Nationaløkonomisk Tidsskrift, Bind 128 (1990)Nye danske arbejdspapirerHandelshøjskolen i
København. Institut for Finansiering. 90-2. Bjarne Astrup Jensen og Jørgen Aase Nielsen: Pricing contingent claims: firstand second-order effects from stochastic interest rate development. 30 s. 90-3. Leif
Hasager: Effektiv rentestruktur, 90-4. Leif
Hasager og Bjarne Astrup Jensen: 90-5. Leif
Hasager og Michael Møller: Konveksitet 90-6. Jesper
Jespersen: Peeling the classical 90-7. Jesper
Jespersen: Crisis in Keynesian 90-8. Finn
Østrup: Situationen efter finansfusionerne. Københavns
Universitet. Økonomisk Institut. 179. Peter Birch Sørensen: De danske regler for beskatning af udenlandsk indkomst: en studie i kapitaleksportsubsidiering. 17 s. Københavns
Universitet. Økonomisk Institut. 90-07. Lars
Haagen Pedersen og Peter Stephensen: 90-08. Karl Vind:
Two characterizations of 90-09. Henrik
Lando og Michael Teit Nielsen: 90-10. Torben M. Andersen og Morten Hviid: Asymmetric information and price stickiness in imperfectly competitive markets. 25 s. 90-11. Katarina Juselius: Long-run relations in a well defined statistical model for the data generating process. Cointegration analysis of the PPP and the UIP relations. 29 s. 90-12. Hans Jørgen Jacobsen og Christian Schultz: Undominated wage rates in a unionized overlapping generations economy. 23 s. 90-13. Troels
Østergaard Sørensen: Temporary 90-14. Birgit Grodal og Werner Hildenbrand: Statistical Engel curves, income distributions and the »Law of demand«. 12 s. 90-16. Birgitte
Sloth: Non-cooperative models Københavns
Universitet. Økonomisk Institut. 1/1990. L.
Danziger og A. Schnytzer: Implementing 2/1990. Yew-Kwang
Ng: How much public Odense
Universitet. Institut for Virksomhedsledelse.
2/1990. Peter Ove Christensen: The value of communication in multi-period agencies with production and financial decisions. 57 s. Odense
Universitet. Økonomisk Institut. Occasional
3/1990. Terkel
Christiansen: Measurement 4/1990. Morten
Skak: Monetary and fiscal Aarhus
Universitet. Økonomisk Insitut. Memo Side 395
expectations equilibria: a comment. 1990-12. Erik
Harsaae: On Keynesian and 1990-13. Clive
WJ. Granger: Developments 1990-14. Manfred
J. Holler: On costs and 1990-15. Torben
M. Andersen: Excess supply 1990-16. C.W.J.
Granger: Positively related 1990-17. Per
Baltzer Overgaard: Stochastic IQQO-1R ToonY
Park-Maximum likelihood 1990-19. Joon Y.
Park: Disequilibrium impulse IWU-A). iNiels Ran Sørensen: A model to measure economic linkages and the international element between Germany and eight small open economies. 55 s. 1990-21. Ole Risager: Wage rivalry and insider-outsider relations: evidence for skilled and unskilled men in Denmark. 37 s. 1990-22. Niels Haldrup: Tests for unit roots with a maintained trend when the true data generating process is a random walk with drift. 53 s. Aarhus
Universitet. Økonomisk Institut/Handelshøjskolen 90-1. Jan Beyer Schmidt-Sørensen: The profit share rate, wages, employment and efficiency effects in collective bargaining. 43 s. 90-2. Nina Smith:
Household labour supply 90-3. Jan Beyer
Schmidt-Sørensen: Essays 90-4. George
Neumann, Peder J. Pedersen og ternational
trends in aggregate unionization. Nye udenlanske
bøger Almindelig
økonomisk teori Advanced
lectures in quantitative economics. Analyzing modem business cycles. Essays honoring Geoffrey H. Moore. Edited by Philip A. Klein. Armonk, N.Y.: M.E. Sharpe, 1989. Conservation laws and symmetry. Applications to economics and finance. Edited by Ryuzo Sato and Rama V. Ramachandran. Norwell, MA: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1990. .-.-„-. A .-. /■ \ Contributions to operations research ana economics. Ihe twentieth anniversary ot CORE. Edited by Bernard Cornet and Henry Tulkens. Cambridge. Mass.: MIT P.ciö 19C9 Current
issues in microeconomics. Ed. by John Dynamic modelling and control of national economies 1989. Selected papers from the 6th IFAC Symposium, Edinburgh, U.K. 27-29 Juni, 1989. Oxford: Published for the International Federation of Automatic Control by Pergamon, 1990. 580 s. Entrepreneurship. Edited by
Mark Casson. Foundations
of economic thought. Edited by Game theory
in economics. Edited by Ariel Gmwth thpnr\)
FHjfed hy R Becker and F Howitt, Peter:
The Keynesian recovery and Joint
production of commodities. Edited by Life cycles
and long waves. Ed. by T. Vasko. R. Side 396
Ayres and L.
Fontvieille. Berlin: Springer Microeconomics. Theoretical
and applied Edited Milton
Freidman. Critical assessments. Ed. by Neoclassical economic theory, 1870-1930. Ed. by Klaus Hennings and Warren J. Samuels. Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1990. 290 s. Classicals, Marxians and neo-classicals. Selected papers from the History of Economics Society conference, 1988. Edited by D.E. Moggridge. Aldershot: Elgar, 1990. 224 s. (Perspectives on the history of economic thought; v. 3). Keynes, macroeconomics and method. Selected papers from the history of Economics Society Conference, 1988. Edited by D.E. Moggridge. Aldershot: Elgar, 1990. (Perspectives on the history of economic thought; v.4). Problems of the mixed economy. Cooperation, efficiency, and stability. Papers presented at the 9th Arne Ryde Symposium, Elsinore, Denmark, 1987. Ed. by Hans Carlsson and Bo Larsson. Amsterdam: North- Holland, 1990. 218 s. (Contributions to economic analysis; 189). Structures of capital. The social organization of the economy. Edited by Sharon Zukin and Paul DiMaggio. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990. 285 s. The Evolution of economic systems. Essays in honour of Ota Sik. Edited by Kurt Dopfer and Karl-Friedrich Raible. Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1990. 240 s. The History
of economic thought. Edited by Who's who in British economics. A directory of economists in higher education, business and government. Edited by Paul Sturges and Claire Sturges. Aldershot: Elgar, 1990.620 s. Artus, P.:
Investment and factor demand. Amsterdam:
(Contributions to
economic analysis; Disaggregation in
econometric modelling. Edited Bigg, Robert J.: Cambridge and the monetary theory of production. The collapse of marshallian macroeconomics. Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1990. 228 s. Blinder, Alan S.:
Macroeconomics under debate. Bottomore, Tom:
The socialist economy. Theory Buchanan, James
M.: Essays on the political Capie, Forrest:
Directory of economic institutions. Chakravarty,
Satya R.: Ethical social index Chandler, Alfred Dupont: Scale and scope. The dynamics of industrial capitalism. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1990. 860 s. Dallago, Bruno: The irregular economy. The »underground« economy and the »black« labour market. Aldershot: Dartmouth, 1990.224 s. Dhrymes. Phoebus
J.: Topics in advanced Dutt, Amitava Krishna and Edward J. Amadeo: Keynes s third alternative? The neo- Ricardian Keynesians and the post-Keynesians. Aldershot: Elgar, 1990. 197 s. Eisner, Robert:
The total incomes systems of Hahnel, Robin:
Quit revolution in welfare economics. Huhne, Christopher: Real world economics. Essays on imperfect markets and fallible governments. London: Macmillan, 1990 323 s. Ingrao, Bruna
and Giorgio Israel: The invi- Side 397
sible hand.
Economic equilibrium in the history of
science. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Kindleberger,
Charles P.: Economic laws and Kornai, Janos: Vision and reality, market and state. Contradictions and dilemmas revisited. Hemel Hempstead: Simon & Schuster, 1990.200 s. Lomba, Jaime
Terceiro: Estimation of dynamic Martos, Bela: Economic control structures. A non-Walrasian approach. Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1990. 241 s. (Constributions to economic analysis; 188). Morishima,
Michio: Ricardos economics. A M.-.i-^^-f«.-*.
-^oiiio-iiu^. &v&u >_Hi Morgan, Mary S.:
The history of econometric Oakley, Allen: Schumpeter's theory of capitalist motion. A critical exposition and reassessment. Aldershot: Edward Elgar, 1990. 256 s. O'Donnell, Rory:
Adam Smith's theory of value Osborne, Martin
J. and Ariel Rubinstein: Parikh, Ashok and
David Bailey: Techniques Phelps, Edmund
S.: Seven schools ofmacroeconomic Rapoport, Amnon:
Experimental studies of Reijnders,
J.P.G.: Long waves in economic Reisman, David:
Alfred Marshall's mission. Reisman, David A:
The political economy of Rostow, Walt W.: Theorists of economic growth from David Hume to the present. With a perspective on the next century. New York: Oxford University Press, 1990. 704 s. Schabas, Margaret: A world ruled by number. William Stanley Jevons and the rise of mathematical economics. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1990. 192 s. Seldon, Arthur:
Capitalism. A celebration. Oxford: Shackle, G.L.S.:
Time, expectations and uncertainty Schiller, Robert
J.: Market volatility. Cambridge, Skousen, Mark:
The structure of production. Steindl, Josef:
Economic papers, 1941-88. Basingstoke: Stigum, Bernt P.: Toward a formal science of economics. The axiomatic method in economics and econometrics. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1989.1033 s. Sundrum, R.M.:
Economic growth in theory Tinbergen, Jan:
World security and equity. Tomlinson, Jim:
Hayek and the market. London: Uhlich, Gerald R.: Descriptive theories of bargaining. An experimental analysis of twoandthree-person characteristic function bargaining. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1990. 165 s. West, E.G.: Adam
Smith and modern economics. Almindelig
økonomisk udvikling og politik Demographic change and economic development. Ed. by Alois Wenig and Klaus F. Zimmermann. Berlin: Springer, 1989. 324 s. Dictionary of development. Third World economy, environment, society. Ed. by Brian W.W. Welsh & Pavel Butorin. New York: Garland, 1990.2 bd. Dominating
knowledge. Development, culture, Side 398
resistance. Edited by Fred Merique Economic crisis and policy choice. The politics of adjustment in developing countries. Edited by Joan M. Nelson. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1990. 378 s. Futures for the Mediterranean basin. The blue plan. Edited by Michael Grenon and Michel Batisse. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1990.280 s. German neo-liberals and the social market economy. Edited by Alan Peacock and Hans Willgerodt. London: Macmillan for the Trade Policy Research Centre, 1989. 242 s. Gorbachev and perestorika. Edited by Martin McCauley. Basingstoke: Macmillan in association with the School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University of London, 1990. 240 s. Handbook of development economics. Edited by Hollis Chenery and T.N. Srinivasan. Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1988-1989. 2bd. India An
industrializing economy in transition. Structuralist computable general equilibrium models. Socially relevant policy analysis for the developing world. Edited by Lance Taylor. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1990. 379 s. The economic
limits to modern politics. Edited The Political economy of Turkey. Debt, adjustment and sustainability. Ed. by Tosun Aricanli and Dani Rodrik. Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1990. 278 s. 77?^ Role of national saving in the world economy. Recent trends and prospects. By Bijan B. Aghevli et al. Washington, D.C.: International Monetary Fund, 1990. 64 s. Turkey: debt management and borrowing strategy under macroeconomic adjustment. Washington, D.C., U.S.A.: World Bank. 1990. 181 s. Askari, Hossein:
Saudi Arabia's economy. Oil and the
search for economic development. Baumol, William J., Sue Anne Batey Blackman and Edward N. Wolff: Productivity and American leadership. The long wiew. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1989. 395 s. Cho, George: The
Malaysian economy. Spatial Cowell. Frank A.:
Cheating the government. Crystal, Jill: Rulers and merchants in the Gulf. Oil and politics in Kuwait and Qatar. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990 250 s. Dutt, Amitava
Krishna: Growth, distribution Erdos, Tibor:
Growth rate and growth path. Hamrin, Carol
Lee: China and the challenge Hanson, James A.:
India: Recent developments Hashim, Jaward:
Capital formation in Iraq Henley, Andrew: Wages and profits in the capitalist economy. The impact of monopolistic power on macroeconomic performance in the USA and UK. Aldershot: Elgar, 1990. 205 s. Jonung, Lars: The
political economy of price Kornai, Janos: The road to a free economy. Shifting from a socialist system. The example of Hungary. New York: Norton, 1990. 224 s. Lehmann, David: Democracy and development in Latin America. Economics, politics and religion in the post-war period. Cambridge: Polity, 1990. 235 s. Maliyamkono,
T.L.: The second economy in Mansfield. Peter:
Kuwait. Vanguard of the Side 399
Millar, James R.:
The Soviet economic experiment. Nester, William
R.: The foundation of Japanese Ng, Yew-Kwang:
Social welfare and economic Oi, Jean Chun: State and peasant in contemporary China. The political economy of village government. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1989. 287 s. Rostow, W.W.:
History, policy, and economic Ruffin, Patricia: Capitalism and socialism in Cuba. A study of dependency, development and underdevelopment. Basmgstoke: Macmillan, iv9u. 2iu s. Penge og
finanser problems.
Edited by Rudiger Dornbusch. Economic modelling at the Bank of England. Edited by S.G.B. Henry and K.D. Patterson. London: Chapman and Hall, 1990. 300 s. Financial institutions in Europe under new competitive conditions. Edited by Donald E. Fair and Christian de Boissieu. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1990. 361 s. Fiscal policy, stabilization, and growth in developing countries. Edited by Mario I. Blejer and Ke-young Chu. Washington, D.C.: International Monetary Fund, 1989. 387 s. Japanese
financial growth. Edited by Charles Monetary
policy. A theoretical and econometric Monetary
theory. Edited by Thomas Mayer. Output and
performance measurement in go- vernment. The
state of The art. Edited by The future of
financial systems and services. Edward P.M.
Gardener. Basingstoke: Macmillan, Flynn, Norman:
Public sector management. Graham, John, A. Matthews and Diane Graham: Macmillan directory of technology in global financial markets. London: Macmillan Publishers, 1990. 318 s. Laidler, David
E.W.: Taking money seriously Merton, Robert C:
Continuous-time finance. luuiiiciici,
maui. L/pumui iricurnt iux unu redistribution.
International økonomi
ASEAN into
the 19905. Edited by Alison Broinowski. Debt reduction and economic activity. By Michael P. Dooley et al. Washington, D.C.: International Monetary Fund, 1990. 30 s. Multinational
corporations. Edited by Mark Prospects for
the European Monetary System. Transformations in the global political economy. Edited by Dennis C. Pirages and Christine Sylvester. Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1990.259 s. Argy, Victor, W. McKibbin and Eric Siegloff: Exchange-rate regimes for a small economy in a multi-country world. Princeton, NJ.: International Finance Section, Department of Economics, Princeton University, 1989.46 s. Brun, Ellen and
Jacques Hersh: Soviet-third Side 400
economv ofbroken promises. London: Ford, J.L.:
Current issues in open economy Forstner, Helmut and Robert Ballance: Competing in a global economy. An empirical study on specialization and trade in manufactures. London: Unwin Hyman, 1990.224 s. Heffernan,
Schelagh and Peter Sinclair: Modern Krueger, Anne O.:
Perspectives on trade and Krugman, Paul R.:
Rethinking international Lai, Deepak: The
limits of international cooperation. Le Prestre, Philippe G.: The World Bank and the environmental challenge. Selinsgrove: Susquehanna University Press, 1989. 263 s. Molle, W.T.M.:
The economics of European Sanford, Dan C:
South Korea and the socialist Turnovsky,
Stephen J.: International macroeconomic
Industripolitik m.v.,
teknologi Deregulation or re-regulation?. Regulatory reform in Europe and the United States. Ed. by Giandomenico Majone. London: Pinter, 1990. 262 s. Governments, industries and markets. Aspects of government-industry relations in the UK, Japan, West Germany and the USA since 1945. Ed. by Martin Chick. Aldershot: Elgar, 1990. 229 s. Mesuring the
dynamics oftechnological change. New
explorations in the economics of technical Privatization and deregulation in global perspective. Edited by Dennis J. Gayle and Jonathan N. Goodrich. Westport, Conn.: Quorum Books, 1990. 473 s. Producer
subsidies. Edited by Ronald Gerritse. The Economics
of innovation. Edited by Christopher The economics of small firms. A European challenge. Ed. by Zoltan J. Acs and David B. Audretsch. Dordrecht: Kluwer, 1990. 226 s. The employment impact of new technology. The case of West Germany. Edited by Egon Matzner and Michael Wagner. Aidershot: Avebury, 1990. 307 s. Atkinson, Michael
M.: The state, business, and Best, Michael H.:
The new competition. Institutions Caves, Richard E. and David R. Barton: Efficiency in U.S. manufacturing industries. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1990. 194 s. Derian,
Jean-Claude: America's struggle for Forsyth, David
James Cameron: Technology Garvey, George E. and Gerald J. Garvey: Economic law and economic growth. Antitrust, regulation, and the American growth system. New York: Greenwood Press. 1990. 168 s. Granick, David:
Chinese state enterprises. A Pfeiffer. Giinter and Bernhard Wieland: Telecommunications in Germany. An economic perspective. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1990. 198 s. Side 401
erhverv, ressourcer, energi African agriculture. The critical choices. Edited by Hamid Ait Amara and Bernard Founou-Tchuigoua. London: Zed, 1989. 320 s. China s rural industry. Structure, development, and reform. Edited by William A. Byrd and Qingsong Lin. New York: Published for the World Bank by Oxford University Press, 1989. 445 s. Public
policies for environmental protection. Ed. Ascher, William and Robert Healy: Natural resource policymaking in developing countries. Environment, economic growth, and income distribution. Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press, 1990. 223 s. Dreze> Jean
and Amartya Sen: Hunger and Hailam, David:
Econometric modelling of Julius, DeAnne and Afsaneh Mashayekhi: The economics of natural gas. Pricing, planning and policy. Oxford: Oxford University Press for the Oxford Institute for Energy Studies, 1990. 177 s. Neher, Phillip
A.: Natural resource economics. Arbejdsmarked
Labour relations and economic performance. Proceedings of a conference held by the International Economic Association at Venice, Italy. Edited by Renato Brunetta and Carlo DeH'Aringa. Basingstoke: Macmillan in association with the International Economic Association, 1990. 435 s. Panel data and labor market studies. Ed. by Joop Hårtog, Geert Ridder and Jules Theeuwes. Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1990. 336 s. (Contributions to economic analysis; 192). The question
of discrimination. Racial inequality Shulman.
Middletown: Wesleyan University Women and
work in Indian society. Edityed by Ahnstrom, Leif:
Economic growth, stagnation Ashton, David, M. Maguire and M. Spilsbury: Restructuring the labour market. The implications for youth. London: Macmillan, 1990. 230 s. Harvey. Philip: Securing the right to employment. Social welfare policy and the unemployed in the United States. Lawrenceville: Princeton University Press, 1989.140 s. Malle, Silvana: Employment planning in the Soviet Union. London: Macmillan in association with the Centre for Russian and tast turopean Studies, University ot Birmingham, 1990. 350 s. Uxestierna, Susanne: trom labour shortage to unemploymentoTheS^,L:l^l^*, ,y^,k^». the 1980s. Stockholm: Stockholms Universitet, 1990.311 s. Pissarides,
Christopher A.: Equlibrium Rizzo, Ilde: The
»hidden« debt. Dordrecht: Summers, Lawrence
H.: Understanding Szyszczak, Erika
M.: Partial unemployment. Social-,
bolig- og regionalpolitik Economic
aspects of AIDS and HIV infection. Infrastructure and the space-economy. Essays in honor of Rolf Funck. Edited by Karin Peschel. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1990. 448 s. Beckmann, Martin
J. and T. Puu: Spatial Side 402
Mackintosh, Sheila, Robin Means and Phi- lip Leather: Housing in later life. The hou- singfinance implications of an aging society. Bristol: School for Advanced Urban Studies, University of Bristol, 1990.180 s. Peters, Wolfgang:
Theorie der Renten- und |