Nationaløkonomisk Tidsskrift, Bind 118 (1980)

Nye danske arbejdspapirer

Handelshøjskolen i København. Institut for
Finansiering. Working Paper.

78-6. Niels Christian Nielsen: Inflation and
taxation. Nominal and real rates of return.

79-1. Michael Møller: Om langsigtede kapitalgevinster
parcelhuse. 40 pp.

Københavns Universitet. Statistisk Institut.
Research Report.

54. Anders Milhøj: A test of fit in time
series models. 24 pp.

55. Graham W. Leeson: Denmark: An
ageing population. 31 pp.

56. P. C. Matthiessen: Some aspects of
remarriage among Danish females, 1850-1915.

57. Graham W. Leeson: Manpower analyses planning proposals for the Danish state police force and a group of English county constabularies (1968-72). 224 pp.

58. Erling B. Andersen og Søren Leth
Sørensen: Måling af psykisk sårbarhed.

En analyse af visse egenskaber ved sårbarhedstesten.
59. Otto Andersen: Danish period life
tables 1780-1839. Methods and results.
17 pp.
60. Anders Milhøj: Non-normality in autoregresive
for the exchange rate:
Danish kroner/US dollar. 12 pp.
61. Gorm Gabrielsen: On the existence and
uniqueness of a maximum for a real
valued function. 8 pp.
62. Anders Milhøj: Estimating integrals of
the log-spectrum. 34 pp.
63. Graham W. Leeson: Recruitment and
wastage from the Danish police force,
1967-1978. I: Origins and immediate
consequences of manpower oscillations.
22 pp.

Københavns Universitet. Økonomisk Institut.

77. Hans Aage: Planlægning og decentralisering
Sovjetøkonomien. 80 pp.
85. Axel Mossin: Strukturøkonomi. 90 pp.

Københavns Universitet. Økonomisk Institut.

74. Niels Westergård-Nielsen: A theoretical empirical analysis of a job search model for a professional labor market, 49 pp.

Odense Universitet. Erhvervsøkonomisk
Institut. Skrifter

4. Hans Stubbe Solgaard: Modelling choice
of local TV news program. 222 pp.

Odense Universitet. Institut for Samfundsvidenskab.

3. Per Andersen. A note on vertical integration
cost-plus regulation. 8 pp.

Side 130

Aarhus Universitet. Økonomisk Institut.
1980-1. S. Hylleberg: On the evaluation of
economic forecasts. 25 pp.