR Model: A Demand and Supply Approach.

97-04 Jeffrey H. Nilsen: Borrowed Reserves,
Fed Funds Rate Targets, and the Term

97-05 Carlo Perroni And Kimberley A.
Scharf: Tiebout with Politics: Capital Tax
Competition and Constitutional Choices.

97-06 Sajal Lahiri, Pascalis Raimondos-Møller,
Wong, and Alan D. Woodland:
Optimal Income Transfers and Tariffs.

Handelshøjskolen i København. Institut for
Finansiering. Working Paper

96-14 Kristian Kjeldsen: International Bond
Portfolio. Performance. Evaluation. - a
Mark-to-market approach.

97-1 Christian Harm: The Financing of Small
Firms in Germany.

97-2 Christian Harm: The Role of German
Universal Banks in Reducing the Costs of
Financial Distress.

97-3 Henrik Lando and Michael Teit Nielsen:
Flexibility and Uncertainty in the Housing

97-4 Christian Harm: Coporate Covernance
and Finance in Large German Industry. A
Reply to Professors Edwards and Fischer.

Handelshøjskolen i København, Institut for
Nationaløkonomi. Working Paper

1-97 Lars Lund: National Systems of Innovation, a Theory of Innovation and Interactive Learning. An Anthology by Foremost Nordic Researchers from 1992. Comments.

Københavns Universitet. Økonomisk Institut.

198 Sten Nicolaisen & Torben Tranæs: Lønkurve

199 Troels Østergaard Sørensen: Løn og rekruttering

Odense Universitet. Økonomisk Institut. Occasional

5/1996 Tanja Nissen: Erstatningsansvar og
miljøforsikringer - som virkemidler på
området for farligt affald.

University of Aarhus. Department of Economics.

1996-11 Philipp J. H. Schroder: Reconsidering
Case for Monetary Exchange.

1996-12 Per Svejstrup Hansen: Quantity Adjustment
and Price Rigidity.

1996-13 Robert F. Engle and Svend Hylleberg:
Seasonal Features: Global

1996-14 Svend Hylleberg and Adrian R. Pagan:
Integration and the Evolving

1997-1 Tom Engsted, Jesus Gonzalo and

Side 110

Niels Haldrup: Testning for Multicointegration.

1997-2 Lykke E. Andersen: Modelling the Relationship between Government Policy, Economic Growth, and Deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon.

University of Aarhus and Aarhus School uf
Economics. Centre for Labour Market and
Social Research. Working Paper

96-06 Elizabeth J. Cunningham: The Relationship
Recruiting and Screening
within the Employer Search-Framework.

96-07 Tim Barmby and Nina Smith: Household Supply in Britain and Denmark: Interpretations Using a Model of Pareto Optimal Behaviour.

96-08 Michael Rosholm: Unemployment Duration
the Business Cycle.

96-09 Mark Yuing An and Ming Liu: Structural
of Labor Market Transitions
Using Indirect Inference.

96-10 Paul Bingley and Niels Westergård-
Nielsen: Worker and Plant Wages: Estimates
a Multi-Level Model.

96-11 Paul Bingley and Gauthier Lanot:
Danish Private Sector Wage Policies and
Male Retirement Decisions.

96-12 George R. Neumann and Gauthier
Lanot: Measuring Productivity: Differences
Equilibrium Search Models.

96-13 Tor Eriksson: Executive Compensation
and Tournament Theory: Empirical Tests
on Danish Data.

96-14 Peter Jensen and Helena Skyt Nielsen:
Child Labour or School Attendance? Evidence

96-15 Ebbe Krogh Graversen: Male and Female
Supply in Denmark.

96-16 Tor Eriksson and Markus Jäntti: The
Distribution of Earnings in Finland 1971-1990.

96-17 Ebbe Krogh Graversen: Measuring Labour
Responses to Tax Changes by
Use of Exogenous Tax Reforms.

University of Copenhagen. Institute of Economics.

96-13 Bent E. Sørensen & Oved Yosha: In-

come and Consumption Smoothing among
US States - Regions or Clubs?

96-14 Claus Thustrup Hansen: Progressive
Taxation, Wage bargaining, and Endogenous

96-15 Hans Jørgen Jacobsen & Birgitte Sloth:
Learning and the Intuitive Criterion in
Simple Signaling Games.

96-16 Hans Jørgen Jacobsen: Endogenous,
Imperfectly Competive Business Cycles.

96-17 Christian Ghiglino & Mich Tvede:
Multiplicity of Equilibria.

96-18 Katarina Juselius: An Empirical Analysis
the Changing Role of the German
Bundesbank after 1983.

96-19 Ebbe Groes, Hans Jørgen Jacobsen, Birgitte Sloth & Torben Tranæs: Axiomatic of the Choquet Integral.

96-20 Rasmus Heltberg: How Rural Market Imperfections Shape the Relation Between Farm Size and Productivity - A General Framework and an Application to Pakstani Data.

96-21 James H. Cardon & Dan Sasaki: Preemptive
and R&D Clustering.

96-22 Sougata Poddar: Capacity and Entry
Deterrence under Demand Uncertainty.

96-23 Karl Vind: von Neumann Morgenstern

96-24 Joäo Ejarque: Investment Irreversibility
Precautionary Savings in General

96-25 Jonathan Rubin: The European Stability
and the Effect of Uncertainty on
the Debt and Deficit Ratios.

97-01 Luca Lambertini: Strategic Delegation
and the Shape of Market Competition.

Det Økonomiske Råds Sekretariat. Arbejdspapir

1996:3 Anne Kristine Høj and Karina Ransby:
Value of Education: Danish Investment

1996:4 Mette Larsen: Transportens eksterne

1996:5 Mette Gørtz: Infrastruktur og produktivitet.