Nationaløkonomisk Tidsskrift, Bind 128 (1990)

Nye danske arbejdspapirer

Handelshøjskolen i København. Institut for Finansiering.
Working Paper

89-5. Claus Parum: Et forsøg på estimation
af tre danske børsnoterede selskabers
kapitalstruktur. 221 s.

89-6. Bjarne Florentsen: Pensionsindskud i
komrnunaløkonomisk perspektiv. 74 s.

Københavns Universitet. Økonomisk Institut.

175. Hector Estrup: Forklaring og moral.
23 s.

176. Jens Bonke: Ligestilling i husholdningsarbejdet
1964-87.137 s.

Københavns Universitet. Økonomisk Institut.
Discussion Paper

89-17. Svend Wunder. Inequality and development
- a regression analysis of the
cross-country pattern. 23 s.

89-18. Christian Schultz: The impossibility of »involuntary unemployment« in an overlapping generations model with rational expectations. 24 s.

89-19. Anders Borglin: On the relation between
maximal, optimal and efficient
programs. 35 s.

89-20. Søren Bo Nielsen: Capital income taxation
in a growing world economy. 35

89-21. Søren Bo Nielsen: Terms of trade, the
current account and imports of intermediates
and investment goods. 28 s.

89-22. Ebbe Groes og Torben Tranæs: Sequential
bargaining in a market with one
seller and two different buyers. 34 s.

89-23. Michael Teit Nielsen: Market equilibrium with limited liability: The plausibility of credit rationing due to adverse selection. 46 s.

89-24. Y. P. Gupta: Bayesian analysis - applications
to Danish data. 20 s.

Københavns Universitet. Økonomisk Institut.
Forskergruppen vedrørende det Offentlige og
Samfundsøkonomien. Memo

6/1989. Lasse Møller: Public choice - en introduktion
til kontraktteorien. 22 s.

7/1989. Ole Jess Olsen: Changing regulatory
policies: The Danish case. 27 s.

8/1989. Lars Lund: Offentlige besparelser -
viden og ideologi. 27 s.

Odense Universitet. Institut for Virksomhedsledelse.

10/1989. Kristian Miltersen og Lars Nielsen:

1 he pricing of contingent claims written

Side 129

on bonds by simulation of the bond price
processes. 79 s.

11/1989. Per Andersen og Niels Chr. Petersen:
A procedure for ranking efficient
units in data envelopment analysis. 25 s.

12/1989. Steffen Jørgensen: Optimal dynamic
investment policies under concaveconvex
adjustment costs. 30 s.

1/1990. Bjarne G. Sørensen: Estimation og
fortolkning af horisontal rentestruktur.
110 s.

Odense Universitet. Økonomisk Institut. Ocasional

1/1989. Christen Sørensen: Det svenske skattereformudspil.
40 s.

3/1989. Christen Sørensen: Virksomhedskatteordningen
- skattereformens akilleshæl?.
23 s.

Aarhus Universitet. Økonomisk Institut. Memo

1989-4. Bo Sandemann Rasmussen: The permanent-transitorv
confusion and optimal
policy in an open economy. 35 s.

1989-5. Torben M. Andersen: Macroeconomic strategies towards internal and external balance in the Nordic countries. 31s.

1989-6, Martin Paldam: Politics matters after all (1) Testing Alesina's theory of RE partisan cycles on data from 17 countries. 24 s.

1989-7. Viggo Høst og Martin Paldam: An international element in the vote? A comparative study of 17 OECD countries 1948-85. 19 s.

1989-8. Martin Paldam: Politics matters after
all (2) Testing Hibbs' theory of partisan
cycles on data from 17 countries. 25 s.

1989-9. Manfred J. Holler: Consistent choice
and sexes: empirical finding and consequences.
22 s.

1989-10. Manfred J. Holler: Nonprofitable
equilibria in reputation games. 23 s.

1989-11. Torben M. Andersen og Morten Hviid: Imperfect competition information acquisition, and price adjustment. 27 s.

1989-12. Martin Paldam: How robust is the

vote function? A comparative study of
197 elections in the OECD area 1948-85.
20 s.

1989-13. Svend Albæk: Stackelberg leadership
as a natural solution under cost
uncertainty. 20 s.

1989-14. Martin Paldam: Wage rises and the
balance of payments, an empirical study
of reaction lags. 26 s.

1989-15. Manfred J. Holler: Petential failures
of global policies in strategic social choices.
18 s.

1989-16. Manfred J. Holler: Anti-Nash and
an option for maximin. 20 s.

1989-17. Torben M. Andersen og Ole Risager:
A wage-bargaining model for Denmark.
31 s.

1989-18. Peter Skort: Imperfect competition
and the theory of the falling rate of profit
22 s.

1989-19. Peter Skott: Kaldor's laws cumulative
causation and regional development.
30 s.

1989-20. Peter Skott: Inflation, unemployment
and the distribution of income.
25 s.

1989-21. Ib Fredslund Madsen: Explaining commercial bank lending to LDC's: A derivative business model under uncertainty as to the behaviour of other banks. 13 s/

Aarhus Universitet, Økonomisk Institut /Handelshøjskolen
i Århus. Studies in Labour Market
Dynamics. Working Paper

89-7. Nina Smith: Wage discrimination in
the Danish labour market? 27 s.