Nationaløkonomisk Tidsskrift, Bind 135 (1997)Nye danske arbejdspapirerAarhus School
of Business. Department of 96-1 Gert
Tinggård Svendsen: C02 Regulation: 96-2 Niels
Nannerup: Equilibrium Pollution Copenhagen
Business School. Economic Policy 96-20 Slobodan
Djajic, Sajal Lahiri and Pascalis 96-21 Slobodan
Djaici, Sajal Lahiri and Pascalis 96-22 Svend E. Hougaard Jensen and Bernd Raffelhuschen: Public Debt, Welfare Reforms, Intergenerational Distribution of Tax Burdens in Denmark. 97-01 Harry Huizinga and Søren Bo Nielsen: The Political Economy of Capital Income and Profit Taxation in a Small Open Economy. 97-02 Torsten Sløk and Jens Peter Sørensen: How Small Shocks and Heterogeneous Expectations Can Create Swings in the Exchange Rate. 97-03 Thorarinn G. Pétursson and Torsten Sløk: Wage Formation in a Cointegrated VAR Model: A Demand and Supply Approach. 97-04 Jeffrey H.
Nilsen: Borrowed Reserves, 97-05 Carlo
Perroni And Kimberley A. 97-06 Sajal
Lahiri, Pascalis Raimondos-Møller, Handelshøjskolen i
København. Institut for 96-14 Kristian
Kjeldsen: International Bond 97-1 Christian
Harm: The Financing of Small 97-2 Christian
Harm: The Role of German 97-3 Henrik Lando
and Michael Teit Nielsen: 97-4 Christian
Harm: Coporate Covernance Handelshøjskolen i
København, Institut for 1-97 Lars Lund: National Systems of Innovation, a Theory of Innovation and Interactive Learning. An Anthology by Foremost Nordic Researchers from 1992. Comments. Københavns
Universitet. Økonomisk Institut. 198 Sten
Nicolaisen & Torben Tranæs: Lønkurve 199 Troels
Østergaard Sørensen: Løn og rekruttering
Universitet. Økonomisk Institut. Occasional
5/1996 Tanja
Nissen: Erstatningsansvar og University of
Aarhus. Department of Economics. 1996-11 Philipp
J. H. Schroder: Reconsidering 1996-12 Per
Svejstrup Hansen: Quantity Adjustment 1996-13 Robert F.
Engle and Svend Hylleberg: 1996-14 Svend
Hylleberg and Adrian R. Pagan: 1997-1 Tom
Engsted, Jesus Gonzalo and Side 110
Niels Haldrup:
Testning for Multicointegration. 1997-2 Lykke E. Andersen: Modelling the Relationship between Government Policy, Economic Growth, and Deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon. University of
Aarhus and Aarhus School uf 96-06 Elizabeth
J. Cunningham: The Relationship 96-07 Tim Barmby and Nina Smith: Household Supply in Britain and Denmark: Interpretations Using a Model of Pareto Optimal Behaviour. 96-08 Michael
Rosholm: Unemployment Duration 96-09 Mark Yuing
An and Ming Liu: Structural 96-10 Paul
Bingley and Niels Westergård- 96-11 Paul
Bingley and Gauthier Lanot: 96-12 George R.
Neumann and Gauthier 96-13 Tor
Eriksson: Executive Compensation 96-14 Peter
Jensen and Helena Skyt Nielsen: 96-15 Ebbe Krogh
Graversen: Male and Female 96-16 Tor
Eriksson and Markus Jäntti: The 96-17 Ebbe Krogh
Graversen: Measuring Labour University of
Copenhagen. Institute of Economics. 96-13 Bent E.
Sørensen & Oved Yosha: In- come and
Consumption Smoothing among 96-14 Claus
Thustrup Hansen: Progressive 96-15 Hans Jørgen
Jacobsen & Birgitte Sloth: 96-16 Hans Jørgen
Jacobsen: Endogenous, 96-17 Christian
Ghiglino & Mich Tvede: 96-18 Katarina
Juselius: An Empirical Analysis 96-19 Ebbe Groes, Hans Jørgen Jacobsen, Birgitte Sloth & Torben Tranæs: Axiomatic of the Choquet Integral. 96-20 Rasmus Heltberg: How Rural Market Imperfections Shape the Relation Between Farm Size and Productivity - A General Framework and an Application to Pakstani Data. 96-21 James H.
Cardon & Dan Sasaki: Preemptive 96-22 Sougata
Poddar: Capacity and Entry 96-23 Karl Vind:
von Neumann Morgenstern 96-24 Joäo
Ejarque: Investment Irreversibility 96-25 Jonathan
Rubin: The European Stability 97-01 Luca
Lambertini: Strategic Delegation Det
Økonomiske Råds Sekretariat. Arbejdspapir
1996:3 Anne
Kristine Høj and Karina Ransby: 1996:4 Mette
Larsen: Transportens eksterne 1996:5 Mette
Gørtz: Infrastruktur og produktivitet.