Nationaløkonomisk Tidsskrift, Bind 126 (1988)Nye udenlandske bøgerAlmindelig
økonomisk teori Chicago
studies in political economy: Edited Dynamic econometric modeling: Proceedings of the Third International Symposium in Economic Theory and Econometrics: Edited by William A. Barnett, Ernst R. Berndt and Halbert White. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1988. Econometrics of planning and efficiency: Ed. by Jati K. Sengupta and Gopal K. Kadekodi. Kluwer, 1988. 193 s. (Advanced studies in theoretical and applied econometrics; 11). Evolutionary economics: Applications of Schumpeter's ideas: Edited by Horst Hanusch. Cambridge University 1988. Input-output
analysis: Current development. Issues in
pricing: Theory and resarch. Edited National income and economic progress: Essays honour of Colin Clark. Edited by Duncan Ironmonger, J.O.N. Perkins and Tran Van Hoa. Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1988.250 s. Statistical data bank systems. Socio-economic database and model building in Japan. Edited by Kimio Uno and Shuntaro Shishido. North-Holland, 1988. 363 s. The Popperian
legacy in economics: Papers Side 389
dam. December
1985. Ed. by Neil de The theory of income and wealth distribution. Ed. by Y.S. Brenner, J.P.G. Reijnders and A.H.G.M. Spithoven. Sussex: Wheatsheaf, 1988.269 s. Asimakopulos,
Athanasios: Investment employment Auerbach, Poul:
Competition. The economics Bain, K. and Peter Howells: Understanding markets. An introduction to the theory, institutions practice of markets. Brighton: Weatsheaf, 1988.272 s. Baxter, J. L.:
Social and psychological foundations Bleaney, M.F: Do
socialist economies work?: A Butler, Eamonn:
Ludwig von Mises. Fountainhead Carabelli, Anna
M: On Keynes's method. Clarke, Simon:
Keynesianism, monetarism Davidson, Greg
and Paul Davidson: Economics Dimand, Robert W: The origins of the Keynesian The development of Keynes' theory of employment and output. Aidershot: 1988. 200 s. Dixon, Robert:
Production, distribution and Etzioni, Amitai:
The moral dimension. Toward Fitzgibbons,
Athol: Keynes's vision. A new Frantz, Roger S:
X-efficiency. Theory, evidence, demic
Publishers, 1988. 227 s. Galbraith. John Kenneth and Stanislav Menshikov: Capitalism, communism, and coexistence. From the bitter past to a better prospect. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1988. Hall, S.G.:
Macroeconomic modelling. Hamuda, Omar and Robin Rowley: Expectations, and dynamics. A history recent economic ideas and practices. Hemel Hempstead: Marwester & Wheatsheaf, 1988. 224 s. Heilbroner,
Robert L.: Behind the veil of Sir John R. Hicks. Critical assessments. Edited by John Cunningham Wood and Ronald N. Woods. London: Routledge, 1988. Hudson, John:
Unemployment after Keynes. Hutchison,
Terence: Before Adam Smith. The Jarsulic, Marc:
Effective demand and income Johnson,
Christopher: Measuring the economy. Khan, Haider A. and Erik Thorbecke: Macroeconomic and diffusion of alternative within a social accounting matrix framework. The case of Indonesia. A study prepared for the international Labour within the framework of the World Employment Programme. Aidershot: 1988. 209 s. Kyun, Kim:
Equilibrium business cycle theory Kreps, David M.
Notes on the theory of choice. Lambert, Jean-Paul: Disequilibrium macroeconomic Theory and estimation of rationing models using business survey data. Cambridge Univ. Press, Side 390
1988.177 s.
Linden, Ronald H. Communist states and international change. Romania and Yugoslavia comparative perspective. London: Allan &Unwin, 1987. 201s. O'Brien, D.P.:
Lionel Robbins. Basingstoke: Pheby, John:
Methodology and economics. A Quandt Richard E.
The econometrics of disequilibrium. Sargan, Denis: Lectures on advanced econometric Edited and with an introduction Meghnad Desai. Oxford: Basil 1988. 208 s. Sargan, John Denis: Contributions to econometrics. with an introduktion by Esfandiar Cambridge: Cambridge Press, 1988. 2 bd. Shackle, G.L.S.: Business, time and thought. Selected papers by G.L.S. Shackle. Edited Stephen F. Frowen. Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1987.256 s. Shaw, G. K.:
Keynesian economics. The permanent Stephen, Frank
H.: The economics of the law. Torr, Christopher: Equilibrium, expectations and information. A study of The general theory and modern classical economics. Cambridge: Polity, 1988. 150 s. Winfield, Richard
Dien: The just economy. Almindelig
økonomisk udvikling og politik Beyond adjustment. TheAsian experience. Edited Paul Streeten Washington, D.C.: International Monetary Fund, 1988. 274 s. Developmental
states in East Asia, Ed. by Gordon Economic
modelling in the OECD countries. Economy and
class in Sudan. Ed. by Norman O'Neill and Jay
O'Brien. Aldershot: Avebury, Policies for
development. Essays in honour of Post-revolutionary Iran. Ed. by Hoosang Amirahmadi and Manoucher Parvin Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press, 1988. 262 s. Sudan. State,
capital and transformation. Edited The Cambridge multisectoral dynamic model of the British economy. Edited by Terry Barker and William Peterson. Cambridge: University Press, 1987. 507 s. The East
German economy. Ed. by lan Jeffries Modernization and beyond. The Japanese trajectory. by Gavan McCormack and Yoshio Sugimoto. Cambridge: Cambridge Press, 1988. The Mexican
economy. Edited by George Control and investment in the Soviet economy. Essays in honor of Alec Nove. Edited by Peter Wiles. London: Allan & Unwin, 1988.400 s. Aganbegyaw, Abel. The challenge. Economics of perestroika. Edited by Michael Barratt Brown. London: Hutchinson Education, s. Batt, Judy: Economic reform and political change in Eastern Europa. A comparison of the Czechoslovak and Hungarian experiences. Macmillan in association Centre for Russian and East European Studies. University of Birmingham, 550 s. Beresford,
Melanie: Vietnam. Politics, economics Charemza,
Wojciech: Plans anddesequilibria Crowther, William
E.: The political economy Side 391
1988. 256 s.
Dasgupta, Ajit
K.: Growth, development and Devine, P.J. Democracy and economic planning. political economy of a self-governing Cambridge: Policy in association Basil Blackwell, 1988. 300 s. Gupta, Avijit:
Ecology and development in the Hershlag, Z.Y.:
The contemporary Turkish s. Hewett, Edward A.: Reforming the Soviet economy. versus efficiency. Washington, Brookings Institution, 1988. 404 s. Jorgenson, Dale W.: Productivity and U.S. economic growth. Amsterdam: North- Holland, 1988. (Contributions to economic 169). Kennedy, Paul T.:
African capitalism. The McCormick, 8.J.:
The world economy. Patterns McFarlane, Bruce:
Yoguslavia. Politics, economics Maddock, R.T.:
The political economy of Soviet Onimode, Bade: A
political economy of the Rowthorn, Bob and Naomi Wayne: Northern Ireland. The political eocnomy of conflict. Cambridge: Polity in ass. Basil Blackwell, 200 s. Weaver, R. Kent:
Automatic government. The Wihtol, Robert:
The Asian Development Bank Penge og
finanser Essays in honour
of Stephen Frowen. Edited by Philip
Arestis, Basingstoke: High public debt. The Italian experience. Ed. by Francesco Giavazzi and Luigi Spaventa. Cambridge University 1988.260 s. Local goverment finance. International perspectives. by Ronan Paddison and Stephen Bailey. London: Routledge, 1988. 267 s. Public sector deficits in OECD countries. Causes, consequences and remedies. Edited by Henry Cavanna. Basingstoke: Macmillan, s. Surveys in
public sector economics. Edited by The Economic ofpublic debt. Proceedings of a conference held by the International Economic Association at Stanford, California. by Kenneth J. Arrow and Michael J. Boskin. Basingstoke: Macmillan association with the International Association, 1988. 400 s. The European Monetary System. Edited by Francesco Giavazzi, Stefano Micossi and Marcus Miller. Cambridge: Cambridge Press, 1988.424 s. The Reform of
local goverment finance in Britain. Burstein, M.L.
Studies in banking theory, financial Dow, J.C.R. and
I.D. Saville. A critique of Duffie, Darrell.
Security markets. Stochastic Nell, Edward J. Prosperity and public spending. growth and the role of government. Boston: Allan & Unwin, 1987. Sweeney, Richard
J. Wealth effects and monetary Wood,
Christopher. Boom and bust. The rise Side 392
London: Sidgwick
& Jackson, 1988. 192 International
økonomi International economic cooperation. Edited and with an introduction by Martin Feldstein. Chicago: Univesity of Chicago Press, 1988.335 s. International finance and trade in a potycentric world. Proceedings of a conference held in Basel by the International Economic Association. Edited by Silvio Borner. Basingstoke: Macmillan in association with International Economic Association, 500 s. Issues in US-EC trade reluiions. Edited by Robert E. Baldwin, Carl B. Hamilton, and André Sapir. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1988. Macroeconomic interactions between North and South. Ed. by David Currie and David Cambridge: Cambridge University 1988. The Open economy. Tools for policymakers in developing Countries. Edited by Rudiger Dornbusch and F. Leslie C.H. Helmers. New York: Published for the World Bank by Oxford University Press, 1987. The Worlds of
political economy. Edited by World comparison in incomes, prices and product. by J. Salazar-Carrillo and D.S. Prasada Rao. Amsterdam: North Holland, 1988. 308 s. (Contributions to economic analysis 173). Balassa, Bela A. and Luc Bouwens: Changing patterns in manufactured goods. An econometric investigation. Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1988. (Contributions to economic analysis; 176). Bhagwati, Jagdish
N. Protectionism Cambridge, Bird, Graham:
Managing global money. Essays Diebold, Francis:
Empirical modelling of exchange Hilke, John C.
and Philip B. Nelson: U.S. international
competitiveness. Evolution or Kindleberger, Charles P.: The international economic order. Essays on financial crisis and international public goods. Brighton: Wheatsheaf, 1988. 320 s. Lieberman, Sima:
The economic and political Pomfret, Richard: Unequal trade. The economics discriminatory international trade politics. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1988. 288 s. Strange, Susan:
States and markets. London: Industripolitik mv.,
teknologi Government policy towards industry injhe United and Japan. Proceedings of a conference co-organized by Chikashi Morigushi and John B. Shoven and sponsored by the Center for Economic Policy Research of Stanford University and the Suntory Foundation of Japan. Edited by John B. Soven. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1988. 354 s. New information technology and industrial change: The Italian case. Edited by Cristiano Dordrecht: Reidel, 1988.157 s. Technical
change and economic theory. Edited Briscoe, G. The economics of the construction industry. London: Mitchell in association the Chartered Institute of Building, 1988. 307 s. Ferguson, Paul
R.: Industrial economics. Issues Helfat, Constance
E. Investment choices in Lee, Peter N.S.: Industrial management and economic reform in China, 1949-1984. Oxford: University Press, 1987. 344 s. Littler. Dale:
Technological development. Side 393
Pine. Madsen:
Privatization. Hounslow: Tirole, Jean. The
theory of industrial organization. s. Weiss, John.
Industry in developing countries. Weiss, Linda.
Creating capitalism. The state Primære
erhverv, ressourcer, energi Agricultural
pricing policy in Africa. Fourco\ Agricultural productivity. Measurement and explanation. Edited by Susan M. Capalbo, M. Antle. Washington, D.C.: Resources for the Future, 1988.404 s. Linked national models. A tool for international food policy analysis. By Gunther Fischer et al. Dordrecht: M. Nijhoff Pubs., 1988.214 s. The agro-technological system towards 2000. European perspective. Edited by G. Antonelli A. Quadrio-Curzio. Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1988. 297 s. (Contributions economic analysis; 174). World mineral exploration. Trends and economic Edited by John E. Tilton, Roderick Eggert and Hans H. Landsberg. Washington, D.C.: Resources for the Future, 464 s. Antle, John M. Pesticide policy, production risk, and producer welfare. An econometric approach to applied welfare economics. Washington, D.C.: Resources for the Future, Førsund, Finn R. and Steinar Strøm. Environmental and management. Pollution and natural resources. London: Croom Helm, 1988. 307 s. Franklin,
Michael. Rich man's framing. The Nolan, Peter. The
political economy of collective 250 s. Soussan, John.
Primary resources and energy in Thomas, Steve. The realities of nuclear power. International economic and regulatory experience. Cambridge University 1988.289 s. Arbejdsmarked Barriers to full employment. Papers from a conference sponsored by the Labour Market Policy section of the International of Management of the Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin. Edited by J.A. Kregel, Egon Matzner, Alessandro Roncaglia. Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1987. 362 s. Economics of changing age distributions in developed Edited by Ronald D. Lee, W. Brian Arthur, Gerry Rodgers. Oxford: Clarendon, 1988.221 s. Women and
paid work. Issues of equality. Edited Bettio,
Francesca. The sexual division of labour. Fallon, Peter and
Donald Verry. The economics Gordon, Allan.
The crisis of unemployment. Koike, Kazuo.
Understanding industrial relations Mittelman, James
H. Out from underdevelopment. Social-,
bolig- og regionalpolitik Regional economic development. Essays in honour Francois Perroux. Ed. by Benjamin and Donald J. Savoie. Boston, Unwin Hyman, 1988. 415 s. Regional
impact of community policies in Europe. Side 394
Aldershot: Avebury, 1988. 199 The Economics of race and crime. Edited by Margaret C. Simms and Samuel L. Myers. Jr. New Brunswick, U.SA.: Transaction Books, 1988. Ansellin, Luc.
Spatial econometrics. Methods Black, John and
David E. Stafford. Housing Myerscough, John.
Economic importance of Nafziger, t.
Wayne. Inequality in Africa. Politi- cal elites,
proletariat, peasants and the poor. Toyomane, Norimichi. Multiregional inputoutput in long-rum simultation. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, s. Wissen, Leo van and Annemarie Rima. Modelling urban housing market developments. patterns of households and housing in Amsterdam. Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1988. Wood, Charles H.
The demography of inequality |