Nationaløkonomisk Tidsskrift, Bind 125 (1987) 3


Nye danske bøger

Almindelig økonomisk udvikling og politik

Dansk økonomi. November 1986. Udg. af Det
økonomiske Råds formandsskab. Kbhv.:
DBK 1986. 122 s. Kr. 60,00.

Galbraith, John Kenneth: Det store krak 1929.
Kbhv.: Gyldendal, 1986. 210 s.

Mørch, Søren: Det store bankkrak. Landmandsbankens
1922-1923. Kbhv.:
Gyldendal; 1986. 416 s. Kr. 298,00.

Pitzner-Jørgensen, Frederik: Comecon-samarbejdet. for praktisk planlægning for et system af økonomier. Kbhv.: Københavns Økonomiske Institut, 1986. 227 s. (Rød serie, 12. Licentiatafhandling,

Penge og finanser

Budgetoversigt. Oktober 1986. Kbhv.: Finansministeriet,
1986. 40 s.
(Småtryk, 53).

Budgetoversigt. December 1986. Kbhv.: Finansministeriet,
1986.42 s.
(Småtryk, 54).

FinansredegørelseB7. Kbhv.: Finansministeriet,
Budgetdepartementet, 1986. 174 s.

Governementfinances in Denmark. January 1987.
Kbhn.: Finansministeriet. Budgetdepartementet,
56 s. (Småtryk, 55).

Konsulentundersøgelse af den offentlige filmstøtteordning. af T. Bak-Jensen A/S. Kbhv.: Ministeriet for kulturelle anliggender, 177 s.

Modernisering af ministeriernes økonomistyring.
Kbhv.: Finansministeriet, Budgetdepartementet,
257 s.

Realrenteafgiftssatsen. Redegørelse fra udvalget vedrørende realrenteafgiftssatsen. Kbhv.: Statens Informationstjenste, 1986. 69 s. Kr. 60,00. (Betænkning, 1081).

Reglerne om beskatning af udenlandsk indkomst i Danmark og for ophør af skattepligten til Danmark. Kbhv.: Statens Informationstjeneste, 258 s. Kr. 150,00. (Betænkning.

Industripolitik m. v. og teknologi

Boligbyggeriet i Grønland 1985, 1966-85 og behovet Kbhv.: Ministeriet for Grønland, 1987,44 s. (Statistiske Meddelelser,

Fra monopollov til Konkurrencelov. Om modernisering monopolloven og pris- og avanceloven. Industriministeriet, 1986. 377 s. (Betænkning, 1075).

Turistpolitisk redegørelse 1986.Kbhv.: Industriministeriet,
21 s.

Otto, Lars: En analyse af produktionsmulighederne fremstillingserhverv. Kbhv.: Københavns Økonomiske Institut, 1986. Forsk. pag. (Rød serie, 11. Licentiatafhandling,

Primære erhverv

Heltidslandbrugets økonomi 1985/86. Kbhv.:
Statens Jordbrugsøkonomiske Institut,
1987. 35 s. Kr. 17,00. (Serie E,5).

Landbrugets økonomi. Efteråret 1986. Kbhv.:
Statens Jordbrugsøkonomiske Institut,
1986. 78 s. Kr. 25,00.

Pedersen, Ole Gravgård: Landbruget i amterne. En input-output analyse. Kbhv.: Statens Jordbrugsøkonomiske Institut, 1986. 148 s. Kr. 60,00. (Rapport, 27).


Grønlændere under erhvervsuddannelse 1984/85.
Kbhv.: Ministeriet for Grønland, 1986.47 s
(Statistiske Meddelelser, 104).

Ploug, Niels: 10 år med arbejdsløshed. Kbhv.:
Socialforskningsinstituttet, 1986. 48 s. Kr,
45,00. (Pjece, 18).

Rosdahl, Anders: Arbejdsgivernes arbejdskraftefterspørgsel. Socialforskningsinstitutet. 240 s. Kr. 68,00. (Publikation, 156).

Rosdahl, Anders og Inge Mærkedahl: Uddannelses og iværksætterydelsen til langtidsledige. Socialforskningsinstituttet, 1987. 290 s. Kr. 98,00 (Publikation, 161).

Side 148

Social-, bolig- og regionalpolitik

Betænkning om ligebehandling af samliv med og uden ægteskab inden for den sociale lovgivning. Socialministeriet, 1986. 192 s. (Betænkning. 1087).

Praksissektorens organisation. Betænkning afgivet indenrigsministeriets udvalg vedrørende organisation. Kbhv.: Indenrigsministeriet, 1986. 109 s. (Betænkning,

Andersen, Bjarne Hjorth og Per Schultz Jørgensen: de 6-10-årige. Kbhv.: Socialforskningsinstitutet, 1987. 105 s. Kr. 48,00. (Publikation, 159).

Jørgensen, Per Schultz, Birthe Gamst og Bjarne Hjorth Andersen: Efter skoletid. Kbhv.: Socialforskningsinstituttet, 1986. 220 s. Kr. 68,00 (Publikation, 154).

Körmendi, Eszter: Os og de andre. Danskernes holdninger til indvandrere og flygtninge. Kbhv.: Socialforskningsinstitutet, 1986. 180 s. Kr. 120,00. (Publikation, 153).

Tan vig, Hanne Wittorff: Lokal erhvervs- og arbejdsmarkedspolitik.
Universitetsforlag, 1986. 248 s. Kr. 150,00.

Nye danske arbejdspapirer

Handelshøjskolen i København. Institut for Finansiering.

86-7. Bjarne Florentsen og Johannes Mouritsen:
uddannelsesstøtte i Danmark. 62 s.

86-8. Michael Møller: Om lånesystemer, skat,
konvertering og ombytning. 21 s.

86-9. Leif Hasager og Michael Møller: Omsætningsobligationer
effektive markeder.
20 s.

86-10. Leif Hasager og Michael Møller: Porteføljeomlægninger
investorer underlagt
realisationsbeskatning. 26 s.

87-1. Niels Chr. Nielsen: Economic analysis of
law markets and market failures. 25 s.

Københavns Universitets Økonomiske Institut.

155. Sven Danø: Kapitlerom investeringsplanlægning.
3. 36 s.

156. Jørgen Elmeskov og Torben Möger Pedersen:
af finanspolitikken 1983-86.

157. Jens Bonke: Husholdningsøkonoms En
teoretisk og empirisk belysning af husholdningsproduktionen.

158. Thorbjørn Waagstein: Economic stabilization
structural change in the Southern
since 1974 - a review. 35 s.

Odense Universitet Institut for Offentlig Økonomi
og Politik. Occasional Paper

26/1986. Terkel Christiansen m. fl.: An investigation
the effect of regional variation in
the treatment of hypertension. 45 s.

Odense Universitet. Institut for Virksomhedsledelse.

1/1987. Søren Holm og Jørgen Tind: Decomposition
integer programming by superadditive
21 s.

Aarhus Universitet. Økonomisk Institut. Memo

1986-12. Michael Christensen: Monetary policy
policy credibility - some recent developments.

1986-13. Henrik Preben Perregaard: Danish
economists and Danish economic policy in
1985 - an emprical investigation. 16 s.

1986-14. Manfred J. Holler: Paradox proof decision
reconsidered. 19 s.

1986-15. Torben M. Andersen og Michael
Christensen: Relative wages and employment
19 s.

1986-16. Torben M. Andersen: Credibility of
policy announcements - the output and inflation
of disinflationary policies. 29 s.

1987-1. Søren Balle: Kronens gæld på Kieleromslaget
Registre og regnskaber.
240 s.

1987-2. Søren Balle: Mønt. vægt og kornmål i
Danmark i 1500-tallet. 98 s.

1987-5. Michael Christensen. Disinflation,
credibility and price inertia. A Danish exposition.

1987-6. Martin Paldam: A wage structure
theory of inflation, industrial conflicts and
trade unions. 34 s.

1987-7. Ebbe Yndgaard: Om begrebet arbejdskraftmåling.

1987-8. Michael Christensen: Policy credibility
the Lucas critique - some new tests
with an application to Denmark. 23 s.

Side 149

1987-9. Erik Harsaae: Empirical Bayes methods
Kaiman filtering. 27 s.

1987-10. Hans Keiding: Unanimity stable effectivity
14 s.

Nye udenlandske bøger

Almindelig økonomisk teori

Incentives and economic systems. Proceedings of eighth Arne Ryde Symposium Frostavallen. 26-27, 1985. Edited by Stefan Hedlund. London: Croom Helm. 1987. 368 p. £29.95.

The foundations of Keynesian analysis.Y.å\Xec\ by
Alain Barriere. Basingstoke: Macmillan,
1987. 320p. £40.00.

The Unofficial economy. Consequences and perspectives in different economic systems. Edited by Sergio Alessandrini and Bruno Dallago. Aldershot: Gower, 1987. 345p. £19.50.

Foster. John: Evolutionary macroeconomics.
London: Allen & Unwin 1987.280p. £25.00.

Haitani; Kanji: Comparative economic systems. Organizational and managerial perspectives. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, 1986. 414p. £28.85.

Kriesler, Peter: Kalecki's microanalysis. The development analysis of pricing and distribution. Cambridge: Cambridge University 1987. 173p. £22.50.

Mager, Nathan H.: The Kondratieff waves.hondon:
1986. 256p. £33.50.

Meade, J. E.: Alternative systems of business organization
of workers' remuneration.
London: Allen & Unwin, 1986.144p. £18.00.

Moore, Barrington: Authority and inequality
under capitalism and socialism. Oxford:
Clarendon, 1987. 160p. £15.00.

O'Sullivan, Patrick J.: Economic methodology
and freedom to choose. London: Allen &
Unwin, 1987. 320p. £25.00.

Reisman, David: Alfred Marshall. Progress and
/?o//ftcs.Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1987.500p.

Sassower, Raphael: Philosophy of economics.
A Critique of demarcation. London: University
of America, 1986. 238p. £23.95.

Tobin. James: Policies for prosperity. Essays in a

Keynesian mode. Brighton: Wheatsheaf.
1987. 464p. £15.95. •

Almindelig økonomisk udvikling og politik

Boyce. Robert W. D.: British capitalism at the crossroads, 1919-1932. A study in politics, economics, international relations. Cambridge: University Press. 1987. £30.00.

Buck. Trevor and John Cole: Modern Soviet
economic performance. Oxford: Basil Blackwell.

Coleman. D. C: History and the economic past. A n account of the rise and decline of economic history in Britain. Oxford: Clarendon, 1987. 144p. £15.00.

Day. John: The medieval market economy. Oxford:
Blackwell. 1987. 288p. £27.50.

Desai. Padma: The Soviet economy in decline?
Oxford: Basil Blackwell 1987. 280p. £25.00.

Kennedy. William P.: Industrial structure, capital and origins of British economic decline. Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1987. 272p. £20.00

Kruijer, Gerald J.: Development through liberation.
world problems and solutions. Basingstoke:
1987. 2720, £20.00.

Leaman. Jeremy: The political economy of West
Germany. 1945-1985. An introduction. Basingstoke:
1987. 250p. £29.50.

Mason. Edward S.: The Harvard Institute for International Development and its antecedents. London University Press of America, 1987. 108p. £18.25.

O'Connor, James: The meaning of crisis. A theoretical
Basil Blackwell,
1987. 192p. £22.50.

Sked, Alan: Britain's decline. Problems and perspectives.
Basil Blackwell. 1986.96p.

Wong, John: Asian economic handbook. London:
1986. 300p. £45.00.

Penge og finanser

International debt and central banking in the
1980. Edited by Zannis Res. Basingstoke:
Macmillan, 1987. 256p. £30.00.

New priorities in public spending. Edited by
M.S. Levitt. Aldershot: Gower. 1987. 220p.

Side 150

Goldsmith, Raymond W.: Premodern financial A historical comparative Study. University Press, 1987. £30.00.

Grumball. C live R.: Managing interest rate risk.
Westport, Conn.: Quorum, 1987. 160p.

Kettl. Donald: Leadership at the Fed. New
Haven: Yale University Press, 1986. 240p.

International økonomi

Protection and competition in international trade. Essays in honour of W.M. Corden. Edited by Henryk Kierzkowski. Oxford: Basil Blackwell. 1987. 256p. £25.00.

The Dynamics of European Union: Edited by
Ray Pryce. London: Croom Helm, 1987.
320p. £25.00.

The Economics of market dominance.Edited by
Donald Hay and John Vicke's. Oxford:
Basil Blackwell. 1987. 200p. £25.00.

The Utility of international economic sanctions.
Edited by David Leyton-Brown. London:
Croom Helm. 1986. 336p. £25.00.

Alschuler, Lawrence R.: Multinationals and development. development strategies in A rgentina, the Ivory Coast and Korea. Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1987. 256p. £29.50.

Brown, Brendan: The flight of international capital.
contemporary history. London: Croom
Helm. 1987. 384p. £30.00.

Bulmer, Simon and William Paterson: The Federal of Germany and the Euroean Community. London: Allen & Unwin. 1987. 224p. £22.50.

Casson, Mark: The firm and the market. Studies on multinational enterprise and the scope of the firm. Oxford: Basil Blackwell. 1987. £25.00.

Khambata, D. M.: The practice of multinational banking. Macro-policy issues & key international London: Quorum, 1986. 283p. £36.00.

Mendes, A. J. Marques: Economic integration
and growth in Europe. London: Croom
Helm. 1986. 160p. £18.95.

Sideli. Scott R.: The IMF and third-world political
Is there a connection? Basingstoke:
1987. £27.50.

Industripolitik m.v., teknologi

International capitalism and industrial restructuring. critical analysis. Edited by Richard Peet London: Allen & Unwin. 1987. 224p. £18.00.

Modern finance and industrial economics. Papers in honor of J. Fred Weston. Edited by Thomas E. Copeland. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 256p. £29.50.

The emerging service economy. Edited by Orio
Giarini. Oxford: Pergamon, 1987. 340p.

J acquemin, Alexis: The new industrial organization. forces & strategic behaviour. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1987. 212p. £20.00.

Nafziger, E. Wayne: Essays in entrepreneur-ship,
equity and economic development. London:
Jai, 1986. 250p. £43.50.

Primære erhverv, ressourcer, energi

The Politics of energy forecasting. A comparative study of energy forecasting in Western Europe and North America. Edited by Thomas Baumgartner and Atle Midttun. Oxford: Clarendon, 1987. 256p. £27.50.

Elkington, John: The green capitalist. Industry's
search for environmental excellence. London:
Earthlife, 1986. 240p.

Gibson, Michael: The energy crisis. Hove: Wayland,
48p. £5.95.

Gordon, Richard L.: World coal. Economics,
politics and prospects. Cambridge: Cambridge
Press. 1987. 225p. £25.00.

Moore, N. W.: The bird of time. The science and politics of nature conservation. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1987. 304p. £27.50.

Turner. Tom: Landscape planning. An introduction.
Hutchinson Education, 1987.
272p. £27.50.

A rbejdsmarked

Barriers tofull employment Papers from a conference
by the Labour Market

Side 151

Policy section on the International Institute Management of the Wissenschaftrum Berlin. Edited by J. A. Kregel, Egon Matzner. Alessandro Roncaglia. Basingstoke: 1987. 300p. £35.00.

International and comparative industrial relations: study of developed market economies. Edited by Greg Bamber and Russel D. Lansbury. London: Allen & Unwin, 1987. 272p £25.00.

Redundancy, layoffs and plant closures. Their character, causes and consequences. Edited by Raymond M. Lee. London: Croom Helm, 1986. 352p. £29.95.

The Rise in unemployment. Edited by C.R. Bean,
P.R.G. Layard and SJ. Nickel!. Oxford:
Basil Blackwell. 1987. 38Op. £9.95.

Unemployment and the structure of labor markets. Edited by Kevin Lang and Jonathan Leonard. Basil Blackwell, 1987. 240p. £25.00.

Fi ndlay, Allan M. and Anne M.Findlay :.Po/?wlation
development in the Third World.
London: Methuen, 1987. 140p. £5.50.

Ginzberg, Eli: Understanding human resources. Perspectives, people, and policy. Lanham: University Press of America, 1986. 762p. £33.95.

Granick, David: Job rights in the Soviet Union.
Their consequences. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 1987. £25.00.

Hudson, John: Unemployment after Keynes. Towards
new general theory. Brighton: Wheatsheaf,
272p. £20.00.

Lane, David: Soviet labour and the ethic of Communism.
Wheatsheaf, 1987.240p.

Poole, Michael: Industrial relations. Origins and
patterns of national diversity. London: Routledge
Kegan Paul. 1986. 258 p. £ 16.95.

Social-, bolig- og regionalpolitik

Checks and balances in social security: Symposium
honor of Robert J. Meyers. Edited

by Yung-Ping Chen, George F. Rohrlich.
London: University Press of America, 1986.
382p. £31.95.

Redundancy and recession. Restructuring the regions?.
by Mike Danson. Norwich:
Geo, 1986. 174 p. £ 25.00.

Regional problems, problem regions and public policy. Edited by P. J. Damesick and P. A. Wood. Oxford: Clarendon, 1987. 256 p. £ 22.50.

Social welfare in the Middle East. Edited by John
Dixon. London: Croom Helm, 1987. 240 p.
£ 25.00.

Alcock, Peter: Poverty and state support. London:
1987. £ 6.50.

Balchin, Paul N. and G. H. Bull: Issues in regional
urban economics. London: Harper&
Row, 1987. 288 p. £ 7.50.

Friend, J. K. and Allen Hickling: Planning under
The strategic choice approach.
Oxford: Pergamon. 1987. 350 p. £ 32.00.

Harris, David: Justifying state welfare. The new
right versus the old left. Oxford: Basil Blackwell,
256 p. £ 25.00.

Kraft, Michael E. and Mark Schneider: Population analysis. Issues in A merican politics. University Press of America, 1986. 224 p. £ 20.50.

Ringen, Stein: The possibility of politics. A study
in the political economy of the welfare state.
Oxford: Clarendon, 1987. 312p. £27.50.

Schorr,Alvin L.: Common decency. Domestic policies
Reagan. New Haven: Yale University
1986. 272p. £20.00.

Scioli, Frank P. and Thomas J. Cook: Methodologies analyzing public policies. London: University Press of America, 1986. 192p. £23.50.

Sorkin. Alan L. Health care and the changing
economic environment. Lexington: Lexington
1986. 161p. £21.50.

Tollock. Gordon and Richard E. Wagner: Policy analysis and deductive reasoning. London: Press of America. 1986. 220p. £23.50.