Nationaløkonomisk Tidsskrift, Bind 126 (1988)

Nye udenlandske bøger

Almindelig økonomisk teori

Advances in econometrics v. I—II. Ed. by Truman
Bewley. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 1987. 313 p.

Classical political economy. A survey of recent
Ed, by William O. Thweatt.
Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic, 1988. 275 p.

Forecasting in the social and natural sciences. Edited by Kenneth C. Land and Stephen H. Schneider. Dordrecht: Reidel B.V. Jitge, 1987. 381 p.

Information, incentives, and economic mechanisms. in honor of Leonid Hurwicz. by Theodore Groves. Minneapolis: of Minnesota Pr., 1987. 399 p.

Laboratory experimentation in economics.
Six points of view. Ed. by Alvin E. Roth.
Cambridge: Cambridge U Pr., 1987, 219 p.

Peace, defence and economic analysis. Edited
by Christian Schmidt and Frank Blackaby.
London: Macmillan, 1987. 450 p.

Predictability in science and society. Edited by
John Mason, P. Mathias and J.H. Westcott.
Royal Society, 1986. 145 p.

The Practice of econometrics. Studies on demand, money and income. Edited by H. Neudecker and R.D.H. Heijmans. M. Nijhoff Pubs., 1987. 273 p.

Side 114

Afriat, S.N.: Logic of choice and economic
theory. Oxford: Clarendon Pr., 1987.
577 p.

Aiginger, Karl: Production and decision theory
uncertainty. Oxford: B. Blackwell,
222 p.

Bober, Stanley: Modern macroeconomics. A
post-Keynesian perspective. Beckenham:
Croom Helm, 1987. 278 p.

Brenner, Reuven: Rivalry. In business, science,
among nations. Cambridge: Cambridge U.
P., 1987. 244 p.

Brown, Maurice: Adam Smith's economics. Its place in the development of economic thought. Beckenham: Croom Helm, 1988. 189 p.

Cencini, Alvaro: Money, income and time. A
quantum-theoretical approach. London:
Pinter Pubs. Ltd., 1988. 204 p.

Cuthbertson, Keith and Mark P. Taylor: Macroeconomic
Oxford: B. Blackwell,
278 p.

Fitoussi, Jean-Paul and E.S. Phelps: The slump in Europe. Restructuring open economy Oxford: B. Blackwell, 1988. 145 p.

Ford, J.L.: Economic choice under uncertainty.
perspective theory approach. Newent:
Elgar Pub., 1987. 146 p.

Hirshleifer, Jack: Economic behaviour in adversity.
Wheatsheaf Bks, 1987.
310 p.

Hodgson, Geoff: Economics and institutions.
Cambridge: Polity Press, 1988. 365 p.

Leibenstein, Harvey: Inside the firm. The inefficiencies
hierarchy. Cambridge: Harvard
Pr., 1987. 276 p.

Nolan, Brian: Income distribution and the
macroeconomy. Cambridge: Cambridge
U P., 1987. 208 p.

Pesaran, M.H.: The limits to rational expectations.
B. Blackwell, 1986. 325 p.

Reynolds, Peter J.: Political economy. An synthesis Kaleckian and post-Key nesian economics. Brighton: Wheatsheaf Bks, 1987. 279 p.

Sardoni, Claudio: Marx and Keynes on economic
The theory of unemploy-

ment and effective demand. Brighton:
Wheatsheaf Bks, 1987. 152 p.

Solomou, Solomos: Phases of economic growth, 1850-1973. Kondratieff waves and Kuznets swings. Cambridge: Cambridge U P., 1987. 197 p.

Vaggi, Gianni: The economics of Francois
Quesnay. London: Macmillan, 1986.
247 p.

Wesselman, A. M.: The population-sample decomposition method. A distributionfree technique for minimum distance Dordrecht: M. Nijhoff Pubs., 1987. 242 p. (International studies in economics and econometrics; 19).

White, Colin: Russia and America. The roots
of economic divergence. Beckenham:
Croom Helm, 1987. 268 p.

Almindelig økonomisk udvikling og politik

Beyond the rhetoric. Politics, the economy and social policy in Northern Ireland. Edited Paul Teague. London: Lawrence/ Wishart, 1987. 243 p.

Coping with the economic crisis. Alternative responses to economic recession in advanced societies. Edited by Hans Keman, Paloheimo and Paul F. Whiteley. Sage Publs., 1987. 228 p.

Economic development in Africa. International issues and prospects. Edited by Olusola Akinrinade and J. Kurt Barling. London: Pinter Pubs. Ltd., 1987. 266 p.

From crisis to equitable growth. A new development for Latin America. Edited by Rob Vos. Aldershot: Avebury Pub., 1987. 144 p.

Global restructuring and territorial development. by Jeffrey Henderson and Manuel Castells. London: Sage Publs., 1987. 256 p.

In search of equity. Planning for the Satisfaction
basic needs in Latin America. Aldershot:
Pub. Co., 1987. 249 p.

Keynes and public policy after fifty years. Vol. 1: Economics and policy. Edited by Omar F. Hamouda and John N. Smithin. Newent: Elgar Pub., 1988. 169 p.

Side 115

Key nes and public policy after fifty years. Vol. 2: Theories and method. Edited by Omar F. Hamouda and John N. Smithin. Newent: Elgar Pub., 1988. 216 p.

Money matters. Income, wealth and financial welfare. Edited by Robert Walker and Gillian London: Sage Publs., 1988. 263 p.

The Australian economy in the long run. Edited Rodney Maddock and lan W. Mc- Lean. Cambridge: Cambridge U. P., 1987. 372 p.

The British economy after oil. Manufacturing of services? Edited by Terry Barker and Paul Dunne. Beckenham: Croom Helm, 1988. 178 p.

The Cambridge multisectoral dynamic model of the British economy. Edited by Terry Barker and William Peterson. Cambridge: Cambridge U. P., 1987. 507 p. (Cambridge studies in applied econometrics; 5).

The European armaments market and procurement Edited by Pauline Creasey and Simon May. London: Macmillan, 201 p.

The Performance of the British economy. Edited
Rudiger Dornbusch and Richard
Layard. Oxford: Clarendon Pr., 1987.
271 p.

Azzam, Henry T: The Gulf economies in transition.
Macmillan, 1988. 264 p.

Dennis, Mike: German Democratic republic.
Politics, economics and society. London:
Pinter Pubs. Ltd., 1988. 223 p.

Keyder, Caglar: State and class in Turkey. A
study in capitalist development. London:
Verso Editions, 1987. 252 p.

Nanetti, Raffaella Y.: Growth and territorial policies. The Italian model of social capitalism. Pinter Pubs. Ltd., 1987. 183 p.

Preston, Peter Wallace: Rethinking development. on development and Southeast Henley-on-Thames: Routledge, 1987. 261 p.

Sachs, Ignacy: Development and planning.
Cambridge: Cambridge U. P., 1987. 134 p.

Sawyer, James E.: Why Reaganomics and Key-

nesian economics failed. London: Macmillan,
195 p.

Zloch-Christy, Iliana: Debt problems of
Eastern Europe. Cambridge: Cambridge
U. P., 1987. 220 p.

Penge og finanser

Handbook of public economics. Vol. 2. Edited by A. Auerbach and M. Feldstein. Amsterdam: Sci., 1987. (Handbooks in economics; 4).

New perspectives on the financial system. Edited
Laurence Harris et al. Beckenham:
Croom Helm, 1988. 410 p.

The developing global securities market. Edited
F.W. Neate. London: Graham &
Trotman, 1987. 192 p.

Cohen, Jacob: The flow of funds in theory and practice. A flow-constrained approach to monetary theory and policy. Dordrecht: M. Nijhoff Pubs., 1987. 341 p. (Financial and monetary policy studies; 15).

Edwards, George T.: The role of banks in ecnonomic The economics of industrial resurgence. London: Macmillan, 220 p.

Gylfason, Thorvaldur: Credit policy and economic in developing countries with IMF stabilization programs. Princeton: University Press. 1987.44 p.

Levitt, M.S. and M.A.S. Joyce: The growth and efficiency of government spending. Cambridge: Cambridge U P. 1987. 201 p. (National Institute of Economic and Social Occasional papers; 41).

Mullineux, Andrew: International banking
and financial systems. A comparison.
London: Graham & Trotman, 1987. 243 p.

Ross, Derek, I. Clark and S. Taiyeb: Internationa/
management. Cambridge:
Woodhead-Faulkn, 1987. 184 p.

Rowley, Eric E.: The financial system today.
Manchester: Manchester U. P., 1988. 228 p.

Watson, Alasdair and R. Altringham: Treasury International banking operations. Canterbury: Inst. of Bankers, 1986. 767 p.

Side 116

International økonomi

Comecon foreign trade data 1986. Edited by The Vienna Institute for Comparative Economic Studies. London: Macmillan, 1988. 551 p.

Employment and growth. Issues for the 1980's. Edited by Alfred Steinherr and Daniel Dordrecht: M. Nijhoff Pubs., 1987. 310 p. (International studies in economics and econometrics; 16).

European trade policies and the developing
world. Edited by L.B. Mennes and Jacob
Kol. Beckenham: Croom Helm, 1987.
368 p.

Exchange rates and the open economy. Edited
by K.A. Chrystal and Robert Sedgwick.
Brighton: Wheatsheaf Bks., 1987. 243 p.

Global macroeconomics. Policy conflict and cooperation. Edited by Ralph Bryant and Richard Portes. London: Macmillan, 1987. 347 p.

Strategies in global competition. Selected papers the Prince Bertil Symposium at the Institute of International Business, Stockholm School of Economics. Edited by Neil Hood and Jan-Erik Vahlne. Beckenham: Helm, 1988. 395 p.

The Political economy of international cooperation. by Paolo Guerrieri and Pier Carlo Padoan. Beckenham: Croom Helm, 1988. 265 p.

Brabant, Jozef M. van: Adjustment, structural and economic efficiency. Aspects of monetary cooperation in Eastern Europe. Cambridge: Cambridge U P., 1987. 480 p.

Buckley, Peter J. and PER. Artisien: North- South direct investment in the European communities. The employment impact of direct investment by British, French and German multinationals in Greece, Portugal Spain. London: Macmillan, 1987. 194 p.

Dell, Edmund: The politics of economic interdependence.
Macmillan, 1987.
268 p.

El-Agraa, Ali M.: Japan's trade frictions. Realities
misconceptions? London: Macmillan,
225 p.

Ferguson, Tyrone: The Third World and deci-

sion making in the International Monetary Fund. The questforfull and effective participation. Pinter Pubs. Ltd., 1988. 262 p.

Padoa-Schioppa, Tomasso: Efficiency, stability equity. A strategy for the evolution of the economic system of the European Community. A report. Oxford: Oxford U. P., 1987. 187 p.

Raffer, Kunibert: Unequal exchange and the evolution of the world system. Reconsidering impact of trade on north-south relations. Macmillan, 1987. 301 p.

Young, Stephen, N. Hood and J. Hamill: Foreign and the British economy. and policy. Beckenham: Croom Helm, 1988. 265 p.

Industripolitik mv., teknologi

The Politics of industrial closure. Edited by
Tony Dickson and David Judge. London:
Macmillan, 1987. 201 p.

Barrett, Sean D.: Flying high. Airline prices
and European regulation. Aldershot: Gower
Co., 1987. 96 p.

Collins, Richard, N. Garnham and G. Locksley:
economics of television. The UK
case. London: Sage Publs., 1988. 136 p.

Creasey, Pauline: Structural adjustment in Europe. policies and the creation of a European industrial base. London: Pinter Pubs. Ltd., 1987. 124 p.

Dunnet, Peter J.: The world newspaper industry.
Croom Helm, 1987.
275 p.

Forsund, Finn R.: Analyses of industrial
structure. A putty-clay approach. Stockholm:
& Wiksell Intl., 1987.
321 p.

Morgan, E. Victor: Monopolies, mergers and restrictive practices. UK competition policy Penicuik: David Hume lnst., 1987. 61 p.

Roe, Michael: Evaluation methodologies for
transport investment. Aldershot: Avebury
Pub., 1987. 302 p.

Rowthorn, R.E. and J.R. Wells: Deindustrialization
foreign trade. Cambridge:
Cambridge U P., 1987. 422 p.

Stoneman, Paul: The economic analysis of

Side 117

technology policy. Oxford: Clarendon Pr.,
1987. 224 p.

Uno, Kimio: Japanese industrial performance.
Elsevier Sci., 1987. 439 p.

Primære erhverv, ressourcer, energi

Agricultural policy formation in the European Community. The birth of milk quotas and cap reform. Ed. by M. Petit et al. Amsterdam: Scient., 1987. 165 p. (Developments agricultural economics; 4).

Agriculture and economic instability. Edited by Margot Bellamy and Bruce Greenshields. Gower Pub. Co., 1987. 381 p. (International Association of Agricultural Occasional papers; no. 4).

Economics, growth and sustainable environments. in memory of Richard Lecomber. by David Collard, David Pearce, David Ulph. London: Macmillan, 1988. 205 p.

Economics of floating production systems. Proceedings of an international conference in London, UK, 12-13 May 1987. London: Graham & Trotman, 1987. 227 p.

Environment and economic development in the regions of the European community. Edited by Frank E. Joyce and Gunter Schneider. Aldershot: Avebury Pub., 1988. 154 p.

Industrial utilisation of natural gas. A European organised by the Institute for Industrial Research and Standards, Dublin, 10-11 June 1987. Edited by Chris Davies. London: Graham & Trotman, 1987. 297 p.

Poverty, development and food. Essays in honour of H.W. Singer on his 75th birthday. by Edward Clay and John Shaw. London: Macmillan, 1987. 258 p.

The Common agricultural policy and the third world. A conference sponsored by CAFOD, SCIAF and Trocaire, London, 23 June 1986. London: C.1.1.R., 1986. 97 p.

The global forest sector. An analytical perspective. by Markku Kallio, Dennis P. Dystra, Clark S. Binkley. Chichester.-J. Wiley, 1987. 706 p.

Chadwick, Margaret, D. Long and M. Nissan-

ke: Soviet oil exports. Tråde adjustments,
refining constraints and market behaviour.
Oxford: Oxford U. R, 1987. 263 p.

Conrad, Jon M.: Natural resource economics.
Notes and problems. Cambridge: Cambridge
Press, 1987. 231 p.

Crabtree, John, G. Duffy and J. Pearce: The great tin crash. Bolivia and the world tin market. London: Latin American Bur., 1987. 103 p.

Gakou, Mohamed Lamine: The crisis in African
London: Zed Books, 1987.
100 p.

Mikesell, Raymond F.: The global copper industry.
and prospects. Beckenham:
Helm, 1988. 160 p.

Perrings, Charles: Economy and environment. theoretical essay on the interdependence economic and environmental systems. Cambridge: Cambridge U. P., 1987. 179 p.

Stone, P.A.: Development and planning economy.
and resource issues.
London: Spon, 1988. 243 p.

Streeten, Paul: What price food? Agricultural
price policies in developing countries.
London: Macmillan, 1987. 127 p.

A rbejdsmarked

Employment forecasting. The employment problem in industrialized countries. Edited Michael J. Hopkins. London: Pinter Pubs. Ltd., 1988. 257 p.

How Labor markets work. Reflections on theory and practice by John Dunlop, Clark Kerr, Richard Lester and Lloyd Reynolds. Ed. by Bruce E. Kaufman. Lexington: Lexington 1988. 256 p.

Regional labour markets. Analytical contributions cross-national comparisons. Edited by Manfred M. Fischer and Peter Nijkamp. Amsterdam: North Holland, 1987. 500 p. (Contributions to economic analysis; 168).

The Fight against unemployment. Ed. by Richard
Cambridge: MIT Pr., 1987.
204 p.

Brosnan, Peter and F. Wilkinson. Cheap labour.
false economy. The costs of
a low wage economy versus a national mi-

Side 118

nimum wage. London: Low Pay Unit,
1987. 44 p.

Social-, bolig- og regionalpolitik

Constructing correctional facilities. Is there a role for the private sector? Ed. by James R. Sevick. Washington: Brookings Inst. 1987. 60 p.

Handbook of regional and urban economics. Vol. 2: Urban economics. Edited by P. Nijkamp E.S. Mills. Amsterdam: Elsevier Scient., 1987.

Urban economic change. Five city studies. By

Victor A. Hausner and members of the
ESRC Inner Cities Research Programme.
Oxford: Clarendon Pr., 1987. 263 p.

Glaser, William A.: Paying the hospital. The organization, dynamics and effects of differing arrangements. San Francisco: 1987. 483 p.

Lazin, Frederick A.: Policy implementation of
social welfare in the 1980s. New Brunswick:
Bks., 1987. 161 p.

Schofield, John A.: Cost-benefit analysis in
urban and regional planning. London: Allen
Unwin, 1987. 249 p.