Nationaløkonomisk Tidsskrift, Bind 114 (1976) 2

atkinson, a. 8., red.: The personal distribution of incomes. London: Allen & Unwin, 1976. 352 pp. £ 14,50. NT 76-2076

Bogen, der gengiver bidrag fra en konference arrangeret af Royal Economic Society i sommeren 1974, indeholder et bredt udsnit af de mest kvalificerede bidrag til forsøg på forklaring af den personlige indkomstfordeling. H. F. Lydall skriver om »Theories of the distribution of earnings«, P. J. D. Wiles om »Stalin and British top salaries«, J. A. C. Brown om »The mathematical and statistical theory of income distribution«, C. O. Garter om »The genetic basis of inequality«, J. Tinbergen om »Personal characteristics and income«, J. Mincer om »Progress in human capital analyses of the distribution of earnings«, P. Taubman om »Personal characteristics and the distribution of earnings«, A. R. Thatcher om »The new earnings survey and the distribution of earnings« A. J. Boreham og M. Semple om »Future development of work in the government statstical service on the distribution and redistribution of household income« og J. L. Nicholson og A. J. C. Britton om »The redistribution of income«.