Nationaløkonomisk Tidsskrift, Bind 114 (1976) 1

parkin, michael og george zis, red.: Inflation in the world economy. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1976. 334 pp. £ 9,00. NT 76-1060

Bogen, der er udgivet som led i inflationsprogrammetved University of Manchester (jf. NT 75-2084 og NT 75-2093) gengiver indlæg og diskussion fra en konference om inflation som internationalt fænomen i sommeren1974.

Side 186

meren1974.Karl Brunner skriver om »A Fisherian framework for the analysis of internationalmonetary problems«, Jacob A. Frenkel om »Inflationary expectations and some dynamic aspects of the welfare cost«, Larry A. Sjaastad om »Why stable inflation fail: an essay in political economy«, Michael T. Sumner om »European monetary union and the control of Europe's inflation rate«, Nigel Duck, Michael Parkin, David Rose og George Zis om »The determination of the rate of change of wages and prices in the fixed exchange rate world economy, 1956-71«,M. Gray, R. Ward og G. Zis om »The world demand for money function; some preliminary results«, Hans Genberg om »A note on inflation rates under fixed exchange rates«, Thomas J. Courchene og Karnail Singh om »The monetary approach to the balance of payments: an empirical analysis of fourteen industrial countries«, Rodney Cross og David Laidler om »Inflation, excessdemand and expectations in fixed exchangerate open economies: some preliminaryempirical results«, J. J. Paunio og Hannu Haltunen om »The Nordic approach to inflation: interpretation and comments«, John C. Pattison om »The international transmission of inflation« og Lars Jonung om »Money and prices in Sweden, 1732-1Q72«.