Nationaløkonomisk Tidsskrift, Bind 120 (1982)

Nye danske arbejdspapirer

Center for Udviklingsforskning. Projekt Paper.

A RlO Antlers Chr Jer son- PROTFRRA -
agrarian reform or counterreform in Nordeste?
77 pp.

A.82.1: Ann-Lisbeth Arn: Dependence and
solidarity in village level politics. Gram
Sarkar elections in Bangladesh, 1980. 14 pp.

A.82.2. Hussain Zillur Rahman: Report from
Raipur Thana. 65 pp.

A.82.3. Aksel de Lasson; A socio-economic
study of the Hasanpur village, Noakhali,
Bangladesh. 160 pp.

A.82.4. Aksel de Lasson: The adoption and
diffusion of agricultural innovations in
Noakhali district, Bangladesh. 89 pp.

Handelshøjskolen i København. Institut for Finansiering.
Working Paper.

82-1. Johan Ankcrstjerne og Michael Møller: Renter, priser og skattepligtig indkomst: koalitioner mellem forbrugere og forhandlere mod skattevæsenet. 11 pp.

82-2. Kaj Svarrer: Leasings fordelagtighed
ved skattemæssige asymmetrier. 35 pp.

Københavns Universitet. Statistisk Institut.
Research Report.

79. Erling B. Andersen: Latent trait models
and ability parameter estimation. 45 pp.

80. Niels Kousgaard: Models for multivariate
paired comparisons experiments. 37

81. Mogens Weinrich: The 2-parameter logit
model. 32 pp.

Københavns Universitet. Økonomisk Institut.

108. Niels Lihn Jørgensen: Input-output modeller.
En introduktion. 54 pp.

109. Thorbjørn Waagstein: The optimal
choice of commitment - some concepts
and an example. 24 pp.

110. Søren Bo Nielsen: Resource price
shocks and world income distribution. 24

Odense Universitet. Erhvervsøkonomisk Institut.

5/1981. John Christensen: Determination of
accounting standards and participation.
25 pp.

4/1982. Hans S. Solgaard: Modelling joint
and sequential consumer choice using the
logit model. 12 pp.

5/1982. Bjarne Graabech Sørensen: En empirisk
analyse af det danske aktiemarkeds
effektivitet. Forsk. pag.

Odense Universitet. Institut for Sumjundsvidenskab.
Working Paper.

15/1982. Mogens N.Pedersen: Why, who, and how? Normative problems of co-determination in the public sector, illustrated by university reforms in Denmark and Sweden. 29 pp.

16/1982. Mogens N. Pedersen: The dissatisfied
voter as deus ex machina. A critique

Side 404

of Arend Lijphart's attempt to understand
political change and stability in Western
Europe. 21 pp.

Aarhus Universitet. Økonomisk Institut. Memo.

1982-1. Martin Paldam: The pressures from
the balance of payments - the perspective
of a small country. 32 pp.

1982-2. Peder J. Pedersen: Industrial conflicts
in the inter-war years - a quantitative
reappraisal. 32 pp.

1982-3. Ebbe Yndgaard: Expectations and
realizations. An econometric fallacy. 16


1982-4. Peder Andersen: An introduction to and a translation of Warming's 1911article »On rent of fishing grounds«. 11 pp.

1982-5. Peder Andersen: The exploitation of
fish resources under stock uncertainty. 30

1982-6. Torben M. Andersen: Price and
quantity signals in financial markets. 31

1982-7. Nick Baigent: A characterisation of the city limits mchiu for profiles: an extension of the Kemeny-Snell axioms. 7 pp.

1982-8. Jørgen Søndergaard: Some remarks
of anomalies in the theory of externalities.
24 pp.

1982-9. Torben M. Andersen and Peder Andersen: The extraction of exhaustible resources under demand uncertainty. 22 pp.

Aarhus Universitet. Økonomisk Institut. Studies
in Labor Market Dynamics. Working Paper.
82-1. Niels C. Westergård-Nielsen: Arbejds-

82-3. Niels C. Westergård-Nielsen: Arbejdsløshedens
og beskæftigelsens regionale
struktur 1948-78. 54 pp.

82-4. Peder J. Pedersen: Paradox-debatten.
17 pp.