Nationaløkonomisk Tidsskrift, Bind 129 (1991)


Association Sudeuropa De Economia Teorica
(A.S.S.E.T.); 1991 Meeting
Sted: Athen, Grækenland
Tid: 19.-21. november 1991
Kontakt: Professor Tryphon Kollintzas, Department
Economics, Athens University of
Economics and Business, Patission 76, Athens

Center of International Economics and Finance,
of Aix-Marseille 11, Center for
Operational Research and Econometrics,
University of Leuven, and the Polytechnic Institute,
of Valenciennes: International
on Nonprofit Maximizing
Firms and the Cooperative Sector
Sted: Aix-en-Provence, Frankrig
Tid: 5.-6. december 1991
Kontakt: Didier Laussel eller Antoine Soubeyran,
Chateau La Farge, Route des
Milles, 13290-Les Milles, Frankrig. Tel.:
0093342274266. Fax: 009342389585.

European Conference on Austrian Economics
Sted: Maastricht, Holland
Tid: 9.-10. april 1992
Kontakt: Dr. Gerrit Meijer, Faculty of Economics,
of Limburg, P.O. Box 616,
6200 MD Maastricht, Holland.

International Federation of Operational Research
Conference on Transition to
Advanced Market Economies
Sted: Warszawa, Polen
Tid: 22.-25. juni 1992
Kontakt: Prof. A. Straszak, IFORS-SPC 2,
Systems Research Institute, Polish Academy
of Sciences, 6 Newelska, Warszawa 01-447,

International Federation of Automatic Control:
on Support Systems for Decision
Negotiation Processes
Sted: Warszawa, Polen
Tid: 24.-26. juni 1992
Kontakt: Dr. Zbigniew Nahorski, DNS '92,

Systems Research Institute, Polish Academy
of Sciences, Newelska 6, 01-447 Warszawa,

International Society for Intercommunication
ofNew Ideas: Second World Congress
Sted: Athen, Grækenland
Tid: 29. juni-2. juli 1992
Kontakt: Prof. Emeritus Lazaros Houmanidis,
5-7 Gregory V Amaroussian, Athens 15122,

European Meeting ofthe Econometric Society
Sted: Bruxelles, Belgien
Tid: 24.-28. august 1992
Bidrag: Inden 15. marts 1992 til: økonometri
- Prof. Richard Blundell, Department of Economics,
College London, Gower
Street, WCLE 6BT, London, England; økonomisk
Prof. Jacques Thisse, CORE, Université
de Louvain, 34, Voie du
Roman Pays, B-1348, Louvain-La-Neuve,
Kontakt: Prof. Mathias Dewatripont eller Prof.
Victor Ginsburgh, Universite Libre de Bruxelles,
139, 50 av. Roosevelt, B-1050, Bruxelles,

International Economic Association: Tenth
World Congress
Sted: Moskva
Tid: 24.-28. august 1992
Bidrag: Inden 15. januar 1992 til Jacky Jennings,
R 432, STICERD, London
School of Economics, Houhton Street, London
2AE, England.
Nærmere oplysninger: Nationaløkonomisk
Forenings sekretær.

17th Symposium on Operations Research
Sted: Hamborg, Tyskland
Sted: 25.-28. august 1992
Kontakt: Prof. Martin Schader, Institu fur Informatik,
der Bundeswehr Hamburg,
85, D-2000 Hamburg
70, Tyskland.