Nationaløkonomisk Tidsskrift, Bind 119 (1981)

Verdenskongres for økonomer

International Economic Association, hvoraf Forening er medlem, sin 7. verdenskongres i 1983 i Vesteuropa om emnet Structural Change, Economic Interdependence and World Development. I den anledning er vi blevet anmodet om at viderebringe følgende meddelelse:

»The International Economic Association is organizing in 1981, 1982 and 1983 various conferences leading op to a world congress on »Structural Change, Economic Interdependence and World Development«.

Authors of recent contributions to aspects of the above subject matter are invited to send abstracts of their work to the Secretariat the lEA (4 rue de Chevreuse, 75006 Paris, France) so that they may be forwarded the different organizers likely to be interested in their contributions for a round-table conference or for the Congress. copy might also be sent directly to the President of the lEA, Professor Victor L. Urquidi, at: El Colegio de Mexico, Camino Ajusco No. 20, Mexico 20, D.F., Apartado Postal 20-671, Mexico.«