Nationaløkonomisk Tidsskrift, Bind 115 (1977) 2

abouchar, alan, red.: The socialist price mechanism. Durham: Duke University Press, 1977. 298 pp. $ 14,75.

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Bogens bidrag er udarbejdet på grundlag af en konference i Toronto i 1974. Emnet var prisernes rolle som regnskabs-, allokeringsogfordelingsinstrument i socialistiske økonomier.Alan Abouchar skriver om »Efficiencyand consistency of the price mechanismin the socialist economy«, Francis Seton om »The question of ideological obstacles to rational price setting in communist countries«,Jean-Michel Collette om »Marxian constraints on price rationality«, Alan Abouchar om »The consistency and efficiencyof interest and economic rent«, EdwardA. Hewett orn »Prices and resource allocation in intra-CMEA trade«, Gregory Grossman om »Price control, incentives, and innovation in the Soviet economy«, Aron Katsenelinboigen om »Disguised inflation in the Soviet Union: the relationship between

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Soviet income growth and price increases in the postwar period», Alan A. Brown og Joseph A. Licari om »Price formation models and economic efficiency«, Morris Bornstein om »Price formation and price policy in Hungary« Janet G. Chapman om »Soviet wages under socialism« og Janusz G. Zielinskiom »Soviet wages: comments and extensions«.