Nationaløkonomisk Tidsskrift, Bind 130 (1992)

Nye udenlandske bøger

Almindelig økonomisk teori og politik

Adam Smith Reviewed. Edited by Peter Jones
and Andrew S. Skinner. Edinburgh U.P.,
1992.240 s.

Business cycles: theories, evidence and analysis. of a conference held by the International Economic Association, Copenhagen, Edited by Niels Thygesen, Velupillai and Stefano Basingstoke: Macmillan in association with the International Economic 1991.449 s.

Classical theories of money, output and inflation.
by John Eatwell. London: Macmillan,

Contributions to consumer demand and econometrics. in honour of Henri Theil. Edited by Ronald Bewley and Tran van Hoa. Macmillan, 1991. 240 s.

Economic analysis of markets and games. Essays
honor of Frank Hahn. Cambridge:
MIT 1992. 656 s.

Economic policy and the market process. Austrian mainstream economics. Edited by K. Groenveld, J.A.H. Maks, J. Muysken. North-Holland: 1990. 304 s.

General equilibrium models of monetary economics: on the static foundations of monetary theory. Ed. by Ross M. Starr. Boston: Academic Press, 1989. 351 s.

Growth, productivity, employment. Essays to celebrate Bob Solow's birthday. Edited by Peter Diamond. Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press, 1990.246 s.

Markets and politicians: politicized economic
choice. Edited by Arye L. Hillman. Boston:
Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1991.368 s.

Modelling Seasonality. Edited by Svend Hylleberg.
1992. 352 s.

Side 547

Monetary policy: a theoretical and econometric Ed. by P. Artus and Y. Barroux. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 250 s.

Money, macroeconomics, and economic policy. in honor of James Tobin. Edited by William C. Brainard, William D. Nordhaus, Harold W. Watts. Cambridge, Mass. 1991.357 s.

Nicholas Kaldor and mainstream economics: confrontation or convergence. Edited by Edward J. Nell and Willi Semmler. London: 1991. 620 s.

The philosophy and economics ofJ.M. Keynes: new perspectives on Keynes. Edited by Bill Gerrard and John Hillard. Edward Elgar, 1991.288 s.

Price level measurement. Ed. by WE. Diewert.
Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1990. 377 s.
(Contributions to economic analysis; 196)

Social economics: retrospect and prospect. Ed.
by Mark A. Lutz. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic,
442 s.

Amoroso, Bruno: Macroeconomic theories and policies for the 19905: A Scandinavian perspective. London: Macmillan, 1992. 156 s.

Campbell, Donald E.: Equity, efficiency and
social choice. Oxf.U.R, 1992.192 s.

Chiang, Alpha C: Elements of dynamic optimization.
York: McGraw-Hill, 1992.
327 s.

Chick, Victoria: On money, method and Keynes. essays by Victoria Chick. Edited by Philip Arestis and Sheila C. Dow. Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1992.227 s.

Fisher, Franklin M.: Econometrics: essays on theory and applications. Collected papers of Franklin M. Fisher. Ed. by John Monz. Hemel Hempstead: Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1991.408 s.

Garretsen, Harry: Keynes, Coordination and beyond: Development of macroeconomic and monetary theory since 1945. E. Elgar Pub., 1992.288 s.

Hall, Thomas E.: Business cycles: the nature
and causes of economic fluctuations. New
York: Praeger, 1990. 238 s.

Hirshleifer, Jack and John G. Riley: The analytics
uncertainty and information. Cam-

bridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992.

Hutchison, T.W.: Changing aims in economics.
Blackwell, 1992. 144 s.

Kirzner, Israel M.: The meaning of the market process: essays in the development of modern economics. London: Routledge, 246 s.

Kuenne, Robert H.: New findings in long-wave
research. Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1992.
400 s.

Leonard, Daniel and Ngo Van Long: Optimal control theory and static optimization in economics. Cambridge: Cambridge University 1991.

Ofer, Gur and Aaron Vinokur: Soviet household the Old Regime: economic conditions behaviour in the 19705. Camb.U.R, 1992. 530 s.

Oman, Charles P. and Ganeshan Wignaraja: The postwar evolution of development thinking. London: Macmillan in association the OECD Development Centre, 1991.272 s.

Rosser, J. Barkley: From catastrophe to chaos:
general theory of economic discontinuities.
Boston: Kluwer Academic, 1991.402 s.

Rostow, W.W.: Theorists of economic growth from David Hume to the present: with a perspective on the next century. Oxford Univ. Press, 1990.712 s.

Sebastiani, Mario: Notion of equilibrium in
Keynesian theory. Macmillan, 1992.270 s.

Shoven, John B. and John Whalley: Applying
general equilibrium. Cambridge; Cambridge
Press, 1992.

Simon, Herbert A., Massimo Egide and Robin Marris: Economics, bounded rationality and the cognitive revolution. Aldershot: Edward Elgar, 1991.208 s.

Smith, Vernon L.: Papers in experimental economics.
Cambridge University
Press., 1991.812 s.

Stiglitz, Joseph E.: New Keynesian economics.
Oxford:Oxford University Press, 1992.
256 s.

Targetti, F.: Nicholas Kaldor: Economics and
politics of capitalism as a dynamic system.
Oxf.U.P, 1992.448 s.

Taylor, Lance: Income distribution, inflation,
and growth: Lectures on structuralist ma-

Side 548

croeconomic theory. The MIT Press, 1992.
320 s.

Trevithick, J.A.: Involuntary unemployment: macroeconomics from a Keynesian perspective. Hempstead: Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1992.246 s.

Werhane, Patricia H.: Adam Smith and his legacy
modern capitalism. Oxford: Oxford
Press, 1991.219 s.

Økonomisk udvikling, historie, systemer

Internationalization of the German political
economy. Edited by William D. Graf. Basingstoke:
1992.265 s.

Development finance and policy reform: essays theory and practice of conditionality less developed countries. Edited by Paul Mosley. Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1992.280 s.

Early steps in comparing East-West economies. on a conference held in Bursa, Turkey in March 1958 by UNESCO and the International Economic Association. Edited by M.C. Kaser and E.A.G. Robinson. Macmillan in association with the International Economic Association, 105 s.

Global warning: economic policy responses. Edited by Rudiger Dombusch and James M. Poterba. Cambridge, Mass.: The MIT Press, 1991.389 s.

Reform in Eastern Europe. By Oliver Blanchard
al. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press,
1991.98 s.

Technology and enterprise in a historical perspective. by Giovanni Dosi, Renato Giannetti and Pier Angelo Toninelli. Clarendon 1992.

Baumol, William X, Sue Anne Batey Blackman Ecward N. Wolff: Productivity and American leadership: the long view. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1989.395 s.

Bird, Graham: Economic Reform in Eastern
Europe. E. Elgar, 1992.208 s.

Conklin, David W: Comparative economic systems: decision models, and the process of choice. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1991.417 s.

Fisher, Douglas: Industrial revolution: macro-

economic interpretation. Macmillan, 1992.
310 s.

Flakierski, Henryk: Industrial revolution: macroeconomic
1992.310 s.

Francks, Penelope: Japanese economic development:
and practice. London:
Routledge, 1992.288 s.

Giersch, Herbert: Fading miracle: four decades market economy in Germany. Cambridge: University Press, 1992. 320 s.

Grossman, Gene M. and Elhanan Helpman: Innovation
growth in the global economy.
Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1991. 359 s.

Hansen, Bent: Egypt and Turkey. Oxford: Oxford
Press for the World Bank,
1991.572 s.

Inada, Kenichi, Sueo Sekiguchi and Yasutoyo
Shoda: The Mechanism of economic development.
Press, 1991.288 s.

Kornai, Janos: Socialist system: Political economy
socialism. Oxford: Oxford University
1992. 640 s.

Laffan, Brigid: Integration and Co-operation
in Europe. Routledge, 1992.240 s.

Milanovic, Branko: Liberalization and entrepreneurship: of reform in socialism capitalism. Armonk, N.Y.: M.E. Sharpe, 1989.183 s.

Sutela, Pekka: Economic thought and economic
in the Soviet Union. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, 1991.197 s.

Tylecote, Andrew: The long wave in the world
economy: the present crisis in historical
perspective. London: Routledge, 1992. 338


Van Arkadie, Brian and Mats Karlsson: Economic of the Baltic states: the reform in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. Pinter, 1992. 344 s.

International økonomi

Evolution of the international and regional monetary systems. Essays in honour of Robert Edited by Alfred Steinherr and Daniel Weiserbs. Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1991.2615.

Global disequilibrium in the world economy.

Side 549

Edited by Mario Baldassarri et al. London:
Macmillan, 1992.

The international debt crisis in historical perspective. by Barry Eichengreen and Peter Lindert. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1989. 282 s.

International economic interdependence, patterns trade balances and economic policy Edited by Mario Baldassarri al. London: Macmillan, 1992.

The reality of international economic policy coordination. Ed. by H.J. Blommestein. Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1991. 329 s. (Contributions to economic analysis; 199)

Britton, Andrew and David Mayes: Achieving
Monetary Union in Europe. Sage Pubns.,
1992.160 s.

Grauwe, Paul De: Economics of monetary integration.
Oxford University Press,
1992. 208 s.

Gros, Daniel and Niels Thygesen: European monetary integration: from the European monetary system to monetary union. Harlow: 1991. 320 s.

Andre emner

Econometrics of health care. Edited by G. Duru
J.H.R Paelinck. Dordrecht: Kluwer
Academic Publishers, 1991.248 s.

Competition in Europe. Essays in honour of Henk W. de Jong. Edited by Peter de Wolf. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Press, 1991. 293 s.

Energy demand: evidence and expectations.
Edited by David Hawdon. London: Surrey
University Press, 1992.255 s.

Measuring the demand for environmental quality. by John B. Braden and Charles D. Kolstad. Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1991. 370 s. (Contributions to economic analysis; 198)

Oligopoly and dynamic competition: firm,
market and economic system. Edited by
Mario Baldassarri. Macmillan P., 1992. 360


Privatization and entrepreneurs hip: post-socialist Edited by Bruno Dallago, Glammaria Ajani and Bruno Grancelli. Macmillan: London, 1992. 355 s.

Atkinson, A.8., E Bourguignon and C. Morrisson:
studies of earnings mobility.
Gordon and Breach, 1992. 200 s.

Kuenne, Robert E.: The economics of oligopolistic price and nonprice rivalry. papers of Robert E. Kuenne. Blackwell, 1992.

Mooney, Gavin H.: Key Issues in Health Economics.
Wheatsheaf, 1992.192 s.

Slottje, Daniel I: The structure of earnings and the measurement of income inequality in the U.S. Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1989. 206 s. (Contributions to economic analysis; 184)

Sutton, John: Sunk costs and market structure: price competition, advertising, and the evolution concentration. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1991.577 s.

Train, Kenneth E.: Optimal regulation: The economic theory of natural monopoly. Cambridge, Mass.: The MIT Press, 1991. 338 s.