Nationaløkonomisk Tidsskrift, Bind 127 (1989)

Nye udenlandske bøger

Almindelig økonomisk teori

Alternatives to capitalism. Edited by Jon Elster
and Karl O. Moene Cambridge : Cambridge
Press, 1989.

Capitalist development and crisis theory. Accumulation, and spatial restructuring. by M. Gottdiener and Nikos Komminos. Basingstoke : Macmillan, 1989.408 s.

John Stuart Mill: The economic, political and feminist papers : A listing and quide to the mocrqfilm collection. Reading : Research Publications, 1989. 160 s.

Side 401

The essential Kaldor. Edited by F. Targetti and
A.P. Thirlwall. London : Duckworth,

Kalecki's relevance today. Edited by Mario
Sebastiani. Basingstoke : Macmillan,
1989. 500 s.

Market socialism. Edited by Julian Le Grand
and Saul Estrin. Oxford : Clarendon,
1989. 208 s.

Models of disequilibrium and shortage in centrally economies. Edited by Chistopher and Wojciech Charemza. London: Chapman and Hall, 1989.501 s.

New directions in post-Keynesian economics.
Edited by John Pheby. Aldershot : Edward
1989. 276 s.

Recollections of eminent economists. Edited by
J.A. Kregel. Basingstoke : Macmillan,

Semiparametric and nonparametric econometrics.
by A. Ullah. Heidelberg :
Physica-Verlag, 1989.172 s.

Technological and social factors in long term fluctuations. Proceedings of an international held in Siena, Italy, December 1986. Edited by Massimo Di Matteo, Richard M. Goodwin, Alessandro New York : Springer, 1989. 442 s. (Lecture notes in economics and mathematical systems; 321).

Temporary equilibrium. Selected readings. Edited
Jean-Michel Grandmont. Boston :
Academic Press, 1987.

The Economics of missing markets, information,
and games. Edited by Frank Hahn. Oxford
.Clarendon, 1989.5115.

The Methodology of economic thought. Edited by Warren J. Samuels and Marc R. Tool. New Brunswick, U.S.A : Transaction Books, 1988. (Institutional economics ; v.l)

The Role of the economist in government. An international perspective. Edited by Joseph H. Pechman. New York : Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1989. 320 s.

Thinking about growth : and other essays on economic growth and welfare. Edited by Moses Abramovitz. Cambridge : Cambridge Press 1989.

Barreto, Humberto: The entrepreneur in microeconomic
Disappearance and

explanation. London : Routledge, 1989.
176 s.

Bharadwaj, Krishna: Themes in value and distribution.
theory reappraised.
London : Unwin Hyman, 1989. 341 s.

Boland, Lawrence A.: The methodology of
economic model building. London : Routledge,
194 s.

Buchanan, James M.: Explorations into constitutional
College Station: Texas
A&M University Press, 1989.

Buiter, Willem H.: Macroeconomic theory and
stabilization policy. Manchester: Manchester
Press, 1989. 304 s.

Heap, Shaun Hargreaves: Rationality in economics.
: Basil Blackwell, 1989.
256 s.

Holly, Sean and A Hughes Hallett: Optimal control. Expectations and uncertainty1. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1988.

Howard, M.C. and J.E. King: A history of
Marxian economics. Basingstoke : Macmillan

Kirzner, Israel M.: Discovery, capitalism and
distributive justice. Oxford : Blackwell,
1989.192 s.

Lambert, Peter J.: The distribution andredistribution
income. A mathematical analysis.
Oxford : Basil Blackwell, 1989.288 s.

Larrain, Jorge: Theories of development. Capitalism,
and dependency. Cambridge
Polity, 1989. 220 s.

Lutz, Mark A. and Kenneth Lutz: Humanistic
The new challenge. New
York, N.Y.: Bootstrap Press, 1988.

Mitchell, Austin: Competitive socialism. London
Unwin paperbacks, 1989.107 s.

Morishima, Michio: Ricardo's economics. A general equilibrium theory of distribution and growth. Cambridge: Cambridge University 1989.

Neuberg, Leland Gerson: Conceptual anomalies economics and statistics. Lessons from the social experiment. Cambridge : Cambridge Press, 1988.

O'Donnell, R. M.: Keynes. Philosophy,economics politics. The philosophical foundations Keynes's thought and their influence on his economics and politics. Basingstoke : Macmillan, 1989. 100 s.

Side 402

O'Leary, Brendan: The Asiatic mode of production. despotism, historical materialism Indian history. Oxford : Basil Blackwell, 1989. 304 s.

Perelman, Michael: Keynes, investment theory and the economic slowdown. The role of replacement investment and q-ratios. Basingstoke Macmillan, 1989. 298 s.

Pollak, Robert A.: The theory of the cost of living
index. New York: Oxford University Press,

Pudney, Stephen: Modelling individual choice.
The econometrics of corners, kinks and holes.
: Basil Blackwell, 1989. 352 s.

Reid, Gavin C: Classical economic growth. An
analysis in the tradition of Adam Smith.
Oxford : Basil Blackwell, 1989. 210 s.

Russell, James W.: Modes of production in
world history. London : Routledge, 1989.
218 s.

Sauer, Christine: Alternative theories of output, unemployment, and inflation in Germany: 1960-1985. New York : Springer, 1989. 206 s. (Lecture notes in economics and mathematical systems; 326)

Schefold, Bertram: Mr. Srajfa on joint production
other essays. London : Unwin
Hyman, 1989. 384 s.

Silver, Morris: Foundations of economic justice:
: Basil Blackwell, 1989.224 s.

Stuvel, G.: The index-number problem and its
solution. Basingstoke : Macmillan, 1989.
150 s.

Tarbuck, Ken: bukharin's theory of equilibrium.
: Photo, 1989.92 s.

Turner, Marjorie S.: Joan Robinson and the
Americans. Armonk, N.Y.: M.E. Sharpe,

Uno, Kimio: Measurement of services in an
input-output framework. Amsterdam :
North-Holland, 1989.

Wiseman, Jack: Cost, choice and political economy.
: Edward Elgar, 1989.

Young, Warren: Harrod and his trade cycle group. The origins and development of the Growth Research Programmes in Economics. : Macmillan, 1989. 200 s.

Almindelig økonomisk udvikling og politik

Controversy in applied economics. Edited by Mike Campbell, Mike Hardy and Nige Healey. New York : Harvester Wheatsheaf, 297 s.

Development economics. Theory, practice, and prospects. Edited by Thomas R. DeGregori. Kluwer Academic Publishers,

Hungary. The second decade of economic reform.
by Roger A. Clarke. Harlow:
Longman, 1989. 160 s.

Japan's choices. New globalism and cultural orientation in an industrial state. Edited by Masataka Kosaka. London : Pinter, 1989. 192 s.

Perestroika and the economy. New thinking in Soviet economics. Edited by Anthony Jones William Moskoff. Armonk, N.Y.: M.E. Sharpe, 1989. 300 s.

Poland. The economy in the 1980s. Edited by
Roger Clarke. Harlow : Longman, 1989.

The balance between industry and agriculture in economic development. Proceedings of the Eighth World Congress of the international Association, Delhi, India. Bd. 1-4. Basingstoke: Macmillan in association the International Economic Association, 1989. (lEA conference volume ; no. 89).

The Economic role of the state. Edited by Arnold
Oxford : Basil Blackwell,
1989. 128 s.

Bromley, Daniel W.: Economic interests and institutions. The conceptual foundations of public policy. Oxford : Basil Blackwell, 1989. 300 s.

Calvert, Susan and Peter Calvert: Argentina:
Political culture and instability. Basingstoke
Macmillan, 1989. 352 s.

Drysdale, Peter: International economic pluralism. policy in East Asia and the Pacific. New York : Columbia University Press, 1988.

Griffin, Keith: Alternative strategies for economic Basingstoke: Macmillan in association with the OECD development 1989. 267 s.

Side 403

Howe, Christopher and Kenneth R. Walker: The foundations of the Chinese planned economy. A documentary survey, 1953-65. Basingstoke : Macmillan, 1989. 375 s.

Hudson, John and Marina Dymiotou-Jensen: a developing country. A case study of Cyprus. Aldershot : Avebury, 1989. 181 s.

Huer, Jotv Marching orders. The role of the military in South Korea s »economic miracle« New York : Greenwood, 1989.240 s.

Kay, Christobal: Latin American theories of
development and underdevelopment. London
Routledge, 1989. 304 s.

M.avquand,3udith:Autonomy and change. The sources of economic growth. Hemel Hempstead Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1989. 25b s.

Nonneman, Gerd: Development, administration
aid in the Middle East. London :
Routledge, 1988. 203 s.

Okigbo, P.N.C.: National development planning
Nigeria 1900-92. London : Currey,
1989. 229 s.

O'Malley, Eoin: Industry and economic development.
challenge for the latecomer.
Dublin: Gill and Macmillan, 1989.288 s.

Richet, Xavier: The Hungarian model. Planning the market in a socialist economy. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1989. 211 s.

Riddell, Peter: The Thatcher decade. Britain in
the 1980's. Oxford : Basil Blackwell, 1989.
224 s.

Rodan, Garry: The political economy of Singapore's National state and international capital. Basingstoke : Macmillan, 350 s.

Penge og finanser

Bank mergers. Current issues and perspectives.
Edited by Benton E. Gup. Boston, Mass.:
Kluwer, 1989. 235 s.

The value-added tax. Orthodoxy and new thinking. by Murray L. Weidenbaum, David G. Raboy and Ernest S. Christian, Jr. Dordrecht: Kluwer, 1989. 304 s.

Hicks, John: A market theory of money. Oxford
Clarendon, 1989. 160 s.

Pyle, David J.: Tax evasion and the black
economy. Basingstoke : Macmillan, 1989.
280 s.

Schwallie, Daniel P.: The impact of intergovernmental
on the aggregate public
sector. New York . Quorum, 1989. 176 s.

Tillmann, Georg: Equity, incentives, and taxation. : Springer, 1989. 132 s. (Lecture in economics and mathemetical systems; 329).

International økonomi

Beyond trad friction. Japan - U.S. economic relations. Edited by Ryuzo Sato and Julianne Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1989.

Economic development and world debt. Fditcd
by H.W. Singer and Soumitra Sharma.
Basingstoke : Macmillan, 1989.453 s.

Economic institutions in a dynamic society. Search for a new frontier. Proceedings of a conference held by the International Economic Association in Tokyo, Japan. Edited by Takashi Shiraishi and Shigeto Tsuru. Basingstoke : Macmillan in association International Economic Association, 320 s. (International Economic publications; v.91)

Financing the world economy in the nineties. Edited by Jac J. Sijben. Dordrecht: Kluwer 1989. (Financial and monetary policy studies; 18).

Interi.rational economics and financial markets. The AMEX Bank review prize essays. In memory of Robert Marjolin. Edited by Richard O'Brien and Tapan Datta. Oxford Oxford University Press for the AMEX Bank review, 1989. 256 s.

International mergers and acquisitions. London
IFR Publishing, 1989. 300 s.

Third World debt. The search for a solution.
Edited by Graham Bird. Aldershot: Elgar,
256 s.

Baillie, Richard and Patrick McMahon: The foreign exchange market. Theory and econometric Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1988.

Side 404

Behar, Jaime: Trade and employment in Mexico.
: Almqvist & Wiksell, 1988.
295 s.

Buiter,Willem H.: Budgetary policy, international intertemporal trade in the global economy. Amsterdam : North-Holland, 1989. 148 s.

Dohlman, Ebba: National welfare and economic The case of Sweden s foreign trade policy. Oxford : Clarendon, 1989.254 s.

El-Agraa, Ali M.: The theory and measurement
of international economic integration. Basingstoke
Macmillan, 1989. 388 s.

Helpman, Elhanan and Paul R. Krugman:
Trade policy and market structure. Cambridge
Mass.: MIT Press, 1989.191 s.

Kenen, Peter B.: Exchange rates and policy
coordination. Manchester : Manchester
University Press, 1989.115 s.

Industripolitik m.v., teknologi

Cooperatives revisited. Edited by Hans Hedlund
: Scandinavian Institute of
African Studies, 1988. 223 s.

Made in America. Regaining the productive edge.
Edited by Michael L. Dertouzos. Cambridge,
: MIT Press, 1989. 344 s.

Privatization and state-owned enterprises. Lessons the United States, Great Britain and Canada. By Poul W. Macavoy et al. Dordrecht Kluwer, 1989. 384 s.

Privatisation in developing countries. Edited by
V.V. Ramanadham. London : Routledge,
1989. 400 s.

Technology and capital formation. Edited by
Dale W. Jorgenson and Ralph Landau.
Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1989.

Barkovich, Barbara R.: Regulatory interventionism the utility industry. Fairness, efficiency, the pursuit of energy conservation. York : Quorum, 1989. 181 s.

Demsetz, Harold: Efficiency, competition, and
policy. Oxford : Basil Blackwell, 1989.
320 s.

Grant, Wyn: Government and industry. A comparative
of the US, Canada and the
UK. Aldershot: Elgar, 1989. 336 s.

Hawkins, J.E.: Shipping subsidies and the balance
payments. A quantitative survey.
London : Lloyd's of London. 1989. 96. s

Kort, Peter M.: Optimal dynamic investment policies of a value maximizing firm. New York: Springer, 1989.185 s. (Lecture notes in economics and mathematical systems;

Leinbach, Thomas R. and Chia Lin Sien: South-East Asian transport. Issues in development. : Oxford University Press, 1989. 265 s.

Phillips, Glyn O.: Innovation and technology transfer in Japan and Europe. Industry-academic London : Routledge, 1989. 336 s.

Schmidt, Ingo L. O. and Jan B. Rittaler: A critical evaluation of the Chicago School of Antitrust Analysis. Dordrecht : Kluwer, 1989.132 s.

Turner, Royce Logan: The politics of industry.
London : Christopher Helm, 1989. 195 s.

Primære erhverv, ressourcer, energi

Structural adjustment & agriculture. Theory & practice in Africa & Latin America. Edited by Simon Commander. London: Currey, 1989.320 s.

The Economic theory of agrarian institutions.
Edited by Pranab Bardhan. Oxford: Clarendon,
420 s.

The International farm crisis. Edited by David
Goodman and Michael Redclift. Basingstoke
Macmillan, 1989. 400 s.

Fforde, Adam: The agrarian question in North
Vietnam, 1974-1979. Armonk, N.Y. : M.E.
Sharpe, 1988.

Hedlund, Stefan: Private agriculture in the Soviet
London : Routledge, 1989.
208 s.

Robinson, T.J. C: Economic theories of exhaustible
London : Routledge, 1989.
208 s.

Romero, C. and T. Rehman: Multiple criteria
analysis for agricultural decisions. Amsterdam
Elsevier, 1989. 257 s.


Labor autonomy and the state in Latin America.
Edited by Edward C. Epstein. London :
Unwin Hyman, 1989. 272 s.

Microeconomic issues in labour economics. New

approaches. Edited by Robert Drago and

Side 405

Richard Perlman. New York : Harvester
Wheatsheaf, 1989. 256 s.

People's capitalism. A critical analysis of profitsharing Employee Share Ownership. By Lesley Baddon et al. London : Routledge, 1989.288 s.

Women's employment and multinationals in Europe. Edited by Diane Elson and Ruth Pearson. Basingstoke : Macmillan, 1989. 227 s.

Youth, education and work in Europe. Edited by Wladyslaw Adamski and Peter Grootings. : Routledge for the European Centre for Research and Documentation in Social Sciences, 1989. 208 s.

Dréze, Jacques H.: Labour management, contracts capital markets. A general equilibrium Oxford: Brazil Blackwcll, 1989. 192 s.

Ferri, Piero and Edward Greenberg: The
labour market and business cycle theories.
Berlin • Springer 198Q 183 s

Sek-Hong, Ng and Victor Fung-shuen Sit: Labour relations and labour conditions in Hong Kong. A study prepared for the International Labour Office. Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1989. 237 s.

Waring, Marily: If women counted. London :
Macmillan, 1989. 366 s.

Social-, bolig- og regionalpolitik

Advances in spatial theory and dynamics. Edited
Åke E. Anderson et. al. Amsterdam :

North-Holland, 1989. (Studies in regional
science and urban economics ; 20)

Workers versus pensioners. Intergenerational justice in an ageing world. Edited by Paul Johnson, Ghristoph Conrad and David Thomson. Manchester : Manchester University Press in association with the Centre for Economic Policy Research. 204 s.

Birman, Igor: Personal consumption in the
USSR and USA. New York : St. Martin's
Press, 1988.

Carello, Adrian Nicola: The northern question: Italy's participation in the European economic andtheMezzogiorno 's underdevelopment. : Associated University Presses, 1988.

Kuznets, Simon: Economic development, the family, and income distribution. Selected essays. Edited by Robert Gallman. Cambridge Cambridge University Press, 1989.

Schiffer. honathan R.: Soviet regional economic The East- West debate over Pacific Siberian development. Basingstoke : Macmillan association with the Centre for Russian and East European Studies, University of Birmingham, 1989. 384 s.

Smith, Christine: Integrated multiregion models policy analysis. An Australian perspective. North-Holland, 1989.375 s. (Studies in regional science and urban economics ; v.19).