Nationaløkonomisk Tidsskrift, Bind 122 (1984)

Nye udenlandske bøger

Almindelig økonomisk teori

Contemporary macroeconomic modelling.
Edited by Pierre Malgrange and P.A. Muet.
Oxford Blackwell. 1984. 300 p. £25.00.

Economic analysis in historical perspective.
Edited by J. Creedy and D.P. O'Brien. London
1984. 224 p. £23.00.

Economic analysis of regulated markets. Edited
Jörg Finsinger. London Macmillan.
1983.184 p. £25.00.

Philosophical and economic foundations of capitalism. Edited by Svetozar Pejovich. Lexington, Lexington Books. 1983. 144 p. £17.50.

Social choice and welfare. Edited by Prasanta K. Pattanaik and Maurice Salles. Amsterdam. 1983. 323 p. £34.25. (Contributions to economic analysis, 145).

Boadway, Robin W. and Neil Bruce: Welfare
economics. Oxford. Blackwell. 1984. 350 p.

Canto, Victor A., Douglas H. Joines and Arthur Laffer: Foundations of supply-side economics. Theory and evidence. New York Academic. 1983. 283 p. £23.20.

Cencini, Alvaro: Time and macroeconomic analysis
income. London Pinter, 1983. 260 p.

Challen, D.W. and A.J. Hagger: Macroecono-

Side 156

metric systems. Construction, validation and
applications. London Macmillan, 1983.
235 p.
Greenberg, Edward and Charles E. Webster:
Advancedeconometrics. A bridge to theliterature.
York. Wiley. 1983. 344 p.

Kim, Ki Hang and Fred W. Roush: Competitive economics. Equilibrium and arbitration. Amsterdam. North-Holland. 283 p. £33.78. (Advanced series in management, v. 1).

Mishkin, Frederic S: A rational expectations approach to macroeconometrics. Testing policy and efficient-markets model. Chicago. University of Chicago Press. 1983. 172 p. £16.00. (A National Bureau Economic Research monograph).

Mosley, Paul: The making of economic policy.
Brighton. 1984. 240 p. £18.95.

Moulin, H: The strategy of social choice. Amsterdam. 1983. 214 p. £17.36. (Advanced textbooks in economics, v. 18).

Philips, Louis: The economics of price discrimination.
Cambridge University
1983. 284 p. £20.00.

Sheffrin. Steven M: Rational expectations. Cambridge. Cambridge University Press. 1983. 203 p. £17.50. (Cambridge surveys of economic literature).

Shone, R: Issues in macroeconomics. Oxford.
Robertson. 1983. 300 p. £17.00.

Almindelig økonomisk udvikling og politik

China's changed road to development. Edited
by Neville Maxwell and Bruce MacFarlane.
Oxford. Pergamon. 1983. 164 p. £15.00.

Ecodevelopment. Edited by Bernhard Glaeser.
Oxford. Pergamon. 1984. 300 p. £22.00.

Handbook of national development plans.
London. Graham and Trotman. 1983. 280 p.

Railways and the economic development of Western Europe. 1830-1914. Edited by Patrick London. Macmillan in association St. Antony's College. 1983. 243 p. £25.00.

Basu, Kaushik: The less developed economy.
Oxford. Blackwell. 1984. 220 p. £15.00.

Borooah, Vani and Frederik van der Ploeg: Political of the economy. Cambridge. Cambridge University Press. 1983. 180 p. £15.00. (Occasional paper. University of Cambridge Department of Applied Economics, 55).

Conyers, Diana and Peter Hills: An introduction development planning in the Third World. Chichester. Wiley. 1984. 250 p. £12.00.

Frank, André Gunder: Critique and anticritique.
Macmillan. 1984. 304 p.

Goldman, Marshall I.: U.S.S.R. in crisis. The
failure of an economic system. New York.
Norton. 1983. 210 p. £11.25.

Holmes, Graeme M. and Peter D. Fawcett: The
contemporary French economy. London.
Macmillan. 1983. 254 p.

Keegan, William: Mrs Thatcher's economic experiment.
Allen Lane. 1984.

Lee, C.H.: Social science and history. An investigation the application of theory and quantification in British economic and social London. Social Science Research 1983. 69 p.

Mullineux. A.W.: The business cycle after Keynes.
Harvester. 1984. 144 p.

Weiss, Thomas G. and Anthony Jennings: More the least. Prospect for poorest countries the eighties. Lexington, Mass. Lexington 1983. 176 p. £19.50.

Side 157

Penge og finanser

After stagflation. Edited by T. Cornwall. Oxford.
Robertson. 1984. 240 p. £17.00.

Comparative tax studies. Essays in honor of Richard Goode. Edited by Sijbren Cnossen. Amsterdam. North-Holland. 1983. 444 p. £41.67. (Contribution to economic analysis, v. 144).

Davis, J. Ronnie and Charles W. Meyer: Principles
public finance. Englewood Cliffs.
Prentice-Hall. 1983. 357 p. £21.55.

Feldstein, Martin S.: Capital taxation. Cambridge,
Harvard University Press.
1983. 490 p. £32.00.

Feldstein, Martin S.: Inflation, tax rules and capital Chicago. University of Chicago 1983. 300 p. (A National Bureau of Economic Research monograph).

Hall, Maximillian: Monetary policy since 1971.
Conduct and performance. London, Macmillan.
184 p.

Hutchings, Raymond: The Soviet budget. London.
1983. 204 p.

International økonomi

Economic interdependence and flexible exchange Edited by Jagdeep S. Bhandari and Bluford H. Putnam with Jay H. Levin. Cambridge, Mass. MIT Press. 1983. 547 p. £27.00.

Governments and multinational. The policy of control versus autonomy. Edited by Walter H. Goldberg in cooperation with Anant R. Negandhi. Cambridge, Mass. Oelgeschlager, Gunn & Hains. 1983. 343 p.

Third World policies of industrialized nations. Edited by Phillip Taylor and Gregory A. Raymond. Westport, Conn. Greenwood. 1982. 282 p. (Contribution in political science.

Verschuldungskrisen in Entwicklungsländern. Ursachen, Ruckwirkungen, Lösungsansätze. Edited by Joachim Betz. Munchen. Weltforum 1983. 311 p. (Weltwirtschaft und internationale Beziehungen, v. 28).

Ayres, Robert L.: Banking on the poor. The
World Bank and world poverty. Cambridge.
MIT Press. 1983. 282 p. £15.75.

Ethier, Wilfred J.: Modern international economics.
York. Norton. 1983. 588 p.

Ghertman, Michel and Margaret Allen: An introduction
the multinationals. London.
Macmillan. 1984. 150 p. £15.00.

Hodgson, John S. and Mark G. Herander: International
relations. Englewood
Cliffs: Prentice-Hall. 1983. 441 p.

Mikesell, Raymond E, Robert A. Kilmarx and Alvin M. Kramish: The economics of foreign and self-sustaining development. Epping. Bowker. 1983. 106 p.

Moffitt, Michael: The world's money. International from Bretton Woods to the brink of insolvency. London. Joseph. 1984. 288 p.

Officer, Lawrence H.: Purchasing power parity and exchange rates. Theory, evidence and relevance. Conn. Jai. 1982. 361 p. £40.50. (Contemporary studies in economic and financial analyis, v. 35).

Platt, D.C.M.: Foreign finance in continental
Europe and the United States. London. Allen
Unwin. 1984. 224 p.

Sau, Ranjit: Trade, capital and underdevelopment.
a Marxist theory. Calcutta.
Oxford University Press. 1982. 162 p.

Wells, Louis T: Third World multinational. The rise of foreign investment from developing Cambridge, Mass. MIT Press. 1983. 206 p. £22.50.

Side 158

Industripolitik m.v., teknologi

Government and public enterprise. Essays in honour of Professor V.V. Ramanadham. Edited by G. Ram Reddy. London. Cass. 1983. 344 p. £22.50.

Locational analysis of public facilities. Edited by Jacques-Francois Thisse and Henry G. Zoller. Amsterdam. North-Holland. 1983. 445 p. £34.75. (Studies in mathematical and managerial economics, v, 31).

Monopolistic competition and international
trade. Edited by Henryk Kierzkowski. Oxford.
Press. 1984. 232 p. £20.00.

Public enterprise andthe developing world.
Edited by V. V. Ramanadham. London.
Croom Helm. 1984. 240 p. £16.95.

Gershuny, J.I. and lan Miles: The new service economy. The transformation of employment industrial societies. London. Frances 1983. 281 p. £16.00.

Ramanadham, V.V.: The nature of public enterprise.
Croom Helm. 1984. 320 p.

Ray, George: The diffusion of mature technologies. Cambridge University Press. 1984.98 p. £13.50. (Occasional papers, National Institute of Economic and Social Research, v. 36).

Rothwell, Roy and Walter Zegveld: Industrial innovation and public policy. Preparing for the 1980s and 19905. London. Pinter. 1982. 251 p.

Williams, Karel, John Williams and Dennis Thomas: Why are the British bad at manufacturing? Routledge & Kegan Pauls. 1983. 288 p. £7.95.

Primære erhverv, ressourcer, energi

Energy conservation measures. Edited by F.D.
Parker. Oxford. Pergamon. 1984. 332 p.

Energy models and studies. Edited by Benjamin Amsterdam. North-Holland. 1983. 600 p. £47.95. (Studies in management science systems, v. 9).

Handbook of energy technology and economics.
by Robert A. Meyers. New
York. Wiley. 1983. 1089 p.

Land conservation and development. Edited by
ER. Steiner and N.N. van Lier. Oxford. Elsevier
1983. 480 p.

Policy and development of energy resources.
Edited by T.L. Shaw, D.E. Lennard and M.S.
Jones. Chichester. Wiley. 1984. 250 p. £15.00.

The Energy crisis ten years after. Edited by David
London. Croom Helm. 1984.
160 p. £13.95.

Redclift, Michael: Development and the environmental
London. Methuen. 1984.
176 p. £10.95.

Uri, Noel D.: The demand for energy and conservation the United States. Greenwich, Conn. Jai. 1982. 182 p. £35.95. (Contemporary in energy analysis and policy, v. O-


Human resources, employment and development. of the Sixth World Congress the International Economic Association in Mexico City 1980. Edited by Shigeto Tsuru et al. Vol. 1. ff. London. Macmillan.

Understanding labour markets. Edited by Richard
and Owen Covick. London.
Allen & Unwin. 1984. 264 p. £15.00.

Unemployment. Edited by J.J. Richardson and
Roger Hennings. London. Sage. 1984. 340 p.

Schervish, Paul G.: The structural determinants
unemployment. Vulnerability and

Side 159

power in market relations. New York. Academic
1983. 241 p. £19.60..

Shaw, R. Paul: Mobilizing human resources in
the Arab world. London, Kegan Paul. 1983.
268 p. £25.00.

Wheeler, David: Human resource, policies, economic growth, and demographic change in developing countries. Oxford. Clarendon Press. 1984. 196 p. £15.00.

Social, bolig- og regionalpolitik

Corporatism and the welfare state. Edited by
Malcolm Harrison. Aldershot. Gower. 1984.
166 p. £14.50.

The Economics of health in developing countries. by Kenneth Lee and Anne Mills. Oxford. Oxford University Press. 1983. 245 P-

Carrin, Guy: Economic evaluation of health
care in developing countries. London.
Croom Helm 1984. 352 p. £16.95.

Gilbert, Neil: Capitalism and the welfare state.
London. Yale University Press. 1983. 192 p.

Offe, Claus: Contradictions of the welfare state.
Hutchinson Education. 1984.
304 p. £15.00.

Spicker, Paul: Stigma and social welfare. London.
Helm, 1984. 256 p. £15.95.

Walker, Alan: Social planning. Oxford. Robertson.
224 p. £16.50.