Nationaløkonomisk Tidsskrift, Bind 133 (1995)

Nye danske arbejdspapirer

Copenhagen Business School. Economics Policy
Unit. Working Paper.

94-10 Peter Birch Sørensen, Lars Haagen Pedersen Søren Bo Nielsen: Taxation, Pollution, Unemployment and Growth: Could there be a »Triple Dividend« from a Green Tax Reform?

94-1 1 Peter Birch Sørensen and Søren Bo
Nielsen: On the Optimality of the Nordic
System of Dual Income Taxation.

94-12 Sajal Lahiri and Pascalis Raimondos:
Competition for Aid and Trade Policy.

94-13 Niels Kleis Frederiksen, Peter Reinhard Hansen, Henrik Jacobsen and Peter Birch Sørensen: Comsumer Services, Employment the Informal Economy.

94-14 Yoshiyasu Ono: Market Segmentation
and Effective Demand Shortage in a World
with Dynamic Optimization.

95-01 Vesa Kanniainen and Jan Södersten:
On Financial Adjustment and Investment
Booms: Lessons from Tax reforms.

95-02 Søren Bo Nielsen: Withholding Taxes
and Country-Specific Shocks.

95-03 Vesa Kanniainen and Rune Stenbacka: Towards a Theory of Socially Valuable Imitation implications tor lechnology Policy.

95-04 Bent E. Sørensen, Pierfederico Asdrubali
Oved Yosha: Channels of Interstate
Risksharing: US 1963-1990.

95-05 Peter Birch Sørensen: Changing Views
of the Corporate Income Tax.

Handelshøjskolen i København, Institut for
Finansiering. Working Paper.

94-7 Leif Hasager: Differensinvesteringer og
hurtige nulkuponer.

94-8 Claus Parum: Danske institutionelle investorers
i danske børsnoterede

94-9 Bjarne Florentsen: Kapitalpensioners opsparingsfremmende

94-10 Bjarne Florentsen: Kapitalpensioners
samfundøkonomiske potentiale.

95-1 Finn Østrup: The Politics and Economics
of the Maastricht Treaty. A Garbage Can

Hypothesis for European Monetary Integration.

95-2 Finn Østrup: Supplementary Pensions in
the Context og Demographic, Economic
and Social Change.

95-3 Finn Østrup: The Efficiency of Exchange
Rate Policy in Eleven European Countries.

Københavns Universitet. Økonomisk Institut.

191 Zhan Li: Ways and common policies for
foreign investment in China.

192 Zhan Li: A Survey of Investment Opportunities

193 Hector Estrup: Den moralske agent.

Københavns Universitet. Økonomisk Institut.
Cykelafdelingen. Memo.

106 Eskil Heinesen: Efterspørgslen efter forbrugerservice:
af pris- og indkomstelasticiteter.

Odense Universitet. Center for Helsetjenesteforskning
Socialpolitik. Arbejdsnotat.

1994:4 Jørn Henrik Petersen og Jørgen Søndergaard: Comprehensive Reform of the Income Transfer System. A Recent Danish Proposal.

1995:1 Jørn Henrik Petersen: Three Essays on
Trend Towards a Transformation of the Danish

Universitv of Aarhus and Aarhus School of
Economics. Centre for Labour Market and Social
Working Paper.

95-01: Christian Belzil: Contiguous Duration
Dependence and Nonstationarity in Job

95-02: Christian Belzil: Unemployment Insurance
Unemployment Over Time: An
Analysis with Event History Data.

95-03: Christian Belzil: Unemployment Duration
and Reemployment Earnings.

95-04: Christian Belzil: Relative Efficiencies
Comparative Advantages in Job

Side 119

University of Copenhagen. Institute ofEconomics.
s ion Paper.

94-13 Niels Thygesen: A Critical Examination
of Target Zones and Reflections on the
EMS Experience.

94-14 Peter Birch Sørensen, Lars Haagen Pedersen Søren Bo Nielsen: Taxation, Pollution, and Growth: Could there be a »Triple Dividend« from a Green Tax Reform?

94-15 Egbert Dierker & Birgit Grodal: Profit
Maximization Mitigates Competition.

94-16 William Perraudin & Bent Sørensen: Modelling Exchange Rates in Continuous Time: Theory, Estimation and Option Pricing.

95-01 Christian Schultz: Wages and Employment
a Repeated Game with Revenue

95-02 Claus Thustrup Hansen: Labour Unions,
Capital Accumulation, and the Natural
Rate of Unemployment.

Aarhus Universitet. Økonomisk Institut. Memo.

1994-30 Ole Risager and Jan Rose Sørensen:
Employment Protection, Trade Union Behaviour
International Capital Mobility.

1994-31 Torben M. Andersen, Bo Sandemann Rasmussen and Jan Rose Sørensen: Optimal Policy in Open Economics with Labour Market Distortions.

1994-32 Morten O. Ravn and Jan Rose Sørensen:
Wages: Curse or Blessing.

1994-33 Gunnar Thorlund Jepsen: Gulerod og/ eller pisk. Analyse af effekten af tilskud/ skattefradrag til boligforbedringer på tendensen at arbejde sort.

1994-34 Claus Vastrup: Danish Foreign Economic
After 1967.

1995-1 Torben M. Andersen: Demand Management
Structural Unemployment in
an Open Economy.