Nationaløkonomisk Tidsskrift, Bind 114 (1976) 3

Malaurie, Jean, red.: Arctic oil and gas. Problems and possibilities. Fondation Francaise d'Études Nordiques Ve congrés international Le Havre, 2-5 mai 1973. 2 bd. 912 pp. NT 76-3044

De i alt 5151 bidrag til konferencen fra eksperter i energiproblemer og arktiske forhold m.fl. er grupperet i fem hovedafsnit om henholdsvis»Environment, geological background, economic factors and legislative framework (others than environmental regulations)«, »Petroleum technology: exploration and exploitation logistics of arctic operations«,

Side 475

»Ecological and human considerations: risks of polluting continential and marine areas; right of native populations; development policies«, »Economic and financial considerations:exploration. The place of arctic petroleumin the world petroleum economy« og »Case histories«.