Nationaløkonomisk Tidsskrift, Bind 128 (1990)

Nye danske arbejdspapirer

Handelshøjskolen i København. Institut for Finansiering.
Working Paper

90-2. Bjarne Astrup Jensen og Jørgen Aase Nielsen: Pricing contingent claims: firstand second-order effects from stochastic interest rate development. 30 s.

90-3. Leif Hasager: Effektiv rentestruktur,
dominans og forwardrenter. 25 s.

90-4. Leif Hasager og Bjarne Astrup Jensen:
On a class of loans with a systematic
amortization schedule. 14 s.

90-5. Leif Hasager og Michael Møller: Konveksitet
af fastforrentede fordringer. 32 s.

90-6. Jesper Jespersen: Peeling the classical
orange. From »A tract on monetary reform«
to »The general theory«. 18 s.

90-7. Jesper Jespersen: Crisis in Keynesian
economics from a Hicksian perspective.
26 s.

90-8. Finn Østrup: Situationen efter finansfusionerne.
23 s.

Københavns Universitet. Økonomisk Institut.

179. Peter Birch Sørensen: De danske regler for beskatning af udenlandsk indkomst: en studie i kapitaleksportsubsidiering. 17 s.

Københavns Universitet. Økonomisk Institut.
Discussion Paper

90-07. Lars Haagen Pedersen og Peter Stephensen:
Does imperfect competition imply
Pareto inefficiency. 38 s.

90-08. Karl Vind: Two characterizations of
bargaining sets. 14 s.

90-09. Henrik Lando og Michael Teit Nielsen:
Why political uncertainty may paralyze
the housing market. 22 s.

90-10. Torben M. Andersen og Morten Hviid: Asymmetric information and price stickiness in imperfectly competitive markets. 25 s.

90-11. Katarina Juselius: Long-run relations in a well defined statistical model for the data generating process. Cointegration analysis of the PPP and the UIP relations. 29 s.

90-12. Hans Jørgen Jacobsen og Christian Schultz: Undominated wage rates in a unionized overlapping generations economy. 23 s.

90-13. Troels Østergaard Sørensen: Temporary
layoffs and unemployment insurance.
22 s.

90-14. Birgit Grodal og Werner Hildenbrand: Statistical Engel curves, income distributions and the »Law of demand«. 12 s.

90-16. Birgitte Sloth: Non-cooperative models
of voting. 30 s.

Københavns Universitet. Økonomisk Institut.
Forskergruppen Vedrørende det Offentlige og
Samfundsøkonomien. Memo

1/1990. L. Danziger og A. Schnytzer: Implementing
the Lindahl voluntary-exchange
mechanism. 16 s.

2/1990. Yew-Kwang Ng: How much public
expenditure should be spent to reduce
risks to lives? 37 s.

Odense Universitet. Institut for Virksomhedsledelse.

2/1990. Peter Ove Christensen: The value of communication in multi-period agencies with production and financial decisions. 57 s.

Odense Universitet. Økonomisk Institut. Occasional

3/1990. Terkel Christiansen: Measurement
of overall health in Denmark. 54 s.

4/1990. Morten Skak: Monetary and fiscal
policy in a small open economy. 20 s.

Aarhus Universitet. Økonomisk Insitut. Memo
1990-11. Peter Skott: Non-uniqueness of ra-

Side 395

tional expectations equilibria: a comment.
13 s.

1990-12. Erik Harsaae: On Keynesian and
Walrasian macroeconomics. 165 s.

1990-13. Clive WJ. Granger: Developments
in the nonlinear analysis of economic
series. 17 s.

1990-14. Manfred J. Holler: On costs and
benefits of voting: an analysis of the VW
case. 22 s.

1990-15. Torben M. Andersen: Excess supply
and demand in markets with pre-set prices,
16 s.

1990-16. C.W.J. Granger: Positively related
processes and cointegration. 10 s.

1990-17. Per Baltzer Overgaard: Stochastic
quality and moral hazard in an infinitely
repeated market interaction. 30 s.

IQQO-1R ToonY Park-Maximum likelihood
estimation of simultaneous cointeerated
models. 39 s.

1990-19. Joon Y. Park: Disequilibrium impulse
analysis. 36 s.

IWU-A). iNiels Ran Sørensen: A model to measure economic linkages and the international element between Germany and eight small open economies. 55 s.

1990-21. Ole Risager: Wage rivalry and insider-outsider relations: evidence for skilled and unskilled men in Denmark. 37 s.

1990-22. Niels Haldrup: Tests for unit roots with a maintained trend when the true data generating process is a random walk with drift. 53 s.

Aarhus Universitet. Økonomisk Institut/Handelshøjskolen
i Århus. Centre Jor Labour Economics.
Working Paper

90-1. Jan Beyer Schmidt-Sørensen: The profit share rate, wages, employment and efficiency effects in collective bargaining. 43 s.

90-2. Nina Smith: Household labour supply
and taxes in Denmark. 28 s.

90-3. Jan Beyer Schmidt-Sørensen: Essays
on efficiency wages. 264 s.

90-4. George Neumann, Peder J. Pedersen og
Niels Westergård-Nielsen: Long-run in-

ternational trends in aggregate unionization.
42 s.

Nye udenlanske bøger

Almindelig økonomisk teori

Advanced lectures in quantitative economics.
Ed. by Frederic van der Ploeg. London:
Academic Press, 1990. 628 s.

Analyzing modem business cycles. Essays honoring Geoffrey H. Moore. Edited by Philip A. Klein. Armonk, N.Y.: M.E. Sharpe, 1989.

Conservation laws and symmetry. Applications to economics and finance. Edited by Ryuzo Sato and Rama V. Ramachandran. Norwell, MA: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1990.

.-.-„-. A .-.

/■ \

Contributions to operations research ana economics. Ihe twentieth anniversary ot CORE. Edited by Bernard Cornet and Henry Tulkens. Cambridge. Mass.: MIT P.ciö 19C9

Current issues in microeconomics. Ed. by John
D. Hey. Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1989.
320 s.

Dynamic modelling and control of national economies 1989. Selected papers from the 6th IFAC Symposium, Edinburgh, U.K. 27-29 Juni, 1989. Oxford: Published for the International Federation of Automatic Control by Pergamon, 1990. 580 s.

Entrepreneurship. Edited by Mark Casson.
Aldershot: Elgar, 1990. 612 s.

Foundations of economic thought. Edited by
John Creedy. Oxford: Basil Blackwell.
1990. 406 s.

Game theory in economics. Edited by Ariel
Rubinstein. Aldershot: Elgar, 1990. 661 s.

Gmwth thpnr\) FHjfed hy R Becker and F
Burmeister. Aldershot: Elgar, 1990. 3v.

Howitt, Peter: The Keynesian recovery and
other essays. Hemel Hempstead: Harvester
Wheatsheaf. 1990. 224 s.

Joint production of commodities. Edited by
Meri Salvadori and lan Steedman. Aidershot:
Elgar, 1990.288 s.

Life cycles and long waves. Ed. by T. Vasko. R.

Side 396

Ayres and L. Fontvieille. Berlin: Springer
- Verlag, 1990. 292 s.

Microeconomics. Theoretical and applied Edited
by Robert E. Kuenne. Aldershot: Elgar,
1991. 3v. 13445.

Milton Freidman. Critical assessments. Ed. by
John Cunningham Wood and Ronald N.
Woods. London: Routledge, 1990.4 bd.

Neoclassical economic theory, 1870-1930. Ed. by Klaus Hennings and Warren J. Samuels. Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1990. 290 s.

Classicals, Marxians and neo-classicals. Selected papers from the History of Economics Society conference, 1988. Edited by D.E. Moggridge. Aldershot: Elgar, 1990. 224 s. (Perspectives on the history of economic thought; v. 3).

Keynes, macroeconomics and method. Selected papers from the history of Economics Society Conference, 1988. Edited by D.E. Moggridge. Aldershot: Elgar, 1990. (Perspectives on the history of economic thought; v.4).

Problems of the mixed economy. Cooperation, efficiency, and stability. Papers presented at the 9th Arne Ryde Symposium, Elsinore, Denmark, 1987. Ed. by Hans Carlsson and Bo Larsson. Amsterdam: North- Holland, 1990. 218 s. (Contributions to economic analysis; 189).

Structures of capital. The social organization of the economy. Edited by Sharon Zukin and Paul DiMaggio. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990. 285 s.

The Evolution of economic systems. Essays in honour of Ota Sik. Edited by Kurt Dopfer and Karl-Friedrich Raible. Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1990. 240 s.

The History of economic thought. Edited by
Mark Blaug. Aldershot: Edward Elgar,
1990.432 s.

Who's who in British economics. A directory of economists in higher education, business and government. Edited by Paul Sturges and Claire Sturges. Aldershot: Elgar, 1990.620 s.

Artus, P.: Investment and factor demand. Amsterdam:
North-Holland, 1990. 308 s.

(Contributions to economic analysis;

Disaggregation in econometric modelling. Edited
by Terry Barker and M. Hashem
Pesaran. London: Routledge, 1990. 348 s.

Bigg, Robert J.: Cambridge and the monetary theory of production. The collapse of marshallian macroeconomics. Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1990. 228 s.

Blinder, Alan S.: Macroeconomics under debate.
Ann Arbor: University of Michigan
Press, 1989.

Bottomore, Tom: The socialist economy. Theory
and practice. London: Harvester
Wheatsheaf, 1990.149 s.

Buchanan, James M.: Essays on the political
economy. Honolulu: University of Hawaii
Press, 1989. 85 s.

Capie, Forrest: Directory of economic institutions.
London: Macmillan, 1990.472 s.

Chakravarty, Satya R.: Ethical social index
numbers. Berlin; New York: Springer-
Verlag, 1990.

Chandler, Alfred Dupont: Scale and scope. The dynamics of industrial capitalism. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1990. 860 s.

Dallago, Bruno: The irregular economy. The »underground« economy and the »black« labour market. Aldershot: Dartmouth, 1990.224 s.

Dhrymes. Phoebus J.: Topics in advanced
econometrics. Probability foundations. New
York: Springer-Verlag, 1989. 379 s.

Dutt, Amitava Krishna and Edward J. Amadeo: Keynes s third alternative? The neo- Ricardian Keynesians and the post-Keynesians. Aldershot: Elgar, 1990. 197 s.

Eisner, Robert: The total incomes systems of
accounts. Chicago: University of Chicago
Press, 1989.416 s.

Hahnel, Robin: Quit revolution in welfare economics.
Princeton: Princeton University
Press, 1990. 432 s.

Huhne, Christopher: Real world economics. Essays on imperfect markets and fallible governments. London: Macmillan, 1990 323 s.

Ingrao, Bruna and Giorgio Israel: The invi-

Side 397

sible hand. Economic equilibrium in the

history of science. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT
Press, 1990.

Kindleberger, Charles P.: Economic laws and
economic history. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 1989.190 s.

Kornai, Janos: Vision and reality, market and state. Contradictions and dilemmas revisited. Hemel Hempstead: Simon & Schuster, 1990.200 s.

Lomba, Jaime Terceiro: Estimation of dynamic
econometric models with errors in variables.
Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1990. 116 s.

Martos, Bela: Economic control structures. A non-Walrasian approach. Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1990. 241 s. (Constributions to economic analysis; 188).

Morishima, Michio: Ricardos economics. A
general equilibrium theory of distribution
sin/t ornwth fsmHririfr*»* farnhriHcrp T T-ni—

M.-.i-^^-f«.-*. -^oiiio-iiu^. &v&u >_Hi
versity Press, 1989. 254 s.

Morgan, Mary S.: The history of econometric
ideas. Cambridge: Cambridge University
Press, 1990. 360 s.

Oakley, Allen: Schumpeter's theory of capitalist motion. A critical exposition and reassessment. Aldershot: Edward Elgar, 1990. 256 s.

O'Donnell, Rory: Adam Smith's theory of value
and distribution. A reappraisal. Basingstoke:
Macmillan, 1990.284 s.

Osborne, Martin J. and Ariel Rubinstein:
Bargaining and markets. San Diego: Academic
Press, 1990. 216 s.

Parikh, Ashok and David Bailey: Techniques
of economic analysis with applications. New
York: Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1990. 357 s.

Phelps, Edmund S.: Seven schools ofmacroeconomic
thought. Oxford: Clarendon,
1990,110 s.

Rapoport, Amnon: Experimental studies of
interactive decisions. Dordrecht; Boston:
Kluwer Academic, 1990.436 s.

Reijnders, J.P.G.: Long waves in economic
development. Aldershot: Elgar, 1990. 384 s.

Reisman, David: Alfred Marshall's mission.
Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1990.309 s.

Reisman, David A: The political economy of
James Buchanan. College Station: Texas
A&M University Press, 1990. 204 s.

Rostow, Walt W.: Theorists of economic growth from David Hume to the present. With a perspective on the next century. New York: Oxford University Press, 1990. 704 s.

Schabas, Margaret: A world ruled by number. William Stanley Jevons and the rise of mathematical economics. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1990. 192 s.

Seldon, Arthur: Capitalism. A celebration. Oxford:
Blackwell, 1990.288 s.

Shackle, G.L.S.: Time, expectations and uncertainty
in economics. Selected essays. Aldershot:
Elgar, 1990.288 s.

Schiller, Robert J.: Market volatility. Cambridge,
Mass.: MIT Press, 1989.464 s.

Skousen, Mark: The structure of production.
New York: New York University Press,
1990.415 s.

Steindl, Josef: Economic papers, 1941-88. Basingstoke:
Macmillan, 1990 300 s

Stigum, Bernt P.: Toward a formal science of economics. The axiomatic method in economics and econometrics. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1989.1033 s.

Sundrum, R.M.: Economic growth in theory
and practice. London: Macmillan, 1990
220 s.

Tinbergen, Jan: World security and equity.
Aldershot: Elgar, 1990. 106 s.

Tomlinson, Jim: Hayek and the market. London:
Pluto, 1990. 192 s.

Uhlich, Gerald R.: Descriptive theories of bargaining. An experimental analysis of twoandthree-person characteristic function bargaining. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1990. 165 s.

West, E.G.: Adam Smith and modern economics.
From market behaviour to public choice.
Aldershot: Elgar, 1990. 256 s.

Almindelig økonomisk udvikling og politik

Demographic change and economic development. Ed. by Alois Wenig and Klaus F. Zimmermann. Berlin: Springer, 1989. 324 s.

Dictionary of development. Third World economy, environment, society. Ed. by Brian W.W. Welsh & Pavel Butorin. New York: Garland, 1990.2 bd.

Dominating knowledge. Development, culture,

Side 398

and resistance. Edited by Fred Merique
Apffel Marglin and Stephen A.. Marglin.
Oxford: Clarendon. 1990. 288 s.

Economic crisis and policy choice. The politics of adjustment in developing countries. Edited by Joan M. Nelson. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1990. 378 s.

Futures for the Mediterranean basin. The blue plan. Edited by Michael Grenon and Michel Batisse. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1990.280 s.

German neo-liberals and the social market economy. Edited by Alan Peacock and Hans Willgerodt. London: Macmillan for the Trade Policy Research Centre, 1989. 242 s.

Gorbachev and perestorika. Edited by Martin McCauley. Basingstoke: Macmillan in association with the School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University of London, 1990. 240 s.

Handbook of development economics. Edited by Hollis Chenery and T.N. Srinivasan. Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1988-1989. 2bd.

India An industrializing economy in transition.
Washington, D.C.: The World Bank,
1989. 323 s.

Structuralist computable general equilibrium models. Socially relevant policy analysis for the developing world. Edited by Lance Taylor. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1990. 379 s.

The economic limits to modern politics. Edited
by John Dunn. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 1990. 226 s.

The Political economy of Turkey. Debt, adjustment and sustainability. Ed. by Tosun Aricanli and Dani Rodrik. Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1990. 278 s.

77?^ Role of national saving in the world economy. Recent trends and prospects. By Bijan B. Aghevli et al. Washington, D.C.: International Monetary Fund, 1990. 64 s.

Turkey: debt management and borrowing strategy under macroeconomic adjustment. Washington, D.C., U.S.A.: World Bank. 1990. 181 s.

Askari, Hossein: Saudi Arabia's economy. Oil

and the search for economic development.
Greenwich. Conn.: Jai Press. 1990. 248 s.

Baumol, William J., Sue Anne Batey Blackman and Edward N. Wolff: Productivity and American leadership. The long wiew. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1989. 395 s.

Cho, George: The Malaysian economy. Spatial
perspectives. London: Routledge. 1990.
314 s.

Cowell. Frank A.: Cheating the government.
The economics of evasion. Cambridge,
Mass.: MIT Press, 1990. 267 s.

Crystal, Jill: Rulers and merchants in the Gulf. Oil and politics in Kuwait and Qatar. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990 250 s.

Dutt, Amitava Krishna: Growth, distribution
and uneven development. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, 1990. 262 s.

Erdos, Tibor: Growth rate and growth path.
Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadö, 1989. 325 s.

Hamrin, Carol Lee: China and the challenge
of the future. Changing political patterns.
Boulder: Westview Press, 1990. 257 s.

Hanson, James A.: India: Recent developments
and medium-term issues. Washington,
D.C.: The World Bank, 1989. 171 s.

Hashim, Jaward: Capital formation in Iraq
1957-1970. Surbiton: LAAM, 1990. 280 s.

Henley, Andrew: Wages and profits in the capitalist economy. The impact of monopolistic power on macroeconomic performance in the USA and UK. Aldershot: Elgar, 1990. 205 s.

Jonung, Lars: The political economy of price
controls. The Swedish experience 1970-1987.
Aldershot: Avebury, 1990. 240 s.

Kornai, Janos: The road to a free economy. Shifting from a socialist system. The example of Hungary. New York: Norton, 1990. 224 s.

Lehmann, David: Democracy and development in Latin America. Economics, politics and religion in the post-war period. Cambridge: Polity, 1990. 235 s.

Maliyamkono, T.L.: The second economy in
Tanzania. London: James Currey, 1990.
224 s.

Mansfield. Peter: Kuwait. Vanguard of the
Gulf. London: Hutchinson. 1988. 160 s.

Side 399

Millar, James R.: The Soviet economic experiment.
Urbana: University of Illinois
Press, 1990. 297 s.

Nester, William R.: The foundation of Japanese
power. Continuities, changes, challenges.
London: Macmillian, 1990. 310 s.

Ng, Yew-Kwang: Social welfare and economic
policy. London: Harvester Wheatsheaf,
1990.256 s.

Oi, Jean Chun: State and peasant in contemporary China. The political economy of village government. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1989. 287 s.

Rostow, W.W.: History, policy, and economic
theory. Essays in interaction. Boulder:
Westview Press, 1989. 385 s.

Ruffin, Patricia: Capitalism and socialism in Cuba. A study of dependency, development and underdevelopment. Basmgstoke: Macmillan, iv9u. 2iu s.

Penge og finanser

problems. Edited by Rudiger Dornbusch.
Washington, D.C.: University Press of
America, 1989.127 s.

Economic modelling at the Bank of England. Edited by S.G.B. Henry and K.D. Patterson. London: Chapman and Hall, 1990. 300 s.

Financial institutions in Europe under new competitive conditions. Edited by Donald E. Fair and Christian de Boissieu. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1990. 361 s.

Fiscal policy, stabilization, and growth in developing countries. Edited by Mario I. Blejer and Ke-young Chu. Washington, D.C.: International Monetary Fund, 1989. 387 s.

Japanese financial growth. Edited by Charles
A.E. Goodhart and George Sutija. Basingstoke:
Macmillian, 1990.230 s.

Monetary policy. A theoretical and econometric
approach. Ed. by P. Artus and Y. Barroux.
Dordrecht: Kluwer, 1990. 250 s.

Monetary theory. Edited by Thomas Mayer.
Aldershot: Elgar, 1990.416 s.

Output and performance measurement in go-

vernment. The state of The art. Edited by
Martin Cave, Maurice Kogan and Robert
Smith. London: Kingsley, 1990. 160 s.

The future of financial systems and services.
Essays in honour of Jack Revell. Ed. by

Edward P.M. Gardener. Basingstoke: Macmillan,
1990.401 s.

Flynn, Norman: Public sector management.
New York: Harvester Wheatsheaf. 1990.
203 s.

Graham, John, A. Matthews and Diane Graham: Macmillan directory of technology in global financial markets. London: Macmillan Publishers, 1990. 318 s.

Laidler, David E.W.: Taking money seriously
and other essays. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT
Press, 1990. 226 s.

Merton, Robert C: Continuous-time finance.
Oxford: Blackwell, 1990. 700 s.

luuiiiciici, maui. L/pumui iricurnt iux unu redistribution.
Oxford: Clarendon Press,
1990. 199 s.

International økonomi

ASEAN into the 19905. Edited by Alison Broinowski.
Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1990.
321 s.

Debt reduction and economic activity. By Michael P. Dooley et al. Washington, D.C.: International Monetary Fund, 1990. 30 s.

Multinational corporations. Edited by Mark
Casson. Aldershot: Elgar, 1990. 624 s.

Prospects for the European Monetary System.
Edited by Piero Ferri. London: Macmillan,
1990. 260 s.

Transformations in the global political economy. Edited by Dennis C. Pirages and Christine Sylvester. Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1990.259 s.

Argy, Victor, W. McKibbin and Eric Siegloff: Exchange-rate regimes for a small economy in a multi-country world. Princeton, NJ.: International Finance Section, Department of Economics, Princeton University, 1989.46 s.

Brun, Ellen and Jacques Hersh: Soviet-third
world relations in a capitalist world. The

Side 400

political economv ofbroken promises. London:
Macmillan, DANIDA. 1990. 335 s.

Ford, J.L.: Current issues in open economy
macroeconomics. Paradoxes, policies and
problems. Aldershot: Elgar, 1990 223 s.

Forstner, Helmut and Robert Ballance: Competing in a global economy. An empirical study on specialization and trade in manufactures. London: Unwin Hyman, 1990.224 s.

Heffernan, Schelagh and Peter Sinclair: Modern
international economics. Oxford: Basil
Blackwell, 1990. 334 s.

Krueger, Anne O.: Perspectives on trade and
development. New York: Harvester
Wheatsheaf, 1990. 385 s.

Krugman, Paul R.: Rethinking international
trade. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press,
1990. 282 s.

Lai, Deepak: The limits of international cooperation.
London: Institute of Economic
Affairs, 1990.43 s.

Le Prestre, Philippe G.: The World Bank and the environmental challenge. Selinsgrove: Susquehanna University Press, 1989. 263 s.

Molle, W.T.M.: The economics of European
integration. Aldershot: Dartmouth, 1990
515 s.

Sanford, Dan C: South Korea and the socialist
countries. The politics of trade. London:
Macmillan, 1990. 175 s.

Turnovsky, Stephen J.: International macroeconomic
stabilization policy. Oxford: Basil
Blackwell, 1990. 256 s.

Industripolitik m.v., teknologi

Deregulation or re-regulation?. Regulatory reform in Europe and the United States. Ed. by Giandomenico Majone. London: Pinter, 1990. 262 s.

Governments, industries and markets. Aspects of government-industry relations in the UK, Japan, West Germany and the USA since 1945. Ed. by Martin Chick. Aldershot: Elgar, 1990. 229 s.

Mesuring the dynamics oftechnological change.
Edited by Jon Sigurdson. Oxford: Pinter.
1990. 220 s.

New explorations in the economics of technical
change. Edited by C. Freeman and L.
Soete. London: Pinter. 1990. 262 s.

Privatization and deregulation in global perspective. Edited by Dennis J. Gayle and Jonathan N. Goodrich. Westport, Conn.: Quorum Books, 1990. 473 s.

Producer subsidies. Edited by Ronald Gerritse.
London: Pinter, 1990. 157 s.

The Economics of innovation. Edited by Christopher
Freeman. Aldershot: Elgar, 1990.
504 s.

The economics of small firms. A European challenge. Ed. by Zoltan J. Acs and David B. Audretsch. Dordrecht: Kluwer, 1990. 226 s.

The employment impact of new technology. The case of West Germany. Edited by Egon Matzner and Michael Wagner. Aidershot: Avebury, 1990. 307 s.

Atkinson, Michael M.: The state, business, and
industrial change in Canada. Toronto:
University of Toronto Press, 1989. 236 s.

Best, Michael H.: The new competition. Institutions
of industrial restructuring. Oxford:
Polity Press. 1990 296 s.

Caves, Richard E. and David R. Barton: Efficiency in U.S. manufacturing industries. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1990. 194 s.

Derian, Jean-Claude: America's struggle for
leadership in technology. Cambridge,
Mass.: MIT Press, 1990. 309 s.

Forsyth, David James Cameron: Technology
policy for small developing contries. Basingstoke:
Macmillan, 1990. 200 s.

Garvey, George E. and Gerald J. Garvey: Economic law and economic growth. Antitrust, regulation, and the American growth system. New York: Greenwood Press. 1990. 168 s.

Granick, David: Chinese state enterprises. A
regional property rights analysis. Chicago:
University of Chicago Press, 1990. 347 s.

Pfeiffer. Giinter and Bernhard Wieland: Telecommunications in Germany. An economic perspective. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1990. 198 s.

Side 401

Primære erhverv, ressourcer, energi

African agriculture. The critical choices. Edited by Hamid Ait Amara and Bernard Founou-Tchuigoua. London: Zed, 1989. 320 s.

China s rural industry. Structure, development, and reform. Edited by William A. Byrd and Qingsong Lin. New York: Published for the World Bank by Oxford University Press, 1989. 445 s.

Public policies for environmental protection. Ed.
by Paul R. Portney. Washington, D.C.:
Resources for the Future, 1990. 308 s.

Ascher, William and Robert Healy: Natural resource policymaking in developing countries. Environment, economic growth, and income distribution. Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press, 1990. 223 s.

Dreze> Jean and Amartya Sen: Hunger and
puoiicn action. Oxford: Oxford University
Press, 1989. 373 s.

Hailam, David: Econometric modelling of
igrahurnl commodity market:. London:
Routledge, 1990. 208 s.

Julius, DeAnne and Afsaneh Mashayekhi: The economics of natural gas. Pricing, planning and policy. Oxford: Oxford University Press for the Oxford Institute for Energy Studies, 1990. 177 s.

Neher, Phillip A.: Natural resource economics.
Exploitation and conservation. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, 1990. 360 s.


Labour relations and economic performance. Proceedings of a conference held by the International Economic Association at Venice, Italy. Edited by Renato Brunetta and Carlo DeH'Aringa. Basingstoke: Macmillan in association with the International Economic Association, 1990. 435 s.

Panel data and labor market studies. Ed. by Joop Hårtog, Geert Ridder and Jules Theeuwes. Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1990. 336 s. (Contributions to economic analysis; 192).

The question of discrimination. Racial inequality
in the U.S. labor market. Ed. by Steven

Shulman. Middletown: Wesleyan University
Press. 1989. 394 s.

Women and work in Indian society. Edityed by
T.M. Dak. Delhi: Discovery Pub. House,
1988.319 s.

Ahnstrom, Leif: Economic growth, stagnation
and the working population in Western Europe.
London: Belhaven, 1990. 256 s.

Ashton, David, M. Maguire and M. Spilsbury: Restructuring the labour market. The implications for youth. London: Macmillan, 1990. 230 s.

Harvey. Philip: Securing the right to employment. Social welfare policy and the unemployed in the United States. Lawrenceville: Princeton University Press, 1989.140 s.

Malle, Silvana: Employment planning in the Soviet Union. London: Macmillan in association with the Centre for Russian and tast turopean Studies, University ot Birmingham, 1990. 350 s.

Uxestierna, Susanne: trom labour shortage to unemploymentoTheS^,L:l^l^*, ,y^,k^». the 1980s. Stockholm: Stockholms Universitet, 1990.311 s.

Pissarides, Christopher A.: Equlibrium
unemployment theory. Oxford: Blackwell,
1990. 224 s.

Rizzo, Ilde: The »hidden« debt. Dordrecht:
Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1990.
130 s.

Summers, Lawrence H.: Understanding
unemployment. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT,
1981. 360 s.

Szyszczak, Erika M.: Partial unemployment.
The regulation for short-time working in
Britain. London: Mansell, 1990. 224 s.

Social-, bolig- og regionalpolitik

Economic aspects of AIDS and HIV infection.
Ed. by Detlef Schwefel et al. Berlin:
Springer-Verlag, 1990. 364 s.

Infrastructure and the space-economy. Essays in honor of Rolf Funck. Edited by Karin Peschel. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1990. 448 s.

Beckmann, Martin J. and T. Puu: Spatial
structures. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1990.
139 s.

Side 402

Mackintosh, Sheila, Robin Means and Phi- lip Leather: Housing in later life. The hou- singfinance implications of an aging society. Bristol: School for Advanced Urban Studies, University of Bristol, 1990.180 s.

Peters, Wolfgang: Theorie der Renten- und
Invaliditätsversicherung. Berlin: Springer-Verlag,
1989. 219 s.