Nationaløkonomisk Tidsskrift, Bind 134 (1996)

Nye danske arbejdspapirer

Copenhagen Business School. Economic Policv
Unit. Working Paper.

96-04 Anders Sørensen. Growth Enhancing
Policies in a Small Open Economy.

96-05 Anders Sørensen. Industrialization and
Factor Accumulation.

96-06 Christian Schultz: Announcements and
Credibility of Monetary Policy.

96-07 Christian Schultz: Political Competition
and Polarization.

96-08 Ole Risager og William G. Tyler: Macroeconomic Policy and Exchange Rate Policy Management in a Small Dependent Economy: Estimating the Effects of Currency in Jordan.

96-09 Neil Rankin: How Does Uncertainty
About Future Fiscal Policy Affect Current
Macroeconomic Variables?

96-10 U. Michael Bergman og Michael M. Hutchison: The »German View«, Fiscal Consolidation and Comsumption Booms: Empirical Evidence from Denmark.

96-11 Eric Hansen og Michael M. Hutchison: Exchange Rates, Non-traded Goods and the Terms-of-Trade: An Empirical Application New Zealand.

96-12 Michael M. Hutchison og Carl E. Walsh: Central Bank Institutional Design and the Output Cost of Disinflation: Did the 1989 New Zealand Reserve Bank Act Affect the Inflation-Output Tradeoff?

Handelshøjskolen i København, Institut for Finansiering.

96-5 Michael Møller og Niels Chr. Nielsen: Skattestruktur: Kapitalafkastbeskatning og ressurceallokering med udgangspunkt i den danske skattereform.

96-6 Michael Møller: Indskydergarantifonden og dens mulighed for at betale kompensation overtagende pengeinstitutter ved truende konkurser: En analyse.

96-7 Henrik Lando: The Optimal Negligence
Standard When People Care About Justice.

96-8 Michael Møller og Niels Chr. Nielsen:

Convertible Bonds: Call Policy and Price

96-10 Henrik Lando: The Two-sided Incentive
Problems of Retailing and Franchising.

Københavns Universitet. Økonomisk Institut.

194 Hans Brems: Nogle dansk-amerikanske

195 Mogens Blegvad: Noget om moral og

Odense Universitet.Økonomisk Institut. Occasional

2/1995 Lars Matthiessen: The Impact of Friedrich
in Denmark and Sweden.

1/1996 Jørgen Lauridsen: Regional Econometric
in the Explanation of Inter-
Municipal Service Variation.

2/1996 Jørgen Lauridsen: Decomposing the
Redistributive Effects of a Tax in Cases
with Weighted Observations.

3/1996 Birgit Nahrstedt og Gustav Kristensen:
Mature People's Perception of Favorite Living
when Old.

4/1996 Christen Sørensen: Grønt nationalregnskab
ressourcer og miljø.

University of Aarhus. Department of Economics.

1996-4 Morten O. Ravn og Martin Sola: A Reconsideration the Empirical Evidence on the Asymmetric Effects of Money-Supply Shocks: Positive vs. Negative or Big vs. Small?

1996-5 Bo Sandemann Rasmussen: Imperfectly
Factor Markets and
Price Normalisation.

1996-6 Philip J. Grossman, Panyaiotis Mavros
og Robert W. Wassmer: Public Sector Inefficiency
Large U.S. Cities.

1996-7 Amitava Krishna Dutt og Peter Skott: Keynesian Theory and the Aggregate-Supply/Aggregate-Demand A Defense.

Side 207

1996-8 Peter Skott: Strukturledighed, Philipskurver
dansk økonomisk-politisk debat.

1996-9 Peter Skott: The Crisis of Egalitarian
Policy and the Promises of Asset-Based

1996-10 Per Svejstrup Hansen, Hans Peter Møllgaard, Per Baltzer Overgaard og Jan Rose Sørensen: Asymmetric Adjustment in Menu Cost Duopoly.

University of Aarhus and Aarhus School of
Economics. Centre for Labour Market and Social
Working Paper.

96-01 Mark Yuying An: Log-concave Probability
Theory and Statistical

96-02 Audra Bowlus, Nicholas M. Kiefer og
George R. Neumann: Fitting Equilibrium
Search Models to Labour Market Data.

96-03 Karsten Albæk, Mahmood Arai, Rita Asplund, Erling Barth og Erik Strøyer Madsen: Employer Size-Wage Effects in the Nordic Countries.

96-04 Bent J. Christensen og Nicholas M. Kiefer: Inference in Non-Linear Panels with Partially Missing Observations: The Case of the Equilibrium Search Model.

96-05 Michéle Naur og Nina Smith: Cohort

Effects on the Gender Wage Cap in Denmark.

University of Copenhagen. Institute ofEconomics.

96-03 Jean-Pierre Benoit og Vijay Krishna:
The Folk Theorems for Repeated Games:
A Synthesis.

96-04 Christian Schultz: Political Competition
and Polarization.

96-05 Egbert Dierker og Birgit Grodal: The
Price Normalization Problem in Imperfect
Competition and the Objective of the Firm.

96-06 Jean-Francois Fragnart, Omar Licandro og Franck Portier: Idiosyncratic Uncertainty. Utilization and the Business Cycle.

96-07 Christian Schultz: Announcements and
Cridibility of Monetary Policy.

Det Økonomiske Råds Sekretatiat. Arbejdspapir.

1996:1 Niels Henning Bjørn og Bertil From:
Konkurrence og priser.

1996:2 Peter Schultz-Møller: Kapitalomkostninger
erhvervsinvesteringer i Danmark